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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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That Gallup LV Regional Poll really did explain much.

I'd been wondering about the possibility of a popular/electoral split, as Romney's national margins were curiously misaligned with the swing states' numbers.. but after the debate last night, I'm betting that Obama will keep a tie or a small national lead.

My Republican family members were notably quiet last night, and I've heard similar from other places, so I do wonder if their enthusiasm numbers will go down.
Morning joe has officially pissed me off. They're saying the debate didn't matter, and are going out of their way to highlight Romney's strengths in the debate. Unbelievable.

They went in pretty hard on Romney at least in the first half hour when I watched.

Anyway, I'm also impressed that Obama barely had any stutters or "uhhs" in the debate last night. About 95% of the time he spoke clearly and smoothly, and was mostly concise. I guess it just shows how unprepared he was on the first debate. In the first debate it seems like just treated it as if it was just a typical press conference and he was just laying out his points in a casual manner. But last night, he actually came to debate his opponent.

Obama's performance last night should absolutely stop the bleeding and should give pause to undecideds who thought Romney was a legitimate alternative.

There were times when Obama evaded/dodged certain questions but he never looked flustered unlike Romney who lost his barrings at several points during the debate. Obama managed to have a forceful debate without committing unforced errors. Can't really ask for much better than that.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well the thing I learned is that republicans are basically physically incapable of saying Romney got his teeth kicked in and democrats should take a page out of their book for debate 3.


I told you guys Obama needed to use the Perry handbook on Romney, last night was 100% that (continue Governor, etc) and Romney fell apart.

It was so great to see Obama basically pimp smack that shit eating grin Romney has completely off by the end


NBC painfully tryin to make the debate a tie. Fucking media. They even cut the Libya comment short so it didn't show Romney getting owned. Seriously?


Word up. If nothing else, hopefully the debate locks in the leads on a few key states.
Yep! Even if we were to just freeze where the race is today, Obama wins due to these critical state leads, and he ends-up with a 285-300EV victory.

If Obama makes gains off of this debate.. I'm just not seeing how Romney comes close.

NBC painfully tryin to make the debate a tie. Fucking media. They even cut the Libya comment short so it didn't show Romney getting owned. Seriously?
I had to restrain myself from yelling at the TV.
Good morning!

New Nevada polling out this morning, for your consideration.

Obama: 48
Romney: 45


This was taken between the two debates, when Romney was doing "well" in the polls. Seems like Nevada is ours.

Interesting stuff in here. 15% of Tea Party members are voting Obama. huh?

Also looks like Berkley is leading for the US Senate. She gets 90% of Obama voters(only loses 7% of that demo to Heller). While Heller gets 85% of Romney voters(loses 10% to Berkley)...and Obama's up to begin with so she must be up like 4-5 points.


The other thing that was key that I haven't seen mentioned is that Romney got knocked off his game so much that he missed out on having his big moment to "connect and empathize with real voters" in the Town Hall. I was worried before this debate that it might happen (particularly if the new Moderate Mitt showed up from the first debate), but it never did.


The other thing that was key that I haven't seen mentioned is that Romney got knocked off his game so much that he missed out on having his big moment to "connect and empathize with real voters" in the Town Hall. I was worried before this debate that it might happen (particularly if the new Moderate Mitt showed up from the first debate), but it never did.
It's because Brock finally started attacking him. Everytime he was asked a question, he would first give his own answer and perspective, and then proceed to compare it to Romney's. That got mitt incredibly flustered throughout the night. Mitt clearly spent a lot of time in defensive mode. Good tactic.


You guys should settle down about the media (which is admittedly terrible). 60 million people watched the debate. No one watches Morning Joe.
Saw this gem on my FB feed this morning.
"Please proceed, governor."



"I've made a huge mistake."

