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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Except when Obama came along. Dr. Carson is an unusual scenario because he's not a politician and he's well respected. He will be unbeatable if he chooses to run.

I'd love to watch a republican primary consisting of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Ben Carson. I'm sure they will try to greatly decrease the amount of debates from last year though which will decrease the entertainment.

Ted Cruz is speaking today at cpac btw.
Two black presidents in a row? Just because the 2nd would be a Republican? :lol. I'd love to hear all the justifications from not-racist-no-really conservatives who wouldn't vote for him when they don't have the Kenyan/muslim/socialist/nazi labels to hide behind. I'd actually feel sorry for the guy.
Nah. It's not 2008 anymore. As I said, it's simple demographics. No matter what happens with immigration reform, the next Democratic candidate will get AT LEAST 60% of the Hispanic vote. She'll get the vast majority if African Americans. She'll get a larger share of the white vote than Obama. And probably most importantly, she'll get women. Big time. Women vote in larger numbers than men, and women vote Democratic more than Republican. If Hillary runs, women will turn out in historic numbers, and the gender gap will be huge.

I'm almost to the point where I'm figuring not IF Hillary will win, but when she runs, how MUCH will she win by.


The Autumn Wind
Except when Obama came along. Dr. Carson is an unusual scenario because he's not a politician and he's well respected. He will be unbeatable if he chooses to run.
An extreme right-winger that knows nothing about politics is practically the norm with the Tea Party. And considering the state of the party right now, there's not a chance in hell a black Repubican even gets through a primary, let alone the general election.

Tea Party "champion" Allen West couldn't even win against an unkniwn newcomer in a gerrymandered district that is one of the most conservative areas in South Florida. That tells you all you need to know.


Palin is speaking now at cpac :p Ted Cruz tried to reverse Kanye her. Cruz reminds me of Newt, in that he talks about things that doesn't exist. Right now he's angry at the mainstream media and people thinking women can't be conservatives. Palin drives the mainstream media crazy because she is a woman who shoots a gun and is conservative.

Yep, that's why. lol wow palin bringing it on gun control to huge applause. More background checks to know more about a persons thinking and intentions? We should have started with yours [ obamas].


Question PoliGAF. How would you feel in 2016 if Hillary picked Kirsten Gillibrand for a Cabinet position or, dare I say it, VP?

If the former, where would she best go, if you believe she'd be good for the (potentially) future administration?

I'd say stop picking sitting senators, for God's sake.

Watch Gifted Hands. Then be surprised at how many people who have seen that movie. He's a famous neurosurgeon for what he did and I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any dirt on him whatsoever (beyond what is already known - his temper during his childhood).

See, this is the kind of post where I start assuming you're trolling. You're trolling, right? A mostly unknown neurosurgeon with no vetting and no political experience wouldn't win the Presidency if you ran the election ten thousand times. Believing otherwise is about the equivalent of believing in intelligent design, because both hypotheses would require GOD HIMSELF to come down to Earth just to prove you right. If you're not trolling, you're so far from a reasonable and accurate perspective that you should probably go to work for Fox.


Fun Stat.

Number of Billionaires:

US Senate: 0
US House of Representatives: 0
National People's Congress*: 83

*A reminder that the National People's Congress has no power. The Standing Committee is the true ruling body. Hooray technocracy.


The crowd is absolutely loving Palin, especially the joke about how todd got the rifle for christmas and she has the rack. Also when she took a drink from a big gulp.


This fox news crowder guy....making fun of Biden's age in the context of meeting the pope? Yes, because the pope is just starting his life right now. Not to mention the speaker right after him is a 70ish year old woman.

Now a speaker pitting the establishment republicans against the "grass roots". But Obama is divisive!
Question PoliGAF. How would you feel in 2016 if Hillary picked Kirsten Gillibrand for a Cabinet position or, dare I say it, VP?

If the former, where would she best go, if you believe she'd be good for the (potentially) future administration?
Not a fan of Gillibrand at all, she's another corporate dem who is too pro Israel; to be fair some would say the same of Hillary. I'd rather see someone like Martin O'Malley as VP, or even better Montana's governor.

I wouldn't mind Gillibrand in a cabinet position outside of treasury sec


bitch I'm taking calls.
when do we get the cpac straw poll?
-What is Barack HUSSEIN Obama's true nationality?

a) kenya b) muslim c) anti-christ

-Given the current economic recovery, just how successful have the Bush tax cuts been?

a) very successful b) totally successful c) completely successful

-Do white men deserve reparations for loss in economy from freeing the slaves?

a) yes b) definitely, that time was very hard on them c) would accept a return to indentured servitude
You guys know Ben Carson is pro gun control right? He's not going anywhere. I could see him winning a congressional seat, maybe even a senate seat.

