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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Verizon Profit Rises 16% on Wireless Business Verizon released its quarterly results a little while ago. The highlight: For the quarter, it made a profit of $1.59 billion, or 56 cents per share, on $29 billion in revenue, after adjusting for some items. On a non-GAAP basis, earnings were 64 cents per share.

It finished the quarter with 95.9 million wireless customers, up by 1.8 million from the prior quarter, compared with 882,000 in the same quarter a year ago.

The results are pretty much in line with what analysts had expected: 64 cents a share and $29 billion in sales.

God if we could just lower corporate taxes, we could dig out from this ditch!


Haha.. CBS morning news just went over the binder issue, pointing out that Romney didn't tell the truth. Then they showed the "Proceed, Governor" moment. Hysterical.

Also, for what it's worth: Obama's lead on the Rand tracking poll now up to 6%.

What really makes this so good for me is how confident Romney is in trying to question the President. His whole demeanor is "I'll show you". He comes off like an ahole. Only for it to back fire in his face.

Two federal courts said that the Ohio Republican Party’s effort to reduce opportunities to vote early must not go into effect. And the Supreme Court rejected an attempt by Ohio Republican officials to reinstate a GOP-backed law taking away three days of early voting just this week.

Yet despite multiple court defeats, Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted is determined to restrict early voting as much as he can get away with. Indeed, Husted openly defied the first court order blocking the Republican restrictions on early voting, although he eventually backed down after a federal judge ordered him to appear in court personally to explain himself. Now, just two days after the conservative Roberts Court turned away Husted’s bid to reinstate the anti-voter law, he is still finding new ways to cut back early voting:

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted swiftly limited early voting hours on those crucial three days to 8 am–2 pm on Saturday, November 3; 1–5 pm on Sunday, November 4; and 8 am–2 pm on Monday, November 5. That means Ohio voters will have a total of only sixteen hours to cast a ballot during those three days. And before the weekend before the election, Ohio voters will still not be able to cast a ballot in-person on nights or weekends.

In 2008, the most populous counties in Ohio allowed more time for early voting—both in terms of days (thirty-five) and hours (on nights and weekends in many places). For the three days before the election, early voting locations were open for a total of twenty-four hours in Columbus’s Franklin County (8-5 on Saturday, 1-5 on Sunday and 8-7 on Monday) and 18 and a half hours in Cleveland’s Cuyahoga County (9-1 on Saturday, 1-5 on Sunday, 8:30-7 pm on Monday). During those final three pre-election days in 2008, 148,000 votes were cast and “wait times stretched 2 1/2 hours,” reported the Columbus Dispatch.


Romney 49 Obama 47 in Ramussen today, Romney +1 from yesterday.

So you only post negative stories, and show up when polls are bad, PPP just said no change which would mean Ohio +5, does that deflate your concern troll attempt? :p

edit, well I guess PPP only doing IA, CO, NH today but still ...


what is the alternative reasoning for conservatives to want to cut back early voting?

i know early voting benefits democrats and that's bad for romney, but is there a fake reason that conservatives use to justify it all?

how do they explain it off? or is there really no other reason than to suppress votes?


So you only post negative stories, and show up when polls are bad, PPP just said no change which would mean Ohio +5, does that deflate your concern troll attempt? :p

edit, well I guess PPP only doing IA, CO, NH today but still ...
I post whatever tracking polls I see on twitter not posted yet. Poligaf is quicker with the polls that look better for Obama normally.

And ppp was talking about NH, CO, and Iowa. They haven't begun their Ohio poll yet.


what is the alternative reasoning for conservatives to want to cut back early voting?

i know early voting benefits democrats and that's bad for romney, but is there a fake reason that conservatives use to justify it all?

how do they explain it off? or is there really no other reason than to suppress votes?
Its to suppress voters plain and simple.


I poll whatever tracking polls I see on twitter not posted yet. Poligaf is quicker with the polls that look better for Obama normally.

And ppp was talking about NH, CO, and Iowa. They haven't begun their Ohio poll yet.

I see, I just looked at 2010 results in IA governor's race and NH senate race, and jesus, Dems took a beating in those races.

Colorado 2010 senate race PPP had Buck (R) up +1 but lost by .9 to Bennet (D)


what is the alternative reasoning for conservatives to want to cut back early voting?

i know early voting benefits democrats and that's bad for romney, but is there a fake reason that conservatives use to justify it all?

how do they explain it off? or is there really no other reason than to suppress votes?

I don't think they're really trying to make excuses for it anymore. It's completely obvious why they're doing it.

Dude Abides

I'm not saying not to stop campaigning completely, just for the next 3 days till the debate starts.

Why? His prep from the last one should still be pretty fresh. He just needs to stay sharp and be prepped for intervening developments and for however Romney might shift tactics. Disappearing from the trail altogether would be a bad idea.


Focusing efforts on NH, OH, IA, and NV makes sense. That doesn't mean that they're giving up on Virginia, Colorado and Florida, but they don't need those states to win. They're more likely to win those four over VA, CO, and FL and it's basically impossible for Romney to win without 2-3 of them. Even after the last two weeks of awful polling for them they're still expected to win in those states, so long as they build up a strong enough firewall that prevents Romney from gaining any ground there they can't lose.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hasn't early voting already been open for like 2 weeks? How could he really shorten it? Talk about cat out of the back.


