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PoliGAF 2012 Community Thread

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Dammmn! You told 'em!! whoooo

You settle down. Serious question though- does it really make any sense to call any of the candidates 'jokes' anymore? Cain's a joke, Bachmann's a joke, Romney, Gingrich... now Santorum (even though he was the O.G. joke candidate). It's the party, not the candidates.


I don't deny that Santorum's generic background looks very good on paper (for a conservative), I believe even David Brooks made a case for it. But, when you shine the light on his twisted theocratic ideology and beliefs, the majority of Republicans are going to head for the hills.

That's not to say Santorum can't win a few more primaries. There is a large contingent of folks that like to buck conventional wisdom (and the media) to prove a point. Pat Buchanan and Huckabee both did very respectably in the later primaries even when the eventual front-runner was already decided.


Santorum's manufacturing plan sounds good so he's popular with blue collars, he's got rock solid family and anti-abortion credentials so he'll lock the Christians, and he isn't as rich as Romney so people are less likely to see him as an elitist.

And we'll see how well all that holds up to a Florida-style carpet bombing soon enough.

Ezra Klein has a run down of responses to the mortgage deal, here:



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I could see Santorum doing a little better in Ohio than Romney, but if Obama can hold Virginia/North Carolina he's going to be very tough to beat

No way Santorum wins Ohio against Obama. Dude couldn't even win his own race in Pennsylvania.


Why does everyone ride Romney's cock so hard anyways? The establishment, pundits, and media in general anointed Romney the GOP candidate the moment he announced his candidacy, and everyone writes off his challengers no matter how much more GOP voters like them.

Is it possible that the media is the only reason Romney is a contender? If left just to the voters, without the media hammering the message that Romney is the real nominee, would Romney be doing as well?


the only reason he is polling anywhere near what he is polling now is because he is a joke candidate. 5 days of focus on him and he become Herman Cain.

While I don't honestly think Santorum will win the nomination, he is hardly Herman Cain or even Newt Gingrinch.

Both of them try to wiggle out of incidents and avoid being called on what they say, both had rocket plummets. Santorum just sits back and does what he does. Santorum is unapologetically Santorum, his views are steadfast.

He might be crazy, but unlike Bachmann he is not trying to woo anyone. He feels a certain way and you either with him or not, Romney goes after him and his response is "Yeah, bring it because they can't talk about the issues"

As long as he does not go on an ego trip or say anything completely batshit crazy (hard given his beliefs) he will be a pain in Romney's ass....till the money runs out
Romney better tread lightly in how he attack Santorum. Certain lines of attack run the risk of making Romney come off as weak on social conservative values, and as a North Eastern super-rich elite attacking a regular old family man.


I want Santorum to win because I don't like Romney, nobody does.

Santorum is definitely a guy that Christians and southerners can rally behind.


Why does everyone ride Romney's cock so hard anyways? The establishment, pundits, and media in general anointed Romney the GOP candidate the moment he announced his candidacy?

He raises the most money, has a fairly scandal-free political past, has executive experience (in business and politics) and has name recognition.

In a weak field of Representatives and talking heads, that's a front-runner.


He raises the most money, has a fairly scandal-free political past, has executive experience (in business and politics) and has name recognition.

In a weak field of Representatives and talking heads, that's a front-runner.

Nobody likes him though.

Santorum is fairly scandal-free too isn't he? He now has name recognition. Whoever the nominee is will raise lots of money regardless. Unlike Romney, Santorum would energize the Evangelical Christian base. Given the poor voter turn outs compared to 2008, Santorum might actually make more sense than Romney.


I can't wait to see what Colbert does with the rest of his SuperPAC money. Maybe he'll try to influence Super Tuesday or something.
Those polls, plus the WaPo/ABC one the Romney folks freaked out over, really damage Romney's electability argument. If super PAC money wasn't the defining/deciding factor of things, I think Santorum could put up a legitimate fight against Romney.

While I believe Santorum would appeal to blue collar voters far better than Romney, I find it hard to believe he'd do better in a general overall. He wouldn't compete in the swing states Romney does well in and would lose the female vote far worse.

And while he'd motivate conservatives I think the GOP could lose the house with him on the ticket.

Edit: the Cain comparisons don't work. Santorum is not a complete retard, he can make arguments and while his views are misguided he understands basics
So pretty much: The settlement is an okay but definitely not great short term deal and a million or so people are going to be paying less every month and pumping more into the economy, while at the same time it leaves the door open for further investigations, civil and criminal suits. Sounds okay.
Meh, I guess I like the idea behind it.



