i'm late tuning in, but live springsteen in ohio.
i'm late tuning in, but live springsteen in ohio.
Ppps last poll was oct 7. Doubt the debate performance really factored in. 3 pt swing to Romney is consistent with what we've seen elsewhere IMO.Okay, I couldn't win office in Massachusetts either. But at least I know WHO HE IS and at least VAGUELY why he's relevant.
That is...a very tight result in Virginia, when PPP had Obama up 4 after the first debate.
Kids can't vote.Linda needs to get John Cena on the campaign trail with her.
Hmm... Gallup is now +7 Romney.
True. I guess there is that little 5% part in the back of my brain quietly asking, "but.. what if they're right? I mean.. they're Gallup."Or they're right. I'm sure Silver has a 5-10% chance allocated for that possibility.
Hmm... Gallup is now +7 Romney.
Yet, Obama has 50% approval rating & creeped up in the registered voters count.
Hmm... Gallup is now +7 Romney.
Yet, Obama has 50% approval rating & creeped up in the registered voters count.
@igorbobic: Gallup: Romney 52, Obama 45, among LVs
I predict bad news for Obama.
Good news for Obama.What do I win?
Okay, the Gallup LV model is insane 52-45 R (R+1) while O approval is up net +2 (50-44)
RV is 48-47 R (O+1)
I really dont's quite the only outlier right now. Their numbers are bonked. Probably southern voters more heavily weighted again.
Is this the first time Romney has led on the RCP electoral map?
Jesus Gallup get your shit together.
so there's a huge fucking discrepancy between gallup's lv, practically everything else, and its own numbers for obama's approval ratings (where it looks like the debate is being viewed generally favorably).
romney is not going to be up 7 on election day nationally. that's absurd.
so there's a huge fucking discrepancy between gallup's lv, practically everything else, and its own numbers for obama's approval ratings (where it looks like the debate is being viewed generally favorably).
romney is not going to be up 7 on election day nationally. that's absurd.
Is this the first time Romney has led on the RCP electoral map?
Yea that is wrong.They have OH and MI as straight toss ups when both should be lean Obama at the least.
@fivethirtyeight said:In 2000, Gallup showed a 24 point swing to Gore over 5 weeks. Swings this year have actually been pretty tame.
tnr said:But while a persistent likely-registered voter gap isn't good for the president's chances, it's worth remembering that this is about the same difference that Gallup found at this point four years ago. As you can see, Gallup initially showed a 6 point gap between likely and registered voters, which shrunk to just a couple of points by Election Day.
The y-axis is the gap between likely and registered voters.
Is this the first time Romney has led on the RCP electoral map?
It's also worth noting that Obama is ahead in every region polled by Gallup except the south, where he is down 15-20 points.
It's also worth noting that Obama is ahead in every region polled by Gallup except the south, where he is down 15-20 points.
What is wrong with them?None of the states mention are toss ups right now.they have PA as a toss up. lol