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PoliGAF 2012 |OT4|: Your job is not to worry about 47% of these posts.

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Was wondering that myself. Just looked it up, 9pm E.

wait, do you have internet?
Im on my phone with a slow connection so i cant check it out. All i know is that the last debate was at around 3 am where i live, so if the vp one is at the same time i know ive stil got some time to find a decent internet connection. :) ( im in belgium btw).
Im on my phone with a slow connection so i cant check it out. All i know is that the last debate was at around 3 am where i live, so if the vp one is at the same time i know ive stil got some time to find a decent internet connection. :) ( im in belgium btw).

Yep, same time.
14% of Dems switching to mitt.
Yeah. Bullshit.

It's not dems switching, it's independents. And it seems it's a lot of Hispanic independents doing the switching.

I dunno, that doesn't seem to make sense to me. Minorities switching to Romney doesn't seem like something that would happen.

Though, didn't help that immigration wasn't even a topic at the debate.

The other Florida polls basically have it tied, so this one is very different than everyone else.


Just got polled in nc. Biased as hell. "What type of Christian are you" "do these negative statements about Obama make you very doubtful or not doubtful" "do these positive endorsements of Romney make you supportive or not supportive" loaded language. Never identified themselves. Felt like a sales pitch not a survey.


Just got polled in nc. Biased as hell. "What type of Christian are you" "do these negative statements about Obama make you very doubtful or not doubtful" "do these positive endorsements of Romney make you supportive or not supportive" loaded language. Never identified themselves. Felt like a sales pitch not a survey.

not, not, not. Next survey.


Just got polled in nc. Biased as hell. "What type of Christian are you" "do these negative statements about Obama make you very doubtful or not doubtful" "do these positive endorsements of Romney make you supportive or not supportive" loaded language. Never identified themselves. Felt like a sales pitch not a survey.
It's called a push poll
Now 65-35 on Silver's forecast.

Also of note, the Now-cast and forecast are basically identical. Don't think this had ever been the case nor was it supposed to get this close for 2 more weeks.

Come on Biden, give the dems some life back. Obama needs to bring it round 2. The debates don't generally matter but I think the media's reaction affected things. Not as much as it looks right now, but enough to rile up Repubs siting on the sidelines.

Worst part is these crappy polls are also giving them life. Florida up 7 gonna be big on the conservative circuit even if it's very inaccurate. Like I said, Obama had a chance to nail the election and fucked up.
I'm sorry, but any poll that has Romney leading among Hispanics is bullshit. That's like trying to say Obama was going to win white males in a swing state which was never going to happen even at the height of his post-convention bump.
Even if Biden does extremely well tonight, I don't expect the media to make a big deal out of it at all.

They only really care about Obama/Romney II, imo.

Ryan and Biden aren't running for President.
I'm sorry, but any poll that has Romney leading among Hispanics is bullshit. That's like trying to say Obama was going to win white males in a swing state which was never going to happen even at the height of his post-convention bump.

Doesn't the hispanic (Cuban) poulation in Florida lean pretty heavily to the right?


it's not really surprising since CNN seems to be inclined to be either FOX-lite or a constant diet of false equivalency/"moderate" backpatting now

Thing we have to understand about all the networks (Fox excluded for obvious reasons) is there's massive money in advertising. The amount of money they're raked in the last couple cycles is truly appalling. And considering the state of non-political advertising, it's really not realistic to expect any middle ground. They're going to appease all sides and keep things as tight as they possibly can for maximum profits. Political ads have become the networks cash cow.


Even if Biden does extremely well tonight, I don't expect the media to make a big deal out of it at all.

They only really care about Obama/Romney II, imo.

Ryan and Biden aren't running for President.

Wouldn't say that, Cheney made a pretty big bounce happen in the polls in his VP debate because of his aggression on foreign policy and his unyielding attitude. VP debates are usually less about the VP candidates themselves but how they advocate and sell the ticket including the people at the top of each ticket, the attack dogs of the ticket if you will where they attack their opponent and its master equally. You won't see the President candidate attack the VP candidate but you will see the VP candidate attack the top of the ticket.
Doesn't the hispanic (Cuban) poulation in Florida lean pretty heavily to the right?

