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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Someone please, PLEASE, explain to me what the obsession is with Israel. I legitimately do not understand the fixation.

Evangelicals believe Jesus will return when all the Jews return to Israel. Hence why they support a Jewish controlled state. Evangelicals make up a huge portion of the Republican base.
Unilateralist excursions into Middle Eastern states have proven productive.
Sarcasm this dry needs to be highlighted.

Furthermore, preceding any intervention, we must prepare a viable replacement for the regime. The inevitable power vacuum engendered by Assad's deposition would be tremendous. Who would inherit power? As we have witnessed in Libya, Iraq, and even Egypt, systemic transitions are terribly difficult. Would the United States administer Syria? Would an international coalition? It's imperative we produce viable, feasible answers to these questions before we intervene.

So, no. I do not support a military intervention. Doing the right thing is desirable. Lamentably, it's not always feasible.
I want to focus particularly on this second point. Deposing a dictator doesn't solve problems, it just creates different problems, and those problems aren't any easier to solve. You can't simply go from a society based around dictatorial rule to one based on the rule of law overnight.
Someone please, PLEASE, explain to me what the obsession is with Israel. I legitimately do not understand the fixation.
Evangelical Christians and a well-organized Jewish lobby that insists on one very narrow way of framing the issue. For pointing this out, it's possible that I would be accused of being anti-Semitic--some people have tried to appropriate that phrase to refer to anyone who sees Israel as anything other than benevolent and reasonable at all times.

Its always struck me as an issue you had to go and decide on your own, what matters to you, what values are more important.
Opposing apartheid, for example.

Never mind the fact they are surrounded by countries that want to wipe them off the face of the planet.
That sounds like critical thinking if I've ever heard it.


Never mind the fact they are surrounded by countries that want to wipe them off the face of the planet.
They have peace with Egypt and Jordan, Lebanon mainly want to off itself and Syria is in a middle of a civil war, and even if it wasn't, the IDF will wipe its ass with their 80s soviet technology in 5 minutes.
Also, nukes.

Don't believe everything Netanyahu says.
No, wait, don't believe anything he says.



We can now expect $1 trillion deficits even past Obama's first term

The ten year cost of the Bush tax cuts is $2.8 trillion, but only about a quarter of that is for the taxes on high earners; the rest is for tax breaks affecting those making less than $250,000 a year. Moreover, "extend tax policies" also assumes that we fix the AMT to prevent it from hitting middle-income voters. That costs another $800 billion over 10 years--about the same as the "tax cuts for the rich".

In other words, the lion's share of that money is going to the middle class, not the rich. To close the deficit, we're going to have to soak them.

Or perhaps you want to say "See! We need to cut spending!" But as Elmendorf pointed out, most of the extra spending comes from two things: higher temporary spending on distressed families through programs like unemployment insurance and food stamps--and the retiring baby boomers. Early on, Rep Doggett proclaimed that we need to return to the fiscal path of the Clinton years, which sounds like an excellent idea, and as I tweeted, I am avid to hear his plan for reinflating the dotcom bubble, and preventing the Boomers from aging out of the workforce.

In other words, none of the possible changes is going to be popular



Newt is pivoting to a delegate strategy, like Ron Paul

Sounds like he's backing down, just not getting out of the race.
Thus, his already marginal prospects have been extinguished.

Sarcasm this dry needs to be highlighted.

I want to focus particularly on this second point. Deposing a dictator doesn't solve problems, it just creates different problems, and those problems aren't any easier to solve. You can't simply go from a society based around dictatorial rule to one based on the rule of law overnight.
Precisely. You exchange a problem for an equally intractable problem. Only, you are now invested in the situation. And your intervention may actually exacerbate the difficulties.

Evangelical Christians and a well-organized Jewish lobby that insists on one very narrow way of framing the issue. For pointing this out, it's possible that I would be accused of being anti-Semitic--some people have tried to appropriate that phrase to refer to anyone who sees Israel as anything other than benevolent and reasonable at all times.
Unless one has been immersed in the Evangelical culture, I doubt they truly comprehend the prominence of Israel in their theology. First, they believe the U.S. is fulfilling a Biblical duty by "protecting" Israel from its enemies. Further, Israel is central to their eschatology. They genuinely believe Israel is going to be ravaged by a multinational force led by the Antichrist who instills a false peace. Then, in Israel's most dire hour, Jesus is going to alight from Heaven then slay the Antichrist and his army; if you thought the Dead Men of Dunharrow were a deus ex machina, Tolkien just copied Revelations. Mind you, they believe this is a necessary antecedent to Jesus's second coming. It's obviously absurd, but a considerable amount of Americans believe it.
How do you know? Gaf is full of know-it-alls. I know there's someone who understands the relationship well enough to lay it out here.

