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Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow Eshop Release |OT| This Gym is Great! It’s Full of Women!

Yeah I meant to post about this here sooner but it is kind of crazy how much the game opens up after Rock Tunnel.

Yes, you do have to at least complete Lavender Tower to get the Poke Flute first but you can approach it however you want. You can go to the Rocket Hideout and get the Silph Scope or you can use the PokeDoll exploit (which doesn't work in the remakes). Or you can fight Erika first and then get the Silph Scope, go back to Lavender Town (on foot or if you know where Fly is grab that and fly back). Or you can save fighting Erika for later (for whatever reason) get a ton of extra EXP via fighting trainers on the way to Fuchsia (sp?).

Or you can go to Saffron City after clearing Lavender Tower and go straight for the Dojo. So on and so on.

You can literally fight all the last three gyms out of order (Viridian's always gotta be last). And the only reason you'd want to do that is to change up a playthrough.

The other games have it laid out where the gym you need to beat just so happens to block you from using a certain HM which you need to progress to the next area. In these games, there is some of that but having most of the areas you traverse not require any HMs to move forward prevents the player from being blocked from exploring the region out of the intended order.

Another way the newer games block progress is by certain events having to be triggered to allow you to move forward. For instance, in Gen 1 games the moment you clear the Game Corner hideout and Lavender Tower you can go and do Silph Co. because there's nothing telling the game that you can't -- there's no other requirements for it to be triggered.

Whereas in later games, you might need a certain number of badges to trigger an event like that. Perfect example of such is in Gen 2 when you trigger the Radio Tower Team Rocket takeover -- this can only take place after completing the hideout with Lance in Mahogony (sp?) and then beating the gym. You won't trigger the event otherwise.

It's really neat. You don't discover this until sometime after you've played Gen 1, though. Unfortunately, the first time you play these games you're kind of indirectly told to do things in the intended order. You don't actually know that you can do the gyms out of order or that you can do certain events before completing gyms.

They didn't start tying gym progress to events that happen in the world more until Gen 2 and then things started to get more and more linear around Gen 4.

Yeah I really love that about this game; I wanted to get Fly and Surf (and the badges needed) as soon as possible, so after I cleared Rock Tunnel, I went straight to Celadon, got the Fly HM, Poke Doll and the Fresh Water (thus skipping the Silph Scope quest, though I'll go back and do it anyway), had a hard ass fight with Koga (somehow I beat him with a level 24 Lapras), then went straight to Cinnabar so I could get Meowth (Persian) through the glitch (I'm playing Red btw).

Now I'm going back to Celadon to finish the Game Corner and Erika.


Just got my physical copy imports from Play-Asia! Amazing attention to detail. Starting a new game on green now!


Just got my physical copy imports from Play-Asia! Amazing attention to detail. Starting a new game on green now!

I think I'll also get one or two japanese physical versions, those just look so great and have the Kanto map, which we didn't get in Europe in the 2DS bundles :(
Also, do you know how the Mew unlock code works for 1st gen games?


They're tedious more than anything. I'm sure many people (like myself) didn't know what Repels were and that you can buy them in Vermillion making Rock Tunnel much faster.
Eh...I much prefer having challenges throughout a game rather than just waltzing all the way through. I think GF was good at balancing the difficulty, anyway. They place Pokemon Centers right outside Mt. Moon and Rock Tunnel so you can escape rope/dig your way out whenever you're in danger and heal asap.
Eh...I much prefer having challenges throughout a game rather than just waltzing all the way through. I think GF was good at balancing the difficulty, anyway. They place Pokemon Centers right outside Mt. Moon and Rock Tunnel so you can escape rope/dig your way out whenever you're in danger and heal asap.

It's not the wild encounters that would put you in any danger though, unless you are severely underleveled.


Real badasses went through Rock Tunnel without using Flash. Like me, the first time I ever went through it I never knew you were supposed to backtrack to Pewter to get Flash, so I roughed through Rock Tunnel without it. Ever since then I either don't backtrack or I don't bother teaching it to a Pokemon. Was always the biggest waste of a HM.