Because of the Cuban population Republicans do better among Hispanics in Florida then other states, but a Pew poll from 10 days ago had Obama leading Hispanics in Florida by 30% (61/31) (http://www.pewhispanic.org/2012/10/01/latinos-in-the-2012-election-florida-2/). Yes it was before the first debate, but there is nothing out there to suggest the type of movement that Mason Dixon poll suggests


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Hey poligaf, I just have one request from you if Biden doesn't "win" the debate today. For fuck's sake, don't actually ACT like he lost the goddamned debate! Show some fricken discipline! Ryan could shit himself on stage and run out crying, and Rush and Hannity will still go on their programs and say he made Biden his bitch. For once, take some notes! :mad:
Define "we".

I'm still in chill the fuck out, Obama's got this mode, myself.

Edit: :lol
I'm thinking it doesn't look great for Obama right now, and this is totally something he could have avoided - but all the same, he'll probably win in the end and I feel good about 332-206. Maybe even 347, no one's polled NC lately except Rasmussen, maybe because it's in the bag for Romney :rolleyes

Also, sadly I won't be able to watch the debate tonight :( I wasn't able to watch the first presidential debate either for the same reason (late-night play rehearsal), but that seems to have been more of a blessing.
Doesn't the hispanic (Cuban) poulation in Florida lean pretty heavily to the right?

Cubans over 40, yes. Everyone else, not so much.

There is a lot of non-Cuban hispanics in Florida. Florida is the place with the least democrat hispanic support as a result, of course.

Obama won 57% of hispanics in 2008 in Florida. This latest poll puts waaaaay behind that. I just don't see it.

Hey poligaf, I just have one request from you if Biden doesn't "win" the debate today. For fuck's sake, don't actually ACT like he lost the goddamned debate! Show some fricken discipline! Ryan could shit himself on stage and run out crying, and Rush and Hannity will still go on their programs and say he made Biden his bitch. For once, take some notes! :mad:

I mentioned this earlier and it's why MSNBC sucks. They don't understand how to be shills.

That said, Poli-gaf is not a news network. No reason to push a narrative here.


I'm thinking it doesn't look great for Obama right now, and this is totally something he could have avoided - but all the same, he'll probably win in the end and I feel good about 332-206. Maybe even 347, no one's polled NC lately except Rasmussen, maybe because it's in the bag for Romney :rolleyes

Also, sadly I won't be able to watch the debate tonight :( I wasn't able to watch the first presidential debate either for the same reason (late-night play rehearsal), but that seems to have been more of a blessing.

But he only has a 65% chance of winning and the polls keep tightening...

And Biden is sure to flame out tonight.

And Obama will turn in 2 more lousy debates.


I did go through a few panic cycles in the last election, as polls fluctuated. I decided at the outset not to put myself through that this time around, so I'm trying to keep a bit of distance from the daily carnage.

The polls have swung hard for Romney, there is no doubt. And if that continues through next week - if we see a fundamental realignment rather than a narrowing or bounce - then I will certainly reasses Obama's chances. But right now I've moderated from certainty in Obama's victory to near certainty.

If Ohio is put in play - and right now it's not - that would be my tipping point.
Does MD have Romney winning Hispanics? lol

No more than the rest of the state leans republican.

I'm just saying. I'm pretty sure the Cuban portion of the Hispanic vote leans right because of their past dealings with communism. I sure know my father in law does. It doesn’t shock me that a poll showing positive R numbers amongst Hispanics would come from Florida. That has nothing to do with the general political climate in the state either. AZ, NM and NV are examples of just the opposite actually.

