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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wow, seems FDR won 46 out of 48 states in his first re-election match. I did not know that.


Illinois' economy is significantly larger than Wisconsin's, it's not particularly surprising that they are slowly adding jobs while Wisconsin, already with one of the lowest UE rates in the country, is slowly losing jobs. I'd imagine that trend will not continue throughout the year, but Wisconsin's jobs growth most likely will not match Illinois due to the economic size differences, and because Wisconsin already has a productive work force.
The point of the article was to hold up Walker's claims and predictions to see how they've panned out. Walker ran on a platform of adding 250,000 jobs via tax cuts; didn't happen. He said Illinois' tax increases would cause the state to shed jobs (helping Wisconsin). Didn't happen (Illinois' unemployment rate is also down over 2% from peak, and they're improving at a healthy clip).
Rubio's Cuban heritage could help Romney close a 40-point disadvantage to President Barack Obama among Hispanic voters, as seen in a recent Pew survey. Rubio's popularity in Florida could also help Romney earn that swing state.
Yes, yes, keep repeating it as if it were true...
For Romney, $10.9 million came from itemized donors, versus a paltry $1.6 million unitemized donors. That means roughly 87% of Romney’s total came from donors above $200.
See . . . I knew he'd have trouble raising money from small donors.

His campaign might have been a disaster if it wasn't for Citizens United and SuperPACs.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I love how liberals keep pretending Wisconsin doesn't have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (6.9%); Illinois' UE rate is 9.1%, one of the highest in the country. The argument reminds me of Rick Perry's attack on Romney's job record in MA, where the unemployment rate was constantly low therefore had low job creation numbers.

The unemployment rate is low because people have given up on job hunting and are not counted anymore!


I knew this would happen. 2012 has to be the year of the false equivalency

It really is. And just watch, the moment Romney's perpetual flip flops become an issue no one is going to bother defending his record. They'll immediately make a list of things Obama has changed on. "See! He does it too!" Or just pretend that Romney's record doesn't exist and simply go "Obama is a flip flopper!!!"

The Year of the Kosmo begins.


I do think Spanish is not going to go the way of Polish, Italian, and German and other languages of past immigrants. Its here to stay.
Spanish will maintain relevancy as long as Spanish-speaking immigrants and migrant workers flock to the U.S. If that were to diminish as it eventually did with previous generations of immigrants, Spanish would lose its relevancy. But I don't foresee the pace abating considerably in the near future.
My thoughts exactly.
The point of the article was to hold up Walker's claims and predictions to see how they've panned out. Walker ran on a platform of adding 250,000 jobs via tax cuts; didn't happen. He said Illinois' tax increases would cause the state to shed jobs (helping Wisconsin). Didn't happen (Illinois' unemployment rate is also down over 2% from peak, and they're improving at a healthy clip).
Correct. Moreover, his premise is acutely spurious. Wisconsin has the 17th lowest unemployment rate in the U.S., yet it's the only state to experience a 12-month net loss in employment. Why does the interaction between a low unemployment rate and job loss only occur in Wisconsin?
so uh, newts banking on Delaware???

WILMINGTON, Del. -- The future of Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign seems to hinge on the Delaware primary early next week.

"Tuesday is a big day," a source close to the Gingrich campaign told NBC News. "Newt is just waiting to see what happens on Tuesday."

Up until now, Gingrich has promised to take his campaign all the way to the Republican convention in Tampa at the end of the summer, although the odds are not in his favor.

The former House speaker has been spending the majority of his time the past three weeks in the First State. Gingrich has made at least 12 campaign stops in Delaware thus far while the presumptive GOP nominee, Mitt Romney, has held just one event there.

Gingrich campaign spokesman R.C. Hammond said they are "optimistic" about the results in the state.

"Because Delaware is a small state it has allowed us to campaign effectively," Hammond said.

“We are looking for a bounce from Delaware and, with a good showing in the state, we will spend a lot of time on the phone with donors."

The campaign originally said late Friday night that the speaker would spend Monday campaigning in Delaware and then would head to Virginia (where Gingrich lives) for Tuesday. Just 30 minutes later, the campaign said Gingrich would be in North Carolina next week instead.

"Newt's North Carolina trip next week is back on - there was a communications glitch," Hammond told NBC News about the error.

The primaries on April 24 will be the first time voters take to the polls since Rick Santorum withdrew from the race earlier this month. The speaker, who has been campaigning as "the last conservative standing," hopes to capture a unified conservative vote with Santorum's absence.

But, even with a win in Delaware, Gingrich will still have just three victories under his belt and a minimal delegate count compared to Romney. Campaigning in New York City Thursday night, Gingrich even seemed to take a conciliatory tone at times during his speech.

