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Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow Eshop Release |OT| This Gym is Great! It’s Full of Women!

Only just beat Misty and I'm already dreading having to teach someone Cut :(. I like all 6 of my Pokemon and they're all evenly leveled. I don't want to tarnish one with that! Don't get me started on Flash...
Only just beat Misty and I'm already dreading having to teach someone Cut :(. I like all 6 of my Pokemon and they're all evenly leveled. I don't want to tarnish one with that! Don't get me started on Flash...
I gave one HM to each of my Pokemon except Pikachu. Seemed better than having to lug an HM slave everywhere.

Butterfree knowing Sleep Powder and spamming Flash actually helped me greatly against Sabrina's Alakazam, Gary's Alakazam and Gary's Jolteon.
Did anyone buy the Japanese version from Japanese Amazon? If so, did you get your Mew code for XYORAS?

You get the Mew code on the eShop once you redeem the code. It appears either before or after you download it. You'll see a (v) button, which reveals more text. If you've ever recieved a code for a theme or something with a eShop download, it's at the same place.

Data simply isn't there for that to happen. With Gen 4/DS releases (and maybe Gen3?) the localization for various Pokemon names in various languages were included with each version to allow "region-free" trading.

Yep! Generation 3 supported cross-region trading, too.


Hmmm, I want to get one of these three for spring break, but I can't decide which. Leaning towards Yellow.

Also, I'm really hoping G/S/C make their way to the eShop. My favorite gen.
I hate the Rocket Game Corner. 2 hours and I'm only at 1600 coins...

Rare candy raised pokemon are gimped stat wise. They get decent stats only through battling.
Not permanently. Even a LV 100 Pokémon can still have its stats raised by battling. All you have to do is put them into a PC box, save the game, then take them out again. The stats get recalculated when they rejoin your party.
I hate the Rocket Game Corner. 2 hours and I'm only at 1600 coins...

Not permanently. Even a LV 100 Pokémon can still have its stats raised by battling. All you have to do is put them into a PC box, save the game, then take them out again. The stats get recalculated when they rejoin your party.

I never actally spent any time on the slot games, I just threw insane amounts of money at the problem. It helps when you dupe Nuggets with Missingno. though.
I'm trying so hard to keep all the TM lol.
So there's 70 space total for items (50 in box and 20 in bag). 50 TM and 5 HM leaves 15 spaces... how many key items are there?

If like to keep Max Revive, Full Restore, Max Elixer, Rare Candy, PP UP, Moon Stone off the top of my head.

It's not going to work, is it? :(


Still on my Nuzlocke/Set rules
I just beat Brock. My team so far is made of :
Tsamimi - Pikachu
Sask - Rattata (which I'll probably switch with a Spearow I just caught)
Pilot - Pidgey
Sirius - Nidoran M
Bianchi - Nidoran F
Enjolras - Butterfree

So far, no casualty but Mt Moon scares the hell out of me.
I never actally spent any time on the slot games, I just threw insane amounts of money at the problem. It helps when you dupe Nuggets with Missingno. though.
I might have to do the same. I'll spend time doing lots of grindy things, but I have to feel like I have some kind of control over the process. The slots are so random it's aggravating - the first two slots can be manipulated with timing, but the third will deliberately skip past a winning row if you get the timing just right.

The game is rigged against you. It feels too much like real gambling.

I'm trying so hard to keep all the TM lol.
So there's 70 space total for items (50 in box and 20 in bag). 50 TM and 5 HM leaves 15 spaces... how many key items are there?

If like to keep Max Revive, Full Restore, Max Elixer, Rare Candy, PP UP, Moon Stone off the top of my head.

It's not going to work, is it? :(
Don't worry about storing the TMs you can buy at Celadon Dept store. That's like eight or ten right there.
I'm trying so hard to keep all the TM lol.
So there's 70 space total for items (50 in box and 20 in bag). 50 TM and 5 HM leaves 15 spaces... how many key items are there?

If like to keep Max Revive, Full Restore, Max Elixer, Rare Candy, PP UP, Moon Stone off the top of my head.

