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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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I don't see them being on the side that allows Congress the unilateral power upholding Obamacare, especially the mandate, would bring.

Most insurers have already said they are keeping in what has already been implemented and exchanges are something that can and will be implemented by the private sector.

I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe because:
1. You think insurers will actively work to maintain or increase the benefits they're forced to cover by Obamacare.
2. You think Obamacare isn't needed because insurers will keep what Obamacare has forced them to cover.
3. You think insurers will set up and maintain health care exchanges on the level Obamacare would otherwise force them to.




Brilliant, seriously. Now imagine the same campaign where people organize an "aborted fetus stew" party.

I can't wait for Axelrod to address this, knocking Bush for golfing and being out of touch with the economy: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/13/f...ut-of-touch’-for-playing-golf-in-bad-economy/

Video from 1994 has surfaced of David Axelrod, President Obama’s chief campaign strategist, calling former President George H.W. Bush “out of touch” for “tastelessly” playing golf while trying to convince voters that the economy is improving.

“Bush tastelessly did it, often from the ninth hole, and from the cigar boat and other places,” Axelrod said.

Added the adviser: “The impression you got was that he was out of touch.”

Not so much because it hurts Obama (it doesn't), but to see what cockamamie difference Axelrod divines between his thoughts on Bush and what Obama is doing, just passing his 100th round!


Get used to it. Criticising presidential vacations has always been around since I have been aware. If it's not the timing of them (in relation to world events), it's the frequency or length, or the use of government property to get them there or the total cost. Every term, one side hits the other sitting president on them and the other side acts in feigned disgust at how contemptable and petty it is.

Round and round ...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Brilliant, seriously. Now imagine the same campaign where people organize an "aborted fetus stew" party.

I can't wait for Axelrod to address this, knocking Bush for golfing and being out of touch with the economy: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/13/f...ut-of-touch’-for-playing-golf-in-bad-economy/

Not so much because it hurts Obama (it doesn't), but to see what cockamamie difference Axelrod divines between his thoughts on Bush and what Obama is doing, just passing his 100th round!



Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I would have preferred less photo ops/stunts, more focus on explaining the bill in every outlet humanly possible. Instead we've got a bill no one likes because they don't know what it is, three years later

Or how about just focusing on creating a better fucking bill? There are a few decent provisions in the bill, but overall it just falls flat.

My GF is/was prime target for this bill. She works in the health care industry as she's interning this summer before her final semster of nursing school (so she sees that side), and she's also someone who has a fuck ton of preexisting conditions and has lived long stretches without insurance. She'd kill for a public option, but instead we got this. She says it doesn't really do much to help her in terms of creating better opportunities for better care with patients, and she fails to see the cost control measures for her getting insurance if/when she has to with her pre existing conditions (if say she doesn't get it through work or something).

Sure nobody will be able to turn her down, but that doesn't mean what she'll get offered through private insurance directly or through the exchanges will actually be remotely affordable. Right now she's a broke college student who can't really get the full care that she needs because she can't afford insurance and medicaid sucks for her needs.
Or how about just focusing on creating a better fucking bill? There are a few decent provisions in the bill, but overall it just falls flat.

My GF is/was prime target for this bill. She works in the health care industry as she's interning this summer before her final semster of nursing school (so she sees that side), and she's also someone who has a fuck ton of preexisting conditions and has lived long stretches without insurance. She'd kill for a public option, but instead we got this. She says it doesn't really do much to help her in terms of creating better opportunities for better care with patients, and she fails to see the cost control measures for her getting insurance if/when she has to with her pre existing conditions (if say she doesn't get it through work or something).

Sure nobody will be able to turn her down, but that doesn't mean what she'll get offered through private insurance directly or through the exchanges will actually be remotely affordable. Right now she's a broke college student who can't really get the full care that she needs because she can't afford insurance and medicaid sucks for her needs.

Assuming she can't get her on parent's insurance for some reason (perhaps they are broke as well), then she sounds like a fluke case.

It's like the hypothetical small business owner that makes a million dollars in gross profit, for a company that he never incorporated.
"I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive."
When people say Bush stopped playing golf because of the war, they mean he stopped because he said about the dumbest thing you could possibly say before swinging a golf club while being the president, and so Cheney wouldn't let him go golfing anymore.


Or how about just focusing on creating a better fucking bill? There are a few decent provisions in the bill, but overall it just falls flat.

My GF is/was prime target for this bill. She works in the health care industry as she's interning this summer before her final semster of nursing school (so she sees that side), and she's also someone who has a fuck ton of preexisting conditions and has lived long stretches without insurance. She'd kill for a public option, but instead we got this. She says it doesn't really do much to help her in terms of creating better opportunities for better care with patients, and she fails to see the cost control measures for her getting insurance if/when she has to with her pre existing conditions (if say she doesn't get it through work or something).

Sure nobody will be able to turn her down, but that doesn't mean what she'll get offered through private insurance directly or through the exchanges will actually be remotely affordable. Right now she's a broke college student who can't really get the full care that she needs because she can't afford insurance and medicaid sucks for her needs.
Would she not qualify for for being reimbursed under the healthcare bill?
Obama has taken less vacations than just about anyone but Clinton, and people are still mad. Ultimately it may not be a good idea to golf with the economy burning but the people most vexed about this wouldn't vote for Obama if he hadn't taken a single vacation either.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Obama has taken less vacations than just about anyone but Clinton, and people are still mad. Ultimately it may not be a good idea to golf with the economy burning but the people most vexed about this wouldn't vote for Obama if he hadn't taken a single vacation either.