"If I were to become the nominee, he [Romney] would work all out because it is our grandchildren's future at stake. If he becomes the nominee, Callista and I will work out because it is our grandchildren's future at stake," he said. "The fact is we are dedicated to a unified Republican Party, winning the presidency on behalf of America's future."

Gingrich holds two more events in Delaware Saturday.


So are the dems going to make a stink about this and say how dare she imply Obama didn't get into Columbia under his own merit?

You know, like how raising children isn't a "real job."

to be countered with the liberal media picking on a woman*

*may not qualify

See . . . I knew he'd have trouble raising money from small donors.

His campaign might have been a disaster if it wasn't for Citizens United and SuperPACs.

Well, to be fair, those are primary donations. Now begins the GE donations which is more likely when smaller donors participate.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I knew this would happen. 2012 has to be the year of the false equivalency

Man I feel bad for rich kids. They have to be lucky to be rich and be on a level playing field with minorities

2012? Nah, this has been a growing trope since Fox had to start defending itself via "we're just a balance to CNN" back in the day. The zenith of this line of false equivalency is "gotcha questions." That is to say, a journalist asks a rapist why he did all that raping, and now the rapist gets to storm off in a huff because of "gotcha questions" and the terrifying thing is that it actually works.

Look what Jerry Falwell's America created!

Washington (CNN) - Liberty University students and alumni are accusing the Christian school of violating its own teachings by asking Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints whose adherents are called Mormons, to deliver its 2012 commencement address.

By Friday morning, more than 700 comments had been posted on the school's Facebook page about the Thursday announcement – a majority of them decidedly against the Chancellor Jerry Falwell Jr.’s invitation, citing that the school had taught them Mormonism isn’t part of the Christian faith.

“I can’t support Romney and I am happy I decided not to walk (in the commencement) this year,” wrote student Josh Bergmann. “Liberty University should have gotten a Christian to speak not someone who practices a cult. Shame on you Liberty University.”

Janet Loeffler, a 53-year-old freshman at Liberty, expressed her anger at the decision when contacted by CNN. She also sent a copy of the page of the freshman textbook “The Popular Encyclopedia of Apologetics” which includes the passage, “Mormon doctrine stands in stark contrast to Jewish and Christian monotheism, which teaches that there is only one true God and that every other ‘God’ is a false god.”

That last line is so incredibly lol worthy.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Republicans seem to be painting this analogy to Carter with the economy and unemployment. If anything Obama's first term is ending more like Reagan's first term. At the end of 1983, unemployment was around 8.5% and was over 10% a couple of years earlier. Obama should reverse this tactic by asking "are you better off than you were 4 years ago?"
Republicans seem to be painting this analogy to Carter with the economy and unemployment. If anything Obama's first term is ending more like Reagan's first term. At the end of 1983, unemployment was around 8.5% and was over 10% a couple of years earlier. Obama should reverse this tactic by asking "are you better off than you were 4 years ago?"

Four years ago when unemployment was 7%? Most Americans say they are worse off now


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Four years ago when unemployment was 7%? Most Americans say they are worse off now

Didn't stop Reagan when unemployment started at 6% in his term.

Unemployment rate isn't the only metric. For many working people 4 years ago:
1. Salaries were cut 5-10%
2. Raises were suspended
3. Hours were increased to compensate for smaller work force
4. Loans got expensive
5. There was fear of potentially losing your job and getting foreclosed on.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Four years ago when unemployment was 7%? Most Americans say they are worse off now

Nice try.

When you ask people about what was happening four years ago, they remember the economy collapsing under a republican president and not unemployment being 7% -- which was steadily going up at that point.
Nice try.

When you ask people about what was happening four years ago, they remember the economy collapsing under a republican president and not unemployment being 7% -- which was steadily going up at that point.

So why do most Americans say they're worse off today?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
So why do most Americans say they're worse off today?

Compared to what? Surely not 2008. Prior to 2008? Yes.

Or hell:


Although the latest satisfaction rating of 24%, measured in Gallup's April 9-12 survey, is two percentage points lower than March's 26%, it reflects a generally more positive public than was the case for most of last year. Americans' satisfaction now is also exactly where it was in January 2008, just as the full impact of the recession began to hit home to Americans.
The all-time low point for satisfaction in Gallup's history is 7% in October 2008.



Look what Jerry Falwell's America created!

That last line is so incredibly lol worthy.

I thought this was the best:

“I can’t support Romney and I am happy I decided not to walk (in the commencement) this year,” wrote student Josh Bergmann. “Liberty University should have gotten a Christian to speak not someone who practices a cult. Shame on you Liberty University.”​

And you really can't fault them for saying such things because that is what they teach. I think such a belief system is silly but if you adhere to it, that is the official view.


FWIW, odds are good that come November, Obama will have a net positive jobs record - despite the economy shedding 3m jobs in his first four months on the job.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
FWIW, odds are good that come November, Obama will have a net positive jobs record - despite the economy shedding 2m jobs in his first three months on the job.