These debate photos are powerful.
Also, this continues to prove my theory that Romney is an 80s movie villain.
Just look at him. That park is going to get bulldozed and his shopping mall is going to get built whether you like it or not.
You know what I find annoying? Everyone on my FB wall spouting the bullshit false equivalencies like "Man I really hate both of these guys they both will kill the economy!!" which is funny considering I'm 100% sure they wouldn't be taking the same attitude if Romney actually had a good shot of winning. Actually I've seen that couple with "I wish Rick Perry/Sarah Palin had been the nominee" which makes it even more bullshit.


The other thing that was key that I haven't seen mentioned is that Romney got knocked off his game so much that he missed out on having his big moment to "connect and empathize with real voters" in the Town Hall.

When Jeremy asked about what the hell he's going to do after college, and Romney came straight in with an anecdote about someone else, it sounded like him palming off Jeremy. The rest of his answer was shit, too, but it sounded awfully like "thanks Jeremy - your experiences connect nicely with tear-jerker #2349, which I'm going to address instead".
The worst part of the Libya fuck up? It overshadowed the handful of other embarrassing fuck ups for Romney.

The reason the Libya one is so great is because it's so hard to spin for anyone who actually watched it. Most of his other fuckups would just be ignored by the media in their attempt to spin the debate as some kind of tie.


The reason the Libya one is so great is because it's so hard to spin for anyone who actually watched it. Most of his other fuckups would just be ignored by the media in their attempt to spin the debate as some kind of tie.

True but man there were a decent amount that are getting little or no passing mention
The media seems to be calling this one a tie in spite of this thread's thoughts to the contrary.

And all the polls point to the opposite. After CNN ignored even their own poll and said it was tie even thoguh their same size was much more republican than usual, lol at what the media has to say


That's in spite of reality. Every stupid snap-poll and focus group had Bams winning too. And if he did lose, you think this thread would be so calm right now and not page after page of crying, fear and anguish?


This is where the GOP is smarter than the DEMs. When Obama did bad the base freaked out and panicked and media had no reason to claim anything but Obama failed. When Romney did bad the base refuses to admit it at all and proclaims Romney the winner so the media calls it a tie.
The media seems to be calling this one a tie in spite of this thread's thoughts to the contrary.

Who is calling it a tie? Even Fox admitted that the president "probably" won the debate. Morning Joe seems to think it was clear, and CNN gave me a mobile alert yesterday telling me Obama had won.


I had the today show on and heard the words "In a debate everyone is calling a tie...".

It's the Today Show. It's job is to be as vanilla and inoffensive as possible.

How are people surprised that the media is trying to play this as close as possible? It's what they do. It's frustrating, but there's no reason to be surprised by it. More people watched the debate last night than are watching the coverage of it on the Today Show and Morning Joe, and that Libya moment was a disaster for Romney and it shot down his primary argument against Obama's foreign policy. If Obama remains this way in the next debate he's going to wipe the floor with Romney considering Mitt's foreign policy knowledge is embarrassing and Obama is clearly more knowledgeable and favorable on that front.
It's really just a few outliers and even then it's just the conservative media's immediate reaction to the stomping that just happened. I don't think anyone truly believes that Romney had a good showing last night - he constantly dodged questions, looked weak when responding to the president and was called out by Crowley herself who was doing some great fact checking. IMO it just shows how bad Lehrer is as a moderator that Romney was even able to get away with so much in the first debate.


I thought it was a tie, in that, I believe it will end up being a stalemate in terms of people deciding, the polls, and all of that. For content, expectations, and all of that Obama did win, partly because of Romney's stumbles and failures to hit his points home when he had the chance.

East Lake

This is where the GOP is smarter than the DEMs. When Obama did bad the base freaked out and panicked and media had no reason to claim anything but Obama failed. When Romney did bad the base refuses to admit it at all and proclaims Romney the winner so the media calls it a tie.
I know everybody goes crazy, but on the other hand if the the base doubles down and says Obama won does he come out as strong this time?
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