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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Saw that. Good news.

You mean good news for Israel's enemies. Diplomacy Failure, tonight at 9pm est on Hannity. Obama went around the world on an apology tour and now he's forcing Israel, which we know Obama has a deep fundamental hatred of, to apologize as well? While he sends 2.5 million dollars to terrorists in Egypt? Disgraceful.
You mean good news for Israel's enemies. Diplomacy Failure, tonight at 9pm est on Hannity. Obama went around the world on an apology tour and now he's forcing Israel, which we know Obama has a deep fundamental hatred of, to apologize as well? While he sends 2.5 million dollars to terrorists in Egypt? Disgraceful.

Obama forces Israel to make-up with Muslims on bended-knee!


Obama checking off his list again.


2010 showed that people blamed the economy on Obama despite the fact that it was Republicans stagnating it.

It's a tricky year to draw inferences from. For one thing, it was well before the extent of Republican obstructionism became known. But it's also worth noting that the Democrats controlled the House, so it's equally possible that people generally voted against the incumbent -- and indeed incumbents suffered heavily in 2010. It's hard to judge how people might react with a divided government.
Any way you cut it, getting a Harvard degree summa cum laude requires a lot of hard work.
And yes, now would be the time to ask yourself what are college rankings and Latin honors really worth.
True. That makes the whole thing even more baffling. They manage to graduate from these crazy schools yet they lack basic common sense in so many subjects. What the hell is the worth of your education if it doesn´t teach you basic common sense.
I kid I kid.
Lol someone you know posted it too?
Not even close to as bad as this:


I have no words
The thing is though, those people are conservatives so it´s not surprising even if it is mindbogglingly stupid lol. It´s much more baffling when it´s someone from the left.
I guess it´s good for the world, but I´d rather not see Turkey buddying it up with Israel again. Can´t say I´m a fan of Turkey anyway though. Erdogan came to Holland for some trade agreements or something but also discussed how he doesn´t want Turkish foster children ending up with Christian or Gay families. What a sad man.

As for the Palestine discussion. I don´t see how two states are beneficial for Israel. Now they get to take more land every day, lots of spending on military and technology giving them a leading position in the world, US´financial/military/political support and basically zero casualties or political consequences, because let´s be real, Palestinian rockets don´t do shit and the world is never going to turn their backs on Israel.
That´s a fucked up mistake though, damn.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Your analysis is basically correct. It's an amendment to prohibit the Ryan plan for vouchering Medicare from ever becoming law. Obviously in practice it doesn't have that much power since if they ever pass the Ryan plan it will just supersede it. But it is a little surprising that the entire GOP caucus would be willing to publically say "fuck the Ryan plan."

Yeah, I'm wondering why the Senate republicans supported it so much. Are they generally less nuts then their house counterparts? I don't seem to recall that many senators in the news for outrageous statements.


Obsidian fan
I understand DOMA is going before the SCOTUS soon. If decency prevails, what would that mean in regards to marriage equality? What will be the effects?
CHEEZMO™;51121857 said:
I understand DOMA is going before the SCOTUS soon. If decency prevails, what would that mean in regards to marriage equality? What will be the effects?
I imagine states will have to recognize gay marriages, but if gay marriage isn't made available nation wide, the ability to marry will vary from state to state.
CHEEZMO™;51121857 said:
I understand DOMA is going before the SCOTUS soon. If decency prevails, what would that mean in regards to marriage equality? What will be the effects?

Anyone who is in a state that marries same sex couples would get federal benifits (taxes, SS, estate tax, etc). I'm not sure if they are challenging the part of the law that states don't have to recognize other states gay marriages, if they were to strike that down every state would have to recognize gay marriages from the states that perform them. meaning you could go to Iowa get married and demand Alabama give you marriage rights.

Its the Prop 8 case that could strike down all marriage discrimination. DOMA just deals with benefits.
Hannity just said that politically the GOP shouldnt try to repeal Obamacare since it will cost the Dems the House and keeping the Senate in 2014. That since he loves his country more than politics though he still wants full repeal. Also that Obamacare will ultimately cost almost 7 trillion. Love Hannity.
Hannity just said that politically the GOP shouldnt try to repeal Obamacare since it will cost the Dems the House and keeping the Senate in 2014. That since he loves his country more than politics though he still wants full repeal. Also that Obamacare will ultimately cost almost 7 trillion. Love Hannity.

I love how they just make up numbers. Why couldn't he say 15 trillion? up that scare factor
I remember reading that a prop 8 ruling could be interpreted very narrowly and only apply to California. That would be pretty shitty if a repeal of both doma and prop 8 would still not allow gay marriage in all 57 states.
Hannity just said that politically the GOP shouldnt try to repeal Obamacare since it will cost the Dems the House and keeping the Senate in 2014. That since he loves his country more than politics though he still wants full repeal. Also that Obamacare will ultimately cost almost 7 trillion. Love Hannity.