It's not going to work, is it? :(
TMs definitely not worth keeping:
TM04 Whirlwind
TM20 Rage
TM23 Dragon Rage
TM30 Teleport
TM46 Psywave

TMs you could make a case for but probably aren't worth it:
TM01 Mega Punch
TM02 Razor Wind
TM07 Horn Drill (Rapidash and Tauros are the best Horn Drill users, the latter of which also gets Fissure. Flying-type is immune to Fissure, but really.)
TM09 Take Down (It's a poor man's Double-Edge)
TM12 Water Gun
TM40 Skull Bash

TMs you can rebuy:
TM01 Mega Punch
TM02 Razor Wind
TM04 Mega Kick
TM07 Horn Drill
TM09 Take Down
TM15 Hyper Beam (Game Corner)
TM17 Submission
TM18 Counter
TM23 Dragon Rage (Game Corner)
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM37 Egg Bomb
TM48 Rock Slide
TM49 Tri Attack
TM50 Substitute (Game Corner)


Neo Member
You get the Mew code on the eShop once you redeem the code. It appears either before or after you download it. You'll see a (v) button, which reveals more text. If you've ever recieved a code for a theme or something with a eShop download, it's at the same place.

Ah. Thank you. I see it now. I was so excited to replay Yellow that I didn't even bother reading anything when I DLed the game. All right.... now time to figure out where I put my copy of X...
I might have to do the same. I'll spend time doing lots of grindy things, but I have to feel like I have some kind of control over the process. The slots are so random it's aggravating - the first two slots can be manipulated with timing, but the third will deliberately skip past a winning row if you get the timing just right.

The game is rigged against you. It feels too much like real gambling.

Don't worry about storing the TMs you can buy at Celadon Dept store. That's like eight or ten right there.

TMs definitely not worth keeping:
TM04 Whirlwind
TM20 Rage
TM23 Dragon Rage
TM30 Teleport
TM46 Psywave

TMs you could make a case for but probably aren't worth it:
TM01 Mega Punch
TM02 Razor Wind
TM07 Horn Drill (Rapidash and Tauros are the best Horn Drill users, the latter of which also gets Fissure. Flying-type is immune to Fissure, but really.)
TM09 Take Down (It's a poor man's Double-Edge)
TM12 Water Gun
TM40 Skull Bash

TMs you can rebuy:
TM01 Mega Punch
TM02 Razor Wind
TM04 Mega Kick
TM07 Horn Drill
TM09 Take Down
TM15 Hyper Beam (Game Corner)
TM17 Submission
TM18 Counter
TM23 Dragon Rage (Game Corner)
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM37 Egg Bomb
TM48 Rock Slide
TM49 Tri Attack
TM50 Substitute (Game Corner)

Thanks guys I suppose it's the only way!
I just need to say that attaching thunderbolt to Primeape with no one else available to use it turned out to be a surprisingly potent move, that ape can learn some random ass TMs.

I forgot you could even go from Fuschia to Cinnabar.

I just have been flying to Pallet and surfing directly south, forever. I don't even know what the route to Cinnabar from Fuschia even looks like
Said route is basically a case of "Do I need to go to Seafoam islands for whatever reason?" which lets face it is more often than not "hell no".

I've always liked Articuno the most out of the three, and its sprite is adorably derpy:


"hey guys look, no talons!"


I might have to do the same. I'll spend time doing lots of grindy things, but I have to feel like I have some kind of control over the process. The slots are so random it's aggravating - the first two slots can be manipulated with timing, but the third will deliberately skip past a winning row if you get the timing just right.

The game is rigged against you. It feels too much like real gambling.

Don't worry about storing the TMs you can buy at Celadon Dept store. That's like eight or ten right there.

There are always some machines that grant much greater success than the others, to the extent where you can pretty much just triple tap the A button with no particular rhythm and win coins about 80% of the time. The machine odds are shuffled though when you walk into the building, and they only yield high odds for a limited time. It's best to play two or three times at each machine just to find which ones are having a win streak, and then stick with them until they run out.

To be honest I'm mildly surprised that this mini-game was left unaltered, given that the slot machines have been replaced with things like "Voltorb flip" in the more recent games (and in the case of ORAS, completely eliminated) due to the gambling controversy.
Tsk. Using a legendary. :p

I used Articuno as well.

This is Articuno's only stand. After Gen I, he goes in the junk pile, so I felt like I owed him a chance on my team, since I was trying to use mostly Pokemon that were good in Gen I, but never again (like Persian).

He didn't even really do anything except OHKO all of Lance's dragons.


