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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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The company I work at just hired 30 people and is offering unlimited overtime. Some people taking 6 12hour shifts. The Bush recovery is in full swing
Fitting since Democrats recently argued that ending these tax cuts would do this very thing (send the economy back into recession, lose more jobs, negatively effect the poorest.) You don't hear them talking about revenues anymore either.

Funny how a shift in power can change a party's tune.

Well . . . it is also a matter of timing. Pretty much everyone agrees that in the long term the current deficits are unsustainable and we need to close down the deficits. But in the short term people are willing to let deficits slide while the economy gets on better footing.

In 2003, things were not really bad. There was still some lingering dot.com crash but that situation was created by bad excessive investment . . . it should have been left to run its course. You don't cure bad excessive investment by encouraging more bad excessive investment. But that is what we did.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

The company I work at just hired 30 people and is offering unlimited overtime. Some people taking 6 12hour shifts. The Bush recovery is in full swing

My brother has 3 interviews from having none in a year.
One of which is was calling frequently, and suddenly gave him an interview.

I do think things are turning around, the degree of the turnaround is still to be determined.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
My brother has 3 interviews from having none in a year.
One of which is was calling frequently, and suddenly gave him an interview.

I do think things are turning around, the degree of the turnaround is still to be determined.

Income and spending are up at my job, as well. I am on pace for 30% growth this year!


Income and spending are up at my job, as well. I am on pace for 30% growth this year!

Nice. My annual review is in just over two weeks. It's been hinted at that I'm going to be recommended for a promotion for my next rotation (after my sabbatical this summer). That'll do wonders for my retirement planning.

We're hiring again, after 'tapping the brakes' on hiring the second half of last year. It does feel like there's a sounder footing for the job gains now compared to this time last year.
Based on the raw data for the past three months I really can't see this decelerating based on anything other than gas at this point, and that's assuming it hits $5. (Though that's because I don't feel the Euro and Iran situations are going to get appreciably worse than they are now, not because I feel they aren't going to be factors, period.)

If Obama successfully implements the austerity measures he seeks, you will see deceleration, although perhaps not quickly enough to affect the election.


My brother has 3 interviews from having none in a year.
One of which is was calling frequently, and suddenly gave him an interview.

I do think things are turning around, the degree of the turnaround is still to be determined.

I am seeing it here as well in Iowa

Our community college just got into a partnership with a company that creates those big ass wind power machines, we will train students and upon graduation they go to work for the company. This is after 2 years of no companies wanting to even entertain such a program
I thought those were pushed back to 2013 for specifically that reason.

Steny Hoyer is currently working on a new bipartisan austerity package. Given Obama's focus on short term victories/photo ops over long term policy, I fully expect him to jump on board even if it hurts jobs/state governments.


Steny Hoyer is currently working on a new bipartisan austerity package. Given Obama's focus on short term victories/photo ops over long term policy, I fully expect him to jump on board even if it hurts jobs/state governments.

No, he won't. He's been working like mad to push back those kinds of cuts beyond this year. He's not going to suddenly embrace it right before the election.
The GOP, shamelessly and consistently betting against this country are always. No doubt they dream about the economy getting shittier and have nightmares about it improving.

But yeah, we're 'still waiting' for Obama to 'fulfill' his promise and recover the economy. Maybe he'll do it tomorrow, or next week? I mean obviously he just has to press a button, not like the health of the economy is contingent on a million different micro/macro factors and variables that have been years in the making and need years to reverse, even if we're doing 100% of everything correctly. No Obama, just press the fucking button and recover it.


I too wish the US had a totalitarian state focused on marketization. Who needs civil society anyway?

I'm sure the CPC is going to love broadcasting those comments to their public.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
BofA to slash mortgage balances by $100,000 or more
By Les Christie @CNNMoney March 9, 2012: 12:26 PM ET


NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Bank of America will significantly slash mortgage balances for as many as 200,000 borrowers.

