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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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This seems ridiculous to me. Hasn't there been tons of recess appointments over the past few decades? Wouldn't this invalidate houndreds to thousands of rulings of a variety of things?

Yeah, I haven't looked into this . . . was there something different about these recess appointments? Is this PWB violation?
(Presidenting While Black)
This seems ridiculous to me. Hasn't there been tons of recess appointments over the past few decades? Wouldn't this invalidate houndreds to thousands of rulings of a variety of things?

Courts these days seem to have a knack for ignoring common sense. Take a look at the risk of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act from SCOTUS.

See also: LOL common-sense precedent
This seems ridiculous to me. Hasn't there been tons of recess appointments over the past few decades? Wouldn't this invalidate houndreds to thousands of rulings of a variety of things?

The unconstitutionality comes from the fact that they weren't actually in recess.

Unless that has been done in past? I've never heard of it.
Even if he is, who cares? I don't think there is a single democrat who doesn't want Hillary to succeed Obama. No other Democrat in the wings come close to her popularity or political ability. Sorry Joe, I love you but you'd never win a general election.

I think Biden could win a national election if Hillary stayed on the sidelines. He's already generally well liked, but the question of his demeanor and seriousness has always been a question. If he can continue to get stuff done with Obama, it'll help his standing. He's had quite a good couple of months and I'd imagine he'll play a prominent role in the upcoming immigration debate too.

Still, he's gonna need a helluva good VP to get people excited and assure voters, due to his old age. I wonder if he would agree to serving one term.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I think Biden could win a national election if Hillary stayed on the sidelines. He's already generally well liked, but the question of his demeanor and seriousness has always been a question. If he can continue to get stuff done with Obama, it'll help his standing. He's had quite a good couple of months and I'd imagine he'll play a prominent role in the upcoming immigration debate too.

Still, he's gonna need a helluva good VP to get people excited and assure voters, due to his old age. I wonder if he would agree to serving one term.

Biden's not gonna win. Ever. I like the guy, but he's damaged goods at this point.


This is strictly just a hypothetical and it won't ever happen, but is there some precedent in the law that prohibits a two term president from becoming a vice president after his two terms? Or is it pretty much an unspoken precedent NOT to do such a thing.

Just the calamity and vitriol a Biden Obama ticket would gather from the right would be glorious.


Biden is too much of a goofball and too old and Hillary is too old. Dems need to look for a new face. It's going to be a free for all when those primaries start.
I like how when a male politician gets emotional, it's moving and displaying true affection. When a woman does it, though, it's a tactic used to avoid questions and garner sympathy from the media.

Lot of misogyny in politics. This goes for both parties (and unaffiliated I'd imagine).

Guys, the 2nd part of the DC ruling said a vacancy must happen DURING recess, too. That invalidates most previous appointments under recess. That said, while I haven't really read it yet, I'm assuming it is only narrow to this specific case and maaaaaybe the other NLRB cases this past year, but nothing else.


This is strictly just a hypothetical and it won't ever happen, but is there some precedent in the law that prohibits a two term president from becoming a vice president after his two terms? Or is it pretty much an unspoken precedent NOT to do such a thing.

Just the calamity and vitriol a Biden Obama ticket would gather from the right would be glorious.

The Twelfth Amendment states that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." Add to that the Twenty-second Amendment making the President ineligible for the Presidency after two terms.

The dream of an American Putin has been dashed!


I know I post a lot of Ramirez comics for us to laugh at, but this one was so tasteless I was hesitant to. Click the link if you want your blood to boil.


This week's Saturday Morning Cartoon for dHP is on this. I just mostly finished it. I'll be touching it up later tonight and tomorrow morning it'll be up.

I might keep doing that segment if I can keep finding decent cartoons to talk about. I find it's a decent way to segway into current events and critique some of the arguments that are going around currently. And I think it brings in readers.


The unconstitutionality comes from the fact that they weren't actually in recess.

Unless that has been done in past? I've never heard of it.
Per the CBS article over 280 intrasession recess appointments have been made. That's going to be a shit load of history erased. How many rulings or decisions have these people made.


