what the? what?
Prediction: When Obama hits Romney with the $2 trillion overspending in defense, he'll counter with something like he did in the first debate. He'll probably say that's not my plan.They're already softening/backing away on that number..
Nate Cohn says that the Gallup enemy isn't in the south, it's in ourselves:
I have no comments on why liberal white voters are apparently trying to destroy America.
what the? what?
This'd be a good name for a new ad series. Its fucking appropriate. The guy is a joke.
Damn you liberal white people! This is why the democratic party looks so week,
"Obama didn't close Guantanamo so I am not voting for him this time around."
- Random White Guy eating at a noodle place around my job in NYC.
"There are a couple of points with regard to this (US) message (to Iran)," Ebrahimi said and added, "Firstly, during the session to submit the message, the Swiss ambassador to Tehran quoted the US president as saying that 'we (the US) recognize your nuclear rights'."
Didn't Ryan already try the parry that it wasn't additional spending, it was a lack of a cut? And now is not the time to cut our military, etc etc. We need to have the strongest military, yadda yadda, credibility yadda yadda.Prediction: When Obama hits Romney with the $2 trillion overspending in defense, he'll counter with something like he did in the first debate. He'll probably say that's not my plan.They're already softening/backing away on that number..
I'm sure all the MSNBC hosts will protect you ;PBy the way is there a chance of his son hiring people to come and find me and kill me?
Guess it's a safe Romney state then, like NC, FL, and VASuffolk University has a tied Ohio poll. (Backpats to TPM.)
Worth noting: every single one of the 600 voters said they were "very likely" to vote (presumably that was a cutoff question). Romney, and the GOP in general, have had a consistent lead among those "most enthusiastic" even when they lost their enthusiasm advantage in general.
Still solidly consistent with a 2-3 point lead, if not better given Suffolk's apparent GOP lean.
Oh yeah thats right they are not poling FL or NC cuz its safe for Romney.Guess it's a safe Romney state then, like NC, FL, and VA
Obama wins in a squeaker.i wonder how the networkswould respond to an Obama 332-347 win?CNN/Fox
-"Was Obama campaign too aggressive?"
-"Was america ready for a Mormon president?"
- "our polls showed Romney was the weakest gop nominee since..."
- "7.8% save the president?"
-"Why did Obama get less electoral votes than before"?
-"Do minorities hate Romney?"
-"Are women too emotional to vote?"
i wonder how the networkswould respond to an Obama 332-347 win?CNN/Fox
-"Was Obama campaign too aggressive?"
-"Was america ready for a Mormon president?"
- "our polls showed Romney was the weakest gop nominee since..."
- "7.8% save the president?"
-"Why did Obama get less electoral votes than before"?
-"Do minorities hate Romney?"
-"Are women too emotional to vote?"
i wonder how the networkswould respond to an Obama 332-347 win?CNN/Fox
-"Was Obama campaign too aggressive?"
-"Was america ready for a Mormon president?"
- "our polls showed Romney was the weakest gop nominee since..."
- "7.8% save the president?"
-"Why did Obama get less electoral votes than before"?
-"Do minorities hate Romney?"
-"Are women too emotional to vote?"
i wonder how the networkswould respond to an Obama 332-347 win?CNN/Fox
-"Was Obama campaign too aggressive?"
-"Was america ready for a Mormon president?"
- "our polls showed Romney was the weakest gop nominee since..."
- "7.8% save the president?"
-"Why did Obama get less electoral votes than before"?
-"Do minorities hate Romney?"
-"Are women too emotional to vote?"
Didn't Ryan already try the parry that it wasn't additional spending, it was a lack of a cut? And now is not the time to cut our military, etc etc. We need to have the strongest military, yadda yadda, credibility yadda yadda.
I'm sure all the MSNBC hosts will protect you ;P
So it seems Romney won the coin toss and will be going first and getting the last word
I think Obama hit it right in the debate when he said this with the proper emphasis:Yep. Romney will try and dodge it like the first debate. It is up to Obama to hit back hard on it saying: A) This is your position as stated in the primary and on your website B) The Pentagon doesn't want nor need this funding C) If our national debt is one of the greatest risks to our economic security and well being, increasing military funding is irresponsible and unnecessary.
Obama said:But what I've also said is if we're serious about reducing the deficit, if this is genuinely a moral obligation to the next generation, then in addition to some tough spending cuts, we've also got to make sure that the wealthy do a little bit more.
Huh, how is it fair to both go first and get the last word
I would pay good money to be on hannitys election night audience and scream "SCOREBOARD" at him all night.I can't wait to laugh and laugh and laugh at Hannity's crying. Hell, I'd pay good money for a dance remix of the sounds of him weeping- and I don't/can't even dance! It'd just be so delicious!
President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney are deadlocked in the historical bellwether of Ohio, according to a poll from Suffolk University released Monday.
The poll shows Obama and Romney each earning the support of 47 percent of likely Buckeye State voters. Both Obama and Romney are also viewed favorably by 50 percent of Ohio voters.
i wonder how the networkswould respond to an Obama 332-347 win?CNN/Fox
-"Was Obama campaign too aggressive?"
-"Was america ready for a Mormon president?"
- "our polls showed Romney was the weakest gop nominee since..."
- "7.8% save the president?"
-"Why did Obama get less electoral votes than before"?
-"Do minorities hate Romney?"
-"Are women too emotional to vote?"
Unless they are making M1 tanks. Or if Romney is president of course.GOVERNMENT DOES NOT CREATE JAHBS.
This is like the fifth post like this. There will be nothing entertaining about what could happen if Obama wins despite inconsistent polls. We're already seeing the ground work laid for voter fraud claims, and I expect Fox to go all in with it. There certainly will be elected officials willing to testify on the subject; perhaps even a few tea party folks who lost reelection and have an axe to grind.I look forward to the waves of voter fraud accusations.
Omg bias!Cool, looks like Scott Duzer ( Florida Pizzeria bear hug man) will be in the audience for the debate
I know it's wrong but I don't trust Suffolk as a pollster. Still no o e shows romney in Ohio
Because they left Florida saying it is a lock. But that is insane and no reputable pollster does this. Hell pollsters still poll Cali and mass and NY.Why not...?
LOL. that guy is obviously voting for Obama. Unless this debate doesn't need to have the pretext of "undecided" voters.
got my ohio absentee ballot. now to fill it out and bring it downtown and wait for husted to throw it out