Little Green Yoda
Is there anything in the game (like Pokeblocks or Poffins) that requires a large multiples of certain berries? Aside from EV reducing berries, I'm wondering if there are any others I should be amassing from the Florist.
HOLY SHIT! dat early game diversity
I can get Riolu, Azurill, Mareep, Sewaddle, and a Psyduck even before the first badge?!
By the way, what's up with the male PC's design? They've been getting progressively worse over the years!
Is cool. Comfortable apparel, cool bag and cool cap.
What the fuck ? A legging with a pair of shorts ? A tennis cap to show us your stupid haircut ? Hilariously oversized bag ? He looks stupid, stupid, stupid.
What ? No.
Is cool. Comfortable apparel, cool bag and cool cap.
What the fuck ? A legging with a pair of shorts ? A tennis cap to show us your stupid haircut ? Hilariously oversized bag ? He looks stupid, stupid, stupid.
B2 is the first Pokémon game where I chose a female MC, because she looks way better and not as stupid as her male counterpart.
Red was awesome though. I don't like Gold's design in the remakes, Brendan was stupid looking but May was cool. I'm indifferent about Lucas. I tend to like the female MC's designs more :
Since Black 1 was the first Pokemon game I played since the GBC Silver/Gold games, I didn't know GF would have continued with the random legendary BS. I hated catching the dogs.
Only annoying legendary wasbecause you got no warning when they attacked. If you walked out on that ledge...BAM, fight.Latios/Latias
Ground gymleader seems to be out of town (drift something town), where do I find him?
Current Pokedex: 400 out of 649.
Only 249 left, and less for the Shiny Charm. :3
Do you need everything caught or only seen for the shiny charm?
Caught. I've seen 562.
Well then... gonna be a while for me.
I can help people soon. I'm doing a living dex so I can just breed anything you need. I might have extras right now if you need something specific.
Oh gosh
I will probably take you up on that offer once I get all my stuff transferred from White.
the only issue i can think of for the pokedex is the lack of deoxy.
Pokemon logic. Free health care, $200 poke dollars for a bottle of water.
Ugh, it feels like I'll never get my Black 1 Dojo.
Everything else though is level 8-10
White, Black 2, White 2 Dojo
Museum (Gonna trade this for a White Dojo)
Black 2/White 2 Cafe
Black 2 Salon
the only thing i got out of my musem at level 10 were hard stones so I got rid of him >_>.
Mine is 0347-7144-2760Go ahead and add my Black 2 FC: 3654-8372-5397
You can just PM me anytime.
You don't need the event legends to get the Shiny Charm.
God i hate these bullshit gts trades. < lvl 9 arceus for an oshawott? The whole thing is useless to me.
I just evolved my skorupi, if you're still looking.I know how you feel. Went looking for a Drapion only to find that every potential partner wanted a Level 9 and under Reshiram/Zekrom.
I just evolved my skorupi, if you're still looking.
God, I'd been playing this for hours earlier today and I've never been so annoyed playing Pokemon. I was trying to train some mons for Elesa (my whole team hovers around level 24, and I want em up to 28) and it felt like a gigantic waste of time.
Granted, at least an hour of it was, because I sure as sugar don't need a Sandile, a Drillbur, an Onix, a Sandslash AND a Boldore to take her out xP
But my point is, grinding seems so much more tedious this time around, and FAR less tolerable. It just feels like I was more okay with grinding in B1. That, and I'm pretty sure my team had fewer GAPING HOLES IN ITS DEFENSE. Still there, but less.
Vector (Sandile) ♂ Lv.24
Is there anything in the game (like Pokeblocks or Poffins) that requires a large multiples of certain berries? Aside from EV reducing berries, I'm wondering if there are any others I should be amassing from the Florist.
Yes. I also have Mighty the Sandshrew, Rouge the Swoobat, and Cream the Buneary.Haha, is that a Sonic reference?
Alright, cool. Guess the EV reducing berries are all I need to amass. And even then, salons can do some EV reduction too.Nah, there doesn't seem to be anything like that in this game. According to the descriptions of some of the berries there are "maniacs" who will pay a lot of money for certain berries. That's about it.