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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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His methodology makes my head hurt.
Fucking economists, seriously, you're a humanity, stop pretending to be scientists and get your fucking house in order.

Falling on your virtual sword for that joke?
C'mon son.
Romney Adviser: ‘Romnesia’ Line ‘Quite Silly’


'You didn't build that', Obamaloney, Trickle-down government, etc.

Gallups been reading neogaf:

Gallup Editor Defends Polls

Meh. Sometimes you can look at the cross-tabs and find how the sample is flawed. Perhaps too many people in one area, party, leaning, etc.

And sometimes the cross tabs are fine but it is just a bad sample that wasn't random. It happens. It can just be an outlier.
I can't tell the panic'd chicken littles, from the dry sarcasm anymore.

I have no idea wtf is going on in here, and I'm now car less certain Obama is going to win. Fuck.
It would set a bad precedent though. I'm already having trouble telling who is serious and who is trolling/joking and now I gotta figure out which links are real or fake and troll polls?
Romney's got one religious qualification that puts him far beyond Obama. Mitt's been born again must be a dozen times or so already.

That that Bams.



I don't disagree with most of the economics there (although I don't think the author spends enough time on the effects on the financial markets of suddenly not having US debt available to buy), but the politics is nutty. Yes, minting a $60T coin doesn't require Congressional approval, but neither does asserting that the debt ceiling is unconstitutional or was superseded by a continuing resolution, and printing that much money is going to be hugely unpopular.

And the only real benefit claimed, other than avoiding future debt ceiling showdowns, is that it takes away The Debt as an issue. But it has no impact on the deficit, measured as spending minus taxes, and surely that's what everyone would jump on, plus it's going to be hard to convince people that this wouldn't be more inflationary. People might actually be more deficit-averse if the difference is being made up with printed money instead of borrowed money.
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