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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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anyone discuss that Gloria Allred rumor that she's going to drop an October surprise?

Maybe a new undocumented worker for us to learn about?

What ever happened to that October surprise twitter?
Obama's lead grew in RAND, bucking the last 3 days.

Obama's number only changed by .01 which means today was exactly the same for him as last week which is good since last week it was certainly higher than it is now.

Romney dropped almost half a point. Obama basically +2 now.

I think RAND is settling in the 2-3 range for a while.

Also, more people switched to Obama from Romney in the past week but Obama intention to vote has still dropped (Romney's took a slight drop as well but still quite high).


Catching up on my weekend reading. Thought I'd toss a wee bit of hopiupm this way. Good column from Nate Cohn on Obama's lead in Ohio. A notable trend:

Obama holds a larger lead in polls that survey cell phones.


Good polls start with a representative sample, so the possibility that automated pollsters can't sample a quarter of the electorate could undermine a prerequisite to their ability to sustain success. If you had to choose between leading in polls that can survey the entirely electorate and those that cannot, you would choose the ones that can. And when you read articles about campaign internals showing Obama up by 3 or 4 points in Ohio, remember that the campaign pollsters are calling voters with cell phones.

More here. But that's the piece that jumped out.


Setec Astronomer


Supposedly quinnipiac's poll of ohio tomorrow is looking closer. We'll see. As long as it's a 3-4 point lead for Obama I'll be fine.

Good to know. I'm expecting a bit of a snap back to the mean. 3-4 points is about what I'd hope for. From Cohn's piece:

The Washington Post, CBS/NYT/Quinnipiac, and the Columbus Dispatch each showed Obama leading by at least 9 points prior to the first presidential debate. While Obama probably won’t lead by anything near as much in their next surveys, they each seem likely to show Obama leading by more than 1.9 points. In contrast, each of Romney’s best surveys has polled since the first presidential debate, and Republican-leaning firms like ARG and WAA have jumped into the fray.
Supposedly quinnipiac's poll of ohio tomorrow is looking closer. We'll see. As long as it's a 3-4 point lead for Obama I'll be fine.

If it's in comparison to their last poll, that's a given. Even their last poll I didn't believe was on the real average.

If it's 3 or above, then it's another good poll showing Obama with a decent sized lead.

And that post on cell phone users is reassuring.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The easy response is that vouchers may not be as good, but they're something that will ensure something is provided.

Then the response to THAT would be "so you're admitting the free market is providing an inferior product compared to the GOVERNMENT?!?!!"


Do we have any data on how frequently the premium polls were conducted in 2008?


qunnipiac polled it 3 times in october. they also polled consistently high for obama.

ppp polled 3 times as well. they were generally closer on average. their last poll was close to the overall polling average, but slightly off the result (which favored obama).

marist was the closest on average, but only polled twice in october, and the last was a week before the election.


A 2-3 point lead in OH sounds about right. I'm sure this won't prevent PoliGAF from having a panic induced heart-attack, though.
Politico poll has 59% Conservatives, 2% Moderate responding. It's pretty goofy.

isn't it true that the split of self identifying conservatives/moderates/liberals is something like 50/35/15. So, if you are implying there are too much conservatives in the sample, it might not be the case.



What was it before?

And Black Republican was right on the money.

In the Quinnipiac @CBSNews Poll one in 5 Ohio likely voters say they have already cast their ballot and Obama leads in this group 54-39%.

Charlie Kaye ‏@CharlieKayeCBS
In the Quinnipiac @CBSNews Poll of likely Ohio voters it's President Obama 50%, Mitt Romney 45%. The margin of error is +/- 3%.

The President's lead in the Quinnipiac @CBSNews Poll of Ohio has been cut in half since September.

In the Quinnipiac @CBSNews Poll among likely Ohio voters who will cast their ballot on Election Day, it's much tighter, Obama 49% Romney 47%


isn't it true that the split of self identifying conservatives/moderates/liberals is something like 50/35/15. So, if you are implying there are too much conservatives in the sample, it might not be the case.

It's also from the 15th to the 18th, so old poll with half of it before the 2nd debate.


If Obama wins the EC but loses the PV, you'll hear conservatives drone on for the next 4 years how Obama's an illegitimate president. Well, some do that now but it'll be even more pronounced and said proudly in the mainstream.


Let's not kid ourselves, everyone. The Q poll is a great one for Obama.

Well, right now the popular vote has a slight edge for Romney, while Obama still has a bit of an edge in electoral votes. We can expect a 2 point bump for Romney after his last debate. You do the math. Obvious popular vote win for Romney, small electoral vote win for Romney. Time to face the music.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow, 5 pt lead in the crucial must win state with 20% margin in early voting? Bad news for Osama. I mean BO.
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