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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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This is not how aggregate analysis works. You don't decide the aggregate is right, and that outliers are to be ignored. You take all polls (conducted properly) seriously, and give greatest weight to the largest aggregate of polls.

I'm quite confident that Gallup's polling is one reason Nate Silver has Obama at ~2:1 odds instead of ~5:1, as he was polling less than a month ago. He is not ignoring or dismissing Gallup; he is clearly factoring them in and considering them seriously, despite the fact that they are currently outliers.

Again, you're describing a position that no one is taking. Saying "Gallup is an outlier" isn't the same as saying "ignore Gallup entirely."


Right, because Gallup is at variance with all the other data. Obviously we factor it into the overall understanding of the situation (otherwise Obama would be obviously leading by a bunch), but the overall understanding of the situation suggests that Gallup is an outlier -- that they're not accurately representing things for whatever reason. Is it inappropriate to think this? I mean, here are another couple of "snarky posts that don't seem to be taking Gallup seriously:"


Many simply do not seem to be understand what I'm saying. Just look at the wording you're using here.

You have decided that the other polls "accurately represent things" and that Gallup is therefore wrong and innacurate. I'm asking you to consider the possibility that the other polls are more wrong and Gallup is closer to a true picture of the current race.

What do I think the odds are that Gallup is more correct? It's less than 50%, given that Gallup is one poll among many. Looking at Silver's analysis, I'd say it's about a 29.6% chance right now.
Stop worrying about what Obama does.

I seem to remember you saying similar things before the first debate lol

Obama should do well given Romney's Libya fuck up, but he should still be preparing to knock this out of the park. It's time to close the deal. Btw if Romney seriously plays the "optimal" card on Monday, all bets should be off: Obama should finally call out Romney and the GOP for their borderline unpatriotic behavior


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Many simply do not seem to be understand what I'm saying. Just look at the wording you're using here.

You have decided that the other polls "accurately represent things" and that Gallup is therefore wrong and innacurate. I'm asking you to consider the possibility that the other polls are more wrong and Gallup is closer to a true picture of the current race.

What do I think the odds are that Gallup is more correct? It's less than 50%, given that Gallup is one poll among many. Looking at Silver's analysis, I'd say it's about a 29.8% chance right now.

But historically, they're not good predictors of margin of victory.


I seem to remember you saying similar things before the first debate lol

Obama should do well given Romney's Libya fuck up, but he should still be preparing to knock this out of the park. It's time to close the deal. Btw if Romney seriously plays the "optimal" card on Monday, all bets should be off: Obama should finally call out Romney and the GOP for their borderline unpatriotic behavior

I agree with PD.

See what you guys have done, you made me agree with PD.


Many simply do not seem to be understand what I'm saying. Just look at the wording you're using here.

You have decided that the other polls "accurately represent things" and that Gallup is therefore wrong and innacurate. I'm asking you to consider the possibility that the other polls are more wrong and Gallup is closer to a true picture of the current race.

What do I think the odds are that Gallup is more correct? It's less than 50%, given that Gallup is one poll among many. Looking at Silver's analysis, I'd say it's about a 29.6% chance right now.

When people say "Obama is going to win," you realize that they're saying "Obama is probably going to win," right?

When people say "Gallup's poll is inaccurate," they're saying "Gallup is most probably inaccurate." No one is going to couch every post they make in probabilities; we can parse the difference.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
The fact of the matter, national polls only matter in an election that is won or lost by virtue of the popular vote. Gallup doesn't matter, etc.

Swing states, and specifically Florida, Ohio, NV, and Iowa matter.


You have decided that the other polls "accurately represent things" and that Gallup is therefore wrong and innacurate. I'm asking you to consider the possibility that the other polls are more wrong and Gallup is closer to a true picture of the current race.

I...literally don't understand how you of all people would take up the argument that, given five pieces of evidence that suggest one thing and one that suggests something wildly different, we should focus on the piece of evidence that suggests the wildly different thing.

Necessary, if we assume the average of the polls is an accurate picture of the situation, then each poll will be assumed to be "wrong" (because inaccurate) by an amount that represents their deviation from the mean. Gallup's deviation from the mean is by far the largest, so necessarily it's the most wrong. This does not mean we don't average it in! It just means that averaging it in makes it CLEAR that it is wildly at variance with what we have accepted to be a correct picture of reality.

edit: Is the problem that I'm not explicitly stating my constant assumption that the average of the polls should be accepted to be the correct analysis of the situation?
I wouldn't worry about NH not going to Obama.

Out of all the swing states, they know Romney best. NH and Mass are very codependent work and politics wise.


Will be a weird election if Obama is behind in the national polls on election day, down in some swing states, wins them anyway thanks to early voting, and squeaks by in the popular vote.
Will be a weird election if Obama is behind in the national polls on election day, down in some swing states, wins them anyway thanks to early voting, and squeaks by in the popular vote.

instead of the Dewey beats Truman newspaper, Obama will just use a Gallup spreadsheet on election day


For the record, the Iowa poll stresses me out a lot more, but on average Obama is still doing okay there (nor is it vital to his success if he continues to show up well in CO and NV). We'll see whether PPP shows a 20-point lead for Romney or just a much smaller figure for early voting.


Yeah, especially considering their early voting numbers are identical to the NBC/Marist poll.