I'm trying so hard to keep all the TM lol.
So there's 70 space total for items (50 in box and 20 in bag). 50 TM and 5 HM leaves 15 spaces... how many key items are there?

If like to keep Max Revive, Full Restore, Max Elixer, Rare Candy, PP UP, Moon Stone off the top of my head.

It's not going to work, is it? :(

I just leave all items on the ground if I don't immediately need them. I'll hike back for them when the time comes.

I have sadly realized I need to clone some TM's at some point, Thunderbolt being a one time deal is terrible :<
I gave one HM to each of my Pokemon except Pikachu. Seemed better than having to lug an HM slave everywhere.

Butterfree knowing Sleep Powder and spamming Flash actually helped me greatly against Sabrina's Alakazam, Gary's Alakazam and Gary's Jolteon.

That's not a bad idea! When the time comes I might get a New as an HM slave but for now I will spread the HM abuse
What's a good moveset for Victreebell? I have my team solidified, but right now my Victreebell is really just a Cut machine. I'm just not finding anything useful that it can do that others can't.

I might end up switching. I should have a legendary bird soon.


I'm trying so hard to keep all the TM lol.
So there's 70 space total for items (50 in box and 20 in bag). 50 TM and 5 HM leaves 15 spaces... how many key items are there?

If like to keep Max Revive, Full Restore, Max Elixer, Rare Candy, PP UP, Moon Stone off the top of my head.

It's not going to work, is it? :(
You really need to skip anything that's optional. I'll just repost my own item list to show how tight it is.

Max Elixir
Full Restore
Max Revive
Rare Candy
Master Ball
Moon stone
Super rod
Poke Flute
Card Key
Secret Key
Coin Case
SS Ticket
[Empty slot]

You can skip the Bicycle, and you can use a poke doll in order to skip the lift key and silph scope. You might even be able to skip the poke flute by despawning one of the snorlax blocking your path with the Mew Glitch. If you know someone else with a copy of the game, you can skip Cut and the SS Ticket (and potentially all of the HMs). You only need the super rod if you aren't willing to use the Mew Glitch to get those pokemon. You don't actually need Nuggets, because some of the TMs have really good sell prices on their own, so you can duplicate those instead.

Potentially, it should be possible to reduce your item menu down to this;

Max Elixir
Full Restore
Max Revive
Rare Candy
Master Ball
Moon stone
Card Key
Secret Key
Coin Case
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
Just got the Silph Scope from the Team Rocket hideout. I don't get why some people think this game holds up so poorly. While there are some annoyances and inconveniences that later games fixed, I still find it engrossing and addictive, and this is coming from someone getting into generation 1 for the first time.

Real Hero

Just got the Silph Scope from the Team Rocket hideout. I don't get why some people think this game holds up so poorly. While there are some annoyances and inconveniences that later games fixed, I still find it engrossing and addictive, and this is coming from someone getting into generation 1 for the first time.

Yeah I'm actually surprised, I think most of the other games are better at this point and I thought going back to these would just be a nostalgia thing but these games undeniably hold up well.
You really need to skip anything that's optional. I'll just repost my own item list to show how tight it is.

Max Elixir
Full Restore
Max Revive
Rare Candy
Master Ball
Moon stone
Super rod
Poke Flute
Card Key
Secret Key
Coin Case
SS Ticket
[Empty slot]

You can skip the Bicycle, and you can use a poke doll in order to skip the lift key and silph scope. You might even be able to skip the poke flute by despawning one of the snorlax blocking your path with the Mew Glitch. If you know someone else with a copy of the game, you can skip Cut and the SS Ticket (and potentially all of the HMs). You only need the super rod if you aren't willing to use the Mew Glitch to get those pokemon. You don't actually need Nuggets, because some of the TMs have really good sell prices on their own, so you can duplicate those instead.

Potentially, it should be possible to reduce your item menu down to this;

Max Elixir
Full Restore
Max Revive
Rare Candy
Master Ball
Moon stone
Card Key
Secret Key
Coin Case
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]
[Empty slot]

Haha that's good stuff!
Oh my god I caught Kangaskhan only on my 2nd try.

And I think I finally have my final team member. Was torn if I wanted to use Snorlax or get a Poliwrath, but I think I'll use Kanga.

