Fallout Phoenix
Cool. I'm in Central American time (currently 10:36am). I'm at work at the moment. I don't get off until 5. What time is it over there?
I can trade you a Lucarionite.
Cool. I'm in Central American time (currently 10:36am). I'm at work at the moment. I don't get off until 5. What time is it over there?
Try banking them?Any date on the hack check going through? And how do I know if the Pokemon I got from GTS are legit or not?
If you're on reddit, you can head to r/breedingdittos and you'll get one as long as you have an account that's at least 2 weeks old.
Try banking them?
I don't think having hacked mons will get you banned, only if you hacked your game or save file.
You always need the light ball for Vollt Tackle so there's no choice but to sacrifice either the everstone or destinky knot when breeding for it.
Any date on the hack check going through? And how do I know if the Pokemon I got from GTS are legit or not?
I remember a player who once cloned the PGL Tyrunt wondercard and they managed to get their game into a messy state whereby the could connect online but things got a little odd with what they described as one-way trades (they just receive something in a trade and then not be able to trade it back for some reason).
As for hacks lazily injected Pokemon will usually have messed up ownership history (if you trade it away the ownership history will sort of fix itself) and it leads to problems with happiness evolutions as I found (happiness would go up but the evolution would not take place, the game has two values, here the OT one and your one and I guess my one ceased to exist so it updated the OT one but due not being the OT the evolution would not occur). It is the price I paid for not manually trading 15 boxes.
As save corruption. I am sure I saw someone wonder trade a Hoopa unbound (probably a scenario GF thought would never happen because all the Jirachi and Diancie with flags removed being WT didn't make them think perhaps Hoopa should just be blacklisted like unreleased HA Pokemon were and unbound not needing a blacklisted item). I can see how that could cause an XY game to go ballistic especially given the auto save nature of wonder trade.
It's mostly save data and trainer data that's the issue, but I think it's ongoing now
About 4:36pm. So 5pm should be 11pm for me.
In that case, how about we make it 6pm your time?
I can trade you a Lucarionite.
If that works then thanks man.
Yup, it's midnight for me, but then's when I rest before sleeping.
I'll see you in 1 hour, 40 mins then.
My FC and trainer name are in my profile; I'll try to PM you closer to the time.
Thanks! When works for you?
Sorry, I made you add the wrong FC. I PM'd my current FC.Work ended a bit late so I'll be about 10 minutes late.
My FC is 2294 7152 6699
I'm Skyes. On now.
Oh, I knew I was forgetting something
I still have to get the Garchompite and the Lucarionite
BTW, that pikachu cup.. Do I have to use only pure electric type pokes, or dual types are also allowed?
Dual-types should be OK. They specifically banned stuff like Zapdos that are dual-typed, suggesting they would have been good to use if they weren't banned. If that makes sense : P
They only banned Zapdos & Thundurus because they're
a) Legendary
b) Very hard to defeat in a mono-Electric environment
I wonder how many people will bother with megas. I could see Snarl Mega Manectric being useful.
I can see people using Ampharos with hidden power ground since it has Mold Breaker.
Dual-types should be OK. They specifically banned stuff like Zapdos that are dual-typed, suggesting they would have been good to use if they weren't banned. If that makes sense : P
Try banking them?
I don't think having hacked mons will get you banned, only if you hacked your game or save file.
Pokemon.com said:Lets say youre looking to develop a Gardevoir. Its first evolution, Ralts, is a common Pokémon found early in the Hoenn region of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. With the DexNav in Detector Mode, find as many Ralts as you can (you dont need to defeat them). The more you find, the more youll start detecting Ralts with max potential individual strengths for multiple stats and possibly the Telepathy Hidden Ability (the Ability Trainers often prefer for competitive play).
Youll need several of these Pokémon, including at least one male and one female. Youll want at least one Pokémon with a maximum individual strength in each stat you want your future champion Pokémon to have, one Pokémon with the desired Nature, and a female with your desired Ability. You wont know which stats have max individual strengths until you have the Pokémon analyzed by the Ace Trainer in the Battle Resort Pokémon Center if youre playing Pokémon Omega Ruby or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire or in Kiloude City in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y. This person will tell you which stats have max individual strengths for one of the Pokémon in your party.
