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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!

I don't think I've read a review since the PS2 days, back when I'd get Official PlayStation Magazine every month.

I pretty much play the games that interest me, regardless of reviews. I actually let reviews influence me, and I stayed away from Alice: Madness Returns. Then I decided to rent it on a whim, because it did interest me, and I loved the look and style of it. Turns out that I really, really liked the game (except for the last portion of it: just felt the difficulty ramped up too high when it came to the platforming, and the game's controls just aren't conducive to good platforming). I bought it then and there.

Play the games for yourselves. Make up your own minds. Reviewers are individuals too, with their own tastes and interests that will probably be different than yours.

I remember reading IGNs review of Heavenly Sword, and the guy who reviewed it wasn't a fan of those style of games. Big surprise, he gave it a mediocre review. Heavenly Sword is one of my favorite games of this generation. If I let reviews control my purchasing decisions, I'd have missed out on so many games that I ultimately ended up enjoying, and I bought each and every one of them without a single bit of influence from reviews or GAF. I buy and play what the hell I want, and make up my own mind about how much I'm enjoying it. No pixel counting, no console wars comparison BS.

On the other hand thanks to GAF i found out about the beauty known as God Hand.



Aftershock LA

This Italian commercial is horrible. The European commercial is the best one by far.


What the hell did I just watch? They didn't even get attractive people to blunt the awfulness. This can't be a real trailer, can it? Maybe it's fan made?


On the other hand thanks to GAF i found out about the beauty known as God Hand.


GAF can have it's moments when it comes to suggesting games that have been out for ages, and they've been able to get over themselves about it, but when it's a new game, it tends to be: "ZOMG! Teh HYPE!" then, by week 2 "Fuck, I'm just not feeling this game anymore. I've already sunk over 100 hours into it. Is the magic gone, GAF?" Then, a year later: "Man, I just popped in XXX today, and man, I forgot how amazing this game is! Shame it didn't sell so well!" This pattern hasn't changed in the many, many years I've lurked on GAF before becoming a full member.

As for All Stars review thread? I'm avoiding it like the plague. I just don't enjoy reading review threads on GAF. The smugness (from both sides) is usually too much for me to bare. I've played All Stars. I know it's kickass. I'm ready for the 20th. That's all there is to it. I imagine Superbot may release a demo for it later on, but hopefully anyone that plays it will give it more than just one or two matches. You just can't approach this game like Smash, which I'm afraid many people (reviewers as well), will do.
On the other hand thanks to GAF i found out about the beauty known as God Hand.


Friendly reminder to SUPERBOT to make GENE as DLC, that guy has to kick/punch some asses again and in HD!


What the hell did I just watch? They didn't even get attractive people to blunt the awfulness. This can't be a real trailer, can it?

Luckily it's just for the web, but any site showing that shit will make more damage than good.
I hope the youtube feedback makes them pull that shit, the italian PSN team even failed to hashtag #PSABR


As a note related to the preorder costumes and Gamestop, remember that the code will be on the receipt so...keep it (and check the receipt before leaving the store). :p

Picking mine on Vita (retail) this Tuesday. :)


From Plainr_ :)



Nicely done Plainr_!
You did a great job with the logos :D

On the other hand thanks to GAF i found out about the beauty known as God Hand.

I bought it when it was sale after seeing people on GAF say how great it is.
Got it on my HDD now, just waiting to get my new component cables, can't wait to play it.
As a note related to the preorder costumes and Gamestop, remember that the code will be on the receipt so...keep it (and check the receipt before leaving the store). :p

Picking mine on Vita (retail) this Tuesday. :)

Thanks for the tip. I already have a receipt for paying the preorder so I'll have to make sure I'll get another one with the code. Gotta be extra careful with these things since local GS feels pretty unprofessional ;).


My girlfriend comes in from out of town who havent seen since july on Tuesday at 9pm...decisions decisions.
My sister who I haven't seen since june comes from the US Tuesday with her recently born daughter who im eager to meet... She brings Black Ops 2 btw.
Combat Trial info (spoiler-coded for Figboy :p)

"The are 84 Combat Trial Goals in all.

- Each character has a set of trial goals per difficulty (HERO, LEGEND, ALL-STAR)

- General CTs are stuff like completing blocking drills, avoiding level hazzards, etc. There are 10 of these.


Correction on Combat Trials:

Each character has 23 specific character trials. I was mistakenly reading the goals count under customization.

So to clarify 23 trials PER CHARACTER. 84 Goals under customization. I believe that means 84 customization options to unlock in all."

It all sounds like what we've seen in Training mode, I just hope it's difficult enough. I was really hoping for SSB-esque challenges like "Destroy x number of targets in y minutes". I dont think there's any info on specific combat trials yet. Maybe for DLC/sequel

Mr. Fix

Combat Trial info (spoiler-coded for Figboy :p)

"The are 84 Combat Trial Goals in all.

- Each character has a set of trial goals per difficulty (HERO, LEGEND, ALL-STAR)

- General CTs are stuff like completing blocking drills, avoiding level hazzards, etc. There are 10 of these.