Focusing efforts on NH, OH, IA, and NV makes sense. That doesn't mean that they're giving up on Virginia, Colorado and Florida, but they don't need those states to win. They're more likely to win those four over VA, CO, and FL and it's basically impossible for Romney to win without 2-3 of them. Even after the last two weeks of awful polling for them they're still expected to win in those states, so long as they build up a strong enough firewall that prevents Romney from gaining any ground there they can't lose.

I pretty much agree, although I'd prefer that they still do a few stops/events in VA and CO, just as insurance in case something freaky happens. Giving-up (or, I should say, pulling back) on NC and FL makes sense.

Then again, their internals may well show those four states as incredibly safe, even at Mitt's Peak.


Hasn't early voting already been open for like 2 weeks? How could he really shorten it? Talk about cat out of the back.

The main focus now (again, apparently) is the Sunday before voting. This is generally when black churches do their "Souls to the Polls" campaign and have their congregations bused to the polls and vote. You can probably understand why the republicans don't want them voting.


I pretty much agree, although I'd prefer that they still do a few stops/events in VA and CO, just as insurance in case something freaky happens. Giving-up (or, I should say, pulling back) on NC and FL makes sense.

Then again, their internals may well show those four states as incredibly safe, even at Mitt's Peak.

Yeah I don't think they should stop campaigning in CO and VA entirely because they're very winnable, but I think they've stopped trying in NC and I don't think it's worth the effort this close to campaign in Florida as I don't trust their electorate.

Either way, I understand the strategy and I think it's pretty smart. Romney gaining in VA, CO, and FL won't result in a win if he doesn't gain some ground in those four.


Hasn't early voting already been open for like 2 weeks? How could he really shorten it? Talk about cat out of the back.

About 100k people voted in the last three days before the election in 2008. They wanted to halt it early to try and cut off those votes. Remember that it was just one of many bullet points on the list of areas the GOP has been working in Ohio. Voter list purges, uneven open hours in GOP vs. Dem precincts, throttling polling stations in urban precincts, etc.
Romney campaign considers moving resources to PA/MI/WI and other Romney BS to try and win election


They have to in order to win the election. Without them he's toast.


About 100k people voted in the last three days before the election in 2008. They wanted to halt it early to try and cut off those votes. Remember that it was just one of many bullet points on the list of areas the GOP has been working in Ohio. Voter list purges, uneven open hours in GOP vs. Dem precincts, throttling polling stations in urban precincts, etc.
All of those efforts had failed.

You would think being behind in early voting you would try not to limit yourself.


Hey, at least its closer this time!

Romney's problem is that even with the lead in National polls, the states look awful for him.

NV especially looks really bad. Couple that with OH...Romney really needs WI.

Thankfully Wisconsin isn't going anywhere.

This kind of strategy makes me think that Romney's people don't feel good about their chances electorally and want to go for the high risk, high reward stunt. Romney would coast to victory if he won those states, but there's no way in hell any of them will flip at this point.


Thankfully Wisconsin isn't going anywhere.

This kind of strategy makes me think that Romney's people don't feel good about their chances electorally and want to go for the high risk, high reward stunt. Romney would coast to victory if he won those states, but there's no way in hell any of them will flip at this point.
Especially if Obama sees a 1 or 2-point bump in state polls from this debate fallout..


All of those efforts had failed.

You would think being behind in early voting you would try not to limit yourself.

I know they did, I was bringing them up because Y2Kev was asking why they were bothering. If it were one solitary effort, I'd agree, but it was one part of a larger plan (which has since unraveled).
About 100k people voted in the last three days before the election in 2008. They wanted to halt it early to try and cut off those votes. Remember that it was just one of many bullet points on the list of areas the GOP has been working in Ohio. Voter list purges, uneven open hours in GOP vs. Dem precincts, throttling polling stations in urban precincts, etc.

GOP's voter disenfranchisement campaign has been awful. Even worse has been Media's blind eye to it.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
what is the alternative reasoning for conservatives to want to cut back early voting?

i know early voting benefits democrats and that's bad for romney, but is there a fake reason that conservatives use to justify it all?

how do they explain it off? or is there really no other reason than to suppress votes?

I don't think they even give fake reasons anymore. They have been pretty open lately about their true intentions.


STORRS — After three debates and countless campaign ads, the U.S. Senate race in Connecticut remains close, but Democratic U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy has a narrow lead over Republican Linda McMahon, according to new data from The University of Connecticut/Hartford Courant Poll.

The poll, released Thursday, found that 44 percent of likely voters say they support Murphy, compared to 38 percent backing McMahon, with 17 percent undecided. More voters have had a chance to see the candidates, with three of the race’s four debates having taken place along with a blizzard of political advertising.

The poll sampled 574 randomly selected likely voters in Connecticut who were interviewed by landline and cellular telephone between Oct. 11 and Oct. 16. The margin of sampling error for the survey is plus or minus 4 percentage points for the entire sample, and larger for subgroups, according to the pollsters.

She dismissed a charge that the poll oversampled Democrats. Dineen told the Courant that 50 percent of those randomly sampled were Democrats, 34 percent were Republicans and 16 percent independents. The largest bloc in the state are independents.

One factor that could play a role in the election is the popularity of President Barack Obama in Connecticut. The poll found that Obama holds a 51 to 37 percent lead in the state over Republican Mitt Romney, and that half of all likely voters expect the Democrat to win, compared to 23 percent who expect the former Massachusetts governor to prevail.



Moving from North Carolina to Wisconsin makes sense, but Pennsylvania and Michigan should never be on the table of consideration.
I think the most revealing thing about that AP article is that NC looks to be pretty much going Red now. Plus Obama isn't campaigning there, but I still get texts from them telling me Early voting starts soon!
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