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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Did the PoliGAF blog die prematurely?


Was afraid that might happen.

Liberal work ethic in action.

Or should I say, inaction.

Speaking of which, someone made a good point the other day. The Evangelicals have a tendency to conflate the Declaration with the Constitution because they know the latter has no reference to God, Jesus or the Bible, and the former, while it doesn't specifically mention Jesus or the Bible, makes the reference to a "creator", which proves God's a Christian.

But if you think about it, it's a really weird argument to make because the Declaration was written by Jefferson, who himself was the one who talked about the concept of separation of church and state, which amusingly enough is something the evangelicals go back to the constitution to point out that was never in the document.

I don't get it, so are they ignoring the train wreck that was Cain and reupping with another black republican?

I imagine they think that Cain was unfairly (of course) destroyed by the liberal media cause of things like his Libya answer. Carson, at least at this point, isn't damaged goods.


Sidhe / PikPok


......Fox News just made an argument against gun control based on Iran or Syria attacking the Continental USA.

Stop the planet I want off.

Is he arguing the US military is redundant and should be shut down then if the citizenry is armed? Seeing as he seems to think Iran and Syria will just stroll on in and it will be down to Joe Sixpack to fight off the invaders.

User 406

Fox News Political Analyst said:
What scares the hell out of me is we have a President that wants to take away our guns, but yet he wants to attack Iran and Syria. So if they come and attack us here, we don't have the rights to bear arms under this Obama administration

More to the point, just who exactly wants to attack Iran?
More to the point, just who exactly wants to attack Iran?

and how on earth would iran and syria "attack us here?"

Granted, you *might* get the oddball terrorist sympathizer willing to blow himself up on a train/bus/plane what have you, but "more guns" aren't really going to stop a fanatic who isn't afraid to die.

a full scale "invasion" of the US by a middle eastern country is fantasy land territory, and ludicrously irresponsible journalism.
The Syrian navy is tiny. That they could ever hope to invade us is so laughable it goes without saying.

Any navy country that hopes to invade US is laughable

and how on earth would iran and syria "attack us here?"

Granted, you *might* get the oddball terrorist sympathizer willing to blow himself up on a train/bus/plane what have you, but "more guns" aren't really going to stop a fanatic who isn't afraid to die.

a full scale "invasion" of the US by a middle eastern country is fantasy land territory, and ludicrously irresponsible journalism.

When we have elected representatives stoking similar fear, Sharia law and what not it is no surprise there are sections of people who believe it.
Any navy country that hopes to invade US is laughable

When we have elected representatives stoking similar fear, Sharia law and what not it is no surprise there are sections of people who believe it.

I hear you. The irony of it all is that the "sharia law!" boogeyman is usually thrown out there by the same assholes who insist on tearing down the wall of church and state as much as possible (or insisting it doesn't exist) because "this is a christian nation!"


The Senate Friday night voted 99-0 for an amendment that would bar federal subsidies for mega banks.


So in other words, they actually did something right! Yay bipartisanism!

Good news

"Are you saying we should have lesser rights than a country with 6 million people?"

The fuck?

So, by that logic, China and India have the most rights? Makes perfect sense


Setec Astronomer
I hear you. The irony of it all is that the "sharia law!" boogeyman is usually thrown out there by the same assholes who insist on tearing down the wall of church and state as much as possible (or insisting it doesn't exist) because "this is a christian nation!"
Obviously the only problem with sharia is that it uses the Qur'an instead of the Bible.


The Senate Friday night voted 99-0 for an amendment that would bar federal subsidies for mega banks.


So in other words, they actually did something right! Yay bipartisanism!

I want to know more about what, specifically, that means. I'll look for details later on.

The sheer level of paranoia implied by this amendment is amazing.

- Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) amendment 373, to provide a point of order against budgets spending more on net interest payments on the debt than on national defense, and to ensure the government funds its military at higher levels than the militaries of foreign holders of its debt, failed 46-53.

Senator McCaskill has come out in favor of same-sex marriage.

I like the use of the Bible quote in the title. Good news regardless!
Good for her. We're clearly well past the tipping point on the issue, dominoes are falling. I'm finding more and more politicians referencing their kids in these kind of decisions, which I can relate to.

Good people disagree with me. On the other hand, my children have a hard time understanding why this is even controversial. I think history will agree with my children.


The Autumn Wind
For those who think I'm lying.



Fox News keeps making new bottoms rather than scraping it.
I can't...

I just can't.

Ok, I'm having trouble just putting my thoughts together here, but putting aside the rest of the mindnumbing stupid there, are they really arguing that because we might have "Al Queda agents" here, that's why we should allow all citizens to be armed with assault weapons? Because that works out so well over there?

Jesus fucking Christ...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
It says it's non-binding. What does that mean exactly?

Sounds like it's a blue print that's not gonna actually DO anything.

