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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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the national polls make me nervous.

not gallup, because they're off-kilter, but everything else showing a tie.

maybe nervous isn't the right word. annoyed.

i just hope it's a tie that breaks in obama's favor, that he pulls ahead in a modest lead over the next two weeks, or it's overenthusiastic people mostly from the south skewing things this way.
the national polls make me nervous.

not gallup, because they're off-kilter, but everything else showing a tie.

maybe nervous isn't the right word. annoyed.

i just hope it's a tie that breaks in obama's favor, that he pulls ahead in a modest lead over the next two weeks, or it's overenthusiastic people mostly from the south skewing things this way.

One thing I keep hoping for is that all polls are underestimating Latino turnout and voting because of no Spanish language.


I live in a rural town right in between north-west and central Ohio. The town itself has about 6,500 people and is the largest community in a county that is home to just 22,000 people, almost all of whom are white people with either blue collar or agricultural jobs. In 2008 John McCain carried my county by 16 points and usually Republicans do even better than that.

This election Obama supporters have maintained rough yard sign parity and were even dominant for a few weeks. More importantly, the Obama people have managed to place an active campaign office in our downtown while the Romney people have done nothing. This is unprecedented. In 2004 the Democrats had volunteers from my county go elsewhere in the state because this area was so hopeless, this year we have an actual headquarters.

I know that such a small community doesn't amount to a lot of votes, but this is the type of area where Republicans are supposed to dominate and that's just doesn't appear to be happening.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I really hope Obama presses Romney from the start and doesn't let up. Cut him off as much as possible if the moderator doesn't do a good job. Control the debate.

Nobody is going to like that but you. Look at how Biden was perceived after the debate. Just destroy his talking points with statistics after he gets his word out. Dont butt in, don't guffaw and vamp for the cameras. Romney's likability with rocket upward if Obama does that.


Nobody is going to like that but you. Look at how Biden was perceived after the debate. Just destroy his talking points with statistics after he gets his word out. Dont butt in, don't guffaw and vamp for the cameras. Romney's likability with rocket upward if Obama does that.

CNN had a story earlier about Romney planning to dial his aggressive behavior way back for this one, so I agree that Obama should do the same. The president has always had an advantage in the realm of remaining stoic and looking serious, he should use it to its fullest.
Nobody is going to like that but you. Look at how Biden was perceived after the debate. Just destroy his talking points with statistics after he gets his word out. Dont butt in, don't guffaw and vamp for the cameras. Romney's likability with rocket upward if Obama does that.
Didn't Romney do all that butting in, demanding he get extra time and stuff in the first debate and get praised for seeming "presidential"?


Nobody is going to like that but you. Look at how Biden was perceived after the debate. Just destroy his talking points with statistics after he gets his word out. Dont butt in, don't guffaw and vamp for the cameras. Romney's likability with rocket upward if Obama does that.

Good point. No need to hand Romney anything even indirectly.


No Scrubs
CNN had a story earlier about Romney planning to dial his aggressive behavior way back for this one, so I agree that Obama should do the same. The president has always had an advantage in the realm of remaining stoic and looking serious, he should use it to its fullest.

Romney has to dial it back or get hit with politicizing a tragedy again and he can't take that hit twice.


So...will Romney bring this up tonight?


Note: this is the same news agency that posted a story from the Onion.
Perhaps. He's pretty stupid on foreign policy. But there's nothing controversial, presuming its veracity, about that statement. He's clearly referring to their right to civilian nuclear power which even Bush affirmed.
A world war over values is histrionic. Nevertheless, Romney's obtuse belligerence would be counterproductive and, to a great extent, inimical to American interests. After a gradual deterioration in bilateral relations under Bush, Obama's fostered a relatively productive relationship. And there are additional challenges, arms control/nuclear proliferation, counter-terrorism, and trade, where America would benefit from Obama's willingness to cooperate. Romney foolishly mistakes militancy and inflexibility for strength.


Meh, I'll start freaking out when there's polls showing Romney actually leading OH
That was my main criteria for starting to feel fear about this election. It - along with NV or IA or VA - is the clincher, and as long as it holds steady, I'm a happy camper.

And I loved Biden's sketchy line today:
Uncle Joe said:
Case in point: as Biden campaigned in Ohio Monday, he referenced a claim first leveled by President Obama - that Romney's $5 trillion tax plan amounts to a "sketchy deal."

"As vice president, it's not my job, nor am I inclined to correct the president," Biden joked. "But in this case I am. Romney's plans aren't sketchy - they're Etch-a-Sketchy."

And then, Biden added a biting twist.

