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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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This is where the GOP is smarter than the DEMs. When Obama did bad the base freaked out and panicked and media had no reason to claim anything but Obama failed. When Romney did bad the base refuses to admit it at all and proclaims Romney the winner so the media calls it a tie.
Basically this.

Perception is reality.
Didn't nearly all polls show Obama winning the debate, though? It takes some shameless spin to suggest that it was a tie because, while the polls show he lost, diehard republicans said "nut-uh!." Close races bring ratings but there's a point when twisting the facts becomes blatant lying.
Didn't nearly all polls show Obama winning the debate, though? It takes some shameless spin to suggest that it was a tie because, while the polls show he lost, diehard republicans said "nut-uh!." Close races bring ratings but there's a point when twisting the facts becomes blatant lying.

It'll take a few hours, but eventually the media narrative will go over to what the polls thought of last nights debate (as opposed to the opinions of the station talking heads) and the "tie" narrative will fall by the wayside


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
The media seems to be calling this one a tie in spite of this thread's thoughts to the contrary.

Nah- every mainstream outlet I'm reading is saying Obama won but it probably will not be as inconsequential as the first debate.

And who would have thought Romney would lose it on Libya of all things. So dumb Mitt.


Likelihood of victory, by the prediction markets (intrade, betfair, iem).

As a reminder:

Oct 3 - First debate
Oct 11 - VP debate


Really enjoying the intense silence in the office today. Surrounded by republicans and they're all just so busy this morning.

Going in for early voting after work. My blue vote will get absorbed by a thick TN red, but at least I can help to keep Cohen in for Memphis.
Nah- every mainstream outlet I'm reading is saying Obama won but it probably will not be as inconsequential as the first debate.

And who would have thought Romney would lose it on Libya of all things. So dumb Mitt.

Ronmey lost on the Libya thing because he has no ground to stand on.

Attacking the President and politicizing a terrorist attack is an awful thing to do.

The media should have call Romney and the republicans on their behavior long ago. Glad to see the president actually educating people on the matter.


Really enjoying the intense silence in the office today. Surrounded by republicans and they're all just so busy this morning.

Going in for early voting after work. My blue vote will get absorbed by a thick TN red, but at least I can help to keep Cohen in for Memphis.

My vote won't help Obama win in WV, but it'll help keep my Congressman, Senator, AG, SoS, and Governor blue, so I'm pumped. Early voting starts next week here.


Junior Member
I had the today show on and heard the words "In a debate everyone is calling a tie...".

Its all about the narrative.

The media in this country is pathetic. They want ratings more than credibility. Unfortunately in an election where Obama is favored to win, that attitude benefits Romney. Anyone saying that Obama could have put Romney away in the first debate is kidding themselves. The media would have made that a tie as well, no matter how well Obama could have done.

Anyway, the polls should be very telling this week. Thankfully, social media is picking up the mainstream media's slack.
I am very surprise on how good of a job Crowley did.

She looked so terrified of Romney after she called him a liar on live TV, and though she tried to qualify the whole thing, the damage was done, and it was pretty brutal.

Missed it live, any other highlights other than libya and Binders I should be seeking out?


I love Dick Morris. Has this guy ever been wrong?

Romney won the second debate

By scoring big on the economy, gas prices, and Libya, Romney continued his victorious string of debate wins. He looked more presidential than Obama did and showed himself to be an articulate, capable, attractive, compassionate leader with sound ideas.


But this debate goes to Romney. It seals his momentum and will lead to a big win.


Romney pandering for the Brony vote

Likelihood of victory, by the prediction markets (intrade, betfair, iem).

As a reminder:

Oct 3 - First debate
Oct 11 - VP debate


Interesting how they made Obama the red line and Romney the blue line. I'd have expected the opposite, traditionally.
Alan Colmes just shat in Tucker Carlson's swanson dinner like nobody has done since Jon Stewart. Just made my fucking day.

Tucker really is a piece of shit.
This is about the Libya exchange.
"Candy threw out something that is fundamentally dishonest."

'The administration for 2 full weeks said it is not an organized terror attack "there is no dispute about that" '

He repeated "fundamentally dishonest"

"leaving the impression with the audience that the president said something he didn't say"

Colmes got tired of his smug bullshit. "For you to say you don't act on behalf of the Romney campaign when you put out that video that basically went nowhere a couple weeks ago is basically ridiculous."

Who is the hell was this guy?