Elite 4 and the Rival weren't really an issue. I'll get Mewtwo and the last bird later. It was a lot of fun to come back to these games after having not played them myself for like a decade. I really want GSC on VC now, especially because my Silver and Crystal are both dead.

Most of the money is from Persian spamming Pay Day. :v Persian was a lot of fun to use, might use it again in another game.

What's a good moveset for Victreebell? I have my team solidified, but right now my Victreebell is really just a Cut machine. I'm just not finding anything useful that it can do that others can't.

I might end up switching. I should have a legendary bird soon.

Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance, Body Slam. The main thing is Razor Leaf, which is why you wait so long to evolve it.



Elite 4 and the Rival weren't really an issue. I'll get Mewtwo and the last bird later. It was a lot of fun to come back to these games after having not played them myself for like a decade. I really want GSC on VC now, especially because my Silver and Crystal are both dead.

Most of the money is from Persian spamming Pay Day. :v Persian was a lot of fun to use, might use it again in another game.

Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance, Body Slam. The main thing is Razor Leaf, which is why you wait so long to evolve it.

You can always use Mega Drain if you evolve it too early. It's not great, but it's better than nothing.
Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Swords Dance, Body Slam. The main thing is Razor Leaf, which is why you wait so long to evolve it.

So I guess that means grass is physical type? I can never remember. That's good to know. I did wait til Razor Leaf to evolve him. I don't have Sleep Powder anymore unfortunately, and I'm stuck with Cut. Otherwise, I can do the Swords Dance Razor Leaf combo.
It's weird how Swords Dance is the best option for so many Blue exclusives. Sandslash, Victreebel, and Pinsir all need it to do any work.

Just something I noticed on my way to 143/151 last night.
I used Articuno as well.

This is Articuno's only stand. After Gen I, he goes in the junk pile, so I felt like I owed him a chance on my team, since I was trying to use mostly Pokemon that were good in Gen I, but never again (like Persian).

He didn't even really do anything except OHKO all of Lance's dragons.

Pretty much the only thing all our Articunos got to do.

I'd actually happily use it in another game.


What's a good moveset for Victreebell? I have my team solidified, but right now my Victreebell is really just a Cut machine. I'm just not finding anything useful that it can do that others can't.

I might end up switching. I should have a legendary bird soon.
Oof. Victreebell has too many awesome moves to use Cut on.

You can use the solid Swords Dance/Sleep Powder combo to hit for a million with Hyper Beam or even better, you can use Stun Spore/Wrap and just annoy your opponent to death.


So I guess that means grass is physical type? I can never remember. That's good to know. I did wait til Razor Leaf to evolve him. I don't have Sleep Powder anymore unfortunately, and I'm stuck with Cut. Otherwise, I can do the Swords Dance Razor Leaf combo.

Do you still have growth? It increases special so It would be your Razor Leaf Swords Dance


And it's done. My younger self would have been proud. Went into the elite 4 first try with a relatively low level team. But the team was well made and every poke got a chance to shine. My only regret is I didn't have anyone to trade with to make Melo into alakazam. But he still decimated everything in his path.


Korin, The Dragon Slayer: Ice Beam - Surf - Sing - Confuse Ray

Quin, The Patient: Body Slam - Toxic - Earthquake - Horn Drill

Spyke, The Hurricane: Thunderbolt - Thunder Wave - Pin Missile - Quick Attack

Rahn, The Untouchable: Double Edge - Flamethrower - Dig - Double Team

Manley, The Rock Breaker: Submission - Pay Day - Strength - Karate Chop

Melo, The Destroyer: Psychic - Teleport - Recover - Psybeam

Now time to just sit back, enjoy, and catch em all.


OMG... I can't.. I just can't..

how did you guys get coins on the slot machines? I have seriously spent about 5000 in coins just to see them being thrown to nothing..

I once, once, got a jackpot and the lost all my coins because I gained nothing
OMG... I can't.. I just can't..

how did you guys get coins on the slot machines? I have seriously spent about 5000 in coins just to see them being thrown to nothing..

I once, once, got a jackpot and the lost all my coins because I gained nothing
It's randomised, but every time you walk in, a different machine in the place is "hot" and will give you wins most of the time. Sadly, this means trying each of the machines a few times and if they net you multiple wins right away, sticking with that one.

The worst part is that they're apparently only good for about 500 coins or so, which means that you will need to switch to another after a while.

