Monado Blade
What time does the eshop usually update? Pokedex 3d pro is supposed to be out today but it's still not available for download. I've got Nintendo bucks to burn here...
What time does the eshop usually update? Pokedex 3d pro is supposed to be out today but it's still not available for download. I've got Nintendo bucks to burn here...
So apparently you only truly need 1 HM slave, and that's for surfing and flying.
I got a Dream Radar issue:
Last week I got Ho-oh from a HeartGold cartridge.
Today I caught Lugia, did the 3DS link and transfered it to a PC box.
When checking the boxes (I only got 8), Ho-oh was nowhere to be found.
I checked the Dream Radar app and there wasn't anything left to transfer.
I honestly don't remember if I did the Ho-oh transfer to White 2 or not last week (I hadn't played W2 since that day), but there isn't any Ho-oh. If I insert the HG game and open the radar app, the Rainbow Extension doesn't activate/appear anymore.
Is it possible that Ho-oh got replaced by Lugia? Is there any way to reactivate the Rainbow extension or am I out of luck (and legendary Pokémon)?
Continuing with this... could anyone share his/her Dream Radar save file? I don't know what happened, but somehow the bird got lost. I need a save file where the legendary monsters from Gen IV haven't been captured yet (or at least Ho-oh).
The app save file directory is this:
SD Card\Nintendo 3DS\{random letters}\{random letters}\title\00040000\000ae100\data\00000001.sav
Any help is appreciated! :]
Yes, that's mostly what you need. You can get away with pulling out the Strength / Waterfall / etc HM Pokemon only when you seldom require them. And it's nice that Surf is a great move in battle.
Nope, save files are tied to systems, so even if you were to copy things out, you can't put it on another system.
If you DO have a backup, though... Try pasting in the old save from the same system.
Heh... one of the medal achievements is toI see this game is challenging me to take on the league with 4 Pokemon. VERY WELL, GAMEFREAK! I shall see to your challenge and raise it: I'll use no more than 1 different Pokemon for each E4.
Hmm that seems easily cheesed with a high level Pokemon. I'm gonna try and go in clean at levels 57-58.Heh... one of the medal achievements is to.beat the E4 with only one Pokemon in your party
Damn does anyone know where I can get some HEART SCALES?
Thanks, man.Driftveil City, hotel in the southwest, a lady will ask for a certain move. If a Pokemon in your party has it, you'll get one. Repeats daily.
She's checked twice for Work Up for me.
Damn does anyone know where I can get some HEART SCALES?
What the fuck.
How hard does it have to be to catch a damn Metang?
I think the catch rate is like 3% or 5%. Your better off breeding or trading for it.What the fuck.
How hard does it have to be to catch a damn Metang?
Use a poke ball at full health you never know
Hmm that seems easily cheesed with a high level Pokemon. I'm gonna try and go in clean at levels 57-58.
For the people who were discussing Battle Subway, the Master of Battle Subway just wrote an article on it:
He has a 919 streak in Super Doubles.
Ducklett ftw
He'll never live up to the original.[IMG][/QUOTE]
The real original...
I think the catch rate is like 3% or 5%. Your better off breeding or trading for it.
loooooooooool. I think I'm gonna try once more with this team. I'm a glutton for punishment. (yeah Hydro Pump missing on the most opportune times is why I keep losing but Rotom-W is such a little beast. KOs a crapload of Pokemon it's not even funny.)
I'm gonna run a rain team next if I try and lose again at around battle 40~
Can't you use Scald? 30% chance to burn as well.
trick room 4 lyfeI'm gonna run a rain team next if I try and lose again at around battle 40~
The real original...
Use a poke ball at full health you never know
Huh, that explains why it took so many balls to catch it.I think the catch rate is like 3% or 5%. Your better off breeding or trading for it.
So, is this pretty much the same map after the first 2 towns? I'm at the airport town and I've spent most of the game in places I went to in the first game.
It mixes it up a bit.
How? Does it just shuffle the areas around or are there new towns and stuff?
He'll never live up to the original.
Still can't find more Pokemon for my team. Man, this makes no sense. The regional dex is huge. A lot of routes have significantly less Pokemon than BW. Most routes only added Pokemon like Trubbish or Foongus. Hell, a route that had Swellow in BW now has a Pelipper (what?!) instead. And look at this (route 14 is the same). There are a lot of odd repeats like Solrock/Lunatune.
I see this game is challenging me to take on the league with 4 Pokemon. VERY WELL, GAMEFREAK! I shall see to your challenge and raise it: I'll use no more than 1 different Pokemon for each E4.