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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Who would have guessed that the most metal t-shirt of all time wouldn't be black and hard to read?

Can we try to get Fareed Zakaria read DHP via twitters? I'm thinking he will be interested in the drones article. He is my inspiration after all. :p


OWS, along with being an unorganized mess, had to deal with the very powerful, narrative-shifting conservative media. It wasn't like the Tea Party, that had the backing & support of Fox News, billionaires like the Koch bros, and nearly every Repub politician.

I imagine no matter who wins the GOP primary, Rubio will be on the ticket. Christie/Rubio or Bush/Rubio.

I want her to go against Christie. I don't think his fat bully persona would work well against a woman.

I think you underestimate how much the Right hates Hillary. And if she does run, it'll be non-stop BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI


No Scrubs
OWS, along with being an unorganized mess, had to deal with the very powerful, narrative-shifting conservative media. It wasn't like the Tea Party, that had the backing & support of Fox News, billionaires like the Koch bros, and nearly every Repub politician.

I think you underestimate how much the Right hates Hillary. And if she does run, it'll be non-stop BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI

You have to remember Christie can and will appear to be a bully at some point in the process. Part of the reason his numbers are good right now is the good will from Sandy and all the shit he's done to try and help his state out of it. Over the summer though? He got in a huge shouting match with some guy on the Jersey Shore. He is his own worst enemy and the center will only put up with so much of his shit.


You have to remember Christie can and will appear to be a bully at some point in the process. Part of the reason his numbers are good right now is the good will from Sandy and all the shit he's done to try and help his state out of it. Over the summer though? He got in a huge shouting match with some guy on the Jersey Shore. He is his own worst enemy and the center will only put up with so much of his shit.

Christie has no shot against Hillary because of his style. Going up against a woman completely neuters his only "strength"


You have to remember Christie can and will appear to be a bully at some point in the process. Part of the reason his numbers are good right now is the good will from Sandy and all the shit he's done to try and help his state out of it. Over the summer though? He got in a huge shouting match with some guy on the Jersey Shore. He is his own worst enemy and the center will only put up with so much of his shit.

Christie, the guy who just vetoed a minimum-wage increase because he didn't want it tied to inflation? He may have acted like a statesman rather than a politician throughout Sandy, but he has a lot of shit on his plate from before then and he'll be racking a lot more until 2016.

He'll have a hard time passing the nomination process (unless the base shifts drastically over the next three years) because the base considers him too much of a northeastern moderate (ring any bells?), especially if Santorum for example runs against him, and then he'll be pounded in the general election because the rest of the country will consider him too extreme after the primaries.

GOP candidates are forced to do the splits between their base and the median voter, and it's costing them elections. If they're not stupid, they'll reform and drop the base (it's not like those guys would vote for Democrats anyways). That or moderate Republicans will have had enough and start their new party.
Tennessee lawmaker wants families on welfare (with children) to get passing grades or face a cut in their welfare check.


Helping to turn children in poverty into bonafide breadwinners.

Where do people get this ridiculous idea that if you stop giving people in the ghettos money that they will become upright citizens? Did they not pay attention to South America over the past few decades? Venezuela is the sole exception of this and that's because its pretty much lawless there because the police are just as bad as the crminals.

Fantastic. Friend on Facebook posted this from my hometown newspaper today with just the comment "Aliens":

Isn't she not legally allowed to partake in partisan politics while acting as SoS? I'd say she gets a bit more open about it once Kerry takes over.

I'll take a boring election where the Republican will likely get crushed over an open primary where a bunch of cardboard Northeastern liberal candidates kill everyone's momentum and have a hard time in the general.

Don't forget Bill as the "First Gentleman." I seriously can't think of a more bad ass title.


bitch I'm taking calls.

I have no words.
Surely no one would attempt to show the president in a negative light when he is merely exercising his second amendment rights.

Looks like the train of elephants is helping carry him in the right direction. It's a metaphor for America. Under the leadership of Obama the republican party will carry the wagon of our nation to prosperity.


It was already non-stop BENGHAZI BENGHAZI BENGHAZI for the last two months of this election cycle, that didn't help them

Correct, but the focus on BENGHAZI hasn't stopped, at all, for the Right. It'll be even worse if Hillary gets the nom. They really believe it's been a massive cover up, or something. I have people on FB still going on & on about it. :lol

Christie has no shot against Hillary because of his style. Going up against a woman completely neuters his only "strength"

I'm just saying that the Repub base (~40% of voters) would want Christie to act that way towards Hillary.


Correct, but the focus on BENGHAZI hasn't stopped, at all, for the Right. It'll be even worse if Hillary gets the nom. They really believe it's been a massive cover up, or something. I have people on FB still going on & on about it. :lol

I'm just saying that the Repub base (~40% of voters) would want Christie to act that way towards Hillary.

i'm sure they would (your 40% is high). The repub base has zero chance of electing a president.


That girl in the bunny hat
Benghazi will not be an issue that sways votes in 2016. It didn't in 2012.

If anything, it's an attempt to drive the Republican core to action. Problem is, the Republican core ain't that big anymore. So, fat lotta good that's doing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
i almost never post on facebook, i rarely log in, but i've lost 3 "friends" in the last week in relation to the sandy hook conspiracy shit. It is deserving of ridicule, so ridicule is given

What's the conspiracy here?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Apparently security is pretty lax here at the Idaho capitol building in Boise.

"It was a man following around little Cub Scouts with a gun. Not acceptable," Senate Pro Tem Brent Hill said.
In addition to carrying a sidearm -- which leaders note is perfectly legal in Idaho's statehouse -- there was more.
"That individual was caught on security cameras rifling through desks, taking pictures of the papers that were on desks, getting stuff out of the desks, out of the wastebasket, taking pictures of that," Speaker of the House Scott Bedke said.

