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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't know what you're trying to say. Read up on some history of SC appointments maybe. That might clear things up?

It goes without saying that an SC appointment is extremely important. The Reps couldn't do much about the last two nominations since the Dems had the senate. But why on Earth would this ultra-radicalized group of dipshits settle for a moderate? That hasn't been their modus operandi since they took over the House (fuck, since Obama took over). Have Republicans acted reasonably in the past? Okay, sure. But what does that have to do with this CURRENT crop of GOPers?
The Eastwood ad was my favorite, but I'm biased as a Michigan resident. Good fucking luck with the "let Detroit go bankrupt" shit, Romney

And yes, Bush started the bailout, but Obama expanded it significantly, had been calling on it to be done even before the election, and deserves credit
It was cool but I think I liked the Eminem one slightly more:


Both ads are good, only thing about the Eastwood ad is that it practically writes a campaign commercial. From the discord talk, 2nd half talk, still more work to do, I mean you could ad, "I am Obama and I approve this message" at the end of it and be done with it.

As, Joe Biden said, GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead. Your move Romney.
It goes without saying that an SC appointment is extremely important. The Reps couldn't do much about the last two nominations since the Dems had the senate. But why on Earth would this ultra-radicalized group of dipshits settle for a moderate? That hasn't been their modus operandi since they took over the House (fuck, since Obama took over). Have Republicans acted reasonably in the past? Okay, sure. But what does that have to do with this CURRENT crop of GOPers?

Yeah, like I said. History bro.


It's as if Detroit was trying to will itself to life by fiat.

I think I see what you did there.

Both ads are good, only thing about the Eastwood ad is that it practically writes a campaign commercial. From the discord talk, 2nd half talk, still more work to do, I mean you could ad, "I am Obama and I approve this message" at the end of it and be done with it.

As, Joe Biden said, GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead. Your move Romney.

I'm assuming this has been pointed out/is plainly obvious, but that's because it's a rewrite of an existing campaign ad? Or is your point that the President's campaign should just pretty much adopt that commercial and its themes?
I'm assuming this has been pointed out/is plainly obvious, but that's because it's a rewrite of an existing campaign ad? Or is your point that the President's campaign should just pretty much adopt that commercial and its themes?

I don't believe the commercial is based on any campaign ad till now. And no, the President shouldn't reuse the commercial, but they can definitely adopt some of its themes especially when running against Romney.
I thought Clint Eastwood was a republican?

He is. National Journal's article on it:

Arguments about Detroit being "saved" have been made yes. The Eastwood ad ties the actions taken on Detroit with the discord in Washington to the turnaround of Detroit auto makers to the idea that it is time for the 2nd half of Obama's Presidency. And of course its narrated by fucking Clint Eastwood that elevates it even more.
that clint eastwood spot has me looking forward to obama's campaign. they are going to pull off some "morning in america" shit.

as long as the eurozone doesn't crash and undermine the message


Junior Member
The problem the Republicans have is that their opposition to the auto bailouts is not only well known, but also well documented. The GOP mantra of letting Chrysler and GM go under was pretty common throughout 2009 and 2010. It started to die down when it became clear that both companies were rebounding rapidly.

Here's The Economist apologizing for opposing the bailouts;

Obama's Morning in America.

Hm. I've had this theory for a long time that Obama is Democratic Reagan. Everything is kind of fitting into that nicely.
You guys are acting like this was an Obama ad lol, come on now Aaron Strife be a reasonable man

I definitely agree it'll be hard as hell for Romney to defend the conservative argument against the bailouts. Nor will he be able to "ha, you followed my advice Mr. President!" bullshit he slings at the republican debates. All Obama has to say is "if I followed your advice Detroit would have gone bankrupt."
I had a vision tonight guys.

Obama wins

2016 Republicans will have strengthened and the party will have undergone changes.

the general election will be Jon Huntsman vs Andrew Cuomo

At the very least Andrew Cuomo has a big shot at being the democrat nominee.
You guys are acting like this was an Obama ad lol, come on now Aaron Strife be a reasonable man

"both teams are in their lock room discussing what to do to win the second half"

no shit, elections.

"detroit almost lost everything but we pulled together"

thanks to Obama

"the fog, division, discord"

american politics 101

"we rallied around what was right"

elected Obama

"all that matters is whats ahead, how do we win"

Obama 2012

"detroit is showing is how it can be done"

stimulus 2012

"our second half is about to begin"

Obama second term.

No seriously, this commercial has jack shit to do with cars. Its 100% campaign ad.


Do you really expect any consistency from Newt?

All of these guys whine about the deficits but want to cut taxes and raise military spending.
Fuck consistency.
He's right on that point and he should get credit for that.
He's also right on the moon base, sort of.

You got that from the Clint Eastwood ad?
I can't lie, I think you guys are hanging a bit too much in poligaf...



Fifty percent of Americans in this new ABC News/Washington Post poll approve of Obama's job performance, the most since spring. Fifty percent say he deserves re-election, better than Bill Clinton at the start of his re-election year and as good as George W. Bush a month before he won a second term. And Obama now leads Romney among registered voters by a slight 51-45 percent, the first time either has cracked 50 percent in a series of matchups since spring.

