I can give an Eevee to someone, too. I have a couple extra in a computer right now, already hatched.
Crap, is it too late to get in on this?
I can give an Eevee to someone, too. I have a couple extra in a computer right now, already hatched.
Crap, is it too late to get in on this?![]()
i feel like you only get pkmn you've seen ingame through WT.
all I'm getting are weedles and caterpies![]()
I don't know if more styles become available, but there's a salon in Luminoise City that you can use the moment you get there.Are new hairstyles on a story progression lock?
And can you get new colors?
I'm sick of this starter stuff.
Flat battles don't raise the Pokemon to Lv50 :/
Me. I'm just doing things at my own pace.
i suppose it makes sense cos it gives you an incentive to catch them yourself, but for those that can't be caught it sucks. i wanted my kanto starters to be destiny's child!!
real shame that you can't change the names of traded pokemon, throws my theme of pop star names out of whack : (
i suppose it makes sense cos it gives you an incentive to catch them yourself, but for those that can't be caught it sucks. i wanted my kanto starters to be destiny's child!!
Tyrantrum Y U fat? Take em if you want em.
I think these old ones are still open for those interested: (at least I didn't see anyone take them)
I found a Zangoose horde killing a Seviper, but already had a Seviper so it was ok. I found it really cool they did that.
Post 6th gym:A Master Ball or a Big Nugget? Are you FUCKING kidding me? What kind of choice is that?
I got a Spanish Skitty and havent seen one before.
OH GOOD GOD, those are amazing. If only there were a Kirlia one.![]()
OH GOOD GOD, those are amazing. If only there were a Kirlia one.![]()
Parfum Palace courtyard; lower left hand quadrant.Just watch.
Also, where the hell is Cut? I'm at Victory Road and haven't come across it somehow.
Where do you get rock smash at?
Tyrantrum Y U fat? Take em if you want em.
I think these old ones are still open for those interested: (at least I didn't see anyone take them)
Does that third eye blink?
I did a Kirlia, but I'm pretty sure I saw a member with it. Not sure though, hard to keep track.
Just found some time to play this after the launch. So awesome! Loving almost everything about it.
After the first cave you visit, in that city that you reach by jumping those spiky rocks (forgot the name lol), I think you just need to talk with the first lady walking around the Pokémon Center there. She is just by the entrance.
Oh my. Your art is amazing Neorice! :drools:
By any chance do you have a Lightning (totally not Poke-related, I know :X) one ready or planned? I would love to use it if you ever do one.![]()
What town is the everstone in?
Is there a region you noticed that gave out better ones, just curious.Wow; people are extremely generous on wonder trade. I go a Pancham, Honedge, and a Charmander. I'll breed Froakies and start giving them away to keep the karma rolling.
Eight gym badges later, and my party heading to the Elite Four rests as follows (spoilered for evos):
Rose, the SeriousLevel 69Aegisslash
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
- False Swipe
- Shadow Claw
Graham, the MildLevel 58Sylveon
- Dazzling Gleam
- Last Resort
- Moonblast
- Misty Terrain
Rogue, the BashfulLevel 63Meowstic
- Extrasensory
- Psychic
- Cut
- Charge Beam
Nala, the CarefulLevel 63Pyroar
- Flamethrower
- Headbutt
- Incinerate
- Crunch
Percy, the ModestLevel 60Greninja
- Smack Down
- Water Pulse
- Hydro Pump
- Surf
Giles, the DocileLevel 61Gogoat
- Strength
- Earthquake
- Leaf Blade
- Milk Drink
Feeling pretty good, I gotta admit.
Wow; people are extremely generous on wonder trade. I go a Pancham, Honedge, and a Charmander. I'll breed Froakies and start giving them away to keep the karma rolling.
oh i know it isn't, but that's what it feels like to me![]()
Oh my. Your art is amazing Neorice! :drools:
By any chance do you have a Lightning (totally not Poke-related, I know :X) one ready or planned? I would love to use it if you ever do one.![]()
Geo-something city. Town right after 2nd gym's town. Inside a house there's a black female doctor, she gives it out.
I'll give you a Ditto.speak of the devil...i just got an eevee after like 35tries
Now to get a ditto![]()
Thanks. I guess I should go beat the 2nd gym leader now.
Is there a region you noticed that gave out better ones, just curious.
I think these old ones are still open for those interested: (at least I didn't see anyone take them)
I'll give you a Ditto.