What's the conspiracy here?
Obama refused to send help to Stevens during the attack, and instead watched them die. And now the WH and State Department are covering it up.

Republicans honestly thought the issue would turn the election. Romney jumped in front with that horrible press conference, Fox covered it 24/7, other news sites did many stories too, etc. It was a security fuck up on the state department, and the White House was dragging its feet on the investigation but ultimately there was no sinister motive.

It was perhaps the most blatant attempt to mainstream the "Obama hates America" meme and it failed miserably. People still like the president and support his foreign policy. I thought it would matter more than it ultimately did.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Obama refused to send help to Stevens during the attack, and instead watched them die. And now the WH and State Department are covering it up.

Republicans honestly thought the issue would turn the election. Romney jumped in front with that horrible press conference, Fox covered it 24/7, other news sites did many stories too, etc. It was a security fuck up on the state department, and the White House was dragging its feet on the investigation but ultimately there was no sinister motive.

It was perhaps the most blatant attempt to mainstream the "Obama hates America" meme and it failed miserably. People still like the president and support his foreign policy. I thought it would matter more than it ultimately did.

I think he was asking about the Sandy Hook conspiracies which are way out there in crazyland. I had a bartender telling me all about it the other night... some shit about how 'the media never showed any bodies' and 'Obama had met one of the families of the supposed victims prior to the shooting' and I swear there was something about when the media interviewed one of the grieving families, they were seen laughing off camera.

Basically people are convinced that the administration is manufacturing these events in order to 'take our guns away.'
If you're delusional to the point where you think Obama and the Executive Branch conspired to kil 27+ people, the majority of which are children....then he probably should take them away.


I'd kill the sacred cow of AC anyday over Carville. Also on the exit list would be John King and Wolf Blitzer in that order. I don't think King will ever recover from his primary defeat at the hands of Gingrich.


Considering CNN sucks, I really don't care what is done with it at this point. Fareed Zakaria's show is literally the only thing worth watching on there.
The most troubling thing about that Morning Joe segment is how casual and accepted the austerity/cut entitlements argument has become among democrats and republicans. It went beyond conventional, Beltway wisdom into smug territory that is really off putting...and I'm glad Krugman was there to offer a counter point.

Especially Mika. I understand she is essentially paid to act stupid but come on. She's smarter than that, or at least should be.

Krugman to me was very good whenever he asked a question following a fear like the credit downgrade instead of diving right into an explanation. I think it's interesting what he thinks about Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security's long term problems compared to what Galbraith and some of the MMT blogs believe. I don't really get where he stands because he uses terms like "we think" and it's a "good bet" so I am not sure how much faith he puts into those unfunded liability projections. Whereas, the Morning Joe panel knows with unwavering confidence those projections are sound. Wish there was more time for him to respond to China and Europe's situation being the main driver of our current borrowing costs.



I have no words.

Help me understand what the artist is trying to say here. I know it's a Django reference, then....??

If anything, it's an attempt to drive the Republican core to action. Problem is, the Republican core ain't that big anymore. So, fat lotta good that's doing.

That's what I'm saying. The repub base is still hanging on benghazi hoping it will eventually catch on....and lead to Obama's impeachment.

i'm sure they would (your 40% is high). .

eh, maybe. Any repub nominee is guaranteed to get at least 40% of the vote.
Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting Always struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.


That girl in the bunny hat
Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting never struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.

Probably just having trouble reconciling "Obama gunna take yr guns!" with "Obama has familiarity and experience with guns". Because clearly guns are So Good that you can't want to limit them in any way if you've ever held one before.

Which is odd, they're usually so good at holding incompatible views.


Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting never struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.

hyuk hyuk liberals don't use guns hyuk

Any Republican candidate will be demolished by the primary process. It's that simple.

Yep. The establishment knows that they have to moderate a tiny bit in order to win a general, but there's no way to get to the general without going through the party's base of crazy people that they have to appeal to first. The establishment of the party will realize this, but it's not going to matter because the base wants purity.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I think he was asking about the Sandy Hook conspiracies which are way out there in crazyland. I had a bartender telling me all about it the other night... some shit about how 'the media never showed any bodies' and 'Obama had met one of the families of the supposed victims prior to the shooting' and I swear there was something about when the media interviewed one of the grieving families, they were seen laughing off camera.

Basically people are convinced that the administration is manufacturing these events in order to 'take our guns away.'

Hold on! Some people think nobody really died? And that the white house created Sandy Hook to steal people's guns? LOL! Oh wow.
Yep. The establishment knows that they have to moderate a tiny bit in order to win a general, but there's no way to get to the general without going through the party's base of crazy people that they have to appeal to first. The establishment of the party will realize this, but it's not going to matter because the base wants purity.

Wasn't it just the other day Rush was saying that him and FOX are the only people left who will fight the good fight? As long as talk radio and FOX news continues to peddle "the crazy", it will be hard for republicans to ever become more moderate.
Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting never struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.

It's a great question actually and if you think about it, it makes total sense. Obummer is a Kenyan socialist usurper basically, and if he is such a great skeet shooter how come we never heard about it before Sandy Hook???

He is lying about his birth certificate. He is lying about his grades. He is lying about loving guns. He is UNAMERICAN


Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting Always struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.

I felt it was more of a "Obama thinks guns are okay for him to use, but not for you" a la "why do his daughters get protection and you cant protect your family" type of thing.
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