According to this:


Hispanic eligible voters in Florida have a different Hispanic origin profile from Hispanic eligible voters nationwide. One-third (32%) of Hispanic eligible voters in Florida are of Cuban origin, 28% are of Puerto Rican origin, 9% are of Mexican origin, and 30% claim other Hispanic origin. By contrast, among Hispanic eligible voters nationwide, 59% are Mexican, 14% are Puerto Rican, 5% are Cuban, and 22% are of some other Hispanic origin.

Though the article does go on to say that, while it used to be true that more Hispanics were registered R in Florida, the trend has shifted and is now leaning more left.

Cubans over 40, yes. Everyone else, not so much.

There is a lot of non-Cuban hispanics in Florida. Florida is the place with the least democrat hispanic support as a result, of course.

Obama won 57% of hispanics in 2008 in Florida. This latest poll puts waaaaay behind that. I just don't see it.

I guess that makes sense. It would align with the pew article too regarding the democratic shift in recent times.
So we are 1 hour and some change out.


I got Biden going Biden and possibly overcompensating to get the ticket back on track--THERE BE GAFFES.

I got Ryan pivoting all night long and not actually answering questions when asked, similar to Palin in 2008.

Networks will pick the winner based on their preference and it will hardly move the needle either way in the polls.
If the polls are tighter than they are now come Monday, then it's time to be worried. I'm betting on the polls loosening a bit over the weekend as the polling from directly after the debate fades a bit (edit: but I expect it to get tighter tomorrow at least, maybe Saturday).

What is a bit strange is the polls have been all over the place. 2 or 3 florida polls say tied, then 1 says +7. Someone put Penn at like +1. yeah right. IBD tracker goes from +5 to +1 in 1 day for a 7 day tracker. That is crazy. Do you know how high Obama's numbers must be yesterday for that to happen?

There is some strange things going on. For instance:

Florida showing hispanics all of a sudden loving Romney more

IBD saying there are a LOT more conservatives than moderates and liberals combined

IBD saying Jews favor Romney.

Many senators not affected by Obama's numbers (someone people are not voting Obama but still vote for their Dem Senator!?)


I have no idea what's causing this noise but common sense says these things can't be true.

edit: as for predictions tonight, probably both suck. Who knows though. Biden can't be terrible, that's for sure. The media narrative is making a difference right now.


How is that a slip-up?
Team Romney demanded in the debate agreement that Ryan be called "Mr" rather than the traditional "Congressman".

The Romney/Ryan camp has apparently insisted that Ryan be referred to as “Mr” during the debate rather than “Congressman.” So Biden – presumably he’s going by “Vice President” rather than like “Doc Biden” or something – has to refer to Ryan as “Mr. Ryan.” Presumably this is because Congress is generally unpopular and they want to seem like outsiders. But isn’t this exactly the kind of thing that makes you seem juvenile when someone leaks this on you? Good idea? Hard to figure.



Obama's ground game in many swings is so much better than Romney's that I wonder if the polling will miss that when it's all said and done. If Obama's GOTV is as big and active as it is suggest, I can easily see that giving him an extra 2% or 3% on election day.
I predict the media reaction will be: Old Man versus Young Guy.
With only two possible narratives:

1.) Biden is wise vs. Ryan is arrogant


2.) Biden is senile vs. Ryan is "fresh"

Take your pick.
It's going to be a dog fight. I have to switch between the Yankee/Knicks game and the debate.

Yeah, considering what happened in the Obama/Romney debate there is a lot of pressure on this one. No one wants to be the passive guy since Mitt got lauded for throwing wild misinformation haymakers and flip-flop upper-cuts.

So it is gonna be a dog fight is right.


No Scrubs
How is that a slip-up?

The campaign is trying to distance Ryan from Congress so people don't realize he's one of the guys that have been fucking them over. Shit, congressional approval is what? Under 10%? Can't say I blame them for trying, but everyone should ignore their shit.

EDIT: Beaten.

I predict the media reaction will be: Old Man versus Young Guy.
With only two possible narratives:

1.) Biden is wise vs. Ryan is arrogant


2.) Biden is senile vs. Ryan is "fresh"

Take your pick.

They've already started setting that narrative up. Fucking joke man.
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