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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread |OT2| This thread title is now under military control

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My one, and I think, only Dem/liberal friend has been trolling me via text for the last few hours over the decision. I deserve it...and I owe him a steak. :lol


Junior Member
I had no idea that there was an congressional Asian American caucus and Hispanic American caucus. They're also entirely Democrat.

I'm really surprised that the GOP doesn't see a big problem with this.
Exactly. If it as struck down, even just the mandate, it would have been so much worse for Obama.
All the rhetoric about "Oh, if Obamacare was struck down it would have been good, because then it'd put the GOP on defense and maybe lead to single-payer!" was complete and utter bullshit.

Upheld in its entirety was always the best case scenario for Obama and I don't know why anyone was pretending otherwise. Well, pre-damage control for the mandate being struck down, but whatever.
http://www.channel3000.com/news/Wal... isn't going to implement the health care law.

Ok, guy... the uncertainty from the decision is doing it, eh? Not the uncertainty from people like you trying to hold out and throw everything you can at it? Not that at all? Also, I like the pre-spin on blaming poor job growth in Wisconsin to uncertainty with health care stuff. Not any of your policies, eh, Walker?

I barely know this guys history but the more I hear about him the more I hate him.

All the rhetoric about "Oh, if Obamacare was struck down it would have been good, because then it'd put the GOP on defense and maybe lead to single-payer!" was complete and utter bullshit.

Upheld in its entirety was always the best case scenario for Obama and I don't know why anyone was pretending otherwise.

The people saying that were delusional. Without a Democratic majority? Forget about it.
Conservatives weren't the only ones that were trolled ...

...Except that Obama never said "he lost"

Washington (CNN) – A calm President Barack Obama received the news of the Supreme Court's health care ruling while just outside the Oval Office Thursday, senior administration officials said.

After first learning, from a TV with four split screens, that the individual mandate section of the law was struck down, the president waited on word from his staff.

– Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker

White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler entered the "outer Oval Office" to give him two thumbs up, which prompted a quizzical look from the president given what he saw reported on two cable television stations, CNN and Fox News.

Ruemmler told him the news, which she learned from reading the website SCOTUSBlog and a White House lawyer inside the high court, and enthusiasm ensued, according to the officials. She told the president the Affordable Care Act was upheld, with five justices finding it valid under Congress' taxing power.

Displaying a smile, the president hugged Ruemmler. The top White House lawyer returned to her office, by which point the news stations had corrected their reporting, and returned to the Oval Office within the hour to deliver a more complete read on the ruling to the president.

Obama's first call was to Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who argued the case for the administration, to congratulate him.
Cool Cucumber President strikes again.


All the rhetoric about "Oh, if Obamacare was struck down it would have been good, because then it'd put the GOP on defense and maybe lead to single-payer!" was complete and utter bullshit.

Upheld in its entirety was always the best case scenario for Obama and I don't know why anyone was pretending otherwise. Well, pre-damage control for the mandate being struck down, but whatever.

It really didn't make any sense. It took 15 years after the failure of '93 to even approach healthcare again. It would've been worse if this particular piece of reform failed considering the political climate and rhetoric.
It certainly ought to, I don't understand what goes ON in this state.

A statewide property tax of less than 0.01% would generate that much revenue. But ohhhh no that's even worse than income tax ohhhhhhh
Can someone explain why California seems to always be out of money? What are we spending it on?
It really didn't make any sense. It took 15 years after the failure of '93 to even approach healthcare again. It would've been worse if this particular piece of reform failed considering the political climate and rhetoric.
Seriously. No one would have wanted to touch it for a very long time. The best we would get is some half-assed reform from the Republicans.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Direct Democracy in action.

truth. Property Taxes in California are a huge problem, for example. Nobody will touch them with a ten-foot pole. I remember when Warren Buffett was being used by Arnold as an economic adviser in his first term and when Buffett brought up raising property taxes as a way to fix budget shortfalls, Arnold had to quickly cut in and say "whoa, whoa, whoa!"


Are they fleeing to Maryland or Virginia?
Is obama in much danger of losing because of todays rulings?
No. The public is already fairly polarized on the ACA. And it largely splits on partisan fissures. The political consequences are negiligible.
Does the Holder ruling affect him?
No. The Administration has been embroiled in this controversey for a while. And outside of conservative media, it has not gained much traction. It'll probably be perceived as more partisan strife.


Demint called for states to nullify the law.

He's asking states to do something unconstitutional by doing something...unconstitutional.

Jim DeMint wants teacher-led prayers in public schools, so demanding unconstitutional things is not really a new thing for him.
I need to get off Facebook.

Some dude said Obamacare will turn us into Greece. I point out how Obamacare is quite unlike anything in Greece, a few points on why Greece is in the situation it's in, and ask why other countries with similar levels of socialized services are doing fine. The guy said he was "impressed by my rhetoric" and left it at that.