Youll want one Pokémon with top individual strengths in at least two or three stats, and another Pokémon with max individual strengths in different stats. A perfect example would be having a male Ralts with, say, maximum Defense, Special Defense, and Speed individual strengths, and a female Ralts with max HP and Special Attack individual strengths, as well as the Telepathy Hidden Ability and the Nature of your choice. (Gardevoir often doesnt rely on Attack moves, so its a good stat to ignore.)
Once youve found two eligible Pokémon, its time to put them in the Pokémon Day Care. Its a good idea to start with a Pokémon that has your desired Nature and to give it an Everstone to pass down its Nature. The other Pokémon should hold a Destiny Knot, ensuring that the Egg gets more individual strengths passed down from the Pokémon you place in the Day Care. Leave the two Pokémon in the Day Care long enough to discover multiple Eggs; youll probably use at least a couple of them again to tailor the max individual strengths over several generations of Pokémon. Your goal is to continue to hatch female Pokémon with as many max individual strengths as you can, making it easier for that new Pokémon itself to pass down perfect individual strengths to the next Egg.
Concentrate on the Hidden Ability and Nature of the female firstyou can develop your Pokémons individual strengths down the road more easily than you can incorporate these traits. Try to keep getting stronger female Pokémon, maintaining your desired Nature and Ability while using Destiny Knot to help pass down as many maximum individual strengths as possible. Once you get a female Pokémon with each of the max individual strengths of the Pokémon you have in the Day Care, its time to catch a new male Pokémon to help pass down the remaining stats.
Eventually, you will have a female Pokémon that has five (or, if youre really lucky, six) max individual strengths, plus the Nature and Ability that you prefer. It can be a bit of work, but youll be rewarded with a Pokémon that is ready for top-level competition. Plus, the Pokémon youve been discovering will help you develop more Pokémon within their own Egg Group, so keep them around. Male Pokémon will be especially valuable, as they can help pass down their individual strengths to different species within their Egg Group.
With some effort and a little bit of luck, soon youll have a full party of Pokémon that have been customized exactly how you want them. The next step is to train and prepare them for competitive play.
To be fair though, this was the first generation to let you pass down 5 IVs. That's basically a godsend to anyone who couldn't RNG or were short on time.
I'm guessing this is in response to the recent hack check announcement and their attempt to encourage getting competitive pokemon through legitimate means.It is, but that's why I'm wondering if this is a sign they'll stick with it or not. It's interesting that they've actually gone ahead and put some basic instructions up. Wonder if it's a question that has been coming up a lot for them or what.
I'm guessing this is in response to the recent hack check announcement and their attempt to encourage getting competitive pokemon through legitimate means.
I'm guessing this is in response to the recent hack check announcement and their attempt to encourage getting competitive pokemon through legitimate means.
Its too bad legendary Pokemon dominate the scene in that case.
It was actually 27th October through 16th November for Diancie.Next event Pokemon for the US is Hoopa, I take it? I have an awful feeling that is going to pop up while I'm moving. Last year Diancie was in Sept, correct?
It was actually 27th October through 16th November for Diancie.
Hi, I can do all those data trades apart from Mew which I haven't got in Gen 6 yet, if you still need them.Poke-gaf, I needs more data trades please.
Trade evolutions for my Seadra and Rhydon, and porygon. And then I need
Mr mime
Kanto Legendary birds
Mew and Mewtwo
I really need to buy another 3DS to start trading pokemon over >.<
Hi, I can do all those data trades apart from Mew which I haven't got in Gen 6 yet, if you still need them.
Yeah, it's fine. Is now OK? My fc is 2535 3609 2492.If you could I'd really appreciate it![]()
Ok, added and online now.Yeah I'l add you now. Mine is 2122-8660-7912