I like how when a male politician gets emotional, it's moving and displaying true affection. When a woman does it, though, it's a tactic used to avoid questions and garner sympathy from the media.

I think it comes down race. It's acceptable for a person of color to display their emotions. But with anyone else, it just comes across as opportunistic. So Boehner was just letting his feminine side show, but Hillary clearly was trying to distract from how horribly she was doing.

Shameful really.
I know I post a lot of Ramirez comics for us to laugh at, but this one was so tasteless I was hesitant to. Click the link if you want your blood to boil.

Jesus. How can anyone make something so offensive and obtuse without knowing they are just being an intentional troll. He (and a ton of other articles) literally took a phrase out of context to imply the exact opposite of what she was saying.

HILLARY CLINTON: With all due respect, the fact is we had 4 dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again Senator.
This is strictly just a hypothetical and it won't ever happen, but is there some precedent in the law that prohibits a two term president from becoming a vice president after his two terms? Or is it pretty much an unspoken precedent NOT to do such a thing.

Just the calamity and vitriol a Biden Obama ticket would gather from the right would be glorious.
If you are going to do that . . . well . . .go big dog.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Does anyone know how to draw? Cause I'd like some comics for DHP. It doesn't have to be ultra professional, but just good enough that it looks clean and simple. Here's one I'd like to bring to life:

Panel 1- Wide shot of Obama sitting on a couch, bottle of beer in one hand with his feet on the coffee table watching T.V. and laughing uncontrollably.
Panel 2- Random military general shows up out of breath. "Mr. President! The Embassy in Libya is being attacked! Ambassador Chris Stevens and his officers are trapped and are desperately pleading for help!"
Panel 3- Shot of the backside of Obama's head: "I'm fully aware of that, general."
Panel 4 - Close up of the confused general's face: "Sir?"
Panel 5 - Close up of Obama's face with an extremely sinister smile as he says: "What did you think I was watching this whole time?"
this is a fun little mathematical gaffe.

Does anyone know how to draw? Cause I'd like some comics for DHP. It doesn't have to be ultra professional, but just good enough that it looks clean and simple. Here's one I'd like to bring to life:

Panel 1- Wide shot of Obama sitting on a couch, bottle of beer in one hand with his feet on the coffee table watching T.V. and laughing uncontrollably.
Panel 2- Random military general shows up out of breath. "Mr. President! The Embassy in Libya is being attacked! Ambassador Chris Stevens and his officers are trapped and are desperately pleading for help!"
Panel 3- Shot of the backside of Obama's head: "I'm fully aware of that, general."
Panel 4 - Close up of the confused general's face: "Sir?"
Panel 5 - Close up of Obama's face with an extremely sinister smile as he says: "What did you think I was watching this whole time?"

Let me see what i can do tomorrow morning.


Biden is too much of a goofball and too old and Hillary is too old. Dems need to look for a new face. It's going to be a free for all when those primaries start.
She'll be 69, that isn't too old. People live a hell of a lot longer than they used to, especially women.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Damaged goods? Think you're thinking of Hillary not Biden. Nothing Biden has done is something that would immediately disqualify him from ever winning.

Biden has the reputation of being the Democrats' Sarah Palin. He'd get destroyed by the media if he runs.
I'm not saying I believe that! (no one one the left is remotely comparable to being a Sarah Palin) I'm saying that's how he's perceived by everyone else.
Even so, I don't think I've seen that comparison being made. Biden knows what he's talking about so his gaffes are just silly. Palin on the other hand...

Both Hillary and Biden have something to them that could attract moderate republicans. Biden to me has the edge because he'd also do good with the various minorities. Hillary would perhaps be a better president but Biden has much more appeal. I don't know if I agree with your assessment that the media would be all over him. And even if they were his gaffes are such that they would attract voters more than that they'd push away.
Hey, since most of you are Obamacare experts....

Ive insurance due to the 26 law.

Insurance year is Jan-December
Bday is September

Do I get kicked out on my bday or does it run to the end of the year?


Biden has the reputation of being the Democrats' Sarah Palin. He'd get destroyed the media if he runs.

Except he knows his stuff, can speak articulately on just about any issue, actually cares about facts, and has knowledge of how to work in Washington. He has a clumsiness that some people find charming and others use against him but he is nothing like Sarah Palin.