We don't know yet because the Bank functionality for RBY VC is not available yet and probably won't be until near the release of Sun and Moon. It would be safe to bet that they will be blocked though.

I wonder whether or not they're going to block Mew - so many people have multiple copies of it now by using that glitch, and its catch location in Nugget Bridge/Lavender Town might not pass the "legality" checker.


I wonder whether or not they're going to block Mew - so many people have multiple copies of it now by using that glitch, and its catch location in Nugget Bridge/Lavender Town might not pass the "legality" checker.

AFAIK, Gen 1 doesn't store catch locations. If anything, they'd check for OT and ID. It could be possible for someone to make an 8F recipe to change the ID too for all we know. If that works, then I'd imagine it'd still be possible to put them up on bank too.

Then again, we have no idea how Pokebank for RBY is gonna work either.
AFAIK, Gen 1 doesn't store catch locations. If anything, they'd check for OT and ID. It could be possible for someone to make an 8F recipe to change the ID too for all we know. If that works, then I'd imagine it'd still be possible to put them up on bank too.

Then again, we have no idea how Pokebank for RBY is gonna work either.

If they can get through and old shinyness is preserved I'm using arbitrary code execution to get myself a shiny Mew. I'll write the item script myself if I have to =p
I'm in Koga's gym but I've lost pretty much all will to continue playing. I'll probably get back to it in a while, but I'd say I still got my €10's worth out of it.


Oh you rat bastards, could you please not enjoy this old ass game so openly? Dammit.

Dug out my old silver Gameboy pocket and Pokemon Red just to gauge whether it's worth the ten bucks (and to check on the savegame).

Fucken Gary. Some of the asswhoopings I received from him as a small tyke left scars.

And yeah, in ten or so days, once I have some time to spare, Yellow shall be mine. And civilisation will cease to exist as far as I am concerned, at least until I've curbstomped IDIOT Oak's stupid ass.
Sorry, no DICKS Oak for me, I was too gentle a child for those advanced swearwords.




Thought about grinding ahead of the E4 but just felt like charging in.
But Ash had a Charizard and a Pidgeot.

To all of you who are praising the game for its pacing and nonlinearity: brofist. See it's not nostalgia; the game structure holds up very well and the Pokemon selection is almost limitless in the midgame. It's a bit like modern Zelda games compared to the original. Let us be free once more. No more incessant handholding.
I just spent two hours triggering the Fly/Teleport glitch over and over. It's surprisingly fun because you never know what you're going to get. One minute you get a Pidgey, then BAM Scyther! Parasect then Blastoise (at LV 1 no less). It's a grab bag of crazy and I'm going broke buying pokeballs.

Those darn Missingno are getting more frequent now that my opponents are getting stronger. I've come to take advantage of these occasions though and have been putting one-off TMs in the sixth slot. BODY SLAM FOR EVERY ONE!


This is truly the game that keeps giving, speed past all swimmers to seafoam islands still at my lvl 32-34 stage, stumble around for 5 minutes pushing two rocks down holes which just so happen to be the ones that stop the current blocking Articuno.
Weaken it to yellow health, hypnosis, throw 4 great balls and job done.

See this is why making pokemon games more open ended and having less hand holding linearity is soooo much more enjoyable.

I suppose I should go and do Silph co then.

Yeah, this is really highlighting why the newer pokemon games are less fun and exciting for me. More challenge, more exploration, more secrets, items everywhere... hopefully Sun and Moon add some of that back in.
But Ash had a Charizard and a Pidgeot.

To all of you who are praising the game for its pacing and nonlinearity: brofist. See it's not nostalgia; the game structure holds up very well and the Pokemon selection is almost limitless in the midgame. It's a bit like modern Zelda games compared to the original. Let us be free once more. No more incessant handholding.

