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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Just look at PoliGAF last week. Immediately after the debate, people here knew that Obama underperformed but there was no panic or outrage. Most people here were surprised at Romney's policy reversals and outright lies. The panic didn't set in until a day or two later when a bunch of liberal commentators/bloggers started writing chicken little articles about Obama's performance instead of focusing on Romney's latest etch-a-sketch routine. THAT'S when liberals here started freaking out. The entire focus the next several days was on Obama's mediocre (now considered terrible) performance instead of Romney's blatant lies that his campaign had to quietly back-track.



Look at the coverage of Ryan post debate on Fox last night vs. msnbc on Obama post debate a week ago.

Night and day difference. Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz did the President no favors that night.
The hysteria over Obama's performance echoed across every corner of the internet, from here in this thread to the blog of Andrew Sullivan to the front page of Politico. If you don't think that uniform, ubiquitous outcry did not have any effect upon public perception then you are very naive. And we were all part of it. Don't shirk that responsibility. Dems do disloyalty, and we may all end up regretting it.
No, I believe that Obama's debate performance was rightly skewered by those who live in the reality-based community, and that was a direct result of how Obama decided to play it.

The lesson here, is that when confronted with bullshit, you don't look down and pretend nothing was said. You confront it.

Obama knows whats up. He's still got this.

Its all this chicken-little, blaming his backers nonsense that is driving me up the wall. Acknowledge reality and move on - that's the way forward. Its not blaming people for their honest reactions to real events.

For my part my worries came about from talking to my family after the debate. All good will Obama had with them had evaporated. I mentioned this and people thought it was a joke ;P
The solution is not to leave the reality-based and allow politicians to live in a fantasy world where they can do anything they want so long as they have an (R) by their name.


No, I believe that Obama's debate performance was rightly skewered by those who live in the reality-based community, and that was a direct result of how Obama decided to play it.

There is no such thing as reality anymore. Are you blind? We live in a post-truth society. The Republicans demonstrate daily that it is possible to create a fictional reality for voters to consume and digest, and that those voters will lap it up and ask for seconds. They have no qualms about this because it gets them the win. If we refuse to support our guy the same way they supported Ryan after his debate failure, that is on us. They simply want it more. It should therefore come as no surprise if they win.


Too bad Obama can't go 'Biden' on Romney in the last two debates. Angry black man and all that. However, Obama needs to be assertive, confident, and active. Call out Romney's BS when it comes up. Don't let it hang in the air, which implies there's at least some truth to it. That was his greatest failing in the first debate. Romney got away saying all sorts of crap that someone like Biden wouldn't dare let pass.


Too bad Obama can't go 'Biden' on Romney in the last two debates. Angry black man and all that. However, Obama needs to be assertive, confident, and active. Call out Romney's BS when it comes up. Don't let it hang in the air, which implies there's at least some truth to it. That was his greatest failing in the first debate. Romney got away saying all sorts of crap that someone like Biden wouldn't dare let pass.
Obama already said what he was going to do the next debate.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16


Look at the coverage of Ryan post debate on Fox last night vs. msnbc on Obama post debate a week ago.

Night and day difference. Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz did the President no favors that night.

Chris Matthews is a piece of shit who cares more about treating politics as a spectator sport. It's why I stopped watching MSNBC and CNN, because CNN is more interested in appearing as non-partisan as possible, so they deliberately misinform people in the name of giving "equal time" to the people lying their asses off as the people telling the truth. And MSNBC cares about the game of politics above all else, so they only inform the public if it plays into the game at that point. They want the game to continue on, so informing the public of romney's continued lies took a backseat to focussing on how confident he was and how tired obama was.

Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd are in some ways as bad as Rush and Hannity. They don't lie like they do, but they sure as fuck poison the political discourse just as much.
There is no such thing as reality anymore. Are you blind? We live in a post-truth society. The Republicans demonstrate daily that it is possible to create a fictional reality for voters to consume and digest, and that those voters will lap it up and ask for seconds. They have no qualms about this because it gets them the win. If we refuse to support our guy the same way they supported Ryan after his debate failure, that is on us. They simply want it more. It should therefore come as no surprise if they win.
You're suggesting we all become willing puppets in a media narrative. Sorry, not playing that, nor would I ever ask or expect that of others.

Your line of thinking, if you're serious, is the very definition of batshit (and Kool-aid). So we're all used car salesmen now?

Listen, I do my part where I can. I disabuse people of false notions and point them towards the facts. But it hardly matters if the guy at the top of the ticket isn't going to do an even better job when the eyes of the world are on him.

Too bad Obama can't go 'Biden' on Romney in the last two debates.
Thanks to attack dog Biden I don't think he even has to. All he has to do is be fully engaged and he'll do fine.
holy shit, my uncle just posted this on facebook


Send this to your uncle:


The Joker killed Robin, just like last night


You're suggesting we all become willing puppets in a media narrative. Sorry, not playing that, nor would I ever ask or expect that of others.