Republicans are like little children. They just want to get back at the Democrats for all the legitimate issues they had with Bush. Like taking the most vacations of any president in recent history while so many disasters occurred under his watch, Katrina, 911 etc. what's so ridiculous is that the media just repeats their bullshit instead of stating things like the bolded.
It's just standard false equivalency stuff. People take criticisms that were used against Bush and throw them at Obama whether or not they actually make any sense.
Rush and Drudge are masters at it. Such as moving from calling Obama's Libya policy cowardly to comparing the "invasion" to Iraq once he decided to do something.

I must admit I kind of enjoy some of these comparisons and the imagination it takes to leap to them


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Assuming she can't get her on parent's insurance for some reason (perhaps they are broke as well), then she sounds like a fluke case.

It's like the hypothetical small business owner that makes a million dollars in gross profit, for a company that he never incorporated.

The whole point of this was it's suppose to be comprehensive so we don't have fluke cases. Plus we have a perfectly good way so it's impossible to have fluke cases ie a public option.

Even still there aren't enough price controls and/or fixes for Medicaid for a broader population of people with preexisting conditions. Sure it fixes her problem of being turned away, but it doesn't make it affordable. Plus pooling all the high risk people makes no sense via an exchange in terms of price control.

Like I said it makes it so you can't be denied, but it doesn't actually fix cost for her. Basically the legislation is good for getting more people the chance to be insured. That's 110% better than prelegislation. I'm not totally seeing the cost controls though for her case with preexisting conditions.


Professional Schmuck
Rush and Drudge are masters at it. Such as moving from calling Obama's Libya policy cowardly to comparing the "invasion" to Iraq once he decided to do something.

I must admit I kind of enjoy some of these comparisons and the imagination it takes to leap to them

Indeed. My strategy has been to figure out what the Republicans have done and then just assume they'll accuse Obama of it. Let's see:

1. Too many vacations
2. Sabotaging the economy
3. Starting unnecessary wars
4. Ruining our International standing
5. Escalating conflict with Russia
6. causing gas prices to go up as a result of policy
7. bein' racist
8. hating poor people
9. destroying jobs
10. ballooning the deficit
11. etc

Kinda boring at this point. You want to impress me? Let's see the GOP accuse Obama caving to religious special interests, Wall Street, Big Pharm, and the Oil Companies. (hehe)
Indeed. My strategy has been to figure out what the Republicans have done and then just assume they'll accuse Obama of it. Let's see:

1. Too many vacations
2. Sabotaging the economy
3. Starting unnecessary wars
4. Ruining our International standing
5. Escalating conflict with Russia
6. causing gas prices to go up as a result of policy
7. bein' racist
8. hating poor people
9. destroying jobs
10. ballooning the deficit
11. etc

Kinda boring at this point. You want to impress me? Let's see the GOP accuse Obama caving to religious special interests, Wall Street, Big Pharm, and the Oil Companies. (hehe)

Don't forget starting a war with Iran (before an election of course). Oh boy, those were my favorite Bush threads
The whole point of this was it's suppose to be comprehensive so we don't have fluke cases. Plus we have a perfectly good way so it's impossible to have fluke cases ie a public option.

Even still there aren't enough price controls and/or fixes for Medicaid for a broader population of people with preexisting conditions. Sure it fixes her problem of being turned away, but it doesn't make it affordable. Plus pooling all the high risk people makes no sense via an exchange in terms of price control.

Like I said it makes it so you can't be denied, but it doesn't actually fix cost for her. Basically the legislation is good for getting more people the chance to be insured. That's 110% better than prelegislation. I'm not totally seeing the cost controls though for her case with preexisting conditions.

In terms of statements, the PPACA might have been stated as comprehensive. In practice, it was never going to be comprehensive.

If it was going to be truly comprehensive, there would never have been exceptions carved out for people to not have health care. After all, in a comprehensive system, why would the exceptions exist? Everyone would have health care so there would be no need.

Unfortunately we live in a country where the public option is never going to happen. The U.S. is a conservative country that believes in free market economics. We elect leaders who view the public option as something that's evil.


Professional Schmuck
Read this completely un-surprising reversal of opinion Scalia has discovered within himself


Then read the comments section:

The only RATS are the DemocRATS and we will make sure they will NEVER again have the White House or a Majority on the SCOTUS and Congress. It will be ILLEGAL to be a SOCIALIST SCUM DemocRAT after we are done with you.

Note the author of that little gem is using his FB account to post. Now note his FB page:


Please appreciate his employers, if you can find the humor in it. I did.


Professional Schmuck
Most republicans don't treat all government spending as terrible (just like most democrats don't treat all government spending as awesome).

See above

Oh ok. You're pretending not to read that d-bag's comments and have instead turned him into a mythical GOP everyman, which is the opposite of what I intended. He's very clearly an outlier, his language is terrifying, and he's a hypocrite working for the devil he hates so very much. Apologies for finding humor in that.

The better move on your part would be to say, "yeah, that guy is nuts."


Oh ok. You're pretending not to read that d-bag's comments and have instead turned him into a mythical GOP everyman, which is the opposite of what I intended. He's very clearly an outlier, his language is terrifying, and he's a hypocrite working for the devil he hates so very much. Apologies for finding humor in that.

The better move on your part would be to say, "yeah, that guy is nuts."

I only read the comment on TPM and his job status. Was I supposed to read the whole facebook page? That's creepy. You're a creepy stalker person. Creep.
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