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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Jobless rate falls in Ohio, Florida, where Obama is opening lead in polls

Unemployment rates in the key battleground states of Florida and Ohio have fallen sharply, according to a report released Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Florida’s unemployment rate fell by 0.4 percent to 9 percent from February to March, according to the new report.

In the last year, the state’s jobless rate has dropped from 10.7 percent in March 2011, the third fastest decline in the country.

Ohio has seen a similarly drastic year-over-year drop in its unemployment rate, falling 1.3 percent in the last year to 7.5 percent, which is well below the national average, according to the new labor report.


Falling unemployment also appears to be boosting Obama in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Michigan saw the greatest year-over-year unemployment rate decline in the country, dropping from 10.5 percent to 8.5 percent. The president holds an 11 percent lead over Romney there.

And in Wisconsin, where Republicans are fighting recall battles to maintain control of the state legislature, unemployment has dropped from 7.6 percent to 6.8 percent, one of the best rates in the country. The president leads in Wisconsin by an average of nearly 12 percent.


I think it would be neat if Rubio (or any politician, Democrat or Republican) had the guts to deliver a convention speech in Spanish. I do think that, regardless of everything else being said, that that has a potential to be a 'game changer.' I don't think that will translate too much in the polling but it has the potential to move the needle forward on how Hispanics are becoming more and more important to the national conversation.
Mitt Romney voted for Scott Brown in the special Massachusetts election to fill the seat of the late Ted Kennedy (D-MA).

He listed his residence as the unfinished basement of his son's home in Belmont, Mass.

Were Romney to release his tax returns, he would show New Hampshire, not Massachusetts, as his primary residence. He did not live in Massachusetts, and did not pay Massachusetts taxes even on his sheltered or carried-interest income.

Why did he live in New Hampshire? Because New Hampshire has no capital gains or income taxes. So, the Mittster parked some of his money in the Cayman Islands, some in Switzerland, and parked himself in New Hampshire, all to avoid taxes.

Nonetheless, Mitt allegedly voted in the Scott Brown election. Ann probably did too.

To release his 2010 and 2009 returns would raise the real possibility that he committed voter fraud.

And, we all know how deeply concerned Republicans are about voter fraud, don't we?

lol if true.
National Polls don't matter, the only polls that matter are in swing states. thats all that matters.
There comes a point where national polls are a good indicator of how the election results.

If the margin is only 1 or 2 points, sure, but once either candidate has a solid lead the EC math works itself out.

That being said, Obama seems to be doing better in state polls than in his national polls. His lead right now is only about 3 points nationally but if he's winning Ohio and Florida he's got this.

PhoenixDark said:
Dumbass should have run as a democrat in 2010
I think we actually agree on this one.

Though it could have just as easily turned out like Specter vs. Sestak in Pennsylvania. (Not convinced Specter would have done better against Toomey, btw)


Welfare fraud is a joke compared to the fraud and loopholes at the top end of the tax brackets.

These expensive drug tests are just another trick to move the attention away from the real problems.
Welfare fraud is a joke compared to the fraud and loopholes at the top end of the tax brackets.

These expensive drug tests are just another trick to move the attention away from the real problems.

It's a general conservative trick/obsession. Stories of poor people, government officials, or minorities allegedly defrauding the hard working tax payer for thousands of dollars>large scale fraud or loopholes exploited by the job creators


The Obama campaign took in $35 million in March, according to a report just filed with the Federal Election Commission. It spent $15.6 million during the same time period. The Obama Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee of the Obama campaign and the DNC, took in $18.7 million in March and spent over $22 million in the same period, according to a report filed with the FEC.

Obama’s campaign had $104 million on hand at the end of March. The Obama campaign and the Obama Victory Fund took in a combined total of $45 million in February.

Not sure what the comparables are.

(CNN) – A rising Republican star considered to be on the party's vice presidential short list will campaign on Monday with likely nominee Mitt Romney, campaign officials told CNN.

Romney and Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida, will make their first joint campaign appearance outside of Philadelphia, the officials said. Rubio endorsed Romney earlier this month, but the two did not appear together.

Rubio has thrown water on suggestions he would be picked to join Romney on the GOP ticket, saying as recently as Thursday he would reject such an offer.

"You know that's not going to happen," he said. "The bottom line is I really want to do a good job in the Senate. I think the Senate is a very valid place to shape and drive American policy."

Rubio's Cuban heritage could help Romney close a 40-point disadvantage to President Barack Obama among Hispanic voters, as seen in a recent Pew survey. Rubio's popularity in Florida could also help Romney earn that swing state.
Marco Rubio said:
"You know that's not going to happen," he said. "The bottom line is I really want to do a good job in the Senate. I think the Senate is a very valid place to shape and drive American policy."