Your line of thinking, if you're serious, is the very definition of batshit. So we're all used car salesmen now?

Listen, I do my part where I can. I disabuse people of false notions and point them towards the facts. But it hardly matters if the guy at the top of the ticket isn't going to do an even better job when the eyes of the world are on him.

I am a pragmatist first and foremost. The Republicans are playing by one set of rules while we adhere to another. If we insist on bringing knives to a gun fight we will lose and we will live to regret our naivete. It's as simple as that.


Obama already said what he was going to do the next debate.

Yeah well I actually want to see it myself. The sooner Obama comes out in the 2nd debate an perform like his presidency is on the line (because it is), the better. Biden did a good job setting the stage, but Obama needs to go out there and finish the job.

Obama made two big mistake in the first debate:
01.) Not challenging Romney on his BS
02.) Sounding passionless

We can all complain that Romney was lying his ass off (and he did), but he can sell it to voters because he conveys it with conviction. Obama, on the other hand, sounded and acted like some drone that didn't want to be there. You can cite all the facts you want, but people will not believe you if you don't convey it with passion. That's part of the reason why Romney won and why Biden did so well last night


How Likely Is an Electoral Vote/Popular Vote Split?


Even though Romney is winning in the popular vote right now by 0.7 points (as of this writing), he trails in the state presently containing electoral vote number 270 by 1.3 points. In other words, as of Thursday afternoon the RCP Average suggests that the Electoral College is biased by two points toward Obama, which would be one of the largest biases ever.

Why might this bias persist through Election Day? The argument would go something like this: Barack Obama’s ground game and swing state spending advantage create something of a firewall in key swing states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Under this theory, the outsized Obama presence in these states makes them “sticky.” In other words, at a time when the rest of the country moves heavily toward Romney, these states will be less likely to do so.

I find this hypothesis particularly persuasive for Ohio, where the auto bailout and Bain Capital air assault might have immunized blue-collar whites in northern Ohio from the same forces that have drawn similarly situated whites toward Romney nationally.

This is definitely going to be something that sticks in the background of my mind over the coming days. It'd be fascinating to watch reactions on both sides to this happening in a less cloudy circumstance than 2000, without a highly-contentious Supreme Court battle for the final state's electoral votes.
I am a pragmatist first and foremost. The Republicans are playing by one set of rules while we adhere to another. If we insist on bringing knives to a gun fight we will lose and we will live to regret our naivete. It's as simple as that.
Then we just fundamentally agree. But it takes all kinds to make change work, so that's fine by me.


Yeah mostly Arg and Ras crap.

Luckily PPP will 3 polls this weekend.

Nate Silver weighs his polls. He knows Ras has a slight GOP lean so he factors that in.

The race is getting away from Obama, and has been worse every day this week. A lot of those saying everything is fine claimed Obama's worst days in the polls were Thursday and Friday but he would rebound over the weekend.

That didn't happen.

Maybe some of you will realize Obama needs to make up a lot of lost ground once Nate Silver shows Romney leading, which he is on track to do pretty damn soon at this rate.

And it is alarming to see how nearly everyone who claims everything will be fine and Obama has this was too young to vote in 2000 or 2004. You guys don't know what it feels like to lose. Or what it looks like when you sense your guy is losing.


This is getting nastier..

Shot fired at Obama campaign headquarters in Denver

Police say someone fired a shot at the Obama campaign's Denver headquarters Friday afternoon.

No one was injured, though people were inside the offices when the incident occurred, said Denver police spokeswoman Raquel Lopez.

"It looks like it was one shot that was fired into the structure," she said.

The incident happened at about 3 p.m. at the campaign's offices on West Ninth Avenue near Acoma Street, Lopez said.




Setec Astronomer
And it is alarming to see how nearly everyone who claims everything will be fine and Obama has this was too young to vote in 2000 or 2004. You guys don't know what it feels like to lose. Or what it looks like when you sense your guy is losing.
The situation in 2004 isn't quite the same as it is now. In 2004 everything was based on "these states might go our way". That Ohio is much more favorable this time around keeps me from getting too worried at the moment.

But yes, it sucked.
The rate the margin has been shrinking Romney will be leading the popular vote on 538 by monday.

But the popular votes doesn't mean anything, since it's theoretically possible to lose the popular vote by a good margin worse than Bush did and still have a good electoral buffer.

edit: Wtf is wrong with some people. God I joke sometimes about people being shellshocked win/if Obama wins in November, but I hope nothing actually serious happens.


But the popular votes doesn't mean anything, since it's theoretically possible to lose the popular vote by a good margin worse than Bush did and still have a good electoral buffer.

edit: Wtf is wrong with some people. God I joke sometimes about people being shellshocked win/if Obama wins in November, but I hope nothing actually serious happens.

I most definitely think we're going to see much more nastiness if he wins. Especially if it's a split scenario.
Nate Silver weighs his polls. He knows Ras has a slight GOP lean so he factors that in.