Part of the $26 billion settlement reached between the five major mortgage servicers
, the federal government and the attorneys general of 49 states and District of Columbia last month, Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) customers who qualify could see their mortgages reduced by an average of $100,000 or more, according bank spokesman Rick Simon.

Foreclosure Fiasco
Those principal reductions are much deeper than the ones originally announced as part of the robo-signing settlement deal.When the settlement was first announced, the average principal reduction was expected to reduce mortgage balances by an average of about $20,000. Among the five biggest lenders, the reductions are expected to help roughly 1 million homeowners who owe more on their home than it is worth.

Multi-million dollar foreclosures
The other four major lenders are expected to reduce qualified borrowers' principal to between 115% and 125% of the value of their home. Meanwhile, Bank of America is aiming to reduce the principal all the way down to the current value of the home.
Bank of America's deal applies to the mortgages it owns and some that it services for private investors
. Loans backed by government-controlled agencies like Fannie Mae (FNMA, Fortune 500), Freddie Mac (FMCC, Fortune 500) or insured by the Federal Housing Administration are not eligible for the program.

As part of the settlement, the bank also agreed not to pursue foreclosures against any delinquent borrowers who might be eligible for a mortgage modification. It will also reform its foreclosure processing to avoid repeating robo-signing abuses, in which bank employees signed hundreds of documents a day, testifying to statements they had no knowledge of.

The deal is one of a series of government-led initiatives aimed at tackling the foreclosure crisis. The latest effort came on Tuesday when the Obama administration announced a plan to reduce refinancing costs for FHA-insured loans.
Million-dollar foreclosures rise as rich walk away

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) advises borrowers who believe they were subjected to foreclosure abuse and may be eligible for a mortgage modification under the settlement to call their servicers and ask for a review of their cases.
HUD said once the agreement was submitted to a court for approval, which was expected to happen on Friday, it would hold a press conference to go over the details.


Okay seriously I think this deal along with other things being pushed through may finally get the housing market going into the right direction. I mean a $100,000 write down on your home is something that really will change the way a family will live their lives afterwards.

I have to applaud BofA this time on this one.


Good to hear, though it's a relative drop in the bucket.

Romney's statement on the jobs report has now entered "Sony on NPD day" territory.

How many months ago was it, 37 months ago, [President Obama] told us that if he could borrow $787 billion, almost a trillion dollars, he would keep unemployment below 8 percent. It has not been below 8 percent since. This president has not succeeded, this president has failed – and that’s the reason we’re going to get rid of him in 2012.
Okay seriously I think this deal along with other things being pushed through may finally get the housing market going into the right direction. I mean a $100,000 write down on your home is something that really will change the way a family will live their lives afterwards.

I have to applaud BofA this time on this one.

Isn't this the same deal that everybody was up in arms about on the left?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nice. My annual review is in just over two weeks. It's been hinted at that I'm going to be recommended for a promotion for my next rotation (after my sabbatical this summer). That'll do wonders for my retirement planning.

We're hiring again, after 'tapping the brakes' on hiring the second half of last year. It does feel like there's a sounder footing for the job gains now compared to this time last year.

Income and spending are up at my job, as well. I am on pace for 30% growth this year!

My brother has 3 interviews from having none in a year.
One of which is was calling frequently, and suddenly gave him an interview.

I do think things are turning around, the degree of the turnaround is still to be determined.


The company I work at just hired 30 people and is offering unlimited overtime. Some people taking 6 12hour shifts. The Bush recovery is in full swing

Um, okay that's all well and good fellas, but my (supplementary) job hasn't called most of us in to work for the past two weeks.

Therefore, the "recovery" doesn't exist.

Romney's statement on the jobs report has now entered "Sony on NPD day" territory.