And the GOP's misguided one Hispanic will deliver all of them adventure begins

Its funny seeing them think that the Latino vote is monolithic. "They all speak spanish, if we get a guy that speaks spanish they'll vote for us." It might get them florida, but it will do nothing with the majority of latinos, namely mexicans and central americans. Voters know that just because a guy looks like them and talks like them doesn't make them good for them.

Also it will be funny seeing a guy whose been on the national stage for less than 2 years (though I do think he was in the FL senate). Has he even sponsored a bill that's passed?
If Romney runs with Rubio, the Obama campaign should run an ad featuring Romney's "self-deportation" path to citizenship plan on every Spanish language radio and TV station in this country


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Every appearance Romney makes with Rubio in Florida should be at a Taco Bell from now til the election.


Edit: This was on the second page of an image search for Marco Rubio Taco Bell.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Also it will be funny seeing a guy whose been on the national stage for less than 2 years (though I do think he was in the FL senate). Has he even sponsored a bill that's passed?

Meh. Obama had two that passed. and had about as much face time with the national stage. Experience isn't everything, charisma and timing is far better. I have heard Rubio is fairly charismatic, but the GOP is not ready for reason, and the country isn't dumb enough to elect a Republican to the WH this cycle. Lose/lose for him.


Meh. Obama had two that passed. and had about as much face time with the national stage. Experience isn't everything, charisma and timing is far better. I have heard Rubio is fairly charismatic, but the GOP is not ready for reason, and the country isn't dumb enough to elect a Republican to the WH this cycle. Lose/lose for him.

Obama had the 2004 Democratic National Convention speech, that was pretty much all he needed.

Rubio won a seat in a heavily Hispanic state and that is about it. He is charismatic and not crazy, he could do real damage in a few years which is why he should stay as far away from Romney's ticket as possible.

You don't want to be the lone Hispanic who was aboard the train of Hispanic failure. Especially against a President who has nominated a Hispanic to the Supreme Court and has been courting them for 4 years with bilingual ads and support.

It remains impossible for Romney to pander to Latinos and not piss of the GOP and any independents leaning his way.

But it will be funny as hell to watch

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I think there was one poll that said the opposite a while ago, but yeah, at least two have said that.

The fact that a Romney Rubio ticket is getting mixed Hispanic polling results in Florida, where the largest Cuban-American population exists, tells me it definitely won't help anywhere else. Anyone that thinks that Hispanic would vote for Rubio just because he is Hispanic, really does not understand the differences between the different Hispanic groups in the US
It's a general conservative trick/obsession. Stories of poor people, government officials, or minorities allegedly defrauding the hard working tax payer for thousands of dollars>large scale fraud or loopholes exploited by the job creators

These people live in some deluded world in which they live in Venezuela where the government is ultra corrupt, authoritarian, and can't do anything. As well as a modern Ayn Rand fantasy book where all the poor citizens have tons of money from tax payers to purchase Xbox 360's, big screen TV's, and shiny black Cadillac's with shiny spinning rims *vroom! vroom!*.

But of course their solution to this is simple. Slash government. Unfortunately that would lead to the businesses owning everything. They know this. So they sell into a batshit ideology in which businesses don't do wrong. Where corporate interests align with people interests.

This is of course isn't all American rightists but a fair bit of them because how extreme the right wing has gotten. Just think of the situation. They tried their wet dream plan and it failed MISERABLY yet instead of acknowledging that they were wrong they say to themselves "well just wait it will work eventually if you leave it in." You can't reason with people like that.

To be fair the left isn't absent of this but American socialists went extinct from the mainstream some time ago, and the ideology is only alive and (in pulse?) in a few countries in the modern world (e.g. Spain, France).
I think it would be neat if Rubio (or any politician, Democrat or Republican) had the guts to deliver a convention speech in Spanish. I do think that, regardless of everything else being said, that that has a potential to be a 'game changer.' I don't think that will translate too much in the polling but it has the potential to move the needle forward on how Hispanics are becoming more and more important to the national conversation.

I'd like it. It would bring attention but the spanish media (and the MSM) would analize the speech just the same. Its not like it being in spanish is gonna make the fact that they don't support the dream act any less relevant.