"They're like shaking that little tablet out there. It's underway guys. We are seeing the remaking of Mitt Romney right before our eyes."
I don't think Obama will be unprepared for Mitt jumping to the center on defense spending or Iran, the whole Romnesia campaign is probably timed for the debate.
I don't think Romney has any intention of backing off foreign policy bluster; it's seen as strength to conservatives. He might deny the 2t figure but he'll tow the line of neoconservatism. The onus is on Obama to point out that his advisers are the same people who fucked up for eight years with Bush.

And I hope to god he says Romney's only foreign policy experience is through shipping jobs to China
I do t think Romney has any intention of backing off foreign policy bluster; it's seen as strength to conservatives. He might deny the 2t figure but he'll tow the line of neoconservatism. The onus is on Obama to point out that his advisers are the same people who fucked up for eight years with Bush.

And I hope to god he says Romney's only foreign policy experience is through shipping jobs to China
See you make great posts when you aren't trolling.

I agree. If I don't once hear Romney has bushs do team I will be disappointed.


For a Finer World
Well everyone can stop stressing out...the Election has been called for Obama.


I can so feel the team responsible for election night coverage getting screamed at right now for doing their testing without proper isolation. "Let's use the live feed but Mike, make sure that you've switched the output off."

Perfect for conspiracy theorists though. But how does the 43% vs 40% come off - more than 15% for 3rd parties :D
Soooo, Ohio looks to be going into 2012 with the same margins as 2008. Obama went +2 over the polling average there, I'd imagine it will be similar this year.

Ohio, you are weird. This time though, good weird.


This FL Charter Amendment is on the ballot and I think was sponsored by a Tea Party Repub (which understandably makes me uneasy). On the surface it doesn't seem too bad, however maybe someone here has more information on it than I can dig up.

Amends Charter To Require Financial Impact
Statement For All County Charter Amendments
And Countywide Referenda

Shall county Charter be amended to provide that the
board of county commissioners require by ordinance
that a separate financial impact statement, not
exceeding seventy-five words, including a two-year
estimate of the increase or decrease in revenues or
costs to the county resulting from approval of all
proposed county Charter amendments and all
proposed countywide referenda unrelated to county
Charter amendment, be prepared by county budget
director and placed on ballot immediately following
ballot question?

To vote Yes or No, is the question...


Soooo, Ohio looks to be going into 2012 with the same margins as 2008. Obama went +2 over the polling average there, I'd imagine it will be similar this year.

Ohio, you are weird. This time though, good weird.

I know a fairly intelligent lady with a world view who isn't voting even though she lives in Ohio. It really annoys me.

If you have any kind of national or world view and you live in Ohio, there is no excuse for not voting except for being a hyper cynical douchebag or something.


Personally, I think another huge event almost or on par with 9/11 will happen before 2020. :/
A 9/11-scale attack seems implausible considering the resources that are poured into intelligence and counter-terrorism now.

But I definitely wouldn't be surprised to see a rise in right-wing extremism, especially if Obama is able to get more of his agenda passed since we won't be worried about re-election.

Scary stuff.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Didn't Romney do all that butting in, demanding he get extra time and stuff in the first debate and get praised for seeming "presidential"?

In a way he did do that, and on the other hand, you only think he did. He had less speaking time than Obama in both debates. He was more frequently cut off and interrupted than Obama and spoke less. For people watching the speaking time count at home, they might have seen him make comments asking for more time as wanting to even things up, while Obama asking that they start watching the clock while having been up in speaking time during the second debate as petty.

Who knows, I am sure a little latent racism might factor into it.
You guys focus on early voting numbers too much. Early don't matter if they're moving guaranteed Election Day votes to early votes. What matters are people who wouldn't vote on Election Day now voting early. But no pollster can measure that.

Early voting tightening means nada


has calmed down a bit.
Oh god, the comments...

Accidental error ...or intentional leak by a friend to let us know what is happening behind the scenes?????

They have friends in the MSM who warn them, yay!!

I am sending this out to my entire list. Do not let this story die. The anti-American president is trying to steal this election.

Oh boy, look out! Dude is sending this out TO HIS LIST!! I think Bob Scheiffer is on that list, it'll definitely be brought up at the debate tonight!

If that ends up being the count at 99% reporting - time for a Jeffersonian solution.

What's this code for, assassination?

the U.N monitoring our elec tion,?? after comingout with a statement,asking Americans not to vote for Romney ??..even the UN is getting involved and taking sides, even filipinos as far away as the Philippines is engaging me in a debate convincing me...THE ISLAMIC and ATHESIT GAY movement is on the move people,and We all must do something !!!

The Islamists and the Gays working together? Oh noes!

I'm trying to avoid going into full blown panic mode...

It's like bizarro poligaf!

My last count was 100 million gun owners voting against Obama...with only 60 million Lib's to draw from.

This guy has already counted the votes......while bashing an article about election rigging!
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