Haha, damn that was awesome.
The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as 'not optimal', saying: 'My son is not very optimal - he is also very dead.'
LOLThey do. Their miniseries, The Fabric of the Cosmos, was incredible. You should watch it.
Then he'll be attacked for being flippant in a FP debate. Nah, leave the jokes for the stump speeches
"[If you have Romnesia], here's the good news: Obamacare covers preexisting conditions!"
Holy shit.
#romnesia top trending topic in the US right now
Well played Mr. President.
Now it looks like #Obamnesia is. Damned uncreative conservatives
Obamnesia is lazy as fuck
put some effort into it
nervous about wisconsin. i give it the benefit of the doubt, but if that state goes, it probably wins romney the election. obama would need colorado and nevada (or iowa) to win if new hampshire, wisconsin, and virginia all broke for romney.
It wont,they tired this many many times and failed.It's a smart ploy.
Immediately take it's power away before it gains traction.
Yeah NH is pretty important. Romney can win w/o OH if he wins NH, CO and WI
We're getting a new Florida poll today from CNN, all post-debate.
Hope it shows an Obama lead.
This is why Obama, or any sitting President, shouldn't go on shows like The Daily Show and all of those sorts of things. I agree that he didn't really mean anything by it, but when the mother comes out like this, it just makes it look that much worse.
*apparent banned site*
gonna call a Romney 3 point lead
Iam sorry poligaf![]()
Now it looks like #Obamnesia is. Damned uncreative conservatives
.PublicPolicyPolling ‏@ppppolls
Our full Iowa and New Hampshire poll, which finds Mitt Romney leading 49/48 in both states, is now posted: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/...ads-by-1-point-in-iowa-and-new-hampshire.html …
Romney's favorability has improved a net 16 pts in Iowa and 10 pts in New Hampshire compared to our previous polls:
Obama's approval was 49/48 on our last polls of IA and NH. Now 46/50 in IA and 47/51 in NH:
If this gets some traction, Obama could be in some trouble.
Now it looks like #Obamnesia is. Damned uncreative conservatives
No way WI goes to Romney.
Because Romnesia is so creative...
ppp said:-Obama is up 60/38 with voters under 65, but he's losing every other age group.
i wish Obama would use the "please proceed Governor" line somewhere
The mother lashing out at Romney for politicizing her son's death wasn't a major issue, this won't be either. Romney lost the Libya issue in the last debate, period.
How odd.Hmm. So the PPP poll and the Marist poll actually agree in nearly every respect -- about a third of voters have voted already and Obama wins them about 3-2, while among voters who will vote on Election Day Romney leads by about 15-17 points.
The difference between them is that Marist breaks out an additional ten percent of voters who say they are GOING to vote early but haven't yet done so, and Obama leads them by a large margin as well. That boost, plus the reduction in the "will vote in November" demographic, accounts for the large swing.
I'm honestly not sure what to make of that, but it's clear at least that lots of people have voted early in Iowa and that Obama leads among them solidly. Remember that this is a likely voter poll and that Obama's early voting campaign is targeted at converting unlikely voters to banked votes. Overall I think the picture is still good in Iowa.
Bizarrely dumb PPP line of the day:
All those other age groups between 65 and dead!
Probably true but shoring up the gap in NH takes away that scenario for Romney if disaster happens in WI
Because Romnesia is so creative...
? aaan aaann?Vice President Biden on Friday told a Florida crowd that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have developed such a pattern of being sketchy, they really should be called Etch-A-Sketchy.
Bizarrely dumb PPP line of the day:
All those other age groups between 65 and dead!
This is why Obama, or any sitting President, shouldn't go on shows like The Daily Show and all of those sorts of things. I agree that he didn't really mean anything by it, but when the mother comes out like this, it just makes it look that much worse.
*apparent banned site*
I think it's very telling that BO is attacking Romney rather than talking about the hope and change he plans to bring the next four years. Very telling...
Also not surprised to see that Romney has finally pulled ahead in likability in some polls.
Yeah, really underscores that GOPers are manchildren.OMG, first trickle down gvt, then Obama's empty Binder now Obamanesia.. they really suck at this.
" I am rubber you are glue"?