Even Coulter shot him down. It's amazing that she has become somewhat of a semi-voice of reason compared to the rest of Fox.

Apparently we didn't have an election last November; ACA is here to stay. Also a shutdown over it would further ruin the republican party.
I remember reading that a prop 8 ruling could be interpreted very narrowly and only apply to California. That would be pretty shitty if a repeal of both doma and prop 8 would still not allow gay marriage in all 54 states.

54? haha

It could be but they could have just let the appeals court decision stand which would have resumed gay marriage in California. They took up the larger issue. I'm hoping the at least make gays a protected class.

Doma would extend federal marriage benefits to all states if you get married in one where it exists. Wouldn't you be able to go to New York, get marriage go back to Alabama and get federal benefits there?
Is that alien as in a foreign citizen or alien as in extra-terrestrial?
Haha I forgot I should use US terminology in this thread. Extra-terrestrial.
54? haha

Doma would extend federal marriage benefits to all states if you get married in one where it exists. Wouldn't you be able to go to New York, get marriage go back to Alabama and get federal benefits there?
I was channeling Obama and his 57 states but forgot and said 54 =P and I'm assuming you're right, but not everyone wants to get married out of states I would guess. I'm sure there'd be extra paperwork involved. Hopefully you're right that they took prop 8 up to make the ruling count nationally.
President Obama’s visit to Israel was such a success that Fox News is desperately talking about anything else, including calling for a boycott of the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Barack Obama had a wildly successful visit to Israel. Obama not only delivered an historic speech in Jerusalem. He also acted as a facilitator in the normalization of relations between Israel and Turkey.

The president’s visit was so triumphant that Fox News is desperate to talk about anything other than Obama’s time in Israel. Karl Rove and Bill Hemmer scraped the bottom of the barrel when they called for a Republican boycott of the White House Easter Egg Roll.

Hemmer: I’ll tell you what Republicans should do. They should boycott the Easter Egg Roll on the first of April. As silly as that may sound, just say we’re not going to go.

Rove: I think they’d rather be. I think a better idea, I think a better thing would be to have an oversight hearing to say, ‘Really, Sec. Napolitano? You could not find $74,000 a week that you could have for White House tours? What about canceling this? What about the waste in this? Doing this. What about that? A whole range of options. They could found ways with the Homeland Security Department budget to pay the overtime for Secret Service to handle the White House tours.

Hemmer: Ok,now. So you don’t disagree with that point then?

Rove: No, not at all.

Hemmer: You wonder if there could be a boycott, say you know, this is not right.

By the way it’s easy to see how George W. Bush ran up the deficit while taking advice from Karl Rove. Hemmer’s idea was dumb, but Rove advocated wasting taxpayer money by holding an oversight hearing. Stupid and cheap is one thing, but expensive and just as dumb is inexcusable.

Rachel Maddow pointed out that Fox News had been pretending that Obama’s trip to Israel wasn’t happening.

Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

While President Obama was receiving the highest civilian award in Israel, Fox News was running a commercial for their Sean Hannity special that declared Obama an enemy of Israel, “But with a friend like Obama are Israel’s enemies gaining strength. Sean gets expert insight on a special Hannity.”

When Fox News ignores what’s happening, that means Obama is doing well. The more successful the president is, the harder Fox News tries to ignore him.

Trying to gin up a boycott of the White House Easter Egg Roll in order to divert attention from the president’s success was pathetic, even by Fox News’ lower than low standards. The disconnect between reality and the right is never as obvious as when President Obama is doing well.

Months after the election these bitter tears are still delicious.
The US on suicide watch: Death by 'moderation'

nice article on false equivalences and the fetishism associated with being "serious" and "moderate" and "bipartisan". Long article, but a few quotes here:

The United States is on the verge of committing suicide. Slow suicide, perhaps, which may take decades to fully play out, but suicide nonetheless. The proximate event is the sequester - deep across-the-board cuts to military and discretionary domestic spending, originally conceived as a Sword of Damocles, but which Tea Party-dominated Republicans now see as just the perfect budget axe. And that's just one of several successive and mostly recurring crisis points at which Republicans are obstinantly demanding deep budget cuts that will inevitably slow, if not cripple the already weak economy - as well as debilitating or destroying vital government functions in the long run.

This comes at a time when there's actually a staggering need to vastly expand the scope of government action to deal with multiple looming threats of environmental catastrophe - not to mention previously intolerable levels of unemployment, and a crumbling infrastructure.

The culprit here, however, is not just GOP extremism - which is, after all, wildly unpopular - but rather the morally feckless elite centrists who enable them by obscuring what they're up to, and by painting the Democrats are equally to blame, no matter what the Democrats do, short of capitulating completely.

