You guys focus on early voting numbers too much. Early don't matter if they're moving guaranteed Election Day votes to early votes. What matters are people who wouldn't vote on Election Day now voting early. But no pollster can measure that.
Early voting tightening means nada
When all is said and done, in most places the gap is basically the same, or only slightly smaller (Like IA and Ohio, though Ohio is hard to discern). Dems seem to have improved their EV/Absentee tactics in Florida.
We'll see what the numbers say when everything is done. I mean, EV doesn't result in huge numbers of voters you wouldn't see anyways, but hopefully you bank a few that wouldn't normally vote, or you make it easier to vote, and can use resources better on election day for your GOTV machine.
If you are insistent on taking something worrying out, think of that as a sign that Republicans have improved their ground game, but also keep in mind that while better, it doesn't seem *much* better from 2008.