Then his brother came in with a barely coherent rant about governments running out of money, austerity is necessary, and so on, so I spent a few paragraphs pointing out some flaws behind his ideas and how austerity has been working in the PIIGS, and the first guy came back and said:

"These points are just comical.. Again I'm not going to write books in response to this. There's WAY to much education that would need to be done. Time will tell..."

Why do I do this to myself?


Demint called for states to nullify the law.

He's asking states to prevent something unconstitutional by doing something...unconstitutional.
Well, he is from South Carolina.
I need to get off Facebook.

Some dude said Obamacare will turn us into Greece. I point out how Obamacare is quite unlike anything in Greece, a few points on why Greece is in the situation it's in, and ask why other countries with similar levels of socialized services are doing fine. The guy said he was "impressed by my rhetoric" and left it at that.

Then his brother came in with a barely coherent rant about governments running out of money, austerity is necessary, and so on, so I spent a few paragraphs pointing out some flaws behind his ideas and how austerity has been working in the PIIGS, and the first guy came back and said:

"These points are just comical.. Again I'm not going to write books in response to this. There's WAY to much education that would need to be done. Time will tell..."

Why do I do this to myself?
Sorry, bro. You're just uneducated.


Demint called for states to nullify the law.

He's asking states to prevent something unconstitutional by doing something...unconstitutional.

Damn, that's a far cry from what he was saying in 2007

“[Romney] has demonstrated, when he stepped into government in a very difficult state, that he could work in a difficult partisan environment, take some good conservative ideas, like private health insurance, and apply them to the need to have everyone insured,” DeMint said. “Those kind of ideas show an ability to bring people together that we haven’t seen in national politics for a while. We don’t need the nation to be more polarized.”

Then in February of that year DeMint explained on Fox News that Romney should do for America what he had done for Massachusetts with health care: “Well, that’s something that I think we should do for the whole country.”

" thank you, my point was exactly that austerity is the wrong thing to do. Hence why those countries are on fire. stimulus spending has increased our deficit and debt, and the real unemployment is more like 11% when you take into account those who stopped looking for work (or those who won't because they know the government will take care of them). Pretty serious inflation is already occurring right now by the way. Government spending more would require increases in taxes, which history proves to slow private sector production meaning the government will take in less revenue. Higher spending with less revenue will increase debt, and which brings me back to the point of the fed buying and monotizing debt, furthering the inflation."

So austerity = stimulus! I guess it's because the Europeans tried it, and they only know how to spend!


I didn't see Jean Schmidt's meltdown when she thought health care was struck down:


Kind of funny, but at the same time not.

Because wow, she really felt emotional. Goes to show how deeply felt this issue is; because these are human beings who feel compassion for their fellow man. As opposed to what we get on the other side these days


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Tell your Facebook chum that the baby boomers who couldn't keep their hands off the croissants and had baby-free sex on the pill are going to turn us into Greece regardless.
dat grin

I need to get off Facebook.

Some dude said Obamacare will turn us into Greece. I point out how Obamacare is quite unlike anything in Greece, a few points on why Greece is in the situation it's in, and ask why other countries with similar levels of socialized services are doing fine. The guy said he was "impressed by my rhetoric" and left it at that.

Then his brother came in with a barely coherent rant about governments running out of money, austerity is necessary, and so on, so I spent a few paragraphs pointing out some flaws behind his ideas and how austerity has been working in the PIIGS, and the first guy came back and said:

"These points are just comical.. Again I'm not going to write books in response to this. There's WAY to much education that would need to be done. Time will tell..."

Why do I do this to myself?

Better than getting, "LOL liberals!"

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
I need to get off Facebook.

Some dude said Obamacare will turn us into Greece. I point out how Obamacare is quite unlike anything in Greece, a few points on why Greece is in the situation it's in, and ask why other countries with similar levels of socialized services are doing fine. The guy said he was "impressed by my rhetoric" and left it at that.

Then his brother came in with a barely coherent rant about governments running out of money, austerity is necessary, and so on, so I spent a few paragraphs pointing out some flaws behind his ideas and how austerity has been working in the PIIGS, and the first guy came back and said:

"These points are just comical.. Again I'm not going to write books in response to this. There's WAY to much education that would need to be done. Time will tell..."

Why do I do this to myself?

I know that feel, bro.
After first learning, from a TV with four split screens, that the individual mandate section of the law was struck down, the president waited on word from his staff.

White House Counsel Kathy Ruemmler entered the "outer Oval Office" to give him two thumbs up, which prompted a quizzical look from the president given what he saw reported on two cable television stations, CNN and Fox News.
I bet it did LOL


Adventure game remix!

You are standing in an open field west of a white apartment complex, with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here.

> e

The door is locked. There is evidently no key.

> kick down door

You are in the kitchen of the white townhouse. A table seems to have been used recently for the preparation of food. A television tuned to CNN sits upon it. A passage leads to the west, and a dark staircase can be seen leading downward. The President is Black. To the east is a small window which is open.

> wait what?

You are in the kitchen of the white townhouse. A table seems—

> no president part

The President is Black.

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