A27 was right, it's a complex issue. There isn't just one answer. The reason why it is such a huge deal among the religious base is primarily because Israel plays a big role in the end times prophecy, or rather Israel's destruction does.
A27 was right, it's a complex issue. There isn't just one answer. The reason why it is such a huge deal among the religious base is primarily because Israel plays a big role in the end times prophecy, or rather Israel's destruction does.

The question wasn't for a full rundown of Israel's situation, just for an explanation of those who fixate on it. Which is pretty easy to explain, as has been proven.


will tax system be reformed in next 20 years?

what are some proposed plans for change?

are national sales tax(n/a to food/clothes) or raising the tariff ever mentioned?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
will tax system be reformed in next 20 years?

what are some proposed plans for change?

are national sales tax(n/a to food/clothes) or raising the tariff ever mentioned?

A: Depends on what you mean by "reformed." Changes in the tax bracket structure are highly likely if either party gets total control (GOP would most likely raise taxes on poor or leave them the same and definitely cut corporate taxes and taxes on wealthy, democrats vice-versa, although I don't think they have the balls to raise taxes on the rich right now)

B: Almost anything you can think of, but nothing really sticks

C: National sales tax is brought up but rightfully shot down every time as being regressive. Any national sales tax/flat tax/"fair tax" is absurdly regressive.
will tax system be reformed in next 20 years?

what are some proposed plans for change?

are national sales tax(n/a to food/clothes) or raising the tariff ever mentioned?

It depends. If Democrats at least keep the White House, I can definitely see Obama using the expiration of the Bush tax cuts to force Republicans to do tax reform.

The only thing I'm worried about, tax wise, is if Obama sticks with his "I'll only raise taxes on families making more than 250K." Everybody's needs to go up. Unless there's are enough loopholes that can be eliminated to allow everyone's rates to be lowered while raising the same revenue; excluding the rich.


Good post.
People sure do an inordinate amount of talking about taxing the rich--as if it will solve our fiscal problems. It won't. But as empty vessel will tell us, debt and deficits don't matter so who really cares.
That's not what the article is saying.
But yeah, that democrats really backed themselves into a corner by accepting the Repuglican narrative that tax cu...
You know what?
Fuck this.

Curt Schilling is posting on the gaming side?
My mind is full of pictures of Jackie Chan saying his mind is full of fuck.
Fuck it all.

<Flips a newspaper stand>

Bachmann/Voices in Bachmann's head 2012!
Evangelicals believe Jesus will return when all the Jews return to Israel. Hence why they support a Jewish controlled state. Evangelicals make up a huge portion of the Republican base.

This is the answer. I know it sounds ridiculous but that is truth. Of course it is more of a coalition between hardline Jews and evangelicals but it is mostly evangelicals. Why else would a modern industrialized nation receive such a large amount of foreign aid?

Now certainly Israel also gets support because they are an ally, they are one of the democratic states in the region, and WW2 history. However, the amount of support they get would not be as large as it is with just those reasons.


Romney is adding this to his list of shit to throw at the wall and see what sticks.

McDonnell: Economy Improving Thanks To GOP Governors, Not Obama

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), a Mitt Romney surrogate, said Sunday that the improving economic situation is thanks to Republican governors, not President Obama.

"Look, I'm glad the economy is starting to recover but I think it's because of what Republican governors are doing in their states. Not because of the president," McDonnell said on CNN's State of the Union.​
This is the answer. I know it sounds ridiculous but that is truth. Of course it is more of a coalition between hardline Jews and evangelicals but it is mostly evangelicals. Why else would a modern industrialized nation receive such a large amount of foreign aid?

Now certainly Israel also gets support because they are an ally, they are one of the democratic states in the region, and WW2 history. However, the amount of support they get would not be as large as it is with just those reasons.
The democracy thing is a canard. Jordan is an ally. And as I recall, the Bush Administration was none too thrilled with the results of the democratic process in Palestine.


The nomination is over because Gingrich votes + Santorum votes < Romney Votes.

But the protest voting will continue (I hope). I wonder how long it will take before Romney can actually cobble together a majority vote? Nevada was close but that is a heavily Mormon state.

One of my prof's wrote an op-ed talking about something similar to a protest vote, here it is

Romney is adding this to his list of shit to throw at the wall and see what sticks.

McDonnell: Economy Improving Thanks To GOP Governors, Not Obama

Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), a Mitt Romney surrogate, said Sunday that the improving economic situation is thanks to Republican governors, not President Obama.

"Look, I'm glad the economy is starting to recover but I think it's because of what Republican governors are doing in their states. Not because of the president," McDonnell said on CNN's State of the Union.​

And it definitely wasn't anything that those no good Democrat governors did! Nope, only republican governors can provide this kind of help!


How did we get banished to the 'community' section?

1) By becoming a GAF community.

2) By allowing the all-consuming OT PoliGAF megathreads to consume things such as a thread for the SotU.

