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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Apparently Obama is scrapping plans to reveal his own immigration plan and will instead embrace the senate bill today - which of course, looks a lot like his 2008 plan. But apparently he does plan on outlining some additional things, including same sex couple coverage.


It's scary how right Krugman is re: United Kingdom and it's not being played up.

I mean, the UK was doing the same as we were, basically. They installed the austerity via spending cuts people here asked for (specifically on welfare). the UK hit recession and now is threatening to be in recession again for the 2nd time in the past 12 months. The IMF is warning them about this. It should be big news!

And yet, Paul Ryan goes on TV and touts the same BS.

I get that the GOP is willing to sacrifice some of the economy to lose the middle class protections like SS and medicare and UE and also to hurt the poor. I get it.

What's troubling is how little play the failure of not just austerity measures around the world but specifically in the UK, since they were like a mini-version of us, has gone. The media should be hammering this home constantly to educate people. And why aren't Democrats pounding on this? And Obama? And anyone who gives a fuck about jobs in this country that has a voice?

It's like the US got a free experiment out of the UK which never happens in economics and no one is paying attention.

That is what is so scary.

hm, maybe a blog post is needed.

This has been one of the most frustrating things for me to watch over the last several months. The complete media silence on the actual, evidence backed causes of Europe's economic woes, all while they let Republicans go unchallenged in their loud assertions that "IF WE DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE EUROPE WE HAVE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT EUROPE IS DOING!!" The contradiction is completely obvious if you spend even 5 minutes reading about Europe's austerity, yet nobody except Paul Krugman is saying a damn thing. I've been equally baffled and frustrated at the Dem's willingness to just accept the Republican message here and not put in any effort to discredit that argument (which should be super easy to do).

Why the fuck can't Obama just go on TV and say "Look, the UK just cut a lot of social services and entitlements because they were scared of their debt and deficit and now it's putting them back into a recession. I think we should focus on creating jobs right now, not putting ourselves back into a recession like the UK."


So does anyone have any information or a good article about how Tunisia's been doing post-Arab Spring? All I ever hear about is Egypt and Libya, but I'm wondering how successful Tunisia's been at putting in a democracy, especially considering the whole movement started there.

Hold on! Some people think nobody really died? And that the white house created Sandy Hook to steal people's guns? LOL! Oh wow.

I've seen about 2 or 3 posts on facebook about this, each with 15+ comments in agreement. I fucking hate living in rural Indiana.
Apparently Obama is scrapping plans to reveal his own immigration plan and will instead embrace the senate bill today - which of course, looks a lot like his 2008 plan. But apparently he does plan on outlining some additional things, including same sex couple coverage.

He stopped the reveal at the behest of the congressional Hispanic caucus that requested Obama to not reveal and jeopardize their negotiations with house Republicans.


I think backing the Senate plan is the best chance at getting immigration reform. Starting a fight over what he wants and what the Senate wants would just make it less likely to see something get through the house.
So does anyone have any information or a good article about how Tunisia's been doing post-Arab Spring? All I ever hear about is Egypt and Libya, but I'm wondering how successful Tunisia's been at putting in a democracy, especially considering the whole movement started there.
Last I heard, the Ennahda party won majority of the seats in the parliament. Remember when FoxNews was scaring us by comparing Ennahda with Muslim Brotherhood. That's the last I heard too. Did some digging up:
Two years after the fall of Ben Ali, many Tunisians feel disenchanted by the state of the country. Some observers say the recently elected Islamic party Ennahda hasn't kept its promises, and the debate on the constitution drags on. But for the country's women, some changes have already taken effect. We take a look.

Good luck with that. It'll go on Obama's resume regardless of his involvement, if passed, and he'll be able to tell Hispanics he kept his promise. Meanwhile guess which party will no doubt have a major presidential candidate campaigning in Iowa and South Carolina on partial repeal of the bill in 2016, arguing it was amnesty, attacking Rubio/Jeb Bush/Paul Ryan for supporting liberal giveaway policies, etc.
If the Constitution were dead, he couldn't have D.C. v. Heller. He's a buffoon.

Just read the full decision the other day, completely agree. Also his Gonzales v. Raich decision twists interpretations to get his desired results. Necessary and proper works there but not in the Affordable Care Act?

I have no words.
what is this even saying? The art makes no sense and has no sense of perspective to it



It's going to go through a Democratic Senate and get signed by a Democratic President. I'm sure Obama will go on a media blitz talking about the legislation. Of course Republicans will have had a hand in passing it, but Obama is going to get the credit for it. If it passes, it will go onto his laundry list of achievements. The only people that are going to care that some Republicans helped pass it are the party's primary voters who will hate anyone that even kind of supports something that Obama signed into law.


what is this even saying? The art makes no sense and has no sense of perspective to it
I think it implies that Obama in his 2nd term is taking a harder stance with the GOP, I think ya'll getting worked out over nothing.

