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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I saw Michele Bachmann being interviewed on the Today show this morning.

Q: What do you think of the etch-a-sketch controversy?

A: We need to repeal Obamacare!


If the government really wanted to stop sucking, they would promote super high-speed rail criss-crossing the country within the next 20 years. Too bad infrastructure is one of the few places where the government doesn't want to pour the money fountain into.

Plus you have to remember the high speed rail was awful because the GOP proved Obama was going to use govt money to build lines directly to prostitution (I wish I was making that up) and so they had to kill any of that
AP sources: Obama nominates Dartmouth President Jim Yong Kim to lead World Bank

Washington Post said:
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will nominate Dartmouth College President Jim Yong Kim to head the World Bank, a surprise pick for the international financial institution’s top job, senior administration officials said.

The Korean-born Kim is a physician by training and a prominent figure in global health and development circles. Officials believe his experience will help counter criticism from developing countries that have grown weary of the U.S. stranglehold on the World Bank presidency.

Obama took a strong personal interest in filling the World Bank vacancy after current president Robert Zoellick announced in February he was stepping down. Obama and his advisers considered more than a dozen candidates, including well-known figures in the administration. But in the end, officials said, Obama pushed for a nominee with broad development experience and was particularly drawn to Kim’s innovative work fighting the spread of AIDS and tuberculosis.

The 187-nation World Bank focuses on fighting poverty and promoting development. It is a leading source of development loans for countries seeking financing to build dams, roads and other infrastructure projects.
Plus you have to remember the high speed rail was awful because the GOP proved Obama was going to use govt money to build lines directly to prostitution (I wish I was making that up) and so they had to kill any of that
Wasn't there some huge, big amount of money available to Florida or some place to build high speed rail and they said they didn't want it? Is that why...?


It seems the distinguished Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who qualified Obama as "one of the most corrupt presidents in modern times" and his Administration as on the most corrupt, may have finally exposed the first genuine scandal of Obama's presidency. Check this.

"Stimulus was supposed to be quick. In fact, they never intended to spend it and will not completely have effectively spent it until after the president’s re-elect. Always looking at how do you get the maximum hit when the president was up for re-elect.”

— Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, March 19, 2012

This is a pretty serious charge by a senior member of the House of Representatives, made on “Fox and Friends” earlier this week. The president’s opponents usually say the stimulus was a failure and a waste of money, not that money was purposely held back. We immediately thought he must have some damning evidence that his investigators had turned up.

But when we asked for more information, we only got a statement blasting President Obama (more on that below). That wasn’t very illuminating, but as we will see, perhaps there is a reason his staff could not provide much information.

I heard Rajiv Shah's name bandied about, so I can't say I'm surprised he nominated someone with experience in development.
I saw Michele Bachmann being interviewed on the Today show this morning.

Q: What do you think of the etch-a-sketch controversy?

A: We need to repeal Obamacare!
Typical gotcha question.


Wasn't there some huge, big amount of money available to Florida or some place to build high speed rail and they said they didn't want it? Is that why...?

I am not sure the exact reasons they did not want it but I know FL and WI both refused, which left CA alone and so the project pretty much died as CA has its own financial problems.

The GOP also ran ads specifically referencing "Harry Reid's $8 billion train from Disneyland to Las Vegas."

And of course there were more colorful comments made at that time as well
The GOP also ran ads specifically referencing "Harry Reid's $8 billion train from Disneyland to Las Vegas."

And of course there were more colorful comments made at that time as well
Wow, that's sad.

Apparently Obama just said ''If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon'' during a press conference. Anyone got a link?


If the government really wanted to stop sucking, they would promote super high-speed rail criss-crossing the country within the next 20 years. Too bad infrastructure is one of the few places where the government doesn't want to pour the money fountain into.

The national government kind of did support high speed rail. There was a line that was supposed to go from Chicago up to Milwaukee and then over the Minnesota. Literally, the first thing Scott Walker did when he became governor in Wisconsin (technically he started the process before he was even in office) was send that money back to the federal government (and in turn waste the money we had already used to start the project here). Part of his big campaign push during the election was sending that money back and not doing that high speed rail here.


The national government kind of did support high speed rail. There was a line that was supposed to go from Chicago up to Milwaukee and then over the Minnesota. Literally, the first thing Scott Walker did when he became governor in Wisconsin (technically he started the process before he was even in office) was send that money back to the federal government (and in turn waste the money we had already used to start the project here). Part of his big campaign push during the election was sending that money back and not doing that high speed rail here.

Yup , the GOP is solely to blame for killing high speed rail. Had FL and WI not had fits and refused the money (both run by GOP Governors btw) then CA and IL would have gladly joined in and we would be on our way creating jobs for Americans to build the rail.