Apparently white men are upgrading from blue collar to white collar.


Nancy Pelosi doesn't quite pull off being funny, but her attempt is still appreciated. She's just too stiff a speaker to seem friendly.


I wonder how Romney is going to attack Santorum. He needs to figure out a way that doesn't piss off the conservatives that vastly prefer Santorum.

Unlike Gingrich, Santorum has a relatively clean background and superb family cred, given that he has a child with a chromosome disorder and is much tougher against abortion than Romney.


Even if Santorum become President, he couldn't turn the country into a theocracy, only a GOP House and Senate could do that, but I'm not convinced they would all fall in line for that. Also, I can't see the GOP winning both the House and Senate any time soon.

Mike M

Nick N
Even if Santorum become President, he couldn't turn the country into a theocracy, only a GOP House and Senate could do that, but I'm not convinced they would all fall in line for that. Also, I can't see the GOP winning both the House and Senate any time soon.

The GOP taking both houses is pretty much the only scenario where Santorum is elected.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I want to see polling in PA. Hed poll worse then Romney in his home state

Not in a Republican primary. Repubs bring out the stupid in full force for primary/caucus season. You don't see moderates voting until the GE, so the sway always goes to the Bachmann/Gingrich/Cain/etc vote.


Not in a Republican primary. Repubs bring out the stupid in full force for primary/caucus season. You don't see moderates voting until the GE, so the sway always goes to the Bachmann/Gingrich/Cain/etc vote.

Nah i meant in general not primary. Them both vs Obama


I could see Santorum doing a little better in Ohio than Romney, but if Obama can hold Virginia/North Carolina he's going to be very tough to beat

He doesnt need Viginia, NC, or Ohio to win. He simply has to hold Iowa to get to 270. Unless you count NV, CO and NM as swing states, which I dont. Those states are a lock imo.

Virginia, NC, Ohio, Indiana, Arizona, and FL are all bonus states for Democrats. Winning any ONE of those states is an automatic victory.
A little late on this but I was in class:
The only reason they got away with is because the administration worked so very hard to let them. It is not unreasonable to expect accountability. Indeed, it was Obama himself in the SotU speech last month who called for a new era of accountability. And here he is, directly contradicting that philosophy.
I don't think you can say that without knowing what's going to happen after this deal. The banks have only been given a very small amount of immunity from this deal, so they're still vulnerable to other lawsuits. Whether that comes from Schneiderman, who already has launched another lawsuit, another state's AG, or the investigation from the Obama administration which Schneiderman co-chairs, who knows. But if any these routes lead to subpoenas or some other form of accountability, then this deal would be icing on the cake. If none of this happens, then yeah, I think it would be fair to say what you just said.

Greg Sargent had an interview with Schneiderman earlier today.
Pressed on conflicting reports about whether the resources would really be there, Schneiderman said that a whole range of government agencies would be part of the probe. Importantly, he insisted this range would ensure a “full juristiction we need over all the different types of misconduct that contributed to the implosion of the economy.”


Asked if progressives should be skeptical of the administration’s assurances, given the lack of accountability so far, Schneiderman insisted that Obama’s private and public assurances have left him convinced he is serious about a real accounting.

“He took ownership of this,” Schneiderman. “Sometimes people on the left have to take yes for an answer. The President is accepting the challenge. It’s time for progressives to say, `okay, he’s moving with us now, he’s using resources of government to aggressively pursue the malefactors of great wealth, as Teddy Roosevelt put it.’”
That prayer circle jerk with Santorum and the texas pastors was scary as fuck lol.

That is some weird shit. I know many Republicans who call Obama the Messiah, mocking the way many democrats look-up to him. I can't wait to see their reactions to that video. "Everyone touch Rick or touch someone who is touching him"? Fucking bizarre
Got to see Obama's high school and where he lived with his grandparents in Hawai'i today. Unless our guide was on the take and making up the fact that his sister went to school with Obama to mask the fact that he isn't 'Murican. Not much more to add, just my humble brag for the day.
A little late on this but I was in class:

I don't think you can say that without knowing what's going to happen after this deal. The banks have only been given a very small amount of immunity from this deal, so they're still vulnerable to other lawsuits. Whether that comes from Schneiderman, who already has launched another lawsuit, another state's AG, or the investigation from the Obama administration which Schneiderman co-chairs, who knows. But if any these routes lead to subpoenas or some other form of accountability, then this deal would be icing on the cake. If none of this happens, then yeah, I think it would be fair to say what you just said.