It's going to be a little weird through the primaries but otherwise I think it'll work out well. I don't think of it as banishment. Heck, ~90% of my posts these days are in thread in Community (Halo, Skyrim, PoliGAF).


1) By becoming a GAF community.

2) By allowing the all-consuming OT PoliGAF megathreads to consume things such as a thread for the SotU.

It's going to be a little weird through the primaries but otherwise I think it'll work out well. I don't think of it as banishment. Heck, ~90% of my posts these days are in thread in Community (Halo, Skyrim, PoliGAF).
The only thing I'm worried about is getting new blood in this thread.
I routinely forget the community forum even exists.
But at least so far, there same to be similar number to contributors to this thread, so it might not be an issue.

And yes, I hated it when a nice slow developing conversation got drowned by pages of "ohhhh snap!" debate reactions.
Not that I have anything against liveblogging type of threads, in fact I like them a lot, but I agree that they don't mix all too well with other threads.


Man people are saying Adelson is going to give Romney upwards of 50 million for the pacs during the general.

this super pac money is absolutely outrageous goddamn


I'm not sure how it's perfectly legal, but what's with both Brewer's PAC and Christine O'Donnell's PAC using the majority of the money to buy copies of their own book?

Isn't that pretty directly just funneling the money into their own pockets?


Fuck Sheldon Adelson, I thought I'll never hear that cunt's name once I left Israel.
Fuck him hard with a tire iron.

Also, I'm going to bet that he can and will make Newt drop out.


A: Depends on what you mean by "reformed." Changes in the tax bracket structure are highly likely if either party gets total control (GOP would most likely raise taxes on poor or leave them the same and definitely cut corporate taxes and taxes on wealthy, democrats vice-versa, although I don't think they have the balls to raise taxes on the rich right now)

B: Almost anything you can think of, but nothing really sticks

C: National sales tax is brought up but rightfully shot down every time as being regressive. Any national sales tax/flat tax/"fair tax" is absurdly regressive.

A 1%(or anything under 4-5%) national sales tax on non necessities(not food, clothing, etc) is absurdly regressive how? if you're truly poor, what are you spending money on besides necessities?

why is the tariff usually ignored for this topic? couldn't it be used to raise revenue and/or get more jobs in the country?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm not sure how it's perfectly legal, but what's with both Brewer's PAC and Christine O'Donnell's PAC using the majority of the money to buy copies of their own book?

Isn't that pretty directly just funneling the money into their own pockets?

Yup, Palin's PAC did something similar as well.


A 1% national sales tax on non necessities(not food, clothing, etc) is absurdly regressive how? if you're truly poor, what are you spending money on besides necessities?
If the middle class and super rich are paying the same, this is still quite regressive, even if the poor are spared.
It can be kinda hard to make sales tax not regressive, and you can only do it be creating rules, bureaucracy and probably loopholes.
It's also quite easy to evade, and it pushes more people into cash only shadow economy.

why is the tariff usually ignored for this topic? couldn't it be used to raise revenue and/or get more jobs in the country?
Fun fact: every word that end with "ism" can be a counter-argument, no further explanation is needed.


I'm not sure how it's perfectly legal, but what's with both Brewer's PAC and Christine O'Donnell's PAC using the majority of the money to buy copies of their own book?

Isn't that pretty directly just funneling the money into their own pockets?

Yup. I guess it's ok as long as they aren't "coordinating".
I'm not sure how it's perfectly legal, but what's with both Brewer's PAC and Christine O'Donnell's PAC using the majority of the money to buy copies of their own book?

Isn't that pretty directly just funneling the money into their own pockets?

It feels vaguely like money laundering, though undoubtedly legal here.


If the middle class and super rich are paying the same, this is still quite regressive, even if the poor are spared.
It can be kinda hard to make sales tax not regressive, and you can only do it be creating rules, bureaucracy and probably loopholes.
It's also quite easy to evade, and it pushes more people into cash only shadow economy.

Fun fact: every word that end with "ism" can be a counter-argument, no further explanation is needed.

most places won't be able to evade sales tax at the rate mom n pops are dying.

protectionism ain't bad. Look at China, their tariffs are higher and they give us the bird in the auto industry. their tariffs are much lower for german cars comparatively(2% for bmw vs 15-22 for GM and Chrysler).


most places won't be able to evade sales tax at the rate mom n pops are dying.
I'm not sure I'm following.

protectionism ain't bad. Look at China, their tariffs are higher and they give us the bird in the auto industry. their tariffs are much lower for german cars comparatively(2% for bmw vs 15-22 for GM and Chrysler).
Pretty much all developed countries used protectionism to grow their economy at some point, and in many cases with great results.
But that was before we started being ideological about such things.

I'm not sure how it's perfectly legal, but what's with both Brewer's PAC and Christine O'Donnell's PAC using the majority of the money to buy copies of their own book?

Isn't that pretty directly just funneling the money into their own pockets?
I just read about this.
This can't be legal, right?
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