How come nobody is not making a bigger deal of Tagg Romney buying voting machines in Ohio.
How come nobody is not making a bigger deal of Tagg Romney buying voting machines in Ohio.
I was wondering the same thing.How come nobody is not making a bigger deal of Tagg Romney buying voting machines in Ohio.
Wait what?
I was wondering the same thing.
OK guys I'm starting to get a little nervous here. I was curious how much did Obama outperform the polls in 08 due to the ground game? Is it possible that a few of these states that are lean romney go to Obama because of this?
"cultural" issues
I'm not aware that anyone has studied organizational strength in relation to outperforming the polls. However, it's not unreasonable to expect that an organizational advantage might cause a campaign to slightly outperform the polls. GOTV efforts are most effective on voters who might be omitted by a LV screen.OK guys I'm starting to get a little nervous here. I was curious how much did Obama outperform the polls in 08 due to the ground game? Is it possible that a few of these states that are lean romney go to Obama because of this?
With only a few weeks remaining, he doesn't have much to lose. I'd say it's worth the gamble given its size.I can't believe Romney got himself roped into contesting Pennsylvania. It's completely a hail-Mary.
Obama's leading in Ohio, Virginia, and Florida which means he's losing.
Romney's sending staffers out to Pennsylvania which means PANIC
Well, that was even less successful than I anticipated. It did seem a bit dubious considering the spectacular failure of the P5+1 negotiations.WH now denying the iran talks
The machines will be used in Ohio, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washington and Texas
The machines will be used in Ohio, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washington and Texas
The machines will be used in Ohio, Colorado, Oklahoma, Washington and Texas
PollDiablos = PDI think Diablos is starting to be like PD, except using Polls.
the ground game advantage tends to be built into polls (as in, having better ground game means that people are more likely to turn out and have their choice locked in weeks or months before the election and thus they are more likely to be counted in polls). obama's margin in 2008 wasn't underestimated by the aggreate of polls.
I love me some Biden, I really do, but let's not get carried away.Biden is definitely the best VP ever. The only way he could have been more epic would have been driving in on the trans am.
I believe in term limits for every position filled by the election process.
I just vote no on everyone seeking another term to make it simple.
Good news for Gallup.except when it did:
average: 1.8
538 aggregate: 1.7
result: 2.8 (closest: survey usa)
average: 2.4
538 projection: 3.4
result: 4.6 (closest: univ of cinci)
average: 5.5
538 projection: 6.6
result: 9.0 (closest: ppp)
average: 6.5
538 projection: 4.9
result: 12.5 (closest: zogby)
average: 4.4
538 projection: 5.6
result: 6.3 (closest: ppp)
Looks like Obama can squeeze out an extra point or two.
We know (thanks to Incognito) that OFA in Colorado is simply unmatched.
Looks like Obama can squeeze out an extra point or two.
We know (thanks to Incognito) that OFA in Colorado is simply unmatched.
So I went to see the Prairie Home Companion live tonight, and I was really gratified to see that during the pre-show when Garrison Keillor came out slamming the proposed marriage amendment in Minnesota (that would restrict marriage to hetero couples) the audience erupted with cheers and claps, and this was an audience of mostly elderly people in their fifties and sixties.
Also he really came out slamming Romney and the republicans in tonights show. I mean, the show always has a liberal bent, but this was by far the most explicit its ever been. One line was something like "why on earth would we hand the country back to the clowns that got us here with a financial crisis and three wars?"
Damn that Ohio Poll...
ppp will get them again next week, probably. if it's in +1 romney to +1 obama still, maybe it's cause for concern. right now, it seems slightly out of the norm, and even lower than romney's group's best projections (for romney).
I still think Romney needs to be +2 or +3 in Ohio to even have a shot on 11/6. In-person early voting has been on absolute-fucking-fire compared to even 2008. OFA has an incredible ground game in the 3 C's and they're getting people to those county early voting centers in droves.
from what i can tell, ppp's final results (be it +1 or +5) include the math for the early voting. going by their math for iowa, for instance, would give romney a +1 win, even with early voting.
I wonder what the white house's libya strategy is. Right now Benghazigate is running wild.
I wonder what the white house's libya strategy is. Right now Benghazigate is running wild. Fox is full on shameless with the absence.
I wonder what the white house's libya strategy is. Right now Benghazigate is running wild. Fox is full on shameless with the absence.
I don't see it being discussed on any news websites or networks, where are you getting this from? Fox News?..
nvm if it's sarcasm though...
Meanwhile Romney is a robotic, wealthy Northeastern elitist with no core principles who they never liked much anyway.
It would truly boggle my mind if Iowa flipped this year.
cultural issues.
The cultural issues should favor their fellow Midwesterner over the Northeastern elitist.
"cultural" issues
except when it did:
average: 1.8
538 aggregate: 1.7
result: 2.8 (closest: survey usa)
average: 2.4
538 projection: 3.4
result: 4.6 (closest: univ of cinci)
average: 5.5
538 projection: 6.6
result: 9.0 (closest: ppp)
average: 6.5
538 projection: 4.9
result: 12.5 (closest: zogby)
average: 4.4
538 projection: 5.6
result: 6.3 (closest: ppp)
This just reminded me that I still need to fill out and send in my absentee ballot for NH...Doing my absentee ballots now. Two more for Obama... South Carolina...![]()
This just reminded me that I still need to fill out and send in my absentee ballot for NH...
prediction for the next two weeks:
obama wins debate #3. nobody really cares, but the race remains mostly where it is right now, with obama fluctuating between 1 and 3 points. wins ohio by 3 points, iowa by 2 points, colorado by 3 points, nevada by 4-5 points, new hampshire by 1-2 points, and virginia by 1 point.
ohio, virginia, iowa, and new hampshire will be too close to call until about the time polls close pst. nevada, california, oregon, and washington will be called for obama at the same time. there's a 253-235 split going into the evening. ohio gets called sometime after 11est/8pst, and obama is reelected, while other states remain too close to call.
lots of iowans have socially conservative views that lead them to favor the republican party, it's not that complicated. it's not even that he's black, people there don't even care it about those things much, it's more abortion/gay marriage.
Going by the present RCP Average, we'd end up with this map on election day.
Messy, but I'd take it.
i had no idea the 2008 polls underestimated obama that much. in 2008, RCP only had bams +2.4 in ohio . . . yet people here are shitting their pants over ONE poll that has bams +1. people need to chill.