The other: questions focused on Romney's wealth, his low tax burden and, relatedly, his ability to connect with average Americans. Notably, 52 percent in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates, say the more they hear about Romney the less they like him - double the number who like him more.


Among all Americans, Obama leads Romney 52 to 43 percent, whereas among registered voters, the presidents has a narrower edge over Romney, 51 to 45 percent. This is the first time that Obama has more than 50 percent of the votes in a match-up against Romney among all Americans since July, when the president led the GOP candidate, 51 to 44 percent.

But the president has progress to make in instilling economic confidence in Americans – asked which candidate can be trusted to do a better job in handling the economy, 48 percent of the general population picked Romney over 45 percent that picked Obama. The Republican frontrunner also fared better job creation, narrowly beating Obama 47 to 45 percent, as well as the handling of the federal budget and deficit, 51 to 41 percent.
It is the first time that the president has topped 50 percent in a match-up against Romney among registered voters.

The survey also showed, however, that people trust Obama will be a better champion of the middle class than Romney, 55 to 37 percent. Also, 56 percent of the general population said they trust that the president would do a better job handling international affairs compared to just 37 percent that picked Romney. Similarly, the majority said the president’s handling of terrorism will be better than Romney’s, 56 to 36 percent.
Obama is also seen as having a better understanding of the American people’s economic problems than Romney, 53 to 36 percent.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0212/72490.html#ixzz1lbgvfFDh

ouch. Does indeed look like the more Romney talks, the worse it gets. A democratic president with a HUGE lead over a republican in national security? Say it aint so


That poll is not factoring in the Americans Elect candidate. Huge mistake.

--- /// ---

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) "appears to have been paid twice for flights between Washington, D.C., and his Congressional district, receiving reimbursement from taxpayers and also from a network of political and nonprofit organizations he controlled," Roll Call reports.

Paul was reimbursed twice for the same trip at least eight times and there were "dozens more instances of duplicate payments for travel from 1999 to 2009, totaling thousands of dollars' worth of excess payments, but the evidence in those cases is not as complete."


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
wonder how the gop will spin the south carolina bellweather when romney wins nomination

That's going to be my favorite part of a Romney victory in the GOP primaries.

As for the Romney/Obama polling, I wouldn't trust a poll like that yet. Romney is still winning over his base in the primaries.

As always, the GOP candidate will start to come toward the center a bit during the general election and that usually changes the public's view of him a touch.


That's going to be my favorite part of a Romney victory in the GOP primaries.

As for the Romney/Obama polling, I wouldn't trust a poll like that yet. Romney is still winning over his base in the primaries.

As always, the GOP candidate will start to come toward the center a bit during the general election and that usually changes the public's view of him a touch.

Only problem is in this YouTube generation all Obama has to do is emphasize that shift and stick Romney with "why are you talking out of both sides of your mouth". Knowing Romney he will explain it and make himself look worse

I have a feeling it's going to be all Defense from Romney since Obama has been under attack by the GOP since 2008


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Also, 56 percent of the general population said they trust that the president would do a better job handling international affairs compared to just 37 percent that picked Romney. Similarly, the majority said the president’s handling of terrorism will be better than Romney’s, 56 to 36 percent.

WOW. That's the biggest surprise of this particular poll. This is probably the first time I've ever seen a poll that has any democrat with such a tremendous lead (if any lead at all!) in national security.

Somewhere out there is a very depressed Bill Kristol sitting on the toilet with a gun in his mouth.
I imagine Pete Hoekstra and the drooling halfwits running his campaign were really yukking it up when they came up with that ad. It's another perfect example of the mindset of the typical GOP candidate. You know what's a great idea, giving these kinds of people more say in our government.
WOW. That's the biggest surprise of this particular poll. This is probably the first time I've ever seen a poll that has any democrat with such a tremendous lead (if any lead at all!) in national security.

Somewhere out there is a very depressed Bill Kristol sitting on the toilet with a gun in his mouth.

Love the imagery here LOL.

Seriously though, it's going to be hard to take on Obama from the Right on FP, There are some valid criticisms from the left and civil libertarian camps, but I can't imagine what any neoconserative could say, considering he's achieved their goals without the massive military costs they've consistently advocated. A Paul or Kucinich type could ding him for his zeal on the drone war, and the dragging on of the war in afghanistan, but are those widely winning ideas in the general electorate?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon

I still don't believe it. There is so much furor in the republican party over gay marriage, I just can't see the Party as a whole make a 180 in just 4 years. If Republicans win the White House, they will most definitely win the Senate as well. That means they will be in control of the complete federal government. Any progress made so far will be completely reversed.


if the economy keeps improving consistently the fall debates are going to be hilarious

I still believe the economy will be Romney's only line of attack. What other grounds would he attack Obama on? Foreign policy is clearly a non-starter, in my opinion. Keep in mind that I'm only talking politically; I don't mean that Obama hasn't made any mistakes militarily, just that very few of those can be capitalized on for political gain unless you want to take a libertarian angle (which, again, would not be politically successful).

His economic mistakes, however, can be capitalized on. At least, they can right now. But if unemployment is below 8% in October? And the trend is clearly downward? Whatever mistakes he's made will be much more difficult to sieze upon.

It's much easier to say, "Look at how bad the economy is!" than it is to say, "Well, the economy is doing pretty well now, but it could be doing even better if it weren't for Obama!"
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