That's actually not a bad idea.I think I'll just shelve it. Who knows how much an unsealed copy will be worth 20 years from now. Especially if it leads to the downfall of our socialist, radical, Muslim dictator.
That's actually not a bad idea.I think I'll just shelve it. Who knows how much an unsealed copy will be worth 20 years from now. Especially if it leads to the downfall of our socialist, radical, Muslim dictator.
Apparently Tagg Romney went on some radio show to say he wanted to punch Obama in the face during the debates.
At least it will be pretty straightforward for the Secret Service to detain him.
Ehh borderline. Saying something false isn't properly a gaffe. You guys are really stretching the meaning to encompass any bad moment.
Tough to find male virgins around here.
A deal's a deal. Here's a down payment of 72 male virgins. I'll work on getting the rest to you soon.Found it
Can I get my 1000 in male form please.
You get nothing. NOTHING!Link here's the . . . link:
40 seconds in.
I imagine that's the one liner he'd say after socking Obama in the nose and being tackled by the secret serviceYou're it!
I think the issue is that you seem to be assigning gaffes with more power to affect things than Romney's actual vile comments.
Ehh borderline. Saying something false isn't properly a gaffe. You guys are really stretching the meaning to encompass any bad moment.
Bad news for Obama and the women vote in swing states.
What would you call it? I think that, on the merits, the Libya moment was pretty bad optics -- the reality is that we want a President who can represent America, and while Romney is white, he looked like an overbearing entitled jerk in that moment -- one the audience applauds to see fail. It could have been a scene from the most unbelievably boring Bill Murray comedy ever.
Crowd sizes aren't really a good way to gauge much of anything.
The first time I was too busy rolling my eyes after reading the name Tagg to read his surname. I just assumed it was Palin.Apparently Tagg Romney.
Gaffes as well as a "bad moment" can undo your dreams. Think back to Clinton's "I feel your Pain" line at the townhall. HW certainly did not make a gaffe. He just had a shitty answer. Similarly Romney did not commit a gaffe, but tripped over himself. Like neogaf likes to say, it's bad optics.The binders thing is a meme I've been seeing all over facebook, just like big bird. I didn't think it was that outrageous though watching it. Maybe it was because I saw all the posts before I actually watched the debate, so I was prepped for it?
He floundered on Libya, sure. There's a difference between looking bad on a topic and a "gaffe" though. A gaffe would be the 47% remark or his consulate attack press conference.
http://livewire.talkingpointsmemo.com/entry/poll-obama-leads-by-3-in-ohio-holdsPresident Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney by 3 in Ohio in a poll from SurveyUSA.
The automated poll, conducted Oct. 12-15 on behalf of Columbus-based NBC affilaite WCMH-TV, shows Obama leading Romney among likely Buckeye State voters, 45 percent to 42 percent. Nine percent said they remain undecided. Obama's lead over Romney swells among Ohio voters who have already cast their ballots, 57 percent to 38 percent.
Obama led by only a point in SurveyUSA's previous poll of Ohio, conducted the first weekend of October. The PollTracker Average shows the president with a tiny lead there
SUSA is a shitty pollster too btw. Great news.
I am warry of automated polls in general
wapo said:Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic challenger to Sen. Scott Brown (R), had one of the biggest fundraising quarters on record, raising $12.1 million from June to September. Warrens sum, surpassed by only a handful of candidates in history, is considerably more than the $7.5 million raised by Brown.
And your own shadow.
PD openly expressed his concerns that Obama didn't had it in him especially in debates. Too many pauses, uhhhs, uhhms, long winded answers and inability to think on his feet.What's this strange reverse trolling going on by PD
The truth is I can't be negative today. Obama came to play and won the debate. If he had done two weeks ago the election would pretty much be over.
I was pretty apathetic about McCain, but I couldn't stand Palin at all. Romney's a flip-flopping liar, but that's pretty standard with politicians. At least he seems informed. Palin didn't seem to know jack shit about politics. I have no idea how anyone could take her seriously after that interview with Katie Couric.Is that the same Romney son who called Obama an obstinate child?
You know, I don't recall loathing McCain and Palin as much as I do the Romneys.
I was pretty apathetic about McCain, but I couldn't stand Palin at all. Romney's a flip-flopping liar, but that's pretty standard with politicians. At least he seems informed. Palin didn't seem to know jack shit about politics. I have no idea how anyone could take her seriously after that interview with Katie Couric.
And now she and her equaly stupid family just won't go away.
Wow Maddow is killing it
See, I disagree with the "no longer a threat" part. She did a lot to energize the Tea Party movement in 2010, and we're still dealing with those repercussions.Palin was just stupid and obviously far out of her depth, on one level I even pitied her after the election when she was no longer a threat.
There will be no pity for the Romneys. All of my hate.
Glad someone else here was watching that. Haven't really watched her before, but I have to say I love her now lol
I was pretty apathetic about McCain, but I couldn't stand Palin at all. Romney's a flip-flopping liar, but that's pretty standard with politicians. At least he seems informed. Palin didn't seem to know jack shit about politics. I have no idea how anyone could take her seriously after that interview with Katie Couric.
And now she and her equally stupid family just won't go away.
I hate stupid crap like this.
Looks like a tax return, but obviously it would, wouldn't it.