Hey, since most of you are Obamacare experts....

Ive insurance due to the 26 law.

Insurance year is Jan-December
Bday is September

Do I get kicked out on my bday or does it run to the end of the year?

The end of your bday month, I believe. It definitely won't run to the end of the year.

Except he knows his stuff, can speak articulately on just about any issue, actually cares about facts, and has knowledge of how to work in Washington. He has a clumsiness that some people find charming and others use against him but he is nothing like Sarah Palin.

He's saying media perception, not reality. I think it's true. The Onion has a great skit where the media tears into him due to a gaffe where he sneezes during a meeting and all the pundits are like, "God, he's an embarrassment."
Biden has the reputation of being the Democrats' Sarah Palin. He'd get destroyed the media if he runs.

Nowhere close. Biden isn't obama (or hillary) but he tore apart paul ryan in their debate, and ryan had long been propped up as "the intellectual".

The worst you can say about Joe is that he's unrefined as a person and a speaker, but that plays VERY well in blue collar democratic areas.
so the court majority also said that only openings that originated in that recess can be recess appointed. That invalidates decades of appointments doesn't it?

That's what hamilton said in the federalist papers. Though its not what people have done.
vacancies might happen in their recess, which it might be necessary for the public service to fill without delay [ ... ]

The constitution says this

The President shall have power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

I can see how thats the spirit of the law but the wording IMO makes the other type legal.


He's saying media perception, not reality. I think it's true. The Onion has a great skit where the media tears into him due to a gaffe where he sneezes during a meeting and all the pundits are like, "God, he's an embarrassment."

I also don't think that's how Biden is portrayed in the media aside from making fun of his gaffes. Palin has been completely delegitimized in/by the media. Biden is good for a punchline now and again but even the media recognizes and reports that he's the guy who got the sequester and income tax deal through, the guy in charge of implementing the stimulus, and the guy leading the president's response to Newtown and gun violence.

Biden has funny moments but imo the media doesn't treat him anywhere near the way they did President Bush or Sarah Palin, not that those two are potrayed the same either. Bush was portrayed largely as a well meaning guy who was in over his head and ceded too much control to others. Palin was and still is seen as a joke outside of Fox News. The only place where Biden isn't taken more seriously by the media than those two is on Fox News.


This is strictly just a hypothetical and it won't ever happen, but is there some precedent in the law that prohibits a two term president from becoming a vice president after his two terms? Or is it pretty much an unspoken precedent NOT to do such a thing.

Just the calamity and vitriol a Biden Obama ticket would gather from the right would be glorious.

Pretty sure that a Vice President has to meet every single qualification the president does, which would disqualify any former President.
I also don't think that's how Biden is portrayed in the media aside from making fun of his gaffes. Palin has been completely delegitimized in/by the media. Biden is good for a punchline now and again but even the media recognizes and reports that he's the guy who got the sequester and income tax deal through, the guy in charge of implementing the stimulus, and the guy leading the president's response to Newtown and gun violence.

Biden has funny moments but imo the media doesn't treat him anywhere near the way they did President Bush or Sarah Palin, not that those two are potrayed the same either. Bush was portrayed largely as a well meaning guy who was in over his head and ceded too much control to others. Palin was and still is seen as a joke outside of Fox News. The only place where Biden isn't taken more seriously by the media than those two is on Fox News.

exactly. The media narrative (from anyone but Fox, because..well, it's fox) is that biden is an asset to the administration, and Obama heavily relies on him to push his agenda where he has a hard time. (again, blue collar working class areas.)

Hell, before Obama's second debate the narrative was that Joe might have even salvaged the campaign with his performance vs Ryan. Comparing him to palin or even bush II in any way is flat out false.


I think the media is mostly pretty good with Biden nowadays.

I do get the comparison, though, in that I've heard conservatives say the same sort of stuff about Biden that I would probably say about Palin.
SNL had Biden in his jammy jams, hanging out with Dubya. Just sayin.

Yeah, and it's SNL. They portrayed Ford as a buffoon (chevy chase got a lot of mileage out of this one) and Dana Carvey's Bush I wasn't anything like H.W. Bush at all.

