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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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The terrorists were responsible for the terrorist attacks. We're responsible for standing behind our country; not behind our politics.
This is like a Rocky movie . . .
1. The POTUS worked out this morning and then met up with his team to do a short 45-minute review. ... He had pasta with chicken for lunch.
2. This afternoon he will do last-minute prep for about an hour with his team. He will spend some down time with his close friends in town for the debate—Marty Nesbitt and Mike Ramos.
3. He will have dinner with the FLOTUS at the hotel before the debate. They are having steak and potatoes at the hotel.

Ready to Rumble!
Man up? Governor, I have been at the helm of overseas contingency operations for years now. Of course I take responsibility for the lives lost in Libya, just as I take responsibility for the many more lives we've lost in Iraq and Afghanistan under my four years as Commander In Chief. Is this your idea of a foreign policy strategy, to man up? Foreign Service can be dangerous, governor, whether you're an ambassador or in the infantry. Is that your policy for the thousands of women we have serving overseas as well, to 'man up'? Is that how you're going to keep our ambassadors safe going forward, tell them they need more chest hair? Do you have some secret formula that makes it grow out as kevlar? Security for American men and women overseas is a real, actual problem, governor, it can't be handled by a phrase you might find on a t-shirt produced by one of the Chinese factories Bain Capital operates.

Man, that's a good reply. I'd remove some of the snark. But still a great rebuttal.
Crazy. The PBS documentary just said that 90% of the Republican primary voters in 2012 were white. How can you change the system to be more appealing to minorities if they don't help pick your candidate?


Romney Fanfiction:

"But mister President, I am running on your policies and you are running on mine now. You are the one who said the 47% comment, the one who wants to cut medicare and social security, the one who wanted gm to fail.

Wait. Does that mean that I'm a kenyan muslim communist though? Uh Oh."
There are plenty of smart Southerns that compartmentalize the crazy. I've met several.

True. Conservatism in the South is largely a social phenomenon. Attitudes and beliefs are adopted because it is the socially acceptable orientation. Of course, it works this way everywhere to a large degree. The South's racist history doesn't do it any favors in this regard, however. I have a fairly cerebral uncle who has basically gone crazy over the last several years as Republicans have become more and more politically radicalized. It's sad to see families down here in the South (including mine) torn up through political discord sowed by the (mostly Northeastern) 1% relentlessly pursuing their selfish economic interests.
If progressives/liberals were smart, they would manage their post-debate reactions. If all the progressives on the blogosphere are acting all butt-hurt and frantic, then it'll just feed into the media narrative that Obama laid another egg.
If progressives/liberals were smart, they would manage their post-debate reactions. If all the progressives on the blogosphere are acting all butt-hurt and frantic, then it'll just feed into the media narrative that Obama laid another egg.

Progessives/Liberals just dont have as masterful grasp over bullshit and PR-spin as the right does.

Angry Fork

Man, Robert Gibbs' forehead has eaten the rest of his face. That is one sweaty mass of skin.


It's literally half of his head/face, I didn't realize it until now.


If progressives/liberals were smart, they would manage their post-debate reactions. If all the progressives on the blogosphere are acting all butt-hurt and frantic, then it'll just feed into the media narrative that Obama laid another egg.

After reading this thread for two weeks I have no faith in liberals to act like they want to win.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I want there to be fireworks, but this is going to be a knob-slobbing townhall "debate."

It is going to be PanderFest 2012 and we all know it. :(


I'll check the thread after the debate is over. Through the debate I'm sticking to twitter.

Keep your composure, guys!
If progressives/liberals were mindless sheep, they would manage their post-debate reactions. If all the progressives on the blogosphere are acting all butt-hurt and frantic, then it'll just feed into the media narrative that Obama laid another egg.


Honestly that's why I lean progressive these days. Generally progressives can call a spade a spade and not spin things beyond the confines of reality.

Angry Fork

After reading this thread for two weeks I have no faith in liberals to act like they want to win.

If Obama was a leftist I'd support him fully, I don't know why liberals expect other leftists to support a center-right candidate, some of us have dignity. An Obama win would be better than Romney but I'm still going to criticize him.


If progressives/liberals were smart, they would manage their post-debate reactions. If all the progressives on the blogosphere are acting all butt-hurt and frantic, then it'll just feed into the media narrative that Obama laid another egg.

Ha! Don't bet on it. Progressives/liberals are panicky chicken littles by nature. They can't help themselves to be in panic and overall miserable.
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