I have a feeling opposition research will ultimately torpedo him if he looks dangerous and poised to run.


Not a fan of Gillibrand at all, she's another corporate dem who is too pro Israel; to be fair some would say the same of Hillary. I'd rather see someone like Martin O'Malley as VP, or even better Montana's governor.

I wouldn't mind Gillibrand in a cabinet position outside of treasury sec

A Clinton/Schweitzer ticket would be nearly impossible to beat, imo.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Watch Gifted Hands. Then be surprised at how many people who have seen that movie. He's a famous neurosurgeon for what he did and I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any dirt on him whatsoever (beyond what is already known - his temper during his childhood).

He is an incredible surgeon. That says nothing about him politically.


No Scrubs
Watch Gifted Hands. Then be surprised at how many people who have seen that movie. He's a famous neurosurgeon for what he did and I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any dirt on him whatsoever (beyond what is already known - his temper during his childhood).

Ok, this says nothing about his beliefs. If he's as far right as the Tea Party then he won't stand a chance. We know nothing about the guy other than his personal story and we all know you don't win a national election on personal story alone.

He is an incredible surgeon. That says nothing about him politically.
Soda war's greatest irony: Big Gulps are safe

Palin is much better at this than Rubio. His speeches come off as a whiny school speech from a kid straining emotion into words to fill in where there should be substance.

Define safe. They fuck up your teeth pretty well. And then those kids (and some adults) have dental coverage paid for by tax payers. So while I disagree with Bloomberg outright banning a drink, state and local governments do have an incentive to tax that shit.


Define safe. They fuck up your teeth pretty well. And then those kids (and some adults) have dental coverage paid for by tax payers. So while I disagree with Bloomberg outright banning a drink, state and local governments do have an incentive to tax that shit.

It was a silly vector of attack (albeit likely the only one available to Bloomberg), what should really be done is the cancellation of corn subsidies and a taxation on the production of HFCS. But we probably won't ever get such a reasonable solution.

FyreWulff: I don't know about New York, but in my state NOTHING has calories/nutrition listed. I think putting how many calories of soda fits into one of those cups in big text - like they currently do with ounces would be a step in the right direction. Instead of getting the 32oz Big Gulp, people would be getting the 372kcal Big Gulp - plus have a warning like cigarettes have on them.


I'm for taxing soda based on size as well. It'll make people think about how much soda they're actually consuming.

I'll tell you right now, I don't really think of the health effects behind a gas station big cup-o-pop. There's no labeling, just hey, I can fill up this big damn cup for 40 cents.

I'd also like soda to have standard requirements of showing the mg of caffeine it contains on the cans/bottles, and I have a feeling caffeine is going to eventually end up regulated anyway. It's one of those beverages that people are happy to be naive about as long as they can't tell what exactly it is they're consuming.
Dinesh D'Souza is one of the worst scumbags on right but because his presentation is so matter of fact it can slip by.

He just said this...

"If you listen to the Liberal story of America, it is a story of what? Theft. How did we get America, we stole it from the Indians. Slavery is seen as, in a sense, robbing the free labor of Africans Americans."

Dinesh D'Souza is one of the worst scumbags on right but because his presentation is so matter of fact it can slip by.

He just said this...

"If you listen to the Liberal story of America, it is a story of what? Theft. How did we get America, we stole it from the Indians. Slavery is seen as, in a sense, robbing the free labor of Africans Americans."


pls be satire

pls :(

Oh who am I kidding.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Dinesh D'Souza is one of the worst scumbags on right but because his presentation is so matter of fact it can slip by.

He just said this...

"If you listen to the Liberal story of America, it is a story of what? Theft. How did we get America, we stole it from the Indians. Slavery is seen as, in a sense, robbing the free labor of Africans Americans."


...there are no words
Dinesh D'Souza is one of the worst scumbags on right but because his presentation is so matter of fact it can slip by.

He just said this...

"If you listen to the Liberal story of America, it is a story of what? Theft. How did we get America, we stole it from the Indians. Slavery is seen as, in a sense, robbing the free labor of Africans Americans."

See i always thought slavery was just one of those universally agreed upon concepts that was bad and we shouldn't have done it. OH SILLY ME


Dinesh is an interesting person, besides being human garbage. I really wonder what makes him jerk off to colonialism and (now) slavery. It's not just for the conservative paycheck, because he could just make those anti-Obama docs and books and still make loads of money.


Dinesh is an interesting person, besides being human garbage. I really wonder what makes him jerk off to colonialism and (now) slavery. It's not just for the conservative paycheck, because he could just made those anti-Obama docs and books and still make loads of money.
There are people willing to pay for that bullshit, and when there's a market for something, someone will find a way to make money out of it.

I'm not sure if Dinesh is that cynical or is it just a natural selection of crazy, but the end result in the same.
I actually watched an episode of The West Wing dealing with reparations for slavery earlier today. It was just a small part though. Some guy needed to get confirmed, I'm sure most here have seen it. Are you guys in favor of reparations?


I actually watched an episode of The West Wing dealing with reparations for slavery earlier today. It was just a small part though. Some guy needed to get confirmed, I'm sure most here have seen it.
A few years ago I tried to rewatch the West Wing, wondering if I missed something the first time around.
I got as far as that episode.
Fuck Aaron Sorkin.
Are you guys in favor of reparations?
I think the US had not began to remedy the injustice that have been inflicted on black people, but I don't think a white person should be the one deciding on those things, so at most I can offer a yea/nay opinions about specific suggestions.


Damn Coulter wants her next book to sell, makes a joke how democrats won the war on women ( when bringing up todd akin and his comments and how the democrats then decalred a war on women) having "forcible rapist" bill clinton at the convention. Was what Bill did considered rape? Ann's speech is fun. If amnesty goes through america becomes california and no republican will win another election. We aren't a center left nation because republicans won the house, the people's house.....but Anne neglects to mention republicans received less votes from those "people" she cares so much about. I also like how she joked that due to the sequester cpac had to cut 300 pounds of speaker. She's a single issue vote right now against amnesty so she doesn't like Christie, but ted cruz is on her list.

" we owe blacks more than someone who just ran across the border" So we owe blacks is the republican thinking ?

oh man, conservatives are killing me. The questioner calling Romney a Boston Liberal. Yes, boston liberals are all for self-deportation, tax cuts for the rich, and slashing social spending.

lol the talker on now saying liberal media reports on the smallest problems of the catholic church with glee. Are we calling large cover-ups of child rape "smallest problems" or just ignoring it altogether?


Unconfirmed Member
Define safe. They fuck up your teeth pretty well. And then those kids (and some adults) have dental coverage paid for by tax payers. So while I disagree with Bloomberg outright banning a drink, state and local governments do have an incentive to tax that shit.
Did you read the article at the link, or just the blue underlined text that contained it? Big Gulps are "safe" as in exempt from the soda law... Safe was defined.


Are you guys in favor of reparations?

Not as such. I think explicit reparations for past misdeeds are a very hard thing to justify, philosophically, after we're more than a generation or two removed from the event, and in any case there's no good reason to think that what disadvantaged groups need today is going to be straightforwardly proportional to how wronged their ancestors were. But I'm all for race-conscious policy that takes into account the disadvantages faced by African-Americans due to existing and institutional racism/prejudice, and such policy would be justified no matter what explained the current state of US race relations. I certainly don't buy that "the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race".
MARTHA RADDATZ (HOST): Can you imagine yourself in a situation where you reversed your decision as Portman has on gay marriage if a child of yours or someone you love told you they were gay.
BOEHNER: Listen, I believe marriage is a union between one man and one woman. It’s what I grew up with, it’s what i belive, it’s what my church teaches me and I can’t imagine that position would ever change.

Wow, Boehner. You're such a piece of shit.


No Scrubs
Wow, Boehner. You're such a piece of shit.

Holy shit, that's scummy. But if he said yes the next question (from any journalist worth their salt, and Raddatz is one) would have been, "So why do you feel the way you do now when you can obviously sympathize with the parents of gay children? Is it just because it's not personal? Or is it just politics?"

And there's only one answer to that question and we all know what it is.


"The Media's candidate Chris Christie at 7"

the hell did Christie become the media's candidate? Bring on the crazy. Ted Cruz only got 4% in the straw poll and now he has to speak to bump that up. Rand and Rubio were close, 25 and 23. Palin got 3%.
I actually watched an episode of The West Wing dealing with reparations for slavery earlier today. It was just a small part though. Some guy needed to get confirmed, I'm sure most here have seen it. Are you guys in favor of reparations?

No. Level the playing field for everyone.

On Coulter: she's been trying to stir the "black people vs Hispanics" pot for some time, it's nothing new. And while that division is real it doesn't translate to an electoral strategy IMO. Overall black people and Hispanics benefit from the same policies, many of which are urban focused and therefore gravitate to democrats.

It must be baffling and frustrating for older conservative operatives to realize pure racial resentment politics don't work anymore, nationally.
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