Crossposting because thread is so damn fast!

I'm a total pokemon noob, this is my first game, but have been playing a good bit since Friday, so I have a couple of questions.
1) What sort of things, beside story/plot twists, is considered to be a spoiler? I see name of pokemons flying around so I assume that is safe?? It's kinda hard to know for a newcomer...
2) Game wise, I'm now at Ambrette, with a playtime of 8:30 and Pokedex 75. I have only been to one gym, but on the bright side I was made a Viscount at the snob club (lol).
The team:
Braixen 31 - feels horribly overpowered at this point, instakills most stuff apart from water/fire
Ivysaur 25
Raichu 29
Panpour 22
Pancham 21
Pidgeotto 25
I like Braixen, Ivysaur and Raichu a lot. Panpour I keep only for water, but I find him kind of dull, Pancham is my false swiper, cutter, smasher and over all handyman. Pidgeotto is pretty meh to me, but an ok damager I guess.
I would obviously like to have a good all-round team, and if some of you vets would like to comment on it, and make suggestions for good candidates to make improvement on the team I would be a very happy pokeman. Of the captured pokemons that I have stored, and that I think looks interesting, I have Psyduck, Honedge, Roselia, Skiddo, Furfrou, Scraggy, Kecleon, Ducklett, Volveat and Meditite.
3) I have a feeling I should have reached at least the second gym by now? Am I doing it wrong?
Sorry for the long post, or if I forgot to spoiler-tag something, but question have sort of piled on since I was banned during the weekend
Oh, yeah, the game is awesome and addictive! The battle part of it is pretty much as good as it gets in a jrpg. The story is about what I expect from a japanese rpg. But all the different types, the moves, and the elements make battling really complex and interesting. On the downside it's a bit on the easy side so far (should maybe turn off EXP share?). Braixen kills everything in battles, and the biggest problem about catching pmons is them dying way too often. :/