Correction on Combat Trials:

Each character has 23 specific character trials. I was mistakenly reading the goals count under customization.

So to clarify 23 trials PER CHARACTER. 84 Goals under customization. I believe that means 84 customization options to unlock in all."

It all sounds like what we've seen in Training mode, I just hope it's difficult enough. I was really hoping for SSB-esque challenges like "Destroy x number of targets in y minutes". I dont think there's any info on specific combat trials yet. Maybe for DLC/sequel

I wonder how difficult the final trials are for each character. Hopefully there's a ton of complexity that extends past that, as these should be good for getting a feel on what's possible to do with the characters.
Not until 2013 though. :(

Oh well. Hopefully we get some nice character trailers for christmas and release for january. With Kat included I think the roster has shapen up real nicely and Emmett I'll give benefit of doubt since Starhawk gameplay looks pretty cool and every TF2 player knows building turrets is always fun.

20 characters can hold my intrest for quite a while anyway.


yeah trials are meh of what i played of them. This game just shines in multi everything else standard stuff in fighting games. one thing suprizing was the music the remixes are real good.
yeah trials are meh of what i played of them. This game just shines in multi everything else standard stuff in fighting games. one thing suprizing was the music the remixes are real good.

So how is online holding up. Is player search slow due to limited players?
yeah trials are meh of what i played of them. This game just shines in multi everything else standard stuff in fighting games. one thing suprizing was the music the remixes are real good.

You have it? :O

Wait, what's wrong with the trials? How are the specific trials? What's the level of customization for game settings?
training mode better have the full customization of umvc3, or persona. If its anywhere as bad as MK9 then this game is close to being big booty butt cheeks.


As in "Heathcliff"

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Scrafty Cup!*

Games will be played with two teams of two players. The game mode will be first to five kill limit, and for the purpose of this tournament all items and stage hazards will be turned on. Once entry has closed on the 19th, matchups will be chosen at random. The bracket is single-elimination, so once you're out; you're out. Games will be played in a Best of 3 format, and photo proof of a team's victory (scoreboard) must be sent to the judge before said victory becomes official. Doctoring or editing of photos is strictly illegal, and will be punishable by disqualification. The time and date of your match must be agreed upon with your teammate and your oponnent beforehand so that the judge is aware of when the match will take place. Winner gets a cool thing!

2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man-is-Obsolete (Man-is-Obsolete) and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil (emeraldphoenix7)
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
Då Vikings's - Drencrom (Drencrom) and Napalm_frank (NapalmFrank)
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24(maxbahamut24) and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Artful Dodgers - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
RazOr Chamber - Chamber (Novuscaine) and RazOmari (Knot-Locks)
Itchypads - Mik_Pad (mik_pad) and Kouichi
Figmuncher - Jawmuncher and FigBoy79 (Figboy)
Explosive Duo - Zephyrus (GoncaloPacheco) and B.O.O.M (rathne)
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa
TribalSponge - Sponge and tribal24
We Don't Use Dumb Names - Noi (Noisama) and The Grim Heaper (TheGrimHeaper)
Psyborg- PSY・S (SuP3RiViAIN) and cyborg009
DigiTron - DigitalOp and Vysetron (Chuftbot)
Unclenching Kings - Snapshot King (SnapshotKing) and uncleniccius (uncleniccius)
Team Tricky-Sama - Tricky I Shadow and Oyashrio-Sama (FFVIIguy)
The Baked Knights - BakedPony (BakedPony1) and batmandarkknight (Macky_Tung)
Parappin' Believers - Tsunamo (JayTooCool) and FMTownsMarteh (NoR4U_)
InFamous Rising - Spindasher (Mrp7792-X) and Spindasher's Brother (JetsRap94).

Looking for Partner
Lord Phol (LordPhol)
Baekshi (Sharingan_Itachi)

Smithnco, yeah I agreed with you. Should push it to 21/22. Some people might just buy it out of impulse.
That is not the official commercial for the tv. Is the official commercial for the web done after a cosplay competition called COSPLAYstation. The seven winners are the people that you can see in the commercial.

Eight. Don't forget the guy they dug up to portray Sir Dan.
Smithnco, yeah I agreed with you. Should push it to 21/22. Some people might just buy it out of impulse.

Alright, when I make the thread I'll push the cut-off up a bit. Heath, can you please add me to the list of people looking for a partner? It looks like Desmond may not be able to get the game before the cutoff :(
Sorry if i didn't make it clear in my previous post, but I'll be throwing my hat into the 2v2 tournament if anybody is looking for a partner.


As in "Heathcliff"
Alright, when I make the thread I'll push the cut-off up a bit. Heath, can you please add me to the list of people looking for a partner? It looks like Desmond may not be able to get the game before the cutoff :(

Don't need to add you to the list since you will get partner pretty fast.

Guys who seek for a partner, look at poor lonely Scrafty. He's very serious about fighting game and I recommend you to grab him soon as possible before you regret it! :p
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