I don't agree at all. The pacing is fine but there's so much wrong with Gen 1 that it really hampers my enjoyment of it. Playing through it just makes me want to play the modern games but I'm determined to finish Blue before I jump back to ORAS. Totally cool that people are still enjoying this game but there is a lot wrong with Gen 1, mostly due to it being the first go at it so you can hardly fault them. But it's still pretty rough to go back to.


I don't agree at all. The pacing is fine but there's so much wrong with Gen 1 that it really hampers enjoyment of it. Playing through it just makes me want to play the modern games but I'm determined to finish Blue before I jump back to ORAS. Totally cool that people are still enjoying this game but there is a lot wrong with Gen 1, mostly due to it being the first go at it so you can hardly fault them. But it's still pretty rough to go back to.
You're referring to the outdated game mechanics and technology, the former which they improved upon with each generation.

I'm referring to the overall game structure design. It feels like an adventure, because it is an adventure. You're free to do whatever you want at a certain point. Just like Zelda 1. Unlike Zelda 1 however, the world of R/B/Y is a living, breathing world with NPCs and animals you can befriend. That is the strength of Pokémon. If they could incorporate the evolved mechanics with the structure of the original, while keeping the plot and handholding at a minimum, we'd have a winner.
You're referring to the outdated game mechanics and technology, the former which they improved upon with each generation.

I'm referring to the overall game structure design. It feels like an adventure, because it is an adventure. You're free to do whatever you want at a certain point. Just like Zelda 1. Unlike Zelda 1 however, the world of R/B/Y is a living, breathing world with NPCs and animals you can befriend. That is the strength of Pokémon. If they could incorporate the evolved mechanics with the structure of the original, while keeping the plot and handholding at a minimum, we'd have a winner.

I guess. But I'm of the opinion that Pokémon almost always gets better with each game. Black and White were incredibly well paced and a fantastic all round package. I'd still much rather play that than RBY given the choice. XY were fantastic too but they absolutely suffered from poor pacing and a lack of challenge. That's just me though. I still think RBY are fun for what they are but I don't think they have much better sense of exploration or pacing compared to some of the other games.
You're referring to the outdated game mechanics and technology, the former which they improved upon with each generation.

I'm referring to the overall game structure design. It feels like an adventure, because it is an adventure. You're free to do whatever you want at a certain point. Just like Zelda 1. Unlike Zelda 1 however, the world of R/B/Y is a living, breathing world with NPCs and animals you can befriend. That is the strength of Pokémon. If they could incorporate the evolved mechanics with the structure of the original, while keeping the plot and handholding at a minimum, we'd have a winner.

I doubt we'll see a change like that in Sun and Moon, given it'll be built on exactly the same foundations as X/Y and ORAS, but I agree that it would be great for the series to embrace it's pseudo open world design. Heck, full on open world for the next handheld generation would be wonderful. Especially if we can literally hop on the back of a Pidgeot and fly. Or on the back of a Rapidash!

But yes, a return to that feeling of free exploration would be wonderful.

I guess. But I'm of the opinion that Pokémon almost always gets better with each game. Black and White were incredibly well paced and a fantastic all round package. I'd still much rather play that than RBY given the choice. XY were fantastic too but they absolutely suffered from poor pacing and a lack of challenge. That's just me though. I still think RBY are fun for what they are but I don't think they have much better sense of exploration or pacing compared to some of the other games.

I think the linearity really got to me after Ruby and Sapphire. Diamond and Pearl were the first games I somewhat disliked because of the trend towards linearity, to the point I didn't buy Black and White at release because of the sour taste it left. I then tried Black and White much later and couldn't get further than the second gym. Skipped B+W2 completely. Enjoyed X and Y for the visuals and improvements to battles, but still deeply disliked the railroading, and my god Lumiose can just burn to the ground. Screw that place. I like open areas, but that place is just far too confusing when they refuse to provide a decent map.


You're referring to the outdated game mechanics and technology, the former which they improved upon with each generation.