Alan Colmes just shat in Tucker Carlson's swanson dinner like nobody has done since Jon Stewart. Just made my fucking day.

Tucker really is a piece of shit.
This is about the Libya exchange.
"Candy threw out something that is fundamentally dishonest."

'The administration for 2 full weeks said it is not an organized terror attack "there is no dispute about that" '

He repeated "fundamentally dishonest"

"leaving the impression with the audience that the president said something he didn't say"

Colmes got tired of his smug bullshit. "For you to say you don't act on behalf of the Romney campaign when you put out that video that basically went nowhere a couple weeks ago is basically ridiculous."

Who is the hell was this guy?

Failed game show host.
CNN talking to the Bush question lady. Says she was disappointed with how Romney was doing less listening and trying to take control of the debate himself. Is voting for Obama post-debate.


She looked so terrified of Romney after she called him a liar on live TV, and though she tried to qualify the whole thing, the damage was done, and it was pretty brutal.

Missed it live, any other highlights other than libya and Binders I should be seeking out?

There was some good arguing about energy with a burn on Romneys coal flip flop.

Crowley killed Romney on his signed assault weapons ban in MA but now against it flip flop.


get some go again
knew the shitty media would call this a tie. obama had to win in a landslide before they could call it a win for him. even then they would probably say obama had the victory but it wasn't a crushing victory like romney had in the first.




knew the shitty media would call this a tie. obama had to win in a landslide before they could call it a win for him. even then they would probably say obama had the victory but it wasn't a crushing victory like romney had in the first.

Looking forward to CNN calling the election a draw after Obama wins
I wish there could be a big push in the next cycle to get people in non-swing states to vote for third party candidates who better fit their views. Imagine if the current electoral map had Jill Stein with the west coast on lockdown, Obama strong in the north/rust belt and probably northeast, Romney in the midwest and that crazy Constitution Party guy getting a few states in the deep south. If we had three to five viable candidates on the map going toward election day every time, the country would be far less polarized. In fact, I think it's the only antidote to that.

Some phrase like "If you're in a swing state, vote realistically, if not, vote idealistically" could have some seriously good long term effects.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Wish I had gotten in on that sweet intrade pie a few days ago. :( I dont get paid until Friday and I was going to put every red cent I had into Obama shares.
I wish there could be a big push in the next cycle to get people in non-swing states to vote for third party candidates who better fit their views. Imagine if the current electoral map had Jill Stein with the west coast on lockdown, Obama strong in the north/rust belt and probably northeast, Romney in the midwest and that crazy Constitution Party guy getting a few states in the deep south. If we had three to five viable candidates on the map going toward election day every time, the country would be far less polarized. In fact, I think it's the only antidote to that.

Some slogan like "If you're in a swing state, vote realistically, if not, vote idealistically" could have some seriously good long term effects.

only liberals would do this and republicans would win every time. come on. you forgot they all get their marching orders from the same place?


If we had three to five viable candidates on the map going toward election day every time, the country would be far less polarized. In fact, I think it's the only antidote to that.

We'd also have the whitest, most far right candidate winning every election. More than two candidates, you'll get the NRA chairmen running the country. What you want is a clear choice in the election, and we have that this year.
only liberals would do this and republicans would win every time. come on. you forgot they all get their marching orders from the same place?

I don't know, I heard Virgil Goode, the Constitution Party candidate, on the radio this morning and he was way to the right beyond Romney... all of the things he was saying seemed like it would be music to the ears of all the tea party crazies. I think he'd take a LOT of Romney's votes. It would be like if Romney and Santorum were both candidates in the General Election; they'd each get 20 something percent and Obama would take 60.


Junior Member


Junior Member
How long did it take Bush to call 9/11 an act of terror?

What does it matter?

I really can't believe he tried to make an issue out of it. Happy that it backfired in his face though.

Its ridiculous to think that they could try and make an issue of the terminology used to describe an atrocity as what happened there. WHO GIVES A SHIT.. 4 Americans freaking died FFS.


A third party president in a congress dominated by Democrats and Republicans is a waste of time. He/she would get filibustered into oblivion. If you want a viable third party, get more third party people into congress. When they form a sizeable group in congress THEN start considering a third party president.

not possible


Parental failure, really. People aren't ready for the idea that everything they say is public, all the time.

Yeah really. I don't think people will ever be ready for that. There will always be too many willing to reveal themselves as morons at the drop of a hat.
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