I just gave up and duplicated Nuggets using the Mew glitch (you can use it to spawn Missingno; encountering it gives you 128 of the sixth item in your bag) and just paid for the coins I needed out of my own pocket. Be warned, you'll want to finish up your Missingno shenanigans prior to beating the Elite 4 the first time if you don't want the I'll effects in your game. And for the love of Pete, don't try to catch it.

After a week of playing, duping various leveling items to get everything evolved and battle-ready, buying Blue and clearing it in 5:30 with a Raticate while catching all of the version exclusives along the way, I am done. Well, all except for Mewtwo, doing that now.


Finished Yellow, becoming the new Pokemon champ!

Final team:
Myst (Vaporeon), level 49
Kit-kat (Dugtrio), level 45
Volty (Pikachu), level 46
Allomouser (Persian), level 46
Ballad (Gengar), level 46
Demonica (Dodrio), level 46

Final time: 29:26
Pokedex: 95/139

After catching Mewtwo, it's into Red next!

Velcro Fly

Yellow team after two badges

Pikachu - lucky it learns Thunderbolt by leveling up
Charmeleon - will evolve into the OG cool pokemon
Drowzee - my ego will not allow me to get a Kadabra into the hall of fame
Nidoking - you come at the King, you best not miss

I may add another somewhere down the line. I tried leveling Clefairy but it sucked.


Current team:
Pikachu lv30
Gyarados lv30
Pidgeotto lv28
Kadabra lv30
Snorlax lv30
Dratini lv15

When I get a Dragonite it'll replace Pidgeotto on my team then I'll put Arcanine in. Not sure about Snorlax, might swap it for something else.
I'm tooorn between Kangaskhan or Snorlax. :(

I'm leaning towards the former, but idk, I also never really used Snorlax a whole lot thinking about it.


Caught Chansey, Kangaskhan, Scyther, Tauros, Dratini, Nidorino, Marowak, Cubone, Nidorina, Rhyhorn, Parasect and Exeggcute (not all in one session of course, lol). A look online tells me that I'm still missing Pinsir and Dragonair, but I think I've had enough of the Safari.
Finally got Dragonite and Porygon. I caught it as Dragonair in Safari Zone at lv15, left it at the daycare where it got up to 31, grinded it to level 41 and then used EVERY RARE CANDY IN THE GAME (there are 14) to get it to Dragonite immediately.

To get Porygon I just beat the Elite Four like five times and then sat and bought 200 bundles of 50 coins... I should do beat them again just to actually have some money, I only have like 4000 Pokemon dollars right now (plus I want to get a Vulpix for my friend and surprisingly Game Corner is the only way to do it in Yellow).

Sitting at 129 owned, 145 seen. Missing: Kabuto, Kabutops, Electabuzz, Magmar, Golem and Omastar. For Omastar I have a lv 39 Omanyte that's just one battle (11 exp) away from evolving, but I want to keep it that way for a friend so he can get dex data for both (he picked Kabuto, luckily). Prof. Oak says it's time to trade! I'm firmly committed to not resorting to trading to myself.


Finally got Dragonite and Porygon. I caught it as Dragonair in Safari Zone at lv15, left it at the daycare where it got up to 31, grinded it to level 41 and then used EVERY RARE CANDY IN THE GAME (there are 14) to get it to Dragonite immediately.

To get Porygon I just beat the Elite Four like five times and then sat and bought 200 bundles of 50 coins... I should do beat them again just to actually have some money, I only have like 4000 Pokemon dollars right now (plus I want to get a Vulpix for my friend and surprisingly Game Corner is the only way to do it in Yellow).

Sitting at 129 owned, 145 seen. Missing: Kabuto, Kabutops, Electabuzz, Magmar, Golem and Omastar. For Omastar I have a lv 39 Omanyte that's just one battle (11 exp) away from evolving, but I want to keep it that way for a friend so he can get dex data for both (he picked Kabuto, luckily). Prof. Oak says it's time to trade! I'm firmly committed to not resorting to trading to myself.

Oh man, I keep forgetting there's a daycare in gen 1. D: Gotta make use of that, definitely.

I funded my Porygon by basically not buying anything but the occasional Pokeball the entire game. Worth it, but I'm glad to finally have a little spare cash on hand
now that there's no more trainers to raise it...
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