I got a female, Jolly Bulbasaur from the Prof. and was wondering if its a keeper or not. I want to breed the bulbasaur into one that has the Chloroform bonus or whatever. I tried reading up on pokemon breeding, but it seems every Gen has subtle differences and I can't really make sense of all of it (I stopped playing after Ruby). Does the EV or IV transfer from this bulbasaur to the new one? Should I bother leveling/EV training this bulbasaur if I'm only going to use it for breeding?
Anyone know when Doublade learns King's Shield? Or is it a strickly Move relearner attack?
Aww yiiss already caught one (and got one from a trade). Cheers dawg.![]()
Timid is better. Venusaur's Special attack is far better than its physical. EV's don't transfer, but up to 2 of the Bulbasaur's IVs will. (3 IVs are randomly inherited from both of the Parents, the other 3 are completely Random.) If you're going to use the bulbasaur for breeding you're going to want to know what IV's it has, which means you'll have to know how many EV's are put into each stat and be high-leveled enough to get reliable figures from an IV calculator. If you want reliable numbers you're going to have to super/EV train it so it doesn't gain any unknown EV's from level grinding.(or snag a reset bag from super training to wipe its EV's at endgame.)
You have toit intoevolvethen go to the move relearneraegislash
Aww yiiss already caught one (and got one from a trade). Cheers dawg.
Also, has the behaviour of Exp Share changed? It seems to distribute evenly amongst the team, and I can't give it to a single Pokémon to holdMaking it quite difficult to level up my Pikachu because he's bloody rubbish.
Picking this up later. X or Y? Never played a pokemon game before.
Can somebody tell me when you get the T-Rex fossil in the game? Really want to add him to my team but if it's too late in the main game I'll go with a different Pokemon.
It's not too late in. Hes worth the wait. I think its like 3rd gym.
Picking this up later. X or Y? Never played a pokemon game before.
They're more or less the same game. Just pick one on a whim, like which box art mascot you like more.
Pokemon X it is then. Thanks.Whatever boxart attracts you more. Only diff is availability of some Pokes
Picking this up later. X or Y? Never played a pokemon game before.
Just gave someone a Heracross on WT and got a Pikachu. It doesn't really matter because I'm breeding Heracross anyway but people aren't exactly risky on it. Everyone's trying to screw each other over.
I was in team X and going with Fennekin. While team building in line, I realize I have to make use of a free Torchic... So I will Have Froakie Torchic and Bulbasaur; I'll get fennekin post game anyway.
I was getting X for Dragonzard, so I got Y at the last possible second... Only to realize how much I wanted Xerneas. Yvetal is "Cooler" IMO but pure fairy Legendary...I think I'll be looking for a swap if anyone would be willing
Just gave someone a Heracross on WT and got a Pikachu. It doesn't really matter because I'm breeding Heracross anyway but people aren't exactly risky on it. Everyone's trying to screw each other over.
I think if you go with Froakie, then you'll be getting Chespin in the post game.
I still have no idea what Im doing with Super Training. D:
So basically the stats that get raised higher pushes the pokemons stats in that direction during level up?
Yep! As tedious as it sounds, and Pokemon you are plannign to keep til endgame should be EV trained to the max in 2 stats you want if you want them to gain the optimal amount of stats as they level. If you are playing more casually then it doesnt matter at all and you can ignore it altogether.
Yep! As tedious as it sounds, and Pokemon you are plannign to keep til endgame should be EV trained to the max in 2 stats you want if you want them to gain the optimal amount of stats as they level. If you are playing more casually then it doesnt matter at all and you can ignore it altogether.
I think if you go with Froakie, then you'll be getting Chespin in the post game.
No, it's whatever starter is weak to yours. So they'd get Fennekin.
You'd get a Fennekin if you picked Froakie.
It's not too late in. Hes worth the wait. I think its like 3rd gym.