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PoliGAF 2013 |OT1| Never mind, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Carte Goodwin may be the best option for to run for Rockefeller's seat. He's only 38, he served as Byrd's placeholder in the Senate until the 2010 election, his family is fairly prominent in West Virginia politics, he worked with Manchin during his entire tenure as governor, and his wife is the current state director for Rockefeller.
Its impossible to know how much of this inside baseball chat is real or just spin. I don't buy Reid turning into a tough guy all of a sudden, ex-boxer and all.

My problem with Reid is more based on him being a dinosaur of the senate, and thus too nostalgic for its flaws (such as the filibuster), as I've said before. This is an entirely different issue: many senate dems felt they had the advantage, republicans were on the run...and then Biden by proxy of Obama swooped in to save them with a bad deal. I don't think Reid is some badass, just that he recognized what I and others did: going over the cliff benefits democrats and makes republicans desperate for a deal.

The debt ceiling resets the board with a republican advantage. Default doesn't really benefit anyone, but the closer we get to default the more desperate Obama will become, again. It doesn't take a genius to determine republicans won't knock us (and Wall Street) into economic ruin, but as long as Obama believes it republicans will have leverage. Karl Rove recently suggested republicans raise the ceiling in a bill that includes big spending cuts, then leave town. It's hard to see democrats winning this.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
My problem with Reid is more based on him being a dinosaur of the senate, and thus too nostalgic for its flaws (such as the filibuster), as I've said before. This is an entirely different issue: many senate dems felt they had the advantage, republicans were on the run...and then Biden by proxy of Obama swooped in to save them with a bad deal. I don't think Reid is some badass, just that he recognized what I and others did: going over the cliff benefits democrats and makes republicans desperate for a deal.

The debt ceiling resets the board with a republican advantage. Default doesn't really benefit anyone, but the closer we get to default the more desperate Obama will become, again. It doesn't take a genius to determine republicans won't knock us (and Wall Street) into economic ruin, but as long as Obama believes it republicans will have leverage. Karl Rove recently suggested republicans raise the ceiling in a bill that includes big spending cuts, then leave town. It's hard to see democrats winning this.

Do you know what the Senate past before on this issue? Explain to me how it was further to the left than what actually got passed.
PD when did obama get desperate before
He was desperate for a major deal in 2011, to the point he agreed to increase the Medicare eligibility age to 67. And he was desperate for a major deal last year despite having all the cards on his side - and offered social security cuts out of nowhere.


hmm, it seems like they didn't get an immunity agreement, so he bailed completely, which was what they thought the posturing was about


President Obama says no troops in Afghanistan by 2014



2 mths ago, ABC News Live Videos

He was talking about combat troops. They'll still have "special forces" (I think that's the name) troops there.

e: oh wait there's something new also, oops.

Asked about the decision to accelerate the transition to Afghan security control — a shift that previously was scheduled to happen this summer — Obama said it was not yet clear what it would mean for the pace of U.S. troop withdrawals this year. He said that was "something that isn't yet fully determined" and is awaiting further internal deliberation.
Casting the move in a positive light, Obama said plans remain on schedule to have Afghan forces fully responsible for security nationwide by the end of December 2014 — with no backup, theoretically, by U.S. or other international forces — at which point, "this war will come to a responsible end."
Biden apparently meeting with game industry folks: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=507862

Not entirely sure what to think about that.

I think it is good. The videogame industry can provide one of those graphs showing the rise of videogame sales and the decline of violent crime. If there really was a correlation between videogames & violent crime then we should be knee deep in blood.

there was a live news conference, basically its a "if there is no immunity, no forces will remain"

So please revoke it, Karzai!


No Scrubs
I think we all know what the real reason for this is: Biden's clearly using this as a ploy to trying to get Miyamoto's autograph.

Well if getting the all-time high score in Donkey Kong didn't work then this is obviously the only way left to him.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


FWIW, comments on the Daily Intel page on which I first saw that Fox screen capture indicated that they at least mentioned beforehand that this is how much platinum it would take for a coin that was only worth its weight in platinum.


FWIW, comments on the Daily Intel page on which I first saw that Fox screen capture indicated that they at least mentioned beforehand that this is how much platinum it would take for a coin that was only worth its weight in platinum.

Even stating that, it's still silly, obtuse, and completely pointless outside of literally trying to mislead people...

So... Fox News is gonna Fox News....
Where did the term "indian giver" even come from? We have a long history of forcing shitty contracts on them with the expressed purpose of fostering dependency and tricking them.

Maybe the term "Indian Giver" was referring to the white people the whole time.


Do I get extra points for having a picture of an Indian?
Where did the term "indian giver" even come from? We have a long history of forcing shitty contracts on them with the expressed purpose of fostering dependency and tricking them.
From wikipedia:

The phrase originated, according to researcher David Wilton, in a cultural misunderstanding that arose when Europeans first encountered Native Americans on arriving in North America in the 15th century. Europeans thought they were receiving gifts from Native Americans, while the Native Americans believed they were engaged in bartering: this resulted in the Europeans finding Native American behaviour ungenerous and insulting.
So, perfectly appropriate when used by people who don't understand whats going on I guess.


benghazi beghazi bengh...ooh look a shiny coin!

Another more pressing worry for the Obama administration: impeachment. With a majority in the House, Republicans could easily start impeachment proceedings. And while conviction in the Senate is virtually impossible, as Democrats would not join to create the two-thirds majority needed, merely launching the impeachment process would be politically devastating for President Obama, as it was for President Clinton.

The theory for the platinum coin is weak enough to provide the legal basis for impeachment and absurd enough to provide the political basis. The $1 trillion coin would feed fears of an out-of-control president, and it would be a slap in the face of the current Congress—not some previous Congress from long ago—which has refused authority to raise the debt ceiling. While the coin theory does not literally enable the president to increase spending to whatever level he wants, as he still must respect Congress’ power over appropriations, this detail will surely be lost on a public entranced by the idea of a coin worth $1 trillion. And the gimmicky nature of the legal theory behind the coin would suggest a White House that is unscrupulous rather than guided by the spirit of the law. That is why I have argued instead that the president should rely on his emergency powers or on his inherent administrative authority to borrow money, although admittedly there’s a risk of impeachment in these approaches as well.



merely launching the impeachment process would be politically devastating for President Obama, as it was for President Clinton.

Was it? I wasn't following politics then, but I thought it ended with Clinton being more popular.


No Scrubs
Was it? I wasn't following politics then, but I thought it ended with Clinton being more popular.

It did, but that was thanks to Gingrich being a big baby and making a big stink about his seat on Air Force One. I personally expect no better from this congress should they try, maybe even something funnier.
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