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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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What does it matter?

I really can't believe he tried to make an issue out of it. Happy that it backfired in his face though.

Its ridiculous to think that they could try and make an issue of the terminology used to describe an atrocity as what happened there. WHO GIVES A SHIT.. 4 Americans freaking died FFS.

That's my point. No one cares.

Making the incident in Benghazi a political issue is scum worthy. The President is taking the right measure and procedure to get to the facts and analysis the security failure.

Drumming up fear and hate for political points is the last thing that is needed or good for the country.

It just reinforces the point that Republicans will never work with Obama. This country will not get better until we get these clowns out of congress.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Its more possible than a third party president.

You are correct. We should focus on getting third parties into office all over the country. Give people the option. I will probably run for city council next election cycle, and I will probably do it as an independent, clearly delineating why I am independent and why they should vote that way.


You are correct. We should focus on getting third parties into office all over the country. Give people the option. I will probably run for city council next election cycle, and I will probably do it as an independent, clearly delineating why I am independent and why they should vote that way.

I literally can't tell if this is also a troll, but I'm going to assume it's not, and you should do exactly that.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I literally can't tell if this is also a troll, but I'm going to assume it's not, and you should do exactly that.

Not a troll, exactly what I plan to do. I had a guy walking around my neighborhood with a flyer. Never heard of the guy, but he made a couple good points on his flyer, so I said, "You got my vote."

It shouldn't be too hard, really. The only debate is if they will take me seriously as a 30 year old.


You are correct. We should focus on getting third parties into office all over the country. Give people the option. I will probably run for city council next election cycle, and I will probably do it as an independent, clearly delineating why I am independent and why they should vote that way.

Democrat - 39%
Republican - 38%
AB - 23%

City moves to the left.

AB: "Maybe I should run as a Republican next time."


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Democrat - 39%
Republican - 38%
AB - 23%

City moves further to the left.

AB: "Maybe I should run as a Republican next time."

LOL. No, my town is a suburb of Omaha and it is VERY conservative. I would speak to them as a conservative who is disappointed with the anti-science, logic, and humanity positions of the current GOP. It will be like the Schooner Tuna of campaigns. When things look better for the GOP, I can in good faith go back, but as it is now, the citizens of my beloved Papillion, apparently one of the best small towns in America according to Forbes, deserve an Independent who is willing to level with people. :)


No surprise here.

From sidelines, debate moderator Crowley becomes part of story

After Romney said that it took Obama 14 days to call the attack that killed four Americans at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, an act of "terror," Obama cited remarks he made in the White House Rose Garden on September 12, the day after the attack. The president said he had mentioned terrorism in recounting the attack.

"Get the transcript," Obama told Romney.

"He did call it an act of terror," Crowley said, siding with Obama's interpretation.

On CNN after the debate, Crowley said her comment "was the natural thing that came out of me."

Romney supporters at the debate were irate.

"Candy was wrong, and Candy had no business doing that, and Candy didn't even keep the (candidates' speaking) time right," said former New Hampshire governor John Sununu, one of Romney's most boisterous supporters.



I would love to see a comeback story arise from this. But I coldn't see our "liberal" media doing such a thing for a Democrat.

Well.. that, and he'd have to be coming back from defeat in the first place. Really, he'd just be coming back from "narrow win" to "big win."


Connoisseur Of Tedium
You know this is predictable and sad. We knew even if Obama dominated the debate which he did the GOP was going to this a tie and complain about the moderator. I decided to entertain myself this morning and put on talk radio. Sure enough it was about the moderator setting this all up.


The story going around town now is that the audience was too leftist -- Chait, for some reason, suggested it, and Goldberg and other conservatives are jumping on it. Jonathan Bernstein pushes back:

plainblog said:
From the "Town Hall" audience questions, I count three that were solidly pro-Obama and one that was somewhat pro-Obama; three solidly pro-Romney and one somewhat pro-Romney; and three neutral ones.