Speaking of which, I've heard that talking point about the senate not passing a budget in 4 years or whatever. But don't budgets have to occur in the House?
Fox News has shows throughout the day that focus on different topics e.g. legal system, economy, general headlines etc and its common for panelists to try and relate e.g. economic issues with foreign policy. This results in the occasional flagrant, or ignorant, remark made by someone who is best suited to comment on what they 'specialise' in instead. It's more akin to the type of conversations you'd have with a friend over a beer than it is something made by a professional on national television; it's very casual for them -- personally I hate those type of shows
Senator McCaskill has come out in favor of same-sex marriage.

I like the use of the Bible quote in the title. Good news regardless!

the dynamite continues to go boom

btw Claire has some pretty cute daughters



The writing is clearly on the wall that most people expect the SC to come out on the side of gay rights, politicians trying to preemptively get on the right side of history


No Scrubs
B-Dubs was actually right . . . that was Fox Business not Fox News. Fox Business is total shithole. It actually makes Fox News look reasonable. They regularly dabble in the fringe stuff.

Not really, I didn't believe anyone could be that dumb. Fox Business proved me wrong.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So...I'm just throwing this out there, and was curious to get some opinions.

I was planning on doing a feature on my site that chronicles the entire duration of the Obama administration, but seen through the eyes of Newt Gingrich.

Yay or nay?
Do any of you think that there may be a chance in the near future that people get fed up with both parties and vote third party and that they actually have a chance? Like Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sander, etc?

I wish Bernie would run, he has integrity, he even introduced a bill to ban corporate spending in elections:

Oh well, I hope Jeb Bush gets the nomination because he won't win and if we are stupid enough to elect another Bush who will probably defend his brother we deserve what will happen to us.

Also, sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only people here that actually likes Obama, does anyone else on GAF like him, as liberal as it is here most people I see talking about him have nothing but contempt for the guy.
Do any of you think that there may be a chance in the near future that people get fed up with both parties and vote third party and that they actually have a chance? Like Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sander, etc?

I wish Bernie would run, he has integrity, he even introduced a bill to ban corporate spending in elections:

Oh well, I hope Jeb Bush gets the nomination because he won't win and if we are stupid enough to elect another Bush who will probably defend his brother we deserve what will happen to us.

Also, sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only people here that actually likes Obama, does anyone else on GAF like him, as liberal as it is here most people I see talking about him have nothing but contempt for the guy.

Sadly no. People in third parties can sometimes win lower offices if they have a big hook such as being very wealthy, a celebrity, or a know politician that left another party. But other than that it is pretty hopeless unless we change our system.

Our system naturally devolves into a two-party system. What we really need is proportional representation and/or instant run-off voting. That would help 3rd parties. But since the two parties have control as is, good luck getting them to change the system.


Do any of you think that there may be a chance in the near future that people get fed up with both parties and vote third party and that they actually have a chance? Like Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sander, etc?

I wish Bernie would run, he has integrity, he even introduced a bill to ban corporate spending in elections:

Oh well, I hope Jeb Bush gets the nomination because he won't win and if we are stupid enough to elect another Bush who will probably defend his brother we deserve what will happen to us.

Also, sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only people here that actually likes Obama, does anyone else on GAF like him, as liberal as it is here most people I see talking about him have nothing but contempt for the guy.

I like Obama! I know he's more liberal than he appears, and I think he's generally doing a good job. I think history will remember him as one of our best Presidents, at the very least because he got Obamacare passed. (Of course, Hillary could pass single-player in eight years and then nobody would remember Obama, but I don't really expect that.) I also think it's worth remembering that the history books are pretty bad at observing slow erosion of civil liberties, but I suspect that I'm pretty optimistic about that stuff compared to some people on GAF.
I like Obama! I know he's more liberal than he appears, and I think he's generally doing a good job. I think history will remember him as one of our best Presidents, at the very least because he got Obamacare passed. (Of course, Hillary could pass single-player in eight years and then nobody would remember Obama, but I don't really expect that.) I also think it's worth remembering that the history books are pretty bad at observing slow erosion of civil liberties, but I suspect that I'm pretty optimistic about that stuff compared to some people on GAF.

I think Obama makes the history books on gay rights. Killed DADT and is now pro gay-marriage.


I think Obama makes the history books on gay rights. Killed DADT and is now pro gay-marriage.

I'd like to think so, but I think it depends on how things end up playing out. I mean, do you remember who was president when they decided Loving v. Virginia? I'm still expecting a big ruling from SCOTUS.
I'd like to think so, but I think it depends on how things end up playing out. I mean, do you remember who was president when they decided Loving v. Virginia? I'm still expecting a big ruling from SCOTUS.

No but I know who signed abolition into law and I know who signed the Civil Rights act. But yeah, there is not much the president can do about gay marriage.
I think history books will note Obama presided over an era of change with respect to gay rights. Obviously he doesn't deserve credit for the rapid movement gay rights has had, but having a US president endorse gay marriage was huge. And I think it's interesting we've seen a reversal of anti-gay marriage trends among blacks, ever since Obama's decision.

All this makes Eric Erickson seem like an even bigger idiot, of course.


