Angry Fork
And this stereotyping is typical of what you accuse them of doing. Regional identity is a huge problem in American politics and this nonsense isn't helping.
Those regional area's are also desperately poor with terrible education systems, so religious zealotry takes hold - but if you talk to people in those regions and not take your worldview on the idiotic opinion polling you people are obsessed with you'd see many of them are full of doubt as well. Churches aren't full in the Bible belt on Sunday, I can tell you that.
As for science and religion - many creationists won't have their children taught it in schools because they are well aware of what the consequences are for their future.
The votes don't lie, it isn't a stereotype if it's true. All the normal logical people can come to the north, let the southerners secede and do what they want. Everyone wins. Honest reasonable people in the north don't deserve to have their country turned to shit due to these idiots, period. The south wants what they want don't they? Why not give it to them?