But alas that did not happen, and in a few years they will somehow blame the Democrats or Obama for killing it like I assume they will eventually try to take credit for Health Care if that continues and succeeds lol


Knocked back a few beers last night with my Repub friend/neighbor talking about stuff, and he seems pretty down on the fact Romney is their guy. Not that he likes any of the other candidates either, mind you. He actually said he's considering voting for Obama since he's basically just a moderate Repub, other than supporting abortion. (his words, not mine)

I basically told him that Romney is the type of moderate Repub I could vote for, if he was still the same guy he was as Gov of Mass. But since he's flipflopped on EVERY major position/issue since then and turned sharp Right, I feel sorry for Repubs having to vote for such a spineless hack who will say anything to get people to like him. Well, not really sorry for Repubs since this is exactly what they've sowed for decades, but ya know what I'm saying.

I saw Michele Bachmann being interviewed on the Today show this morning.

Q: What do you think of the etch-a-sketch controversy?

A: We need to repeal Obamacare!

Repealing Obamacare is the drum they beat which led to landslide victories in 2010. It makes sense Repubs will keep beating that drum. And it will only get louder as the Roberts court gets a chance neuter Obamacare in May.


Repealing Obamacare is the drum they beat which led to landslide victories in 2010. It makes sense Repubs will keep beating that drum. And it will only get louder as the Roberts court gets a chance neuter Obamacare in May.

They don't realize that the mid-terms were a false indicator for them, they won good in 2010 but a majority of the electorate did not come out. Now that they are beating the drum again its just going to make them look crazy to the bigger electorate that comes out during a Presidential

But then again maybe that's what sane Americans should want, they will suffer more losses that way and maybe get closer to ground zero of having to reset the party away from the fundamentalist


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Yup , the GOP is solely to blame for killing high speed rail. Had FL and WI not had fits and refused the money (both run by GOP Governors btw) then CA and IL would have gladly joined in and we would be on our way creating jobs for Americans to build the rail.

But alas that did not happen, and in a few years they will somehow blame the Democrats or Obama for killing it like I assume they will eventually try to take credit for Health Care if that continues and succeeds lol

Pretty damn sad, indeed. I am guessing, but have no way to confirm, that the reason the governors turned the money down was that they did not want to have to provide the supplementary funding to cover the inevitable budget shortfalls that would happen once the project was started.

See the California stretch for a high speed rail project that is going to go WAY over budget and doesn't even cover enough of the scope to be as good as it could have been.


Pretty damn sad, indeed. I am guessing, but have no way to confirm, that the reason the governors turned the money down was that they did not want to have to provide the supplementary funding to cover the inevitable budget shortfalls that would happen once the project was started.

See the California stretch for a high speed rail project that is going to go WAY over budget and doesn't even cover enough of the scope to be as good as it could have been.

Yeah I had read that as well that they knew CA was going to have trouble and did not want to be on the hook.

Of course instead of just saying that and bringing up honest budgetary issues they instead were complete assholes about it lol

But on a project that large I would think the idea of spending money to make more money would have been a good idea. Especially with people not wanting to fly much and the price of gas for cars going through the roof.

The increase in employment and possible attraction to corps to come to smaller states where the rail might pass through would have been a good kick in the ass to a US Economy content to outsource just about everything imho


Pretty damn sad, indeed. I am guessing, but have no way to confirm, that the reason the governors turned the money down was that they did not want to have to provide the supplementary funding to cover the inevitable budget shortfalls that would happen once the project was started.

See the California stretch for a high speed rail project that is going to go WAY over budget and doesn't even cover enough of the scope to be as good as it could have been.

Part of the reason for sending it back was that it was wasteful spending by the federal government, and they wanted to take a stand on it. When pressed further, yeah they said that they didn't want to be on the hook for the cost of maintaining it afterwards. From what I remember, though, the cost per year was ridiculously low overall. The other thing is that I think that rail would have helped a ton of business in Wisconsin. I mean for one thing we have one of the biggest music festivals in the world in Summerfest. If you can easily get people on rail from Chicago and Minnesota, you're going to really help create something even bigger there. Milwaukee itself would have really gained from that, I think. And aside from Milwaukee, I think a lot of businesses would have popped up along the way.

Also, not all infrastructure projects have budget shortfalls and all that. Our huge Marquette Interchange project here actually finished early and way under budget.
Damn can't wait for the spin on this one

It has already started; Drudge labels it as Obama entering the "race fray." It's not hard to see why Obama was hesitant to say anything, although he probably could and should have called the family; he did that for Fluke afterall.

It's a bit depressing that as someone who tackled the issue of race so much as a community organizer and lawyer, Obama is unable to talk about race as president because conservatives are so deeply invested in denying any adult conversation of the topic. I don't want to label all conservatives, but the outrage machine that dominates the current republican mind is clearly driven by a level of white male privilege on these issues
CNN's front page is quite the sight right now.
Obama: My son would look like treyvon
Headline: Why blacks dont trust the police
Headline: What every black mother fears
Headline: Whitney Houston found with cocaine in her system

Fox must be drooling figuring out how to portray this as somehow racist


CNN's front page is quite the sight right now.
Obama: My son would look like treyvon
Headline: Why blacks dont trust the police
Headline: What every black mother fears
Headline: Whitney Houston found with cocaine in her system

Fox must be drooling figuring out how to portray this as somehow racist

They are having a hard time now

Their 3 main stories are

Etch a Sketch Gate
The Hunger Games and how kids should be banned from watching it
Obamacare 2 years later-Its still awful and he loves black kids


It has already started; Drudge labels it as Obama entering the "race fray." It's not hard to see why Obama was hesitant to say anything, although he probably could and should have called the family; he did that for Fluke afterall.