It's played for laughs not accuracy, and not really appropriate as a measure of media narrative. There are some rare exceptions (Palin) but that one was very much the exception more so than the rule- Tina Fey did a fantastic job there.


I also don't think that's how Biden is portrayed in the media aside from making fun of his gaffes. Palin has been completely delegitimized in/by the media. Biden is good for a punchline now and again but even the media recognizes and reports that he's the guy who got the sequester and income tax deal through, the guy in charge of implementing the stimulus, and the guy leading the president's response to Newtown and gun violence.

Biden has funny moments but imo the media doesn't treat him anywhere near the way they did President Bush or Sarah Palin, not that those two are potrayed the same either. Bush was portrayed largely as a well meaning guy who was in over his head and ceded too much control to others. Palin was and still is seen as a joke outside of Fox News. The only place where Biden isn't taken more seriously by the media than those two is on Fox News.
He was also the point man on the Iraq withdrawal, I don't think he get enough credit for that, ending an occupation can go horribly wrong, in fact, those thing almost never go so smoothly.
Also, that book he wrote for the Onion is the bomb.


SNL had Biden in his jammy jams, hanging out with Dubya. Just sayin.

I still don't see them as being portrayed equally by the media. If Palin were to run in 2012 she would be treated as a joke. If Biden were to run he would likely be the frontrunner and the media would treat him like it. He's an accomplished guy not a former governor who quit on the job.
You guys all agree that sales tax is not a good idea and that taxes should be done at a level where you can judge someone's income level? Or is a sales tax necessary even with its flaw of not being progressives?


You guys all agree that sales tax is not a good idea and that taxes should be done at a level where you can judge someone's income level? Or is a sales tax necessary even with its flaw of not being progressives?

If we move in the direction of eliminating income tax and replacing it with a sales tax or by raising the sales tax then I can see several issues there. Is it a flat sales tax? Is it a VAT? How high would the tax have to be to recoup the tax revenue lost by eliminating the income tax? How do we make sure low income people aren't unfairly burdened by a sales tax?

Its thought of as being fair because "rich or poor everyone pays the same tax" but fairness conceptually doesn't mean it will play out fairly in reality.


No Scrubs
It looks like Papa Joe is preparing for the coming copper crisis!

Biden Scores 800 Feet Of Copper Wire

WASHINGTON—Calling it a “major-ass haul” that would provide “some much-needed scratch,” Vice President Joe Biden reportedly scored over 800 feet of copper wire from a foreclosed home in the D.C. suburbs, White House sources confirmed Thursday.

Biden, who is admittedly “flat fucking broke” from throwing numerous “ragin’ keggers” over the last nine months, recently devised the plan to strip copper wiring around the Washington, D.C. area after hearing that there was a thriving black market for the ductile metal.

“There’s tons of dough in copper wire if you’ve got the know-how,” the vice president was overheard telling a White House official, explaining that he learned the hard way that swiping manhole covers wasn’t worth the hassle. “As Lady Luck always says, moving copper ain’t easy. But if you play the metal game right, you’re looking at something like a two- to three-grand payday for a night’s worth of work.”

Obviously whoever was panicked about a copper shortage was absolutely right. Save those pennies guys, they'll be worth more than actual money soon!


You guys all agree that sales tax is not a good idea and that taxes should be done at a level where you can judge someone's income level? Or is a sales tax necessary even with its flaw of not being progressives?

I had thought that consumption taxes were supposed to be fairly efficient, so I'm for them in that sense. But I'm also for increased progressivity, so a shift to more consumption taxes would have to be coupled to more (progressive) spending.


You guys all agree that sales tax is not a good idea and that taxes should be done at a level where you can judge someone's income level? Or is a sales tax necessary even with its flaw of not being progressives?
Sales tax is a bad idea.
It's regressive by nature (it can be sort of offseted to a certain degree) create more paperwork and bureaucracy, it hassles to small businesses and is really hard to enforce, which creates a system that reward fraud, which is never a good idea.

I can think of no economic reason to do it (but many political ones).

I feel like I made this post before...
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