Greg Sargent had an interview with Schneiderman earlier today.

You honestly think the Obama admin would even consider pursuing banks after the immunity? lol

Mark this up as another case of "shitty deal and the status quo remains overall but just think, things would have been worse if we didn't do anything - or if a republican was in charge!" Basically, the sum of Obama's presidency. He is lucky as hell republicans seem intent on handing him re-election.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
You honestly think the Obama admin would even consider pursuing banks after the immunity? lol

Mark this up as another case of "shitty deal and the status quo remains overall but just think, things would have been worse if we didn't do anything - or if a republican was in charge!" Basically, the sum of Obama's presidency. He is lucky as hell republicans seem intent on handing him re-election.


And the Naked Capitalism website is the only group we should listen to on this issue? Man please!
And the Naked Capitalism website is the only group we should listen to on this issue? Man please!

Of course not, but I wouldn't trust anyone who argues this is not a shitty deal that translates to a slap on the wrist for those who committed financial terrorism of the highest degree
Got to see Obama's high school and where he lived with his grandparents in Hawai'i today. Unless our guide was on the take and making up the fact that his sister went to school with Obama to mask the fact that he isn't 'Murican. Not much more to add, just my humble brag for the day.

Well we all know he isn't American.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Of course not, but I wouldn't trust anyone who argues this is not a shitty deal that translates to a slap on the wrist for those who committed financial terrorism of the highest degree

I think you can argue that it's not a "shitty" deal (to use your words). It's not a great deal either, but I don't think it's shitty. And remember this deal doesn't provide cover to the banks for the 100s of other crappy things that they've done when it comes to giving minorities crappier mortgages for example when they didn't have to. Or packaging up crappy loans and selling them to investors, just to turn around and bet against them because they knew they were crappy.

This only covers them for the robo-signing thing, which lead to lots of improper foreclosers.
Dead serious.

Let's say someone made payments on a $300k home for 15 years or so and built up $100k in equity. Then Dad loses his job, and they can't make the payments. They lose the house.

They should definitely get their $100k back. The bank can keep the interest.
But it doesn't happen like that. If they have $100K in equity, you just sell the house, pay off the loan, and keep the equity.

The only way they are going to foreclose is if you haven't paid in a while. Thus, the bank will want those missed payments . . . that is the equity slipping away.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
And we'll see how well all that holds up to a Florida-style carpet bombing soon enough.

Ezra Klein has a run down of responses to the mortgage deal, here:


All these fancy banking terms I don't even know.

Do you (or anyone here) happen to have a good resource for learning about banking/real estate in general, and a good breakdown of some of the Obama admin's housing related programs like HAMP?
is it me or am i the only one who feels rev sharpton has a strong hate for romney? he ALWAYS calls him Willard. Yea i know its his real name but come on now.. its jarring


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
is it me or am i the only one who feels rev sharpton has a strong hate for romney? he ALWAYS calls him Willard. Yea i know its his real name but come on now.. its jarring

I've noticed that too, but it's probably not any more bile-filled than the way he refers to other Republicans. It probably seems that way just because although Willard is his first name, everyone knows him as Mitt, so it comes off kinda weird.

But in fairness, I don't think you could call anyone Willard without sounding somewhat condescending.


Unconfirmed Member
is it me or am i the only one who feels rev sharpton has a strong hate for romney? he ALWAYS calls him Willard. Yea i know its his real name but come on now.. its jarring

It's unprofessional and disrespectful, sort of like the Barry Soetoro junk people do when tearing Obama down.

If the person goes by another name their entire adult life there isn't any reason to casually Ross out their given name like that unless it's meant to be demeaning.

EDIT: does he call "Newt" Newton or "Rick" James

Edit 2: or Ronald or Richard


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It's unprofessional and disrespectful, sort of like the Barry Soetoro junk people do when tearing Obama down.

If the person goes by another name their entire adult life there isn't any reason to casually Ross out their given name like that unless it's meant to be demeaning.

EDIT: does he call "Newt" Newton or "Rick" James

Edit 2: or Ronald or Richard

It's unprofessional and disrespectful, sort of like the Barry Soetoro junk people do when tearing Obama down.

If the person goes by another name their entire adult life there isn't any reason to casually Ross out their given name like that unless it's meant to be demeaning.

EDIT: does he call "Newt" Newton or "Rick" James

Edit 2: or Ronald or Richard

Sharpton is a big ol bag of hot air. Who watches this guy and Ed Shultz? I can stand Lawrence 'O Donnel and Chris Matthews, but these two are just windbags.
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