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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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will gain confidence one day
Yes, we know all the details about Romney Tax Plan.

I love how they realized no one believe they could cut taxes, spend more on the military, and cut the deficit so he has decided to go with 'cut taxes but eliminate deductions' such that it is revenue neutral.

But if it is revenue neutral . . . how does it have any stimulus effect at all? If you cut my taxes but take away my deduction then NOTHING HAS CHANGED! How is doing nothing supposed to change anything?

At best you can say that this will change things so certainly people who were not taking deductions will pay less in tax but those that took a lot of deductions will pay more. But how does that have any real net effect? There is no reasoning presented as to how that is supposed to do anything. It is just Mitt Magic!

The counter argument there is, I believe, that simplifying the tax code allows corps to spend less on accountants and save on overhead for things like... paper and ink. So that they can then redirect those costs to expansion efforts or something.
In contrast, Romney has not presented specific plans on any of these things.

C'mon now. Romney said he would cut Big Bird and Planned Parenthood! Those are cuts.

Of course we'll end up with a less educated population and lots of extra babies that people were not ready for such that welfare roles will swell!
Bush's biggest failure, and one of the reasons even his base had turned on him in the end was his inability to cut spending. And lets not forget who's responsible for signing the checks in government.

But are you arguing that we don't need to balance the budget, cut spending, cut corporate taxes, etc?

Bullshit. Bush had a favorability of close to 80% among Republicans when he left office. The party couldn't get further away from Bush because he was toxic with independents, but Republican voters stayed in lock step, just like they have about Romney and Ryan not losing the last two debates.

Actually, in the debate, he said the exact opposite thing -- that the top 10 percent will continue to pay 60% of total revenues. This could just be more of his strategy of committing to so many different tax plan restrictions that nobody can find one that fits all the rules.

No, this goes along with what I said.

If he reduces taxes by 20% then nothing changes in terms of how much each bloc pays into income taxes. They're still paying 60% of the income taxes, it's just the pie shrunk.

Do note how he said "income taxes," since he ignored the repeal of things like the estate tax.



The Autumn Wind
C'mon now. Romney said he would cut Big Bird and Planned Parenthood! Those are cuts.

Of course we'll end up with a less educated population and lots of extra babies that people were not ready for such that welfare roles will swell!
Don't worry, those single moms will end up in his binder and be allowed to leave at 5pm to cook dinner.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Romney presented a plan for the future. Obama had no plans, his binder was empty, all he could do was try to scare voters away from Romney.
Anyone who has been paying attention knows what Obama wants to do in a second term: pass the DREAM Act, pass his jobs act, pass an energy bill (like the cap and trade that has already come up for a vote), and reach a "grand bargain" on deficit reduction.


Anyone who has been paying attention knows what Obama wants to do in a second term: pass the DREAM Act, pass his jobs act, pass an energy bill (like the cap and trade that has already come up for a vote), and reach a "grand bargain" on deficit reduction.

Yup, his plan is the same as it has always been. Lets hope that he can actually get his plan through congress this time (end the fillibuster, reid!)

I really dont get how some people can say that Romney has a plan or a more specific plan for the future than Obama. His whole plan boils down to the 5 point plan and I know how to get things done

1. Energy independence - simply absurd considering there is a global market. We arent going to become energy independent by using up fossil fuels. The only way we become energy independent is through green energy and that will take a while

2. Skills to succeed - So cut teachers, education and all of that somehow gets us more skilled workers?

3. Opening up markets - Any republican or democrat will do this

4. Cutting the deficit - good luck doing that with a tax plan that doesnt add up

5. Championing small businesses - I liked Obama's point about how small businesses wont have access to Romney's tax deduction for companies that make money overseas
His dad had approval ratings in the 90%'s in 1991, just one year later in 1992 it fell to the 30's.

Bush 1's problem was that he lost Republicans. That's because Bush 1 actually did something responsible to close the deficit. He was never forgiven for raising taxes despite his pledge "Read my lips . . . no new taxes."
Bullshit. Bush had a favorability of close to 80% among Republicans when he left office. The party couldn't get further away from Bush because he was toxic with independents, but Republican voters stayed in lock step, just like they have about Romney and Ryan not losing the last two debates.


Hold on a second, far right of the graph there.....

When the economy cratered, GOP approval of Bush ROSE?


If nothing else, Obama killed the poor debate narrative and dulled Libya as a political weapon for Romney. Not bad with 20 days to go


As an aside, I'm saddened that we'll never get to hear PD's analysis of the relationship between John and Elizabeth Edwards.

Because according to Game Change that relationship actually was really fucked up in astounding ways.


I don't think it was a draw personally. Romney came came across better, was more positive. He won in my opinion.

And listen, I know differing opinions are frowned upon here, but trust me, it makes the place more interesting.
KT, then why did you propose it was a draw? You believe MR won, and public opinion concludes BO won. You presented an answer which few support.

Also, I concur diverse opinions make the place more interesting, although your assessment of this thread is erroneous. However, not all differing opinions are created equal. Trust me.


I think the obama team needs to step up their ground game in FL, they should be sending surrogates to florida every day from oct 27 - dec 4 to get people to early vote; if they get more hispanic and black voters to turn out they will win for sure.


I think the obama team needs to step up their ground game in FL, they should be sending surrogates to florida every day from oct 27 - dec 4 to get people to early vote; if they get more hispanic and black voters to turn out they will win for sure.
They've been pushing absentee ballots for early voters, IIRC.


Tearful Mitt Romney Announces He Has Rare Disease Where You Can't Sit Quietly On Stool When Repeatedly Asked To
HEMPSTEAD, NY—Highly emotional in the wake of last night’s town-hall-style debate, a tearful Mitt Romney called a press conference this morning to “come clean” about having a rare, little-understood disease known as Shuttlesworth Syndrome, a condition that prevents its victims from sitting quietly on stools anytime they are repeatedly told to do so. “As a sufferer of this rare disorder, being told to sit down and shut up—particularly when a stool is involved—only provokes in my central nervous system a violent overreaction that forces me to behave in the exact opposite manner,” Romney told reporters, his voice cracking with emotion as he revealed his secret to the world.

“Without meaning to, I reflexively stand up, stride forward, and continue trying to speak—doing so even, and especially, when one or more people are instructing me to stop talking immediately and go back to my stool. It is a truly debilitating condition that I have battled all my life.” Romney said additional symptoms of the syndrome include an inability to maintain a convincing human smile, inexplicable reversals of previously stated policy positions, and an impaired ability to chuckle without sounding like a deranged maniac.


Romney got about 13k in Ohio last week. Crowd sizes aren't really a good way to gauge much of anything. And Palin was getting Obama sized turnout in 2008 no?

Big difference is before and after the rallys Obama's people have people early vote or register to vote. Romney does not have nearly the capabilities in the field for this. Its part of the reason Obama is killing in early voting in IA and OH


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I am looking forward to see how many people have voted in the next Ohio PPP poll. I assume it's not a linear relationship between time and population (ie last week 20% had voted, this week 40%) because there is probably early adopter boost...like video games.

Also, Trip Romney...or Trigg...or Tag...or Chester...whatever your name is...point collar with buttons and tie...no.
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