The fact that those 2mil are even attributed to him is heh, but that's politics.


The fact that those 2mil are even attributed to him is heh, but that's politics.

Yeah. When it comes down to it, Romeny's entire economic argument against Obama stems from what happened during Obama's first few months, before his policies kicked in. I edited my post a bit after grabbing the actual numbers:

From January-April 2009, the economy lost over 3m jobs; after is when the Recovery Act started to kick in. Right now, counting from February 2009, his record is -740k. If Romney didn't have the first six months of 2009 to point to, when the economy was still in freefall, Obama's record is +2.3m jobs. Romney's entire argument against Obama is based on timing.


He was president

No shit, Sherlock. I think most reasonable people would agree that the economy losing 724,000 jobs in February 2009 was not a result of Obama's policies, because he hadn't passed any economic policy. They were a result of the economy he inherited.

Those jobs losses were not Obama's fault; it is his responsibly to bring them, back, however. Which Obama will have done come November.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes


Fork 'em, Sparky!
that's impressive.

Clinton added 23 million over 8 years, GWB added 3 million in 8 years, and I think Bush 41 had like 2.5 or something in 4 years. Reagan put in 16 million, and the worst president to ever grace the White House (yes, worse than Andrew Johnson) added 10.5 million.

"Job Creators"

It looks like "punishing" job creators actually makes them hire more people. Shock and awe.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Clinton added 23 million over 8 years, GWB added 3 million in 8 years, and I think Bush 41 had like 2.5 or something in 4 years. Reagan put in 16 million, and the worst president to ever grace the White House (yes, worse than Andrew Johnson) added 10.5 million.

"Job Creators"

It looks like "punishing" job creators actually makes them hire more people. Shock and awe.

FYI, of those 3mil jobs during Bush's 8 years, 1.65mil were added between 2000-2001.

Think about that.


Clinton added 23 million over 8 years, GWB added 3 million in 8 years, and I think Bush 41 had like 2.5 or something in 4 years. Reagan put in 16 million, and the worst president to ever grace the White House (yes, worse than Andrew Johnson) added 10.5 million.
Which one inherited the wost recession since the Great Depression, again?

The surge of economic optimism may have stalled as American voters say 41 - 35 percent they are worse off financially than four years ago, and 51 percent don't expect their personal financial situation to change in the next 12 months, while 32 percent expect it to get better and 13 percent expect it to get worse, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.




Fork 'em, Sparky!
Which one inherited the wost recession since the Great Depression, again?

exacerbated by his communist, islamo-fascist policies, of course!!!

I was not commenting on Obama's possible lack of net gain, only making note that it is actually Democratic presidents who are typically the ones who preside over job growth. I was hoping my obviously joke towards Carter would have shown that.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

"A small majority of American voters think the economy is improving, but the groundswell of optimism we saw in recent months seems to have hit a wall," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "Last October, voters said 77 - 20 percent the country was in recession. By February public opinion was rosier with voters saying 66 - 30 percent the country was in recession, a solid positive move.
"But now, voters say 68 - 27 percent, we are in a recession. The momentum has slowed if not reversed. Similarly, in September voters said 68 - 28 percent the economy was NOT beginning to recover which turned to 54 - 43 percent in February that it WAS beginning to recover. But now that number has stalled with voters saying 53 - 43 the economy has begun to recover."
Asked about the next 12 months, Democrats say 40 - 7 percent, Republicans 23 - 17 percent and independents 32 - 14 percent that things will get better for them in the next year.

Have a napkin, you're drooling all over yourself as you're coughing all over the place.

you mean during the year 2001, I presume? he was not in office in 2000.

Oh shit. You're right. It's still early, got woken up by Jehova's Witnesses.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
No need for personal attacks. The facts are the facts, man

Yeah, and yours are wrong.

Hell, the second link alone, do we need to do a math lesson here?

Family’s Financial Situation Vs. Four Years Ago
Better today 20%
Worse today 37
About the same 43

What's 43 + 20? Is it larger than 37? Yes/No?

And let me remind you of your original post:

PhoenixDark said:
So why do most Americans say they're worse off today?


That internet usage chart reinforces my stereotypes on age differences and political affiliation too. The power of chain emails in conservative communication is strong, as is their affection for weather websites and weather apps on all electronic devices. Weatherbug belongs in the same tier of malware as AOl9.0 and Origin.


Haha, this chart shows why I always feel so freakishly out of place when we go to Cracker Barrel (my wife's favorite restaurant).


I also found the television chart to be interesting:


MSNBC has a higher voter turnout than Fox News. Would be interesting if they could keep growing viewership and become an actual counter to Fox.
Two things really, really, really throw me off of those charts.

One, it's the implication that Democrats have low voter turn out.

Two, Republicans use the internet more.

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