I do think Spanish is not going to go the way of Polish, Italian, and German and other languages of past immigrants. Its here to stay.
El oh el, did you guys see Time's Top 100? Romney's on there, and guess who wrote about him:

When I asked Mitt Romney to join Bain & Co. in 1977, I knew he was brilliant, but there was much I didn't know. As founder and CEO, I liked being first in the office when that was practical. On Mitt's first day, he arrived first. I came in earlier the next day, and there he was again. I decided to shake Mitt up a little and have some fun. I walked out of my office, stood in front of his desk and said, "Mitt, you are beginning to piss me off." He said, "What? What?" I asked him, "Why so early?" He said that after helping Ann with the children, he would visit the sick from his church and then come to work. We all looked at one another and applauded him.
Mitt's work ethic, analytical mind and devotion to family and country are a cocktail for success. When I picked him to become the first managing partner of Bain Capital, I knew he would help us create a successful business. When he retired from Bain Capital in 1999 to take over as CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, I knew he would make them memorable. When Mitt was elected governor of Massachusetts in 2003, I knew he would get rid of the waste that had plagued our state. Now as I watch the current presidential race, I know this country will be blessed if Mitt's next job is President of the United States.

Bain is the founder of Bain & Co. and a co-founder of Bain Capital
Meh. Obama had two that passed. and had about as much face time with the national stage. Experience isn't everything, charisma and timing is far better. I have heard Rubio is fairly charismatic, but the GOP is not ready for reason, and the country isn't dumb enough to elect a Republican to the WH this cycle. Lose/lose for him.

That's true. But 4 is > than 1.8

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon


lacks enthusiasm.
Wouldn't mind a Rubio pick as VP. It's fool's gold for the GOP thinking he can deliver the Hispanic vote and it would also put the GOPs views on immigration in the spotlight, something I think they'd like to avoid as any kind of plan that's put forward to sincerely attract Hispanic voters would be pretty divisive with their base I think.

Better for them in the bigger picture to not make it an issue, but I don't think the spectacularly inept GOP will have the sense to realize this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The free market is correcting all of Obama's mistakes, that is why we need someone like Mitt Romney to, um, make sure the free market continues what it's doing under Obama. Wait, um, no. We need Mitt to make sure Obama does not continue to impede the free markets correction of his policies!!

I saw an ad trying to claim this was the Bush Recovery, and was due to the policies Bush put in place...
Between this and the illegal sandwich giveaways (which seems like an open and shut case to me), I really wish he'd be taken to court and ruled ineligible. That would just be epic. More importantly though, it would demonstrate that the laws are laws and there's consequences when you break them.

It is kinda weird how those issues with pretty strong factual evidence are largely ignored by everyone but the birther thing which is just crazy is still taken seriously by many. I guess we need to have affirmative action for rich white guys that have it so rough.


The free market is correcting all of Obama's mistakes, that is why we need someone like Mitt Romney to, um, make sure the free market continues what it's doing under Obama. Wait, um, no. We need Mitt to make sure Obama does not continue to impede the free markets correction of his policies!!

It's freaky how the "free market" has become something like a second Jesus to many, many people. No matter how much--and often--the "free market" fucks up, if you believe in it hard enough--and let the "free market" operate, you statist, commie liberals!!--everything will be alright.


What's so crazy is that people just fail to grasp what exactly the Federal Government does. The Federal Government, by and large, is historically a reactionary entity. It attempts to tackle large problems that the private sector and states haven't been able to tackle for several decades / centuries.

The Private Sector does a good enough job delivering markets and stores for the purchase of groceries and food to every locality in the country so the Federal Government doesn't need to intercede.

States and Local Governments do a good enough job hiring, training, and maintaining a local police force so the federal government doesn't need to intercede.

It's when the states and private sector fail to tackle a problem, that the federal government, through pressure of its citizens begins to make movements to addressing issues.

Ending Slavery
Establishing the EPA
Creating a national Health Insurance pool for the poor and elderly
Creating a safety net for individuals in poverty
Establishing certain Civil Rights for Women and Minorities


If the private sector or the states were able to address these issues, the federal government wouldn't get involved. The people who support the free market and "local government" fail to see that ONLY when those two fail to solve a problem, and that problem captures national attention, does the federal government step in.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The free market is correcting all of Obama's mistakes, that is why we need someone like Mitt Romney to, um, make sure the free market continues what it's doing under Obama. Wait, um, no. We need Mitt to make sure Obama does not continue to impede the free markets correction of his policies!!

Eh, much simpler than that. These states are doing better cause they have Republican governors (and probably legislatures) that are cleaning up Obama's big government messes.


Between this and the illegal sandwich giveaways (which seems like an open and shut case to me), I really wish he'd be taken to court and ruled ineligible. That would just be epic. More importantly though, it would demonstrate that the laws are laws and there's consequences when you break them.
Illegal sandwich giveaway?


