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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Romney isn't President .

He sure reminded us of this fact today.

The embassy released that statement before violence erupted. It made sense, and was worded logically. As I said in the official thread, this is not a case of something expressing free speech to argue an unpopular opinion - this is pure incitement. The FBI has asked Jones not to do similar things in the past and he knew the consequences. His point is not simply to argue Muslims are violent, it is to prove that point by throwing gasoline on the fire and waiting for the explosions (as he hides in Florida). With this in mind, it's no wonder the embassy statement stressed that this type of language is unacceptable.


The fact that there is someone in here actively trying to defend romney in this thread says alot about how fucked up people are.

Kind of new in here
I suppose I've grown accustomed to Kosmo's mendacity. It's amusing to witness new posters react to his nonsense.
Wow, even he admitted Romney done fucked up?

Okay maybe I need to backpedal like PD.

But I just can't help but think the electorate will go full herp derp if the GOP gets desperate enough to run with this shit at some point. Romney has already demonstrated that he's ready to.

The last time this type of thing happened in 1979 it did not bode well for Democrats, and yes I know Obama isn't Carter but you can't help but have some unease about the situation.
I'd say the Khobar Towers bombing is a more apt comparison. It happened earlier in the cycle, but it didn't harm Clinton's approval rating. Really, the Iranian hostage crisis is a poor comparison. I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.
The portrayal of Romney in the inevitable Obama movie will not be kind. This dude is a mess. My hardcore pro life republican voting acquaintance came out on facebook against Romney this morning because she's convinced he's "dangerously incompetent" now.

She's just NOW seeing that?


So because I am poor as shit, I thought I had reached the limit on willingness to donate this cycle. Romney's smirk convinced me I can still dig a little deeper.


It happened earlier in the cycle, but it didn't harm Clinton's approval rating. Really, the Iranian hostage crisis is a poor comparison. I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend.

I am not sure Diablos can, the 2010 Midterms has harmed him to the point where he hopes for the best but totally expects the worst I think

After today how anybody can take a Romney Presidency seriously amazes me, he has received pushback from the vast majority Democrat and Republican. Even those that do not disagree with his sentiments take issue with his timing.

It was a horrible mistake by his campaign which was already taking a huge hit from Ryan's lies and the awful RNC Convention


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Some people are saying this Mittens' "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" moment.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is straight out of the McCain playbook: jump on every possible news story looking for an advantage. It makes it hard to keep a narrative when your campaign is dictated by random news stories.

Damn good point PD. This is exactly what happened in 2008. The narrative back then was changing every other day.


Where the fuck was THIS McCain during the last election? That sounded like the 2000 McCain is respected.

He sold out to get the nomination, and paid dearly for it. This is the McCain most people knew from 2000 when Bush had to put out lies and slander to get the nomination in order to win


I am not sure Diablos can, the 2010 Midterms has harmed him to the point where he hopes for the best but totally expects the worst I think

After today how anybody can take a Romney Presidency seriously amazes me, he has received pushback from the vast majority Democrat and Republican. Even those that do not disagree with his sentiments take issue with his timing.

It was a horrible mistake by his campaign which was already taking a huge hit from Ryan's lies and the awful RNC Convention

That brings up another ineptitude about his campaigns decision. I seriously don't have a clue what Romney or anyone in his campaign was thinking by going through with the statement and press conference. In time of turmoil the LAST thing you want to do is make yourself and your campaigns actions more visible then the tragedy itself using politics, it never, ever comes off positively, often times not even by the red meat of the party you represent; its just repugnant.


I am not sure Diablos can, the 2010 Midterms has harmed him to the point where he hopes for the best but totally expects the worst I think

After today how anybody can take a Romney Presidency seriously amazes me, he has received pushback from the vast majority Democrat and Republican. Even those that do not disagree with his sentiments take issue with his timing.

It was a horrible mistake by his campaign which was already taking a huge hit from Ryan's lies and the awful RNC Convention
The response from Republicans was especially deleterious. Had they supported Romney, he'd probably emerge unscathed. But when your party broadly criticizes you, it sends a distinct signal to the public. They might not be able to locate Libya on a map, but they can turn on the television, browse the internet, and even flip the pages on a newspaper. And when they engage in those activities, they'll witness the poor reception to Romney's response. He can't afford any errors.

Mike M

Nick N
This honestly doesn't move the needle on my distaste for Romney, it's just exemplary of his demonstrated pathological compulsion to do or say anything he thinks will get him elected, and is yet one more in a long string off ill-conceived things to say.

I've despised the fucker since his speech during the '08 primaries where he statec that it doesn't matter what faith the president, is so long as they're not an atheist.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Really fantastic statement by McCain, caught me off guard.
I've despised the fucker since his speech during the '08 primaries where he statec that it doesn't matter what faith the president, is so long as they're not an atheist.
reminds me of Stephen Colbert's bit the correspondent's dinner years ago:

Stephen Colbert said:
And though I am a committed Christian, I believe that everyone has the right to their own religion, be you Hindu, Jewish or Muslim. I believe there are infinite paths to accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
Some people are saying this Mittens' "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" moment.


It depends on how the media reports on it, and whether citizens are paying attention. So far I haven't seen anyone (outside of TPM/other sites) point out the embassy statement was released before the attack, thus making Romney's criticism false.

This election will be about the economy, but I do think a story like this goes into the basic issue of judgement. In 08, McCain's judgement was called into question due to his impulsive response to the financial crisis. I don't think this is on the same level, but here's the problem imo: Romney's judgement and character was questioned all through the summer. He made a fool of himself overseas, and came home to a barrage of Bain attacks centered (again) on judgement: is the bottom line more important than workers, can you be trusted to respect women's health rights, etc. This story adds on top of what is already an existing narrative. That's a big problem for Romney, whereas I think McCain had voter's trust until he fucked up his response to the financial crisis. Romney never had anyone's trust, even his own party's.


This election will be about the economy, but I do think a story like this goes into the basic issue of judgement. In 08, McCain's judgement was called into question due to his impulsive response to the financial crisis. I don't think this is on the same level, but here's the problem imo: Romney's judgement and character was questioned all through the summer. He made a fool of himself overseas, and came home to a barrage of Bain attacks centered (again) on judgement: is the bottom line more important than workers, can you be trusted to respect women's health rights, etc. This story adds on top of what is already an existing narrative. That's a big problem for Romney, whereas I think McCain had voter's trust until he fucked up his response to the financial crisis. Romney never had anyone's trust, even his own party's.

I agree, wow that is twice in one day. I must be dreaming


Where the fuck was THIS McCain during the last election? That sounded like the 2000 McCain is respected.

Let's not re-annoint the guy just yet.

He's still the prick that cried for Obama to intervene in Libya and then the moment he did condemned him for it. And just the other week basically called Obama the worst foreign policy president he's seen.

Post 2008 McCain has been a bitter antagonistic flip flopping conservative shrill with occasional spurts of common sense and decency.
It depends on how the media reports on it, and whether citizens are paying attention. So far I haven't seen anyone (outside of TPM/other sites) point out the embassy statement was released before the attack, thus making Romney's criticism false.

This election will be about the economy, but I do think a story like this goes into the basic issue of judgement. In 08, McCain's judgement was called into question due to his impulsive response to the financial crisis. I don't think this is on the same level, but here's the problem imo: Romney's judgement and character was questioned all through the summer. He made a fool of himself overseas, and came home to a barrage of Bain attacks centered (again) on judgement: is the bottom line more important than workers, can you be trusted to respect women's health rights, etc. This story adds on top of what is already an existing narrative. That's a big problem for Romney, whereas I think McCain had voter's trust until he fucked up his response to the financial crisis. Romney never had anyone's trust, even his own party's.
It brings foreign policy back to the forefront and reinforces Romney's non-stop bumbling and narrow-mindedness. Which if course brings us back to the DNC and Obama's "they're new" comment.

Ultimately it just paints him as an asshole though, but I can't say I can predict what effect if any it would have on the polls. The idea of so called undecided voters mystifies me.


This honestly doesn't move the needle on my distaste for Romney, it's just exemplary of his demonstrated pathological compulsion to do or say anything he thinks will get him elected, and is yet one more in a long string off ill-conceived things to say.

I've despised the fucker since his speech during the '08 primaries where he statec that it doesn't matter what faith the president, is so long as they're not an atheist.
The one issue Romney gets right.


It depends on how the media reports on it, and whether citizens are paying attention. So far I haven't seen anyone (outside of TPM/other sites) point out the embassy statement was released before the attack, thus making Romney's criticism false.

This election will be about the economy, but I do think a story like this goes into the basic issue of judgement. In 08, McCain's judgement was called into question due to his impulsive response to the financial crisis. I don't think this is on the same level, but here's the problem imo: Romney's judgement and character was questioned all through the summer. He made a fool of himself overseas, and came home to a barrage of Bain attacks centered (again) on judgement: is the bottom line more important than workers, can you be trusted to respect women's health rights, etc. This story adds on top of what is already an existing narrative. That's a big problem for Romney, whereas I think McCain had voter's trust until he fucked up his response to the financial crisis. Romney never had anyone's trust, even his own party's.

NPR has made mention of the timeline and the falsehood the two times I caught their top of the hour news roundups this afternoon. So at least there's that.

And I think once the dust settles a bit Axelrod and the Obama election team will hammer this point home hard.


NPR has made mention of the timeline and the falsehood the two times I caught their top of the hour news roundups this afternoon. So at least there's that.

And I think once the dust settles a bit Axelrod and the Obama election team will hammer this point home hard.

Yeah Obama is going to use the not ready to lead argument against Romney, you can feel it and with the news that Obama is virtually matching Romney in ad buys across the country Ia am not sure how Mitt is going to react

Romney suffered badly against Santorum when the heat was on, only reason he pulled it out was Santorum went broke. Obama at least in ad buys and rhetoric I think is going to go for the kill, especially after todays events
Hey guys, who wants to feel good about November?

Because Democrats have a 5.4 point lead on the generic ballot.

And the narrative for the foreign policy debate has been written. This is going to be how the debate is framed and will be the first question asked. Romney better be prepared to explain himself in a way that doesn't sound petty. And no smirking!
And the narrative for the foreign policy debate has been written. This is going to be how the debate is framed and will be the first question asked. Romney better be prepared to explain himself in a way that doesn't sound petty. And no smirking!

And no lip smacks!

It was the first thing I noticed during his statement about Libya.
Some people are saying this Mittens' "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" moment.

I think this puts it best:

Mitt Romney Drops His 3 a.m. Phone Call

James Fallows @ The Atlantic said:
In short, when faced with a 3 a.m. test, he reacted immediately, rather than having the instinct to wait. And after he waited, he mistook this as a moment for partisanship rather than for at least the appearance of statesmanlike national unity. The irony, of course, is that resisting the partisan impulse today would have been the greatest possible boost to his horse-race prospects two months from now.

Think of this temperament and these instincts in a command role, and with stakes much higher than they were today.


Romney is such a tool. I can't believe that He released that statement and the fact that he doubled down on the press conference. He clearly has no idea what the hell he is doing.
I've gotten to the point in this election where I don't just want Obama to win. I want him to annihilate Romney and embarrass him for the remainder of the campaign. I've gotten beyond just disliking Romney, I have a visceral dislike for him. I think Democrats can stop saying "Governor Romney is a good man".

The Benghazi attacks break my heart. People like Chris Stevens are rare in the West- he was a guy who loved the culture and identity of the region. He was a guy who put his heart and soul into contributing to the development of Libya. Such a shame. I don't like advocating the death of anyone, but I eagerly await the time when those who planned this attack hear an impending Predator missile strike.
Romney is such a tool. I can't believe that He released that statement and the fact that he doubled down on the press conference. He clearly has no idea what the hell he is doing.

He sure is gaming every last one of his non-rich supporters correctly, what a great manipulator. Guy has no dignity, no vision, common sense, etc. You can't like a guy like him.
I've gotten to the point in this election where I don't just want Obama to win. I want him to annihilate Romney and embarrass him for the remainder of the campaign. I've gotten beyond just disliking Romney, I have a visceral dislike for him. I think Democrats can stop saying "Governor Romney is a good man".
I like how Obama just fucking hates him. Not even that begrudging respect he held for McCain, he just flat-out dislikes him. I think that's put some fire in his belly.

Democrats could be running the safest campaign possible by just keeping the core coalition in check, instead Virginia and Ohio are Lean D states and Romney could very well take Boehner down with him.


I think this article sums up the point PD was making


Foreign policy has always been a tough spot for Romney. He has to contend with both Obama's perceived strength on the issue -- 58 percent approve of the president's handling of terrorism, according to Gallup -- and his own party's internal divisions on international affairs. His stances on foreign issues have frequently been muddled, from his shifting position on Libya to his sometimes confusing criticism of the administration's Afghanistan policy.

Romney would prefer to downplay foreign policy and focus on the economy instead, but Democrats have already shown they're not going to let him: Witness John Kerry's brutal speech at last week's Democratic convention, in which he called Romney and vice-presidential nominee Paul Ryan "the most inexperienced foreign-policy twosome to run for president and vice president in decades." Or look at the attacks Democrats have recently mounted over Romney's failure to mention Afghanistan during his Republican convention address -- and his clumsy response, in a Fox News interview: "You talk about the things that you think are important."

Romney's Libya blunder might be just a blip, a single news cycle lost in a campaign that still has nearly two months to go and will surely refocus on the economy before long. There's also the possibility that further developments overseas reflect badly on the administration and somehow make Romney's critique look prescient rather than crass.

But if today's events turn into a bigger problem for Romney, it will be because they fit neatly into a damning narrative that was already under construction: that Romney's inexperience and incoherence on foreign affairs make him unfit for the office he is seeking. Like Dukakis before him, who looked so implausible posed in a helmet and tank that the believability of his whole campaign was deflated, the peril for Romney is that voters may decide he doesn't pass the commander-in-chief test.


I love the point made at Daily KOS concerning Romney's latest statement about his original statement. In it Romney criticized Obama for not taking questions, but the obvious thing is that there would have been questions about Romney's own statement. Therefore, the only way for Obama to completely avoid politicizing his own remarks on the attack was to not take questions.
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