So he wants the American people to work at two jobs, and you think that's a bad thing? Typical lazy, entitled librul.


ok boys, here's your lulz news story of the week

Plaintiff challenging healthcare law went bankrupt – with unpaid medical bills

The entire thing is a comedy. The last line is simply the punchline.
A free rider with no compunction.
The GOP, shamelessly and consistently betting against this country are always. No doubt they dream about the economy getting shittier and have nightmares about it improving.

But yeah, we're 'still waiting' for Obama to 'fulfill' his promise and recover the economy. Maybe he'll do it tomorrow, or next week? I mean obviously he just has to press a button, not like the health of the economy is contingent on a million different micro/macro factors and variables that have been years in the making and need years to reverse, even if we're doing 100% of everything correctly. No Obama, just press the fucking button and recover it.
I've been advocating that for years.

Just needs a hug. :(

E-thug? I just don't see the point of saying shit like 'I'd be willing to bet', when that person has 'bet' things a million times and every-time turned out to be wrong. Where does 'willing' come from? It implies something is at stake for him, when absolutely is at stake and when he turns out wrong, he'll just turn around and 'bet' something else. Makes it a completely meaningless and empty statement, especially when you never acknowledge or own up to the fact that you were wrong and your thinking is clearly misguided.
Really looking forward to 'Game Change' tomorrow, especially considering how much Palin and her entourage have trashed it. That means it must be pretty fucking accurate.

Did you read the book? if its faithful to the book's portrayal, I can see why she wouldn't be happy with it.

it's not that she's painted as an idiot (she isn't) but more like she's woefully unprepared, out of her element, overwhelmed by the media blitz, and paralyzed by postpartum depression.

very interesting.
A free rider with no compunction.
I've been advocating that for years.
Pretty sure Obama should just pass a bill that gives every American in the country 10,000 dollars, and then another bill that says "If any businesses jack up prices on anything within a year Imma cut you" and we'd all be good.

Alllll good.


Did you read the book? if its faithful to the book's portrayal, I can see why she wouldn't be happy with it.

it's not that she's painted as an idiot (she isn't) but more like she's woefully unprepared, out of her element, overwhelmed by the media blitz, and paralyzed by postpartum depression.

very interesting.

So it is very accurate then, I mean the debates alone show how far out of her league she was, not to mention the interviews where she was solely responsible for making herself look like an ass


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That's how Louie CK reacts when people attempt to heckle or talk over him.

One is a comedian, who, by profession is abrasive to hecklers. One is a politician, who should at least attempt to be polite to people they disagree with.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ooh, Lawrence O'donnell interviewed Joe the Plumber. Can't wait to see it when I get home. Just hope he didn't fuck up the interview like he did with Herman Cain.
Ooh, Lawrence O'donnell interviewed Joe the Plumber. Can't wait to see it when I get home. Just hope he didn't fuck up the interview like he did with Herman Cain.

I watched it. He wasn't being weird or confrontational like the Herman Cain one. It seemed pretty friendly though O'donnell obviously criticized Joe the Plumber a lot.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I watched it. He wasn't being weird or confrontational like the Herman Cain one. It seemed pretty friendly though O'donnell obviously criticized Joe the Plumber a lot.

What's to criticize? Just because he isn't really called Joe, or is a plumber, or that his fame is based on a faulty and hypocritical understanding of his own imagined tax situation, or that he is obviously not a very smart person, and can't raise any money, because he has no idea what's going on, doesn't mean he should be criticized or even questioned. With gotcha questions like, why are you qualified to be an efficient public servant?'
What's to criticize? Just because he isn't really called Joe, or is a plumber, or that his fame is based on a faulty and hypocritical understanding of his own imagined tax situation, or that he is obviously not a very smart person, and can't raise any money, because he has no idea what's going on, doesn't mean he should be criticized or even questioned. With gotcha questions like, why are you qualified to be an efficient public servant?'
In all seriousness, the guy isn't even qualified for his fictional job as a plumber.
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