I'm referring to the overall game structure design. It feels like an adventure, because it is an adventure. You're free to do whatever you want at a certain point. Just like Zelda 1. Unlike Zelda 1 however, the world of R/B/Y is a living, breathing world with NPCs and animals you can befriend. That is the strength of Pokémon. If they could incorporate the evolved mechanics with the structure of the original, while keeping the plot and handholding at a minimum, we'd have a winner.

I completely agree. It really does feel like my own adventure. I talk to every NPC and every trainer again after I beat them because I want to know what they have to say about the world. (even tho its usually pointless) it adds so much to the feel of the world itself. It doesnt feel linear, and it doesnt feel like its pushing you towards anything in particular. You are just living life as a pokemon trainer.

I didn't see that the first time I played it in 1998, when I was 10. But now that games in general have changed so much, its a different experience than I remembered.


I never really give my Pokemon nicknames but you all compel me to do so, whenever I catch a Pokemon I have to close my 3DS and think before giving up :p


I never really give my Pokemon nicknames but you all compel me to do so, whenever I catch a Pokemon I have to close my 3DS and think before giving up :p

I always pick a random name that starts with the first letter of the pokemon's name.

Or I do a theme, like characters from Shakespeare.


I guess. But I'm of the opinion that Pokémon almost always gets better with each game.
Are you sure about that? Fans always had something to complain about with each mainline game. These are some of the things I've heard and agree with over time:

G/S has a poor early Pokémon selection with poor level-up lists and a rushed second half.
R/S has no wild Fire Pokémon in the early to mid game and a large number of water routes.
D/P has poor pacing in general and not a lot of new Pokémon to discover.
B/W is accused of being a retread of early Pokémon designs and their roles.
X/Y continues the larger than life plot which doesn't reflect the absurdly low difficulty.
But Ash had a Charizard and a Pidgeot.

To all of you who are praising the game for its pacing and nonlinearity: brofist. See it's not nostalgia; the game structure holds up very well and the Pokemon selection is almost limitless in the midgame. It's a bit like modern Zelda games compared to the original. Let us be free once more. No more incessant handholding.
Yeah but he didn't get Pidgeot until after the league.

And I've seen what happens when you evolve to Charizard! He'll just fly off and throw the league for you.
Are you sure about that? Fans always had something to complain about with each mainline game. These are some of the things I've heard and agree with over time:

G/S has a poor early Pokémon selection with poor level-up lists and a rushed second half.
R/S has no wild Fire Pokémon in the early to mid game and a large number of water routes.
D/P has poor pacing in general and not a lot of new Pokémon to discover.
B/W is accused of being a retread of early Pokémon designs and their roles.
X/Y continues the larger than life plot which doesn't reflect the absurdly low difficulty.

I didn't say the games were perfect, of course there are problems with them. But I still believe that each game has gotten better every time. Except maybe DP but that was fixed with Platinum. I could certainly see BW being better than XY but I personally preferred XY.


I think I'll also get one or two japanese physical versions, those just look so great and have the Kanto map, which we didn't get in Europe in the 2DS bundles :(
Also, do you know how the Mew unlock code works for 1st gen games?
That is actually a great question. I had forgotten about the free Mew. I'll search the box for clues. Couldn't find anything at first glance, but I also missed the exclusive theme code in the n3DS box.


I always pick a random name that starts with the first letter of the pokemon's name.

Or I do a theme, like characters from Shakespeare.

Good idea, thanks! The last Pokemon I gave a nickname to was my Treecko which I named Big Green and my Pikachu whom I named Big Cheese.
I finally got the game. I am not very far yet. I was a little concerned when Butterfree didn't learn confusion but it looks like in the older games it didn't learn confusion until level 12 so I should be good.

Anyone know the glitch to get nidoking in viridian forest and gengar in mount moon?

Anyone try out save corruption?


Aw man wait-- the games aren't on the Wii U eshop? Well shit. That's a little disappointing considering I sold my 3DS a few months ago. Such is life.