Not that great I agree, but the artist is German, foreign political cartoon often comes across as tone deaf, I think it's understandable.


So does anyone have any information or a good article about how Tunisia's been doing post-Arab Spring? All I ever hear about is Egypt and Libya, but I'm wondering how successful Tunisia's been at putting in a democracy, especially considering the whole movement started there.

There's a professor at my college in eastern France who was college buddies with Moncef Marzouki, the current president of Tunisia. I took a course with him last spring that was mainly focused on the Arab Spring and he would talk to us occasionally about what Marzouki and his daughter would tell him, apparently lots of shit talking and dick waving between various factions, but thankfully nothing like what we're seeing in Egypt concerning violence.
I think it implies that Obama in his 2nd term is taking a harder stance with the GOP, I think ya'll getting worked out over nothing.

Not that great I agree, but the artist is German, foreign political cartoon often comes across as tone deaf, I think it's understandable.
I'm not getting worked up, I just am having a hard time figuring out the message at all. Like, is it a curtain of elephants being cut in half? A stream of elephants stampeding past him/into him? I don't get it.


Fox is so mad at this Obama speech. Why is he trying to take credit for a bipartisan deal!

LOL Is that the tone the right is going to take on this?

This is going to be fun. Obama is going to be the one to sign it into law. Republicans are going to be shouting "But we helped get it passed!" but at the end of the day he's the President and he's the one that will be all over the news signing it into law and giving speeches across the country talking about how important it is. He will be the one getting every bit of credit for it.
I'm not getting worked up, I just am having a hard time figuring out the message at all. Like, is it a curtain of elephants being cut in half? A stream of elephants stampeding past him/into him? I don't get it.

I think it's showing Obama coming out of the GOP book (look closely) wielding guns and being macho. So Obama adopting pro-gun positions? I'm just as lost.


I'm not getting worked up, I just am having a hard time figuring out the message at all. Like, is it a curtain of elephants being cut in half? A stream of elephants stampeding past him/into him? I don't get it.
I think they're running away scared, but it's german humor, so who the fuck knows really.
Fox is so mad at this Obama speech. Why is he trying to take credit for a bipartisan deal!

It seems like Fox won't be playing ball on immigration after all. Obama came into this term promising immigration as his number one priority. McCain's group moved their press conference ahead of his speech just to be first.

Even funnier: last week, the fear among republicans was that Obama would offer his own plan thus poisoning the well. Now the fear is...he's not proposing his plan, and just jumping on the bandwagon. The hatred that seethes from Lindsy Graham and others is truly pathetic.



This was obvious from the start...They are desperate for some of that latin action but let's face it, these moves are coming from the senior members of their party and once it gets to open debate, things might change.

I wouldn't be surprised if this bites them in the ass when their base gets a word in. If it does pass, Obama needs to make sure that every single republican that votes for it, is in the chamber when he signs it and make them take a photo with him.


This legislation could make 2014 so much fun. I hope it leads to a depressed Republican turnout. First, they nominate the liberal Mormon. Now, they're giving amnesty to all the illegals with Obama's help.


Republicans remind me of iPhone fanatics.

A couple years back: we don't need X-feature/immigration reform!
Now: we invented X-feature/immigration reform was our idea!

Disclaimer: I currently own and use devices on all three OSes, not trying to start an OS-war here.


Republicans remind me of iPhone fanatics.

A couple years back: we don't need X-feature/immigration reform!
Now: we invented X-feature/immigration reform was our idea!

Disclaimer: I currently own and use devices on all three OSes, not trying to start an OS-war here.

I can kind of see this, its always messy to make these kinds of comparisons though :p


No Scrubs
This legislation could make 2014 so much fun. I hope it leads to a depressed Republican turnout. First, they nominate the liberal Mormon. Now, they're giving amnesty to all the illegals with Obama's help.

If anything it may get everyone riled up. At the very least everyone who votes for this is going to get primaried from the craziest portion of the GOP base.


Republicans remind me of iPhone fanatics.

A couple years back: we don't need X-feature/immigration reform!
Now: we invented X-feature/immigration reform was our idea!

Disclaimer: I currently own and use devices on all three OSes, not trying to start an OS-war here.

You're good. I've always thought the super-duper serious allegiances people make with telephones was kind of creepy.
This legislation could make 2014 so much fun. I hope it leads to a depressed Republican turnout. First, they nominate the liberal Mormon. Now, they're giving amnesty to all the illegals with Obama's help.

It will have the opposite impact: it'll bolster a new slew of absolutist candidates to primary republicans who vote for the bill. Better hope the bill doesn't slow down and enter the summer recess without being passed.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Alec MacGillis had a pretty interesting piece up on TNR about the National Review's Institute summit this past weekend (which took place in a basement).