It's a bit depressing that as someone who tackled the issue of race so much as a community organizer and lawyer, Obama is unable to talk about race as president because conservatives are so deeply invested in denying any adult conversation of the topic. I don't want to label all conservatives, but the outrage machine that dominates the current republican mind is clearly driven by a level of white male privilege on these issues
I disagree that calling Fluke obligates him to call the young man's family. She was maligned for testifying in support of one the provisions of healthcare reform. And as the head of federal law enforcement, would it have been appropriate for him to contact the family personally? He seemed to be justifiably cautious in how he addressed the issue.
Bachmann: How dare he appoint the North Korean leader to the World Bank!


So I was listening to Glenn Beck mixed in with some Colin Cowherd while driving to work today and Glenn is talking about the three phases of revolution and how we're in the second phase which is chaos. His evidence? Well, Obama commented on the Sandra Fluke incident because it was a way to flame the fire but he won't comment on the Trayvon case because it's not beneficial for his cause to calm the storm. He also claims that the OWS crowd will become the U.S. version of the SS.


CNN's front page is quite the sight right now.
Obama: My son would look like treyvon
Headline: Why blacks dont trust the police
Headline: What every black mother fears
Headline: Whitney Houston found with cocaine in her system

Fox must be drooling figuring out how to portray this as somehow racist

"Obama says son would be problematic for neighborhood watch groups."
lol Drudge. He has been so desperate to throw something at Obama that will stick. The past several months have been hilariously sad with the low-rent shit he's been posting.
I disagree that calling Fluke obligates him to call the young man's family. She was maligned for testifying in support of one the provisions of healthcare reform. And as the head of federal law enforcement, would it have been appropriate for him to contact the family personally? He seemed to be justifiably cautious in how he addressed the issue.

How would it be inappropriate to call and give condolences?


Are you trying to kill your brain with a cocktail of stupid?
Glen Beck is an abject idiot. But Colin Cowherd surpasses him in bombast, insolence, and vacuity.
How would it be inappropriate to call and give condolences?
It would probably be appropriate if it were limited to condolences. But I imagine he wanted to maintain a level of disinterest once it became evident the federal government's intervention was necessary. And preceding that, I doubt it was prominent enough to capture his attention. Moreover, I still don't understand why his call to Fluke obligates him.


Michelle Beadle should have a political radio show.
Oh, yes.



Fork 'em, Sparky!
Colin Cowherd and Mark Levin should have a show where the fellate each other (mentally, of course). The ego, annoying voice, and outlandish assertions should not be listened to by anyone.

So I was listening to Glenn Beck mixed in with some Colin Cowherd while driving to work today and Glenn is talking about the three phases of revolution and how we're in the second phase which is chaos. His evidence? Well, Obama commented on the Sandra Fluke incident because it was a way to flame the fire but he won't comment on the Trayvon case because it's not beneficial for his cause to calm the storm. He also claims that the OWS crowd will become the U.S. version of the SS.

That man was on Fox "News" for years. Amazing.

In a new Web ad, the Paul campaign knocked fellow Republican candidates and the media for spending so much time focusing on the line from Romney's aide instead of discussing issues like the debt and the unemployment rate.
"$15 trillion in debt. 12 million Americans unemployed. A country at war," the text of the ad reads after showing images of the candidates holding up red Etch A Sketches at their campaign rallies. "Tired of the games?"

Paul's shilling more for Romney. That is so sad.


Oh Ron Paul, how far you have fallen

And lol @ all the comments from the Ron Paul fans, they cannot even see when their messiah is in bed with the same people
Sigh... My dad brings up the Treyvon story and Obama's comment. He says it's going to be used to take guns away....

Where's the info that Obama has been relatively good for gun rights? I really wanna lay the fucking smack down. I'd search but I'm on my phone and coverage is spotty. Help would be appreciative.


Yes, Ron Paul, pointing out that the leading candidate will say anything minute by minute to get elected and will do god knows what when he actually has power is a game. It's so unimportant. It's so silly.

He would be better off actually saying that, but then that would be attacking Romney instead of implying the rest of the field is at fault for attacking Romney


Sigh... My dad brings up the Treyvon story and Obama's comment. He says it's going to be used to take guns away....

Where's the info that Obama has been relatively good for gun rights? I really wanna lay the fucking smack down. I'd search but I'm on my phone and coverage is spotty. Help would be appreciative.

Tell him that Obama's been so good on it that the NRA president claims it's a conspiracy to lull owners into a false sense of security for when Obama does try to take them away in his second term. I wish I was joking.
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