Still early, of course, but those FL/OH numbers have to make Team Bams feel p. good.

I fooled around on 270towin due to some curiosity, and unsurprisingly found it's pretty much impossible for Rom-bot to break through. Even giving him NH/PA/NC/VA/the entire SW, it adds up to a dead-heat @ 269. Not sure on the current status for the fall on those split NE electoral votes, but in the extremely unlikely event that it mattered, I'd laugh if they ended up tipping it for the B-Man.
What's so crazy is that people just fail to grasp what exactly the Federal Government does. The Federal Government, by and large, is historically a reactionary entity. It attempts to tackle large problems that the private sector and states haven't been able to tackle for several decades / centuries.
I think that's a pretty weak characterization, as some of the examples you cite are examples of the federal government dragging the people forward rather than the other way round. I also think you mean "reactive."


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Awesome. Illinois is kicking Wisconsin's ass in job creation:


Why comparing Illinois to Wisconsin? Cause Illinois enacted a tax increase that Walker said would kill businesses in the state forever, and that everyone should migrate to Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. WI was the only state in the country to LOSE jobs, and Illinois is no. 3 in terms of job creation. Suck it, Walker.
If Rubio is the VP pick and he speaks in Spanish at the convention, that will open a whole bag of worms on Romney's history with adopting English as the official language.
Awesome. Illinois is kicking Wisconsin's ass in job creation:


Why comparing Illinois to Wisconsin? Cause Illinois enacted a tax increase that Walker said would kill businesses in the state forever, and that everyone should migrate to Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. WI was the only state in the country to LOSE jobs, and Illinois is no. 3 in terms of job creation. Suck it, Walker.

I love how liberals keep pretending Wisconsin doesn't have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (6.9%); Illinois' UE rate is 9.1%, one of the highest in the country. The argument reminds me of Rick Perry's attack on Romney's job record in MA, where the unemployment rate was constantly low therefore had low job creation numbers.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I love how liberals keep pretending Wisconsin doesn't have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (6.9%); Illinois' UE rate is 9.1%, one of the highest in the country. The argument reminds me of Rick Perry's attack on Romney's job record in MA, where the unemployment rate was constantly low therefore had low job creation numbers.

But Walker actually has a NET LOSS of jobs. A little different, I think.
I love how liberals keep pretending Wisconsin doesn't have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (6.9%); Illinois' UE rate is 9.1%, one of the highest in the country. The argument reminds me of Rick Perry's attack on Romney's job record in MA, where the unemployment rate was constantly low therefore had low job creation numbers.

Read the article, it is comparing economic activity after Walker claimed Illinois policy would kill everything there and embarked on a campaign to attract business from IL to WI. He used that as an excuse to give more business tax breaks.


Without SuperPACs to do his bidding, Romney would be dead in the water this cycle for money.

Obama raised $18.9 million his total from itemized donors, versus $15.8 million from unitemized, smaller, donors. For Romney, $10.9 million came from itemized donors, versus a paltry $1.6 million unitemized donors. That means roughly 87% of Romney’s total came from donors above $200.

The largest such group, the Karl Rove-connected American Crossroads, says it has raised $49 million over the last three months. Meanwhile, Priorities USA, a Democratic Super PAC dedicated to re-electing Obama, announced raising just $4.5 million in the same period.

49 million vs 4.5 million. Rich Dem donors are failing the President.

Oh, and Romney is still worried...making people sign Loyalty Pledges


At a party meeting in Arizona, RNC members and state GOP chairmen were welcomed into a private reception with Mitt Romney "only after signing a form pledging to support Romney as a delegate to the national convention in Tampa," CNN reports.


The most brain dead commercial I have ever seen just came on during the Philly hockey game.

"My opponent voted for Barack Obama, I would never do that. Vote for me! A conservative republican!"
Read the article, it is comparing economic activity after Walker claimed Illinois policy would kill everything there and embarked on a campaign to attract business from IL to WI. He used that as an excuse to give more business tax breaks.

Illinois' economy is significantly larger than Wisconsin's, it's not particularly surprising that they are slowly adding jobs while Wisconsin, already with one of the lowest UE rates in the country, is slowly losing jobs. I'd imagine that trend will not continue throughout the year, but Wisconsin's jobs growth most likely will not match Illinois due to the economic size differences, and because Wisconsin already has a productive work force.
The most brain dead commercial I have ever seen just came on during the Philly hockey game.

"My opponent voted for Barack Obama, I would never do that. Vote for me! A conservative republican!"
He gets to fulfill all of his campaign platform before he even gets sworn in, how many candidates do you know who are capable of that?
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