There were some surprisingly reasonable thoughts displayed, as well as the usual stuff you'd expect. My favorite part, however was this:

The gist of Cruz’s pitch was a “darkest before the dawn” argument—that the horror of Barack Obama would give rise to a second coming. “These are dark days, but we’ve seen dark days before,” he said. “It took Jimmy Carter to get us Ronald Reagan.”

It did not take much imagination to realize who Cruz thought would play the role of Reagan. And he did not seem overly perturbed by the subsequent question from the audience, from an ex-Romney campaign staffer, now with the conservative website Free Beacon, who had the temerity to note that, unlike Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama had, you know, just won a second term.



Speaking of which, this does bring up a question. Has there ever been a two term Democratic president that was seen as a failure? The Reps have Dubya. But I can't think of the same on the Dem side. Unless you weren't a huge fan of Andrew Jackson, I guess.


Setec Astronomer
Republicans trying to take credit for scuttling the effectiveness of the bill by tying it to border security and assholes like Jan Brewer's assessment of it....

...and being able to say they didn't do self-deportation this time.


Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting Always struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.

Skeet shooting is actually cheap, and incredibly fun. You don't need a machine, either. You can buy a manual thrower for ~$10:


A case of skeet will set you back ~$20 at most. But yes, Repubs absolutely hate it when Dems enjoy one of the 'their' hobbies, especially if it involves guns or religion.

Angry black man out for vengeance against Republicans.

I think that's about all there is to it.

CHEEZMO™;47047478 said:
Republlicans are massive racists who deserve to be shot. A Good Cartoon.

yeah, uh, I'm still not getting what that cartoon is trying to say.


It will have the opposite impact: it'll bolster a new slew of absolutist candidates to primary republicans who vote for the bill. Better hope the bill doesn't slow down and enter the summer recess without being passed.

Further ruining the party's chances at winning national elections and leading to a Republican bloodbath at the hands of Hilldawg in 2016. In addition, we get a good piece of legislation signed into law. I am okay with this.


No Scrubs
It will have the opposite impact: it'll bolster a new slew of absolutist candidates to primary republicans who vote for the bill. Better hope the bill doesn't slow down and enter the summer recess without being passed.

If that happens 2016 is all but sown up. We'll be hearing more about magic rape proof vaginas during the presidential and that can only be good for Hilary.
Alec MacGillis had a pretty interesting piece up on TNR about the National Review's Institute summit this past weekend (which took place in a basement).

There were some surprisingly reasonable thoughts displayed, as well as the usual stuff you'd expect. My favorite part, however was this:

The gist of Cruz’s pitch was a “darkest before the dawn” argument—that the horror of Barack Obama would give rise to a second coming. “These are dark days, but we’ve seen dark days before,” he said. “It took Jimmy Carter to get us Ronald Reagan.”

It did not take much imagination to realize who Cruz thought would play the role of Reagan. And he did not seem overly perturbed by the subsequent question from the audience, from an ex-Romney campaign staffer, now with the conservative website Free Beacon, who had the temerity to note that, unlike Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama had, you know, just won a second term.



I would say that Obama parallels Nixon most closely (in reverse, of course). Hopefully that bodes well for the future in marking the end of an excruciatingly painful conservative era.


The Autumn Wind
Can someone explain to me why right-wingers find Obama's claim to of gone skeet shooting so absurd? They act like it's something incredibly out of character for him because apparently it's too manly? Skeet shooting Always struck me as a "rich person with too much time on their hands" activity which hardly seems incompatible with their image of the president.
Obama could read bedtime stories to a children's cancer ward and the right would find a way to demonize it.
Obama could read bedtime stories to a children's cancer ward and the right would find a way to demonize it.
"Obama politicizes children with cancer by making them advertisements for his socialized medicine, big-government takeover of our health care!" --Fox News



It seems like Fox won't be playing ball on immigration after all. Obama came into this term promising immigration as his number one priority. McCain's group moved their press conference ahead of his speech just to be first.

Even funnier: last week, the fear among republicans was that Obama would offer his own plan thus poisoning the well. Now the fear is...he's not proposing his plan, and just jumping on the bandwagon. The hatred that seethes from Lindsy Graham and others is truly pathetic.

And another dimension: how many times did guys like Graham accuse Obama of a my way or the highway approach, when Obama was working like mad to make concessions. And now Obama is endorcing his plan, with some tweaks. And now the shoe is on the other foot.

Michigan GOP rejected the district split of EC votes, now Ohio follows suit

It doesn't take a genius to recognize such a change could really end up biting republicans in the ass, so I'm not surprised most have rejected the plan.

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