The race is getting away from Obama, and has been worse every day this week. A lot of those saying everything is fine claimed Obama's worst days in the polls were Thursday and Friday but he would rebound over the weekend.

That didn't happen.

Maybe some of you will realize Obama needs to make up a lot of lost ground once Nate Silver shows Romney leading, which he is on track to do pretty damn soon at this rate.

And it is alarming to see how nearly everyone who claims everything will be fine and Obama has this was too young to vote in 2000 or 2004. You guys don't know what it feels like to lose. Or what it looks like when you sense your guy is losing.



This was back in April. By the end of September, Romney had only gotten his offices to 36 in Ohio.

And don't give me this I'm older than you BS. I have been voting since I was 18 in 2003. I wish besada would come in here and school you about the Reagan years. He voted when the Democratic candidate lost in landslides, not some on the margin bullshit like Gore and Kerry.


And Obama's lead has been shrinking at 538 every single day for nearly two weeks. You think it will suddenly start looking better tomorrow?


PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

VP debate looks like a draw in the swing states where we launched polls tonight. Not a game changer either way
PublicPolicyPolling PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

When we release the Ohio poll tomorrow there will be a breakdown of people who've already voted vs. have yet to vote

PublicPolicyPolling PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls

Ohio looks pretty darn close on the first night of our poll there. We'll do more calls tomorrow and have results in the evening

Unrelated to that but I just got polled from the University of New Hampshire regarding the Presidential and CT senate race.
And Obama's lead has been shrinking at 538 every single day for nearly two weeks. You think it will suddenly start looking better tomorrow?

Well, we'll find out right? What is the point in doom and gloom, rehashing the same horror stories every day, ten times a day?


Well, we'll find out right? What is the point in doom and gloom, rehashing the same horror stories every day, ten times a day?

PPP is hinting their poll the first night is showing Ohio basically a tie, and this is on a day of polling after the VP debate. Yep, everything going perfectly.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Just watching news on the Obama campaign shooting on the Rachel Maddow show. This is some fucked up shit, mang.
And Obama's lead has been shrinking at 538 every single day for nearly two weeks. You think it will suddenly start looking better tomorrow?

If it's all over, why even bother caring anymore?

Why even come to this thread and post?

Good grief. You're like Chris Matthews without the TV platform...

Just watching news on the Obama campaign shooting on the Rachel Maddow show. This is some fucked up shit, mang.

The extreme Right supporters will somehow spin this as Obama doing this somehow to get sympathy votes.
PPP is hinting their poll the first night is showing Ohio basically a tie, and this is on a day of polling after the VP debate. Yep, everything going perfectly.

I never said things are going well. However, I think you've expressed your point. Several times now. Isn't there something else to discuss?


Its a incomplete poll.
Ohio was supposed to be his firewall. A statistical dead heat from a polling outlet generally pretty good to him is nothing to dismiss.

And PPP only polls for two days, their first night hints tend to always match up with their releases the next day.

The firewall is looking to be gone and back into a coin flip swing state by all indications from recent polling, and looking like PPP as well.
And Obama's lead has been shrinking at 538 every single day for nearly two weeks. You think it will suddenly start looking better tomorrow?
Will depend on some state polls but the seven day trackers can't get worse. To get worse would mean tomorrow is worse for Obama than last Friday. If that's the case then I think Romney is t just winning, he's far ahead.

Can't look at silver model and assume it will continue to tighter. It may just as much as it may not.

Either way the second debate is important. Also I was around in 2000.


Posted yesterday

Mitt Romney's Show Of Middle-Class Compassion Leaves Ohio Voters Unconvinced

From that article
Eighteen electoral votes are at stake. And should Obama win those, he would need -- more or less -- just a combination of two more swing states or a win in Florida to earn a second term.

From the sidebar

Electoral Votes
Electoral Votes
253 + 18 = 271.

PPP is showing Ohio tighter so far. Not unexpected. Not good.

It seems the state of the race nationally is actually tied and the swing states are leaning slightly Obama with momentum for Romney

I'll still wait Til the debate before worrying but that ppp post got my antennae up


Hannity is amazing right now. He's saying that Biden's laughing and interruption of Ryan in last night's debate is a symptom of some uncontrollable personality defect and bipolar-like illness.


If it's all over, why even bother caring anymore?

Why even come to this thread and post?

Good grief. You're like Chris Matthews without the TV platform...

A lot can happen in roughly 3 and a half weeks. I don't think that it is even close to time to start to panic. People need to be aware that it always tightens up towards the end. Not every election will be like the last one with a clear winner early on. My very first vote was cast in Gore v. Bush, so I've known how a close election feels.

Sack up, and rather than sit here and worry about every poll, get out there and do something. There is still plenty of time to help whichever candidate you intend to vote for. These battles are won on the ground, not in polls.


If Romney wins man will the dem base eat Obama alive, it's one thing to lose a close election doing your best but up against a better campaign (ala Kerry) but its another thing to have a massive lead and throw it all away.
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