I see where you're coming from. But Froakie was never meant to last long through harsh walling/defense. It would be more beneficial to make sure it gets to take its action first and for that action to hit as hard as it can (even moreso important for them than others). Holding onto what defense it has to lower its attacking on either side at this point seems like a disfavor to me.
Trade with the other versionLoving the game so far..10 hours in and only just got second gym badge!
Combusken - Lv.33
Charmeleon - Lv 31
Frogadier - Lv 30
Pidgeotto - Lv 30
Raichu - Lv 28
Tyrunt - Lv 24 (spent ages in Super Training with him)
Also, has anyone found out yet how you get the Aggronite/Tyranitite stones?
Here's a more recent list of the colors:
Would be cool if we made an extensive list covering as many regions as possible.
That's almost from 30 pages ago :lol
that does make sense, so what would u suggest the best nature is then?
So guys, answer me this: is there any reason why I should want to deal with Super Training sooner rather than later? Can I leave the EV training business for later rather than rushing to trying to understand how it all works?
From Smogon's calculations Greninja will have good speed and more balanced atttack stats with Special Attk. being more favored. However, his Signature move is physical. You can attempt for Mixed Attacker with Hasty or Naive to capitalize on its good speed. Modest is an option, but its moveset seems to lean heavily physical to lower physical attack power.
Here's a more recent list of the colors:
Would be cool if we made an extensive list covering as many regions as possible.
Will Charmander come with mega stone for X version? Just want to double check because I heard that we don't get for charmander from Professor.
Welcome to the greatest game on earthYessss just got my copy! Won't be able to start till after work, though.
Trade with the other version
Huh, mine looks like none of those Vivillion:
(I'm in Costa Rica)
was thinking on seting my region back to Costa Rica as I changed it to purchase the game, but dont like those colors.
do the colors are determined by the region when it evolves or when you capt it?
I've heard the region is "set" when you start a new game, even if you try changing it back to whatever region. So the only way of collecting all patterns would be trading.
Welcome to the greatest game on earth
Do you need to have reached a certain point in White to transfer your pokemon to X?
The Professor will give you one of the three Kanto starters and the Mega Stone for the respective Pokemon that you choose.
What would be a good level to evolve Pikachu?
Is Raichu actually worse? D:Never.
Trying to soft reset for a shiny Chespin atm. Never resetted for shinies before but his Shiny colours look so awesome (golden nose~)
Wondering if I should be worried about my name/nickname and if that effects odds of shinyness...
Tried Wonder Trade with a Bunnelby. Got a Pikachu. Tried it again with that Pikachu, and got a Bunnelby back.