Is that poll just discounting everyone who's already voted because yeah, I don't see how Obama who has doubled Romney up on actual votes could be behind, especially when another poll just the other day had Obama up several points and corroborated those same early polling advantages.
I guess they are not included or something.


I...literally don't understand how you of all people would take up the argument that, given five pieces of evidence that suggest one thing and one that suggests something wildly different, we should focus on the piece of evidence that suggests the wildly different thing.

We should focus on all of them simultaneously. That is what I'm arguing.

Instead -- using your example -- people seem to be focusing on the five pieces of evidence they like, and dismissing or marginalizing the one they don't. I absolutely agree that the preponderance of current evidence shows Obama ahead. What I am not doing is marginalizing or ridiculing the evidence that he is not ahead. If I had 5 pieces of (valid) evidence to support a position, but then a new piece of (Valid) evidence contradicted that position, I would not say, "lolz that evidence is silly." I would take that evidence seriously and consider it when making conclusions.

That is precisely what Nate Silver is doing, for example. That 29.6% chance of Romney winning is not being pulled from thin air. If Gallup had Obama up by 7 instead of down by 7, I'm quite sure Silver's predictions would look considerably more favorable for Obama right now, perhaps eclipsing the 5:1 odds he peaked at before the first debate.
If Iowa is virtually tied on Election Day, Obama should win simply due to early voting. Romney could win by 2-4% points on November 6th voting and still lose the state.

I'm more concerned about NH, Virginia, and Florida.


If Iowa is virtually tied on Election Day, Obama should win simply due to early voting. Romney could win by 2-4% points on November 6th voting and still lose the state.

I'm more concerned about NH, Virginia, and Florida.

Unfortunately I'm pretty convinced VA and FL are lost to Obama. NH seems to be the definition of toss-up.
Like altered pointed out above, it does not matter who wins the popular vote so national poll are worthless in general. I honestly don't even understand why they even bother with them. Speaking of which, I'm sure someone has done a mathematical calculation of the extremes someone could lose the PV by and still win the presidency.


That is precisely what Nate Silver is doing, for example. That 29.6% chance of Romney winning is not being pulled from thin air. If Gallup had Obama up by 7 instead of down by 7, I'm quite sure Silver's predictions would look considerably more favorable for Obama right now, perhaps eclipsing the 5:1 odds he peaked at before the first debate.

Romney's 29.6% chance of winning is based on the Electoral College, which has very little to do with Gallup's national tracking numbers (hence why people are saying national polls like Gallup "don't matter").


I would feel better if Obama was doing more debate prep for the final debate. Nothing should be taken for granted or assumed. To much is at stake and fear is real.


I would feel better if Obama was doing more debate prep for the final debate. Nothing should be taken for granted or assumed. To much is at stake and fear is real.

When he was doing debate prep people complained he wasn't campaigning enough.

I would feel better if Obama was doing more debate prep for the final debate. Nothing should be taken for granted or assumed. To much is at stake and fear is real.

I'm sure after that first one he won't ever take a debate lightly again. He has to stay campaigning though. Holing himself up in the room would be the worst thing for him to do this close.

Edit: That romnesia video is amazing lol


I absolutely agree. This is essentially a rephrasing of what you just quoted.

I am suggesting that many people are not doing that ("lolz Gallup," "fuck Gallup," etc.) and are simply dismissing it as an outlier to be ignored instead of an outlier to be factored in.

Yes, I think your last sentence is the crux of it. And there I think you may be misinterpreting when people dismiss a poll like Gallup as an outlier.

I want it included in the polling aggregates because I know that cherry picking polls in the aggregates creates a distorted view. The whole point of an aggregate is to capture everything.

But me, Ghaleon, I think Gallup's poll is quite obviously bogus. And I dismiss it entirely, based on how disconnected it is from the aggregates, and given the methodology, etc. So I toss Gallup out of my consideration of where the race is at. Thus (though I don't word it this way) "lolz Gallup," "fuck Gallup," etc. I think they're junk right now. But I still want them included in the aggregates.


the interesting thing is the 66/32 split matches up with marist's 67/32 split. it's the 9-point swing in their overall results that's waaaaaaay off.

yeah i don't think we can trust that. was grove one of the lesser pollsters?
Nate gives them a pretty good weight (4/5 bars), but a three point lead is suspect since every other poll is showing NC being red. Kind of like this latest Iowa PPP poll, except the opposite.

Like Nate says, never cherry pick polls. Look at them as a whole to see what direction the state is in.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Will be a weird election if Obama is behind in the national polls on election day, down in some swing states, wins them anyway thanks to early voting, and squeaks by in the popular vote.

Not weird at all. It just means that Obama's GOTV was very good.


Romney's 29.6% chance of winning is based on the Electoral College, which has very little to do with Gallup's national tracking numbers (hence why people are saying national polls like Gallup "don't matter").
Nate's model adjusts state polling averages based on national trends, especially if the national polls are newer than state polls


Opiate, even cnn labelled gallup poll as an aberration

Did they actually call it an "Aberration" or did they call it "an outlier?"

It is certainly an outlier, and all I'm asking is that people not ridicule outliers. As long as their methodology is sound and they appear to be following the scientific process, there is no reason not to take them seriously and factor them in to our conclusions.
The popular vote will probably be close. Your vote matters.

Eh..maybe Obama losing the popular vote will give the necessary push to get the EC abolished anyway. I'm not going to be a hypocrite after complaining about 2000 for so long (although Gore should have won the EC too but that's another matter)
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