Do any of you think that there may be a chance in the near future that people get fed up with both parties and vote third party and that they actually have a chance? Like Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sander, etc?

I wish Bernie would run, he has integrity, he even introduced a bill to ban corporate spending in elections:

Oh well, I hope Jeb Bush gets the nomination because he won't win and if we are stupid enough to elect another Bush who will probably defend his brother we deserve what will happen to us.

Also, sometimes I feel like I'm one of the only people here that actually likes Obama, does anyone else on GAF like him, as liberal as it is here most people I see talking about him have nothing but contempt for the guy.

I like him obama and think he is more liberal than people give him credit for.
Who cares about Claire McCaskill supporting gay marriage? She's a Democrat, they're all godless liberals.

I like Obama! I know he's more liberal than he appears, and I think he's generally doing a good job. I think history will remember him as one of our best Presidents, at the very least because he got Obamacare passed. (Of course, Hillary could pass single-player in eight years and then nobody would remember Obama, but I don't really expect that.) I also think it's worth remembering that the history books are pretty bad at observing slow erosion of civil liberties, but I suspect that I'm pretty optimistic about that stuff compared to some people on GAF.

I think Obama makes the history books on gay rights. Killed DADT and is now pro gay-marriage.

Pretty sure most of poligaf likes Obama, it's just that he tends to disappoint a lot.

Oh that's a relief, I was under the impression that people didn't like him, maybe because of the fact that a lot of people get disappointed in him.

Does anyone think Faux News is actually helping Obama rather than hurting him with all the ridiculous stuff they say? Unfortunately I know a lot of people that take it seriously and buy into the birther bullshit and say he's a foreign born, socialist, communist, facist, atheist, Muslim and all that shit.

I even had an incredibly ignorant yet good looking girl on Facebook compare Obama to Hitler by showing pictures of the Hitler youth sign with the Obama youth sign and when I told her how stupid that was she said there were many similarities. She also believes that when a women is raped, the body shuts it down. She's about as smart as Todd Akin and even more sexist towards her own gender than Ann Coulter. Seriously, comparing Obama to Hitler just pisses me off, the ignorance!

I think one thing Obama could do to increase his popularity is do something bold, not that Obamacare wasn't bold already. Maybe introduce Prison reform like rehabilitation and stopping the privatization of it. We treat prisoners like animals and when we put them on the street we wonder why they act like animals! Or maybe, legalize Marijuana. Seriously, if he did that, his support would go through the roof. Plus our prisons are overcrowded with non violent drug offenders, if weed is legal we won't have to worry about that.

It's his last term, he doesn't have to worry about re-election. He should go out with a bang these last few years and do something big. If gay marriage gets legalized during his term he will go out in history as one of the greatest President's regarding Civil Rights, right behind JFK and Lyndon B Johnson!

Michelle's pretty cute, too.


No Scrubs
Oh that's a relief, I was under the impression that people didn't like him, maybe because of the fact that a lot of people get disappointed in him.

Does anyone think Faux News is actually helping Obama rather than hurting him with all the ridiculous stuff they say? Unfortunately I know a lot of people that take it seriously and buy into the birther bullshit and say he's a foreign born, socialist, communist, facist, atheist, Muslim and all that shit.

I even had an incredibly ignorant yet good looking girl on Facebook compare Obama to Hitler by showing pictures of the Hitler youth sign with the Obama youth sign and when I told her how stupid that was she said there were many similarities. She also believes that when a women is raped, the body shuts it down. She's about as smart as Todd Akin and even more sexist towards her own gender than Ann Coulter. Seriously, comparing Obama to Hitler just pisses me off, the ignorance!

I think one thing Obama could do to increase his popularity is do something bold, not that Obamacare wasn't bold already. Maybe introduce Prison reform like rehabilitation and stopping the privatization of it. We treat prisoners like animals and when we put them on the street we wonder why they act like animals! Or maybe, legalize Marijuana. Seriously, if he did that, his support would go through the roof. Plus our prisons are overcrowded with non violent drug offenders, if weed is legal we won't have to worry about that.

It's his last term, he doesn't have to worry about re-election. He should go out with a bang these last few years and do something big. If gay marriage gets legalized during his term he will go out in history as one of the greatest President's regarding Civil Rights, right behind JFk and Lyndon B Johnson!

Michelle's pretty cute, too.

The bolded wouldn't make him popular. It would be the right thing to do, but he'd be painted as soft on crime and the people that hate him would just have another reason to hate him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The bolded wouldn't make him popular. It would be the right thing to do, but he'd be painted as soft on crime and the people that hate him would just have another reason to hate him.

It's a shame because even if no other policies change, there really needs to be a genuine national discussion about the privatization of prisons. That should disturb everyone.

But yeah, the general public has a ways to go before addressing other systemic problems with the burgeoning prison population. The loosening of marijuana policies is a good start, maybe we'll be lucky to see that really snowball.
First off all, I highly doubt most of the public are even aware private prisons even exist, let alone how completely shitty they've been for the justice system.
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