Alright!!! He is in Y right?
Alright!!! He is in Y right?
You'd get a Fennekin if you picked Froakie.Oh no, I don't want anything to do with that monstrosity
This free Torchic turns out to be a problem.
I just wondertraded a Bidoof for a Bidoof.
Thanks for the reply. Hmm so basically its only two stats then? So rounding things out has no real purpose then from the sounds of that?
Is this on the eshop?
It sure is.
Thanks homie. Now to get x or y....
I just wondertraded a Bidoof for a Bidoof.
I'm trading off Volt Tackle Pichus on it, haha
YES!! Caught me a shiny Dwebble!! Adamant natured too!!
Do EVs matter when a mon is leveling?
I love O-Power. The fact that it costs less to give it to other players, kinda reminds me of cheering in DQX. I really feel inclined to go around sending O-Power to everyone I know.
Thanks homie. Now to get x or y....
YES!! Caught me a shiny Dwebble!! Adamant natured too!!
I just saw someone on GTS asking for a Totodile. Don't you have to see a Pokemon to request it?
I still want to know in which stats I should super train Chespin ._.
Congrats brotha, male or female?
SuperSah said:Shiiit, wow! How'd you get it? By chaining?
Could I possibly get one of your volt tackle pichus?
This is the stats of the Bulbasaur I got so far, I know the EV isn't optimal, but if I'm planning on breeding it, is it a keeper? It's female if it makes any difference.
nah, just used rock smash on a stone in the glittering cave and it popped out!
Definitely Defense for one, I'd say attack as the other.
Any Swirlix users out there? When is a decent level to evolve it to Slurpuff? I don't want to miss out on any moves.
So I wondertraded that Bidoof for a Pansage, and that Pansage for... ANOTHER BIDOOF.
Hmm, I'm confused. Do EVs matter when a mon is leveling? Or are they just stat boosters that apply once you get them. Basically, would it be advantageous to have attack EV maxed out on someone before you start really leveling them or would it be the same as if you had put all the points into that EV when they were lvl 100?
I just saw someone on GTS asking for a Totodile. Don't you have to see a Pokemon to request it?
Can't you remove the roller skates after you get them?
Can't you remove the roller skates after you get them?