So, why the false impression? I think it was because of the sequence; the three great questions for Obama were the third, fourth, and fifth questions overall, and there was no similar sustained block of pro-Romney questions to break the illusion. What's more, Obama was doing a better job overall, which made good Romney questions seem less biting and good Obama questions more obvious. But at any rate, it was an illusion.


Probably there's some truth to this in that the undecided voters were from New York. But at the same time, if undecided voters operate on a "fundamentally liberal premise," what does that say about the makeup of our country and what the Republicans really represent?


If they were going to complain about the undecided voters being biased they never should have let them come from New York to begin with.

Even most Republicans there are well left of the current Republican Party.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Yeah, exactly what part of that was open to interpretation? Either Obama said it or he did not... *sigh

The media is so fucking useless.
I have a feeling the CNN overlords are scolding Crowley this morning after she chose to "side" with one of the candidates (by doing her homework and keeping things fair) instead of being a brainless chump.
Meh losers act like losers: complaining about the audience or moderator is loser behavior. Romney dropped the ball on favorable questions while Obama effectively exploited the favorable questions he received.

Romney is good at preparing and clearly is a good debater, but I don't think he's better than Obama when Obama does his best like last night. I also need to say I was wrong about Obama's talents as a natural politician: he had a couple great off the cuff moments, especially the pension line.

Debates are more about perception than results for the media. Romney needed to win the first debate to save his campaign, and did. Obama needed to do well in the second to catch up, hence this "tie" narrative; it's basically the start of a comeback. The third debate will go back to the first's narrative: Romney needs a win to stop Obama from closing the deal. I don't think we'll see people calling it a tie, given those stakes. If we get a second showing of last night's Obama than the verdict will be clear
The idea that moderators shouldn't fact check when they can and shouldn't press debaters is completely asinine. How is anyone supposed to come off more informed from a debate if both people can just stand up there and lie unchecked for an hour and a half? Of course our media has no interest in actually informing the electorate and would prefer to keep the masses wallowing in ignorance.
Its not like Obama had just given a speech introducing the annual egg hunt on the white house lawn and then dropped in some lines about terrorism and America's resolve.

Anyone who claims to not infer his intended meaning from the context is simply being dishonest and deceptive.


I wish there could be a big push in the next cycle to get people in non-swing states to vote for third party candidates who better fit their views. Imagine if the current electoral map had Jill Stein with the west coast on lockdown, Obama strong in the north/rust belt and probably northeast, Romney in the midwest and that crazy Constitution Party guy getting a few states in the deep south. If we had three to five viable candidates on the map going toward election day every time, the country would be far less polarized. In fact, I think it's the only antidote to that.

Some phrase like "If you're in a swing state, vote realistically, if not, vote idealistically" could have some seriously good long term effects.
I don't see how bracketing candidates by region would induce less polarization. Rather, atomizing voters is polarization. The outcome of your hypothetical would be more representative candidates. And that's not without merit. But less polarization? No.
A third party president in a congress dominated by Democrats and Republicans is a waste of time. He/she would get filibustered into oblivion. If you want a viable third party, get more third party people into congress. When they form a sizeable group in congress THEN start considering a third party president.
Not that I'm opposed to multipartism. I think it's superior, if only slightly, to a two-party system. But in our context? Yikes.
Meh losers act like losers: complaining about the audience or moderator is loser behavior. Romney dropped the ball on favorable questions while Obama effectively exploited the favorable questions he received.

Romney is good at preparing and clearly is a good debater, but I don't think he's better than Obama when Obama does his best like last night. I also need to say I was wrong about Obama's talents as a natural politician: he had a couple great off the cuff moments, especially the pension line.

Debates are more about perception than results for the media. Romney needed to win the first debate to save his campaign, and did. Obama needed to do well in the second to catch up, hence this "tie" narrative; it's basically the start of a comeback. The third debate will go back to the first's narrative: Romney needs a win to stop Obama from closing the deal. I don't think we'll see people calling it a tie, given those stakes. If we get a second showing of last night's Obama than the verdict will be clear

Republicans only want debates in Red states..

