Anyone need a female Larvesta?
That comic just shows why Tauros is a boss. I'm still mad Afro bull isn't it's evo, that makes no sense man. I think Tauros should have an evo.
What's more annoying is that they renamed Afro break to head charge. That name is hilarious while head charge is so...boring.
well since pokemon global link is down, this would be the perfect time to rng all these legendary pokemon.
What's more annoying is that they renamed Afro break to head charge. That name is hilarious while head charge is so...boring.
I told myself that I was going to use a team with Pokemon I've never used before. Been going okay so far.
I was very lucky to get a Druddigon from my first Dream World trip early on because I'd never use it otherwise. Thought I would need to get a Water type to Surf around, but Druddigon can apparently learn it.
Not having a Psychic or Water powerhouse is somewhat inconvenient, but a little more challenge doesn't hurt. I have a feeling the Elite 4 is going to be a pain with this team though.
Exploring around Undella Town now.
you'd be surprised....your team is actually great against the e4.
I still have no idea how to rng. doesn't it essentially involve manipulating the DS clock over and over and over again?What's more annoying is that they renamed Afro break to head charge. That name is hilarious while head charge is so...boring.
well since pokemon global link is down, this would be the perfect time to rng all these legendary pokemon.
Well we have a difference of opinion, can't stand Musharna, it's like the contents of an aborted Drowzee egg.Musharna and Reuniclus are both so cute. Swoobat and Beheeyem are okay. But damn, Gothitelle is ugly and not very unique.. until it gets Shadow Tag.
What I did with Riolu is put it in the last slot and take it with me everywhere, after a few hours and a few gym badges I made it level up to see if it was ready and it worked. I think you can get a soothe bell early in the game, and there are massages in castelia city that you could get for your eeveee. There are also special shops in the join avenue.I have a bit of dilemma... I really want an Espeon but I need to keep leveling and make my Eevee happy. She's level 26 (2 levels higher than my other pokemon) and yet she's completely useless in battle. Her attacks do barely any damage and she faints super easily meaning I'm spending a lot on items or going backwards and forwards to the Pokémon Centre.
Would it be easier for me to keep this up or just trade my Eevee online for an Espeon?
Probably because it also sounded a bit like Engrish.
I believe I found a glitch where you can endlessly battle a trainer and get a good amount of EXP points and money (if holding amulet coin), great for leveling up at this point in the game. Or maybe it's supposed to allow me to infinitely battle this trainer? Does anyone know? He is north of Mistralton City, Route 7, PKMN Breeder Marcus, has a Ducklett Lv. 34 and Tranquill Lv. 34. I can go up one level in less than 5 minutes. Having been beating him up over and over again leveling up my Pokemon. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about?
All of the Breeder-class trainers will rematch you in this game.
What I did with Riolu is put it in the last slot and take it with me everywhere, after a few hours and a few gym badges I made it level up to see if it was ready and it worked. I think you can get a soothe bell early in the game, and there are massages in castelia city that you could get for your eeveee. There are also special shops in the join avenue.
You can get the Soothe Bell in Castelia. Makes it much easier!
Please let me know if the item you get for completing the dex can be traded, because if so my White 2 playthrough is going to bring the goods
Is there a way to get the Magmarizer in White 2? I want to evolve my Magmar for the Dex entry.
This thread is now about hilarious Pokemon images/awesome fanart.
HMs needed to progress? This late in the game? I'm not even angry, Gamefreak - I'm just disappointed.
HMs needed to progress? This late in the game? I'm not even angry, Gamefreak - I'm just disappointed.
Tons of stuff in this game sounds like engrish. What happened? Pokemon scripts used to be simplistic, but charming. Now it's like everything was translated way too literally. People speak repetitively, they don't use contractions in places that make sentences awkward. etc..
It's kinda taking me out of the game sometimes.
I have a small technical question for you guys. What data is exactly erased when the game asks you to update your Wi-Fi user info, after trying to connect with a different console than the one you previously used online?
I understand it will alter the friend code, but I'm concerned about whether it will also erase any record about past trades, GTS and Geonet especially.
Thanks in advance!
Do they have to be UNIQUE people? Christ. Even if it was on the 3DS with streetpass this would be near impossibleI thought I'd try to get the black Trainer Card again, but you need all of the medals. One of which requires you "Pass by 1,000 people using the C-Gear."
Not in this lifetime.
Some of these medals are a million times worse than any Xbox/PSN achievements. Mostly because I actually wanted to collect these. D:
Do they have to be UNIQUE people? Christ. Even if it was on the 3DS with streetpass this would be near impossible
And I'm so sad you can't trade the item rewards for Dex completionI suppose I'm not surprised, but it would have been awesome
NPCs in this game like to talk about two things. Ideals, and sweat
We all need a little strength to keep pressing on through those annoying final trainers.
Better than the "Oh, you can't go through this door yet! Come back later." x32982938298.
Actually, I do have a question: where can one find the highest level Audinos? I feel the need to murder some innocent pokemon.
To get the last trainer card, you must (1.) Defeat the Elite Four, (2.) Complete National Dex, (3.) Complete all PokéStar Studio Movies, (4.) Defeat the Champions within the Pokémon World Tournament, and (5.) Collect all the medals.
I've got 1 and 2, easy. 3 and 4 are next on my agenda.
5 just won't happen.
"Spend 10,000,000P in the PokéMart"
I probably only ever made about 9 million after 230 hours playing Black 1. I guess I could grind for it...
"Pass by 1,000 people using the C-Gear"
"Catch 100 Pokémon within the Entralink"
Maybe? I never play the Dream World stuff anymore...
"Participate in 2000 battles"
I have 1273 after 230 hours in Black 1.
"Reach a streak of 100 in the Battle Subway"
My best streak was 72. I guess I could do it eventually?
"Play 100 mini-games on the Xtransceiver"
These are just a few of the worst. So many are nothing but time sinks.
just run around the grass in victory road. They go as high as 50.
I found an ace trainer in the game who says he learned how to battle on the PC. After you beat him he mentions something about finding your own knowledge.
I've had my 3DS for like 18 months and have less than 200 Streepasses.
I think GameFreak is trying to turn me into a racist. FUCK YOU JAPAN
What's the best level to evolve Growlithe? Haven't played with one since R/S/E
45, after it learns Outrage and Flare Blitz.