They should make a new kanto sized 8 bit old school Pokemon like this for e-shop/mobile, with limited bag space, unapologetic HM use, nonlinearity, difficulty, spritework and all.

Would buy the shit out of it.

And omg @ the gameboy light dimming when the battery is dying/brightening when plugged in


Aw man wait-- the games aren't on the Wii U eshop? Well shit. That's a little disappointing considering I sold my 3DS a few months ago. Such is life.

I was just chatting with a friend a while ago, wondering why they didn't also put the games on the WiiU. It would almost literally be free money, and you'd even have people double-dipping on each game for each console. :O
I would if I had a WiiU.
If I exchange my Pokemon new 3DS that came pre-installed with Red/Blue, do I lose my Pokemon Red save progress? Or is it tied to my SD card/NNID?
Just started my file and I must say, I really love how simple the beginning is. No long speech about how much my mom will miss me, no group of friends stopping me to tell me our life story before I head out.

Oak just simply says here, you can have one of my Pokémon. Go have an adventure.

Gary tells me he's better than me and that's it. I'm ready for the world.

I really do love the series and I believe it gets better each gen. But replaying this does make me miss how simple it was.

On a side note, I usually start with Fire Pokémon. I chose Squirtle this time.


Just started my file and I must say, I really love how simple the beginning is. No long speech about how much my mom will miss me, no group of friends stopping me to tell me our life story before I head out.

Oak just simply says here, you can have one of my Pokémon. Go have an adventure.

Gary tells me he's better than me and that's it. I'm ready for the world.

I really do love the series and I believe it gets better each gen. But replaying this does make me miss how simple it was.

On a side note, I usually start with Fire Pokémon. I chose Squirtle this time.

Wise choice. Fire pokemon are surprisingly useless in this game. Never realized it when I was a kid. I'm currently raising a growlithe on my team for my 6th slot, but I don't even need it. It's just for fun. My other 5 pokemon will be able to handle every gym and the elite 4 on their own.


I forgot how detrimental button mashing A through battles could be.
I was running around Mt Moon trying to get a Clefairy, and accidentally deleted my Pikachu's only lightning-based attack for Quick Attack. He still has Growl, though!! -_____-

I've already decided what team I'm going to end the game with:
Blastoise (best Pokemon)
Jigglypuff (Smash OG)
Pikachu (Smash OG)
Mew (just really wanna try to pull off that glitch, and if I do I can't just throw him in a box)
Moltres (gotta have one legendary bird, right?)
Snorlax (other best Pokemon)
I forgot how detrimental button mashing A through battles could be.
I was running around Mt Moon trying to get a Clefairy, and accidentally deleted my Pikachu's only lightning-based attack for Quick Attack. He still has Growl, though!! -_____-

I've already decided what team I'm going to end the game with:
Blastoise (best Pokemon)
Jigglypuff (Smash OG)
Pikachu (Smash OG)
Mew (just really wanna try to pull off that glitch, and if I do I can't just throw him in a box)
Moltres (gotta have one legendary bird, right?)
Snorlax (other best Pokemon)

Im assuming you are on yellow, pikachu is incredibly bad.


Are these "dark" like the other eshop releases? I was playing today and they looked a bit dark, but it could just be that I can't tell the difference.


Are these "dark" like the other eshop releases? I was playing today and they looked a bit dark, but it could just be that I can't tell the difference.
The original games where on a platform without backlighting, so they can't look darker unless you're basing it off emulators or Super GB.


The original games where on a platform without backlighting, so they can't look darker unless you're basing it off emulators or Super GB.

Or GBA SP, no?

I'm probably just not used to the Black and White, since I played the originals on the GBC.


Or GBA SP, no?

I'm probably just not used to the Black and White, since I played the originals on the GBC.
I'm just saying they were developed with no backlight display in mind so comparisons with newer hardware is inaccurate.

But they were probably brighter on the SP due to the added backlight.
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