OMG!!!! New York State!!! that's not America!!!
re: third party

america can only have a multiple party system if each state decides to change its methods of electing representatives. single member districts + first-past-the-post voting ALWAYS results in a two-party dominant system. always. i could go into detail about why this is but i don't really have the energy.

any effort to shoehorn a third party into a SMD+FPTP system inevitably fails. either the third party cannot garner enough support, or it supplants one of the two major parties and the system reverts to two-party dominant anyways.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The whining about Crowley is ludicrous. Plus, Sununu has the audacity to STILL say she was wrong? Please.


I have a feeling the CNN overlords are scolding Crowley this morning after she chose to "side" with one of the candidates (by doing her homework and keeping things fair) instead of being a brainless chump.

What sad is she immediately realized that she had "taken sides" by pointing out a simple fact, and tried to then bail out Romney by leading him to a follow up point about disconnecting the attacks from the Muslim video. Like she thought she had to help Romney since she "helped" Obama.
Meh losers act like losers: complaining about the audience or moderator is loser behavior. Romney dropped the ball on favorable questions while Obama effectively exploited the favorable questions he received.

Romney is good at preparing and clearly is a good debater, but I don't think he's better than Obama when Obama does his best like last night. I also need to say I was wrong about Obama's talents as a natural politician: he had a couple great off the cuff moments, especially the pension line.

Debates are more about perception than results for the media. Romney needed to win the first debate to save his campaign, and did. Obama needed to do well in the second to catch up, hence this "tie" narrative; it's basically the start of a comeback. The third debate will go back to the first's narrative: Romney needs a win to stop Obama from closing the deal. I don't think we'll see people calling it a tie, given those stakes. If we get a second showing of last night's Obama than the verdict will be clear
Do you think Obama got lucky, or he played his hand effectively? Could Obama have screwed this townhall in epic proportions?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
What sad is she immediately realized that she had "taken sides" by pointing out a simple fact, and tried to then bail out Romney by leading him to a follow up point about disconnecting the attacks from the Muslim video. Like she thought she had to help Romney since she "helped" Obama.
Yeah, but like 95% of things she has done in her career, it failed.

How she was so good for like 99% of the debate last night should be an episode on unsolved mysteries.


Guys, guys, put the celebration on hold would you, I think it's premature.

Yup and the entire country is going Red in a few weeks....Dick Morris is the worst pundit ever and I did not think that was going to be possible after his horrific bad predicitions in 2008
re: third party

america can only have a multiple party system if each state decides to change its methods of electing representatives. single member districts + first-past-the-post voting ALWAYS results in a two-party dominant system. always. i could go into detail about why this is but i don't really have the energy.

any effort to shoehorn a third party into a SMD+FPTP system inevitably fails. either the third party cannot garner enough support, or it supplants one of the two major parties and the system reverts to two-party dominant anyways.

Yes! The only way to grow an effective third party (or more) is to ditch first past the post type voting. A proportional vote system for groups (like congress) and an alternative vote for individual positions (like the presidency.)

The problems with First Past the Post systems: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7tW...s_QZtSkX06DmWOaEaadwmw_D&index=1&feature=plcp

A Proportional system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT0I-sdoSXU

The Alternative vote system: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Y3jE3B8HsE&feature=BFa&list=PLqs5ohhass_QZtSkX06DmWOaEaadwmw_D


Yeah, but like 95% of things she has done in her career, it failed.

How she was so good for like 99% of the debate last night should be an episode on unsolved mysteries.

This was the first time I've ever seen her, as I don't watch - or have, for that matter - cable news. It struck me as a last minute attempt to be fair and balanced.

It failed, as you said. Nothing could balance out Romney's excited anticipation at the trap he thought he was setting for Obama, and then promptly walked into himself.


Hey guys. Sorry just popping in here to ask a quick question.

Why is Mitt Romney referred to as Governor Romney? The honorific confuses me since he's no longer the governor of the state.
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