So why is the discussion dominated by a non-solution while a real solution can't even be discussed? It's because the "politically viable" sense of serious totally dominates over the "pragmatically effective" sense of the word, and because what is politically viable is circularly defined: extremist Republican non-solutions are politically viable because Republicans adamantly insist that they are, no matter how laughable they may be - and centrist bipartisan ideologues routinely and reliably endorse their false claims as matters of fact when they do so. The fact that they aren't even remotely serious, in the problem-solving sense, never even enters the picture.

Historically, the US used to do a decent job of screening out such ideas, up until 1995, when Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House. On taking power, Gingrich devoted a great deal of energy and attention to resructuring the House to disable reality checks, as independent conservative Bruce Bartlett has explained, including downsizing or eliminating centres of staff expertise and abolishing the Office of Technology Assessment. That's how Gingrich helped create the world in which Paul Ryan thrives.


I guess it´s good for the world, but I´d rather not see Turkey buddying it up with Israel again. Can´t say I´m a fan of Turkey anyway though. Erdogan came to Holland for some trade agreements or something but also discussed how he doesn´t want Turkish foster children ending up with Christian or Gay families. What a sad man.
It's going to do wonders to Obama (and by extension the US's) credibility in the region.
That's a very good thing.

As for the Palestine discussion. I don´t see how two states are beneficial for Israel. Now they get to take more land every day, lots of spending on military and technology giving them a leading position in the world, US´financial/military/political support and basically zero casualties or political consequences, because let´s be real, Palestinian rockets don´t do shit and the world is never going to turn their backs on Israel.

That´s a fucked up mistake though, damn.
The thing is that controlling the west bank doesn't benefit Israel in any way and it costs them a metric ton of money.
GAF Hop thread.
No homo?


Sidhe / PikPok
This was literally my face when reading that conversation O_______O can't believe these are grown men talking seriously about this. God damn at Fox News ignoring Obama.

And, of course, if they weren't talking about this because the Whitehouse had cancelled the Egg Roll, they'd be talking about the Administration's "War on Easter" instead.
Honestly, I don't blame anyone but Obama and Reid with this


Today, I accepted Caitlin Halligan’s request to withdraw as a nominee for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. I am deeply disappointed that even after nearly two and a half years, a minority of Senators continued to block a simple up-or-down vote on her nomination. This unjustified filibuster obstructed the majority of Senators from expressing their support. I am confident that with Caitlin’s impressive qualifications and reputation, she would have served with distinction.

The D.C. Circuit is considered the Nation’s second-highest court, but it now has more vacancies than any other circuit court. This is unacceptable. I remain committed to filling these vacancies, to ensure equal and timely access to justice for all Americans.



I’m open -- have always been open -- to closing loopholes, eliminating special deals for special interests,” McCain, of Arizona, said in an interview on “Political Capital With Al Hunt,” airing this weekend on Bloomberg Television. “If you call that, ‘raising revenues,’ I’ve been guilty all my political career” of trying to cut special-interest loopholes...

“The question is: Will that translate into what I think we’ve got to do sooner or later, and that’s a grand bargain?” he told interviewer Hans Nichols. “I am more than willing to give the president of the United States the opportunity to sit down and work with us. And we may have to make some concessions on our side.”

So how long until McCain 'forgets' that he said this and goes back to a crotchety old man who hates Obama?



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So how long until McCain 'forgets' that he said this and goes back to a crotchety old man who hates Obama?


Doesn't mean shit. Aside from the very likely possibility that he'll backtrack later, I'm sure he's with the other Republicans in only supporting closing loopholes if it means the savings go to lower tax rates. Which defeats the whole goddamned purpose of closing loopholes to begin with.
The US on suicide watch: Death by 'moderation'

nice article on false equivalences and the fetishism associated with being "serious" and "moderate" and "bipartisan". Long article, but a few quotes here:
I believe this is another generational thing. I think the radical slash and burn gop is a bunch of old people who are pissed they still haven't gotten ride of the new deal which the whole conservative movements goal was.

As the world gets more interconnected the more kids learn about the world and about socialized medicine, and common sense regulation and social rights they will begin to demand them here. (I think this is a good 20 years out though.)

Also kids growing up today that will be the media in 10-15 years don't buy this' conventional wisdom" and fallacy of the middle. People like ezra, Hayes, frum are going to be the elder statesmen eventually and they are gonna be a product of this generation and not buy into this myth of a Washington where dinner parties fix thing(the people writing about grew up in the 60 and 70s when that happened) were in a different world. .
Apparently Yglesias bought a 1.2 million dollar house...and conservatives are salty. Because they think saying that Government should do more to help the poor means you also must remain poor.


I've never understood the 'liberals should be poor' thinking. I just don't get it all. Maybe they can explain to me. And to Bill Gates, David Geffen, Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.
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