the holder of the trombone
So how do I choose other pokemon for amie? I want to pet my flabebe.
So how do I choose other pokemon for amie? I want to pet my flabebe.
Thoughts so far...
1. So glad they made it so people in small towns can actually take part in the previous local-wireless only functions in Black and White! Anyone try Wonder Trade? I did it with a Zigzagoon and got a Panpour, which was neat. At the very least it'll be fun to collect a lot of Foreign Pokemon. Also viewed a chick's PR Video. Anyone tested out the Battling/Trading functions? How smooth are they? And I gave some dude an O-Power, hope I get one back.
Click on your current Pokemon's icon and hit "switch Pokemon".
Pikachu caught!
I love this game.
Where?! The first route with grass?
Uhh, guys?
Does this game not have 3d???
I'm walking around the starting town and there is no 3D support. Nor was there in the starting house. What's the deal?
The light isn't even on.
The forest. It's rare.
first forest![]() 3d :-(
2 1/2 hours of downloading later...
Capture card from a nice guy called "Loopy". $256 from last summer well spent.How'd you screen shot that?
Should I keep my Fennekin with the nature rash? It increases special attack / decreases defense. I just hate resetting so much to get one that increases special attack and decreases attack, so I hope a lower defense doesn't hurt too much
The funniest thing the battle camera did was in the first gym battle, I had a Bunnelby out and suddenly, out of nowhere the camera did this dramatic zoom into it.I'm pretty sure that when I battled that Lass with the Pikachu in Santalune Forest, the camera just would not move away from the damn Pikachu.
Really loving the music.
Come on game, give me female Fennekin...
As my main bitch Penny Aziz Hartz might say, this game is Ahmahzing. Holy crap. I'm just in awe.
There's 3D in 1on1 battles and specific cutscenes, but none in the overworld or large battles. Not that you'd want in on anyways, in the times that you can use 3D it cuts the framerate in like half for mediocre 3D visuals.
Consider it a 2D game
Team Chespin let's go. FC is 4553 9968 7789
Production values through the roof. Blows every other pokemon game away.