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PoliGAF 2012 |OT3| If it's not a legitimate OT the mods have ways to shut it down

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Wow, this video is a goldmine, has enough to keep us entertained until the 28th.

I expect the donations to Rooney to plummet this week as people realize its over


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Mitt Romney said:
"If it looks like I'm going to win, the markets will be happy. If it looks like the president's going to win, the markets should not be terribly happy. It depends of course which markets you're talking about, which types of commodities and so forth, but my own view is that if we win on November 6th, there will be a great deal of optimism about the future of this country. We'll see capital come back and we'll see—without actually doing anything—we'll actually get a boost in the economy. If the president gets re-elected, I don't know what will happen. I can– I can never predict what the markets will do."

"So, guys, remember what got us into this huge mess in the first place? We'll just keep doing it and it'll fix itself. Just like how a clogged toilet fixes itself. Or cancer. Yeah, how cancer fixes itself."

Seriously, this has been a HORRIBLE day for the campaign. I joked last month about how something like this happens every day. It's true, though--nearly every day he says something increasingly stupid and damaging to his chances.
The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney

The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney

are these videos old? i wonder if this is what that journo (i don't remember who) was referring to when he said obama's peeps were sitting on something until september/october.


For a Finer World
Wow. Those videos are unbelievable. If I was asked to fake a set of Romney vids I wouldn't dare to go that far :D Dissing 47 percent of the electorate, playing the old "tough being a heterosexual white male" card and the whole markets stuff... I hope they will get a lot of airtime in the coming days.


Dismissing half the country as welfare queens doesn't help you. All it does is gets you off message, piss those voters off, and give your opponent ammo to use against you.


are these videos old? i wonder if this is what that journo (i don't remember who) was referring to when he said obama's peeps were sitting on something until september/october.

No. The China video was the old one. I believe Mother Jones got in contact with the guy who leaked it and he gave them the rest of the recordings.

Also, I didn't see the part you're talking about. What do they mean that the Obama people are sitting on something? Is he trying to get his donors scared of an October surprise so they'll give him more money or something?
The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney

Yeah, nothing Romney wants more than getting the conversation back to people who don't pay tax, just in time for the 28th


I'll bet that Nate predicts a Democratic wave election. It was set-off by the convention, and while the numbers have subsided a bit from their highs, the poll improvements in Democrats' direction are notable.


The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney

I think this has to be one of your greatest posts
Wow. Those videos are unbelievable. If I was asked to fake a set of Romney vids I wouldn't dare to go that far :D Dissing 47 percent of the electorate, playing the old "tough being a heterosexual white male" card and the whole markets stuff... I hope they will get a lot of airtime in the coming days.
Seems like any time something happens that would help Romney's campaign, or they try to do anything, something new and embarrassing comes up. Today, when they're talking about finally shifting to the economy, this. Libya, the empty chair... it's hilarious how bad this campaign is
I think Romney's criticisms are hilarious considering Bain benefited from government corporate welfare, and he benefited personally from his father's reputation, connections, and finances.
I think Romney's criticisms are hilarious considering Bain benefited from government corporate welfare, and he benefited personally from his father's reputation, connections, and finances.
The silver spooned never seem to consciously realize these benefits. All of their success is done the old fashioned way in their minds.


Update on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court case on this Voter ID stuff.

Read the article here here

The primary thing of interest was that while obviously the three Democratic Justices in this case were obviously heavily skewing their questions in favor of striking the law down, there was one Republican justice who was similarly raising real questions about the way this is being handled:

Justice Thomas Saylor, reading a provision in the law stating a voter lacking the documents necessary to obtain a valid voter ID could fill out an affidavit and be issued an ID, asked, “Can that ever happen? I thought PennDOT took the position … it will not issue [a valid photo ID] because it could be used for purposes other than voting.”

Knorr acknowledged the provision could not be complied with, as it would not meet federal requirements regarding security, such as an ID valid for use in boarding an airplane.

Obviously reading too much into the questions justices pose is always a bad idea, but there is certainly interesting texture in this exchange. Saylor read a provision of the law that was essentially impossible to be fulfilled; Knorr was forced to acknowledge that was true.

Fingers crossed, people.
Reuters/Ipsos: Obama 48 Romney 43

Obama's number is unchanged, but Romney crawled to 43 from 41 a week ago. The takeaway is that Obama's lead is sustaining.
"My takeaway is that it's pretty decent news for Obama that his bump is sustaining so long and he may be turning the post-convention bump into a lead," said Ipsos pollster Julia Clark.

In a shift in recent days, Americans also gave a small edge to Obama on the crucial topics of jobs and the economy, as they feel less nervous about economic conditions.

Thirty-seven percent of registered voters thought Obama had a better plan for the economy, compared with 34 percent who favored Romney on the issue. Obama led 36 percent to 35 percent on the issue in a poll released last Thursday.

Forty percent backed Obama on jobs and employment, compared with 36 percent who favored Romney.

"This is a bit of a shift," Clark said. The two candidates had been tied or Romney was slightly ahead on the economy since May, but that has changed to give Obama a small edge in the wake of the convention.

"People are not really quite as nervous about the economy as they were a couple of months ago," Clark said.
is phoenixdark a troll?

Hope republicans don't take the senate, though. That'd be awful.

PD is a reverse-troll. He's an Obama supporter, but trolls people supporting Obama.
The Romney videos are old, why are people acting like they're some game changer? They might even help Romney imo: I think it wouldn't hurt to start talking about people who don't pay (income) taxes and mooch off the government. Not that I agree with the argument, but it might be a potent tool for Romney

This is fucking hilarious.

"this just in, Mitt Romney has killed an entire family and just stabbed 16 kids in an intensive care unit. We've just been told he is now standing on the roof and shooting people at random with a solid gold sniper rifle and yelling 'cha-CHING' whenever he shoots a poor person. "

Phoenix Dark: Romney is gonna win guys. This doesn't change anything! This will appeal to his base!


and in other "Romney has been having a grand few weeks" newS:

More approve of Obama's response to embassy attacks than Romney's:

(CNN) – Americans who were closely following developments in last week's attacks on American diplomatic posts in Egypt and Libya were more likely to favorably rate President Barack Obama's handling of the dilemma than they were Mitt Romney's, according to a poll released Monday.

The survey from the Pew Research Center found 45% of Americans who said they were closely following the news approved of Obama's handling of the situation, compared to 26% who approved of Romney's statements. Conversely, 36% disapproved of Obama's handling of the situation, and 48% disapproved of Romney's response. Nineteen percent didn't have an opinion on Obama, and 26% couldn't rate Romney.

So fingers crossed Pennsylvania Supreme Court, dick crossed Romney continues to fumble.


Obama campaign statement:

It's shocking that a candidate for President of the United States would go behind closed doors and declare to a group of wealthy donors that half the American people view themselves as ‘victims,’ entitled to handouts, and are unwilling to take ‘personal responsibility’ for their lives. It’s hard to serve as president for all Americans when you’ve disdainfully written off half the nation.

Boy i bet Romney wished Obamacare got turned down by the supreme court, coulda ran ads on that 24/7 claiming Obama big accomplishment was a failure.

It's sad when a candidate is only banking on variables beyond his own control to win the Presidency (bad economy, euro crisis, healthcare decision, etc.) instead of his own merits and record as a politician. Dude has been dodging tough questions, running from his own record, and just flat out lying his ass off, just hoping that the situation of the country becomes dire and desperate enough to elect him by default. Pretty sad, esp. that he could still get away with it.


No Scrubs
Damn Romney just can't catch a break. This is probably one of the worse weeks he's had and its still Monday! October surprise season has started early and somehow I'm putting my money on multiple surprises.
I have a feeling he could release a plan that says the US should go bankrupt and much of that 34% would still see it as better than 4 more years of Obama
I wouldn't be surprised if it was the Republican plan to bankrupt this country. That